Demon God

Chapter 231: Desire's Thoughts

'Still...monsters really are interesting. A single ordinary event can make their instincts awaken...oh wait, isn't that just the same as me?' Desire thought as his eyes widened.

Well, it was the truth that it was just like him. There were many events where Desire has awakened something just because an ordinary event happened to him.

For example, meeting the Forbidden One, the being that the Unknown mentioned to him, which Desire suspects to be the royal family of the Elves, has activated his Godly Ability, God's Eyes.

It was just like any other day for Desire, but something incredible just awakened within him just like that.

That was why Desire thought that this situation was exactly just like him. be exact, his situation was just like any other monster's situation when their instincts take over their bodies or whatever.

'Hmm...this is really becoming interesting,' Desire thought as a smile naturally crept up to his face.

He could feel his heartbeat get a little bit faster and excitement was about to make his body move on its own, to complete the necessary requirements he needs to awaken the Monster's Way properly.

Of course, he didn't really do it right away. He still had to handle this situation.

After all, he can't just leave his woman while she's in a state like this, no?

"Well, although it was indeed dangerous for you to lose control over yourself while sucking my mana, it doesn't really matter at this point, does it?"

"After all, I'm alive and well, and nothing is wrong with me. Feeling responsible for something that never happened is a bad habit to have, you know?" Desire said as he got out of the bed.

As he was naked, everything about his body could be seen, including his almighty sword.

However, Desire moved very fast as he grabbed his clothes, which were just lying on the ground somewhere, and wore them.

That was not all that he did as he also grabbed the sheets on the bed, and spoke while looking down at Jarina.

"Now, stand up. I don't blame you for it. It's also the first time that this happened," Desire said.

Although Desire did so many things before speaking again, it was as he didn't even stop speaking for Jarina.

Desire just moved very fast, but Jarina wasn't able to notice it with her senses since she was...unstable right now.

Of course, when Jarina heard Desire's words, she...still didn't move or stand up.

After all, Jarina's guilt was greater than Desire ever imagined it to be.

Just thinking of killing Desire with her own mouth was enough to make Jarina burst into tears. It was more than that as...Jarina probably got traumatized about it now.

She...might never suck Desire's mana ever again if there's the chance of her killing Desire.

That was how shocked Jarina was when she realized what she did last night.

However, Desire...didn't really care about that. Although it sounds cruel of him to think like that, Desire just didn't care about it.

He didn't die, and that was enough for him. That was how Desire viewed this situation.

Of course, if some other woman did try to kill him, Desire would get mad and try to kill her, but since it was Jarina and it was an honest mistake, a mistake that even Desire wasn't aware of at the time, Desire didn't care about it now.

After all, Desire...knew that Jarina wouldn't mess up the next time she sucks Desire's mana again.

Desire...believes in Jarina like that.

That was why...when Jarina wasn't moving even though Desire already said those things to her, Desire...was actually getting irritated.

"Oy, what are you doing? Get up already, I said," Desire said as he bent his knees and touched Jarina's head, "You know, I noticed this,  but you are very emotional, huh."

"I already said that it's fine, but you aren't moving. I already said that it's okay, haven't forgiven yourself."

"I thought we already sorted this out before when we talked after I woke up after the incident with the Representative?"

"How come you're acting the same again?"

"Do you...perhaps not believe in yourself, Jarina?"

Desire said all those words as his red eyes glowed ominously.

That was not all as he was even letting off some kind of pressure which affected Jarina heavily as well.

Of course, due to this, Jarina came back to her senses and was thinking straight now.

However, there was one thing Jarina didn't understand in this situation.

'W-why is he releasing such an intense killing aura? Does he intend to finish me off...?'

Right, Jarina thought that Desire wanted to kill her or something like that due to Desire's immense pressure.

Of course, Jarina didn't really believe in that as she knew that Desire would never want to do something like that unless she really fucked up, but Desire himself said that he didn't mind it this time...

That was why Jarina couldn't understand this situation.

However, it seems that she didn't have to think about it now as Desire...spoke again, but with an even colder tone that seems to just chill Jarina's ears.

"Jarina, I hate humans, but I hate individuals who don't believe in themselves more."

"More so if that individual is a monster and a woman that I love."

"I regard you at the highest possible standard that I have, so don't you dare look down on yourself."

Right, Desire didn't like it that Jarina doesn't believe in herself.

After all, Jarina wouldn't be like this if she believes in herself.

She wouldn't be like this if she believes that...she wouldn't do it again, and that she would be able to control herself properly next time.

And as Jarina was Desire's soon-to-be-wife, Desire obviously believes in her and knows that she would be able to control her instincts better than before.

That was a given for Desire, and that was why...for Jarina not to believe in herself, that was an insult to her and to Desire, which Desire didn't like.

Desire then grabbed Jarina's hair and forced her to look at him.

The area around her eyes was wet and red, an indication that she was indeed crying.

Well, Desire already knew that just from how wet the floor was.

Anyway, Desire then continued to speak as the aura that he let off...weakened a little bit.

His face also became a little bit softer, his voice weaker.

"I will only say this once, Jarina."

"I believe in you so you must believe in yourself."

"Don't belittle yourself so much."

And when Jarina heard that, she...couldn't help but burst into tears.

Jumping into Desire's arms, despite being in such a difficult position, it didn't take a long time for her to hug Desire.

Of course, Desire didn't stop her or anything of the sort, he just let things flow on their own.

And while they were hugging, Jarina...repeatedly murmured near Desire's ears.

"I understand...I'm sorry..."

Desire just hugged her back and waited for her to calm down.

And it was in this way that Desire spent his morning.

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