Demon God

Chapter 232: Rumor

Desire spent his morning just hugging Jarina, waiting for her to calm down now that she knows what he meant by saying those words.

Well, it was certainly harsh for Desire to say those things to Jarina when she was down, but that was just how Desire was.

Anyway, Jarina was able to calm down soon enough and stopped crying eventually.

Desire then said to her that she should just rest for now, and made her rest on the bed.

Of course, Jarina just did as Desire instructed her to, and she was now lying on the bed.

"I'll be going now. I still need to do something outside, and I'll just make Amelia come here to check on you if you need anything," Desire said as he looked at Jarina, who had her body and face covered by the sheets.

Well, Jarina was embarrassed at the fact that she lost her cool right in front of Desire when she was the one who made Desire train for the Cold-Blooded Trait, a trait that can make one take control of oneself perfectly.

It was pretty ironic if you think about how she was the one who lost control of herself...twice in a row.

However, Jarina still had to reply to Desire, which is why she pulled the sheets down a little bit, allowing her to see Desire with her eyes.

"Mhm..." Jarina murmured as she nodded her head as her answer to what Desire said.

"Alright. Rest for now, I'll come back after I'm done," Desire said as he turned around and walked towards the door.

Jarina didn't speak at all, as she just watched as Desire left the room in silence.

After Desire went out of the room, Jarina covered her whole body again with the sheets as she...just contemplated about what Desire said to her earlier.

As for Desire...when he got out of the room, he immediately stopped in his tracks when he saw someone standing outside, seemingly waiting for him.

And this person was...Ryu.

"Young Lord!" Ryu said with great joy as soon as he noticed Desire finally went out of his room.

Noticing the strange happiness on Ryu's face, Desire thought that there was something going on.

After all, this was the first time that Ryu looked so happy to see Desire. His face looked like he finally found the one thing that he was trying to find for a long time.

"What's going on?" Desire said with a sharp voice as he looked at Ryu.

And when Ryu heard that, Ryu spoke with the same look on his face, "There's no problem at all! No real threats or anything, but...there's just one thing that I don't know how to solve and was waiting for Young Lord to come out."

Ryu then started to walk and followed Desire when Desire started to walk. It seems that Desire wanted to go over this while they were on the way to the living room or whatever.

"If you can't solve it, then Amelia should be able to. Where is she?" Desire said.

"Well...Amelia and the Elves are not yet done with their talk, and she is occupied with them."

"It's been a day, yet they're still not done?" Desire murmured as he couldn't believe what Ryu just told him.

However, it seems that it was indeed the truth as Ryu continued, "Yes, Young Lord. Things like these are very delicate as it would be done with a proper contract."

"The terms and conditions of two parties should be agreed by the representatives of the two parties. If one of them disagrees, then they would have to go and do it all over again."

"What's more, this is a whole monster race we are dealing with. Although we don't dare object the Young Lord's decision to ally with them, we must take precautionary measures to prevent any disaster from coming to us."

Ryu said. And when Ryu was done, there was suddenly something that entered Desire's mind.

It was...Lionel, his master.

"Hey, Ryu. Do you think Master would punish me for doing something like this without his approval?" Desire said as he stopped walking, hoping to hear Ryu's answer better.

Well, this was certainly a big matter as the Dark Elves might become the Lion Clan's enemy.

Of course, Ryu knew what Desire was talking about as it was common knowledge that the Elves and the Dark Elves have always been in war.

Although Ryu didn't know who Aerith and Aeri were, he still guessed that they were nobles of the Elves or high-ranking Elves within the Elf race.

And the fact that they came here should be connected with the war against the Dark Elves.

That was why Ryu knew what Desire was really talking about, which is also why Ryu...took his time in answering Desire's question.

After a long amount of silence, Ryu finally broke it as he spoke, "Well...this is purely my opinion and perspective on the matter, but I'm pretty sure the Lord would be happy about the Young Lord's decision about this matter."

Hearing what Ryu said, Desire's eyes shook a little bit and stopped as Desire regained his calm.

Well...what Ryu said was a little bit unexpected.

"What do you mean?" Desire said as he turned around to look at Ryu.

Facing the Young Lord, Ryu couldn't help but feel pressured. After all, it was evident that Desire was expecting something from him, and that was heavy.

Nevertheless, after thinking carefully, Ryu finally spoke again.

"Well...have you heard about the Lord's personal soldiers?"

"I am one of his personal soldiers, and among the Lord's personal soldiers, there is a rumor going on."

"Rumor?" Desire interjected when he heard what Ryu said.

"Yes. It is not confirmed, but...the Lion's Forest...I hear that the one who made the Lion's Forest is the King of the Elves, Rotti Ixthmonia so..." Ryu trailed off the last part as he hoped Desire would be able to understand his point.

And he was correct. Desire was indeed able to understand his point when he heard his words.

"I see. Since the Lion's Forest is made by the King of the Elves, Master would be happy to help them," Desire murmured.

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