Demon God

Chapter 229: Time

In a room that was dark, there were two people sharing a bed together.

Of course, these two people were Desire and Jarina, who entered Desire's room after they met up in the hallway.

"J-jarina, you're sucking too much..." Desire murmured meekly. He was short of breath and was panting loudly.

However, the reason why he is short of breath, Jarina, didn't care about that at all as she just continued to suck while her bare skin touched Desire's skin.

Because of this, Desire was forced to grab Jarina's hair to try and pull her away as Desire could feel that his body...was getting hotter by the second, "J-Jarina, wait a minute..."

"S-stop sucking for're being too aggressive..." Desire continued to murmur while short on breath, causing his words to break in between.

However, his words fell on deaf ears as Jarina continued to suck his...mana out.

She was on top of Desire, both of them were naked. Her smooth skin, Desire could feel it all with his bare skin.

It was also an interesting position as Desire was able to feel the jiggling feeling of Jarina's breasts.

However, Desire couldn't really care about that as Jarina's sucking was just and it hurt him to the point that Desire had to force Jarina to stop.

"W-wait..." Desire said as he finally could feel Jarina lifting her mouth away from his neck.

Desire then turned his head to look at Jarina, but...he was surprised by the sight of Jarina's purple eyes...glowing in the dark.

That was not all as Desire could even feel his manly instincts react to Jarina even though Desire could perfectly control himself.

'Is this because of her race? Still...this is the first time that this happened...' Desire thought.

Well, this was really the first time Jarina acted so aggressively while sucking his mana.

"What happened to you...why are you acting like this?" Desire murmured as he lifted off his hand from Jarina's hair.

Desire didn't really mind Jarina acting like this, but it was so sudden that Desire was just shocked.

It was then that Jarina finally spoke again with an...alluring smile on her face, "Fufu...I don't know why myself. I was just overcome with desire, and I couldn't help myself, which is why we're here right now."

"Anyway, why are you so against it? I'm just sucking your mana," Jarina said as she touched Desire's chest and traced it all over with her finger.

Jarina then closed in on Desire's face as she continued to speak, her purple eyes glowed in the darkness.

"I don't know why...but, my instincts are telling me that if I continue this, we would end up doing something special."

"Or...Desire, do you not want to do it with me?" Jarina said with eyes that told Desire that Jarina already knew the answer to her question.

'She's teasing me, isn't she...still, she didn't know about this before. Does this mean her instincts are just guiding her?' Desire thought, and what he thought was...the truth.

Jarina didn't know about this kind of stuff, and Desire confirmed it before when they were in a carriage when things just escalated.

Of course, they didn't do anything as Desire didn't force himself on Jarina, but it is still the truth that Jarina didn't know about that 'something special' thingy.

'Well...she said this herself so that must be it.' Desire thought.

Of course, right after sorting out his thoughts, Desire spoke again.

"Well...I want to do it with you, but I feel that it's not time, yet," Desire said as he combed Jarina's hair with his hand.

He then continued, "Just suck my mana for now."

And as soon as Desire said those words, Jarina quickly pounced on his neck as if she was waiting for it.

Well, she just couldn't help it. Jarina felt as if she needed to suck Desire's mana or else something terrible would happen to her.

"'re sucking too hard again...go slowly, slowly," Desire said as he caressed Jarina's head and hugged her with his other hand.

And it was in this way that the two shared the night together. Of course, without doing anything lewd.


"'s not time, yet, huh?" A feminine voice resounded out in this place.

This place was the sky itself. However, even though it was the sky itself, there were no clouds or something like that.

It was just...the sky itself, and due to that, the place looked boring and hollow.

However, the in this place didn't care about that at all as she just looked at, her head looking down.

It was weird that she was looking down at the sky, but that was just because this woman was above the sky.

"Was he talking to me, or was he talking to Jarina?" The woman said again as her eyes...ethereal eyes looked down at the clear sky.

However, the woman saw something else, not the clear sky. She saw...Desire and Jarina in the dark room and she was observing them with keen interest.

The woman's body was...distorting or twisting into the sky, and it made her look transparent.

Of course, that was just because the woman didn't want to keep her physical body.

"Either way, He is still not awake. This 'Desire' shouldn't know about my existence, yet."

"So...he should be talking to Jarina, but...why does it feel like those words were aimed at me?"

"If it is...what does he want to say? It's not time yet for His awakening? It's not time yet for the war? It's not time yet for his death?"

"Argh, why do you have to make me work so much..." The woman grumbled as she raised her hand.

Of course, it didn't look anything special as her body looked like the sky itself.

"Come, Stars of Destiny," The woman said.

And as soon as she said those words, the clear sky suddenly changed as it became filled with stars.

There were so many stars that they were almost blinding to the eyes, but not to the woman's eyes.

"I'm arranging everything for you, but you are not satisfied, huh...why does my husband have to be such a slave driver..."

The woman said as she began to move her hands. And with a single movement of the woman, some stars reacted.

Some stars blinked, some stars moved, some stars...disappeared.

"You made me wait for millions of better appease my anger, hmph!" The woman grumbled yet again as she began to focus on her work.

On her work of arranging everything for Desire...

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