Demon God

Chapter 228: Mana Heart

"Hmm...let's see..." Desire murmured as he willed for the Unknown to give more information about the Mana Heart.

As soon as he did, the Unknown immediately appeared right in front of him, giving more information about the Mana Heart.

[Mana Heart is an organ that can be found in any monster. It is where the life force of the monster is stored, which can be converted to mana and be used as some sort of trump card when the monster's mana has run out.]

And that was all the Unknown had to say about the Mana Heart.

"Hmm...I remember when I was a baby that because of my lack of mana, I had to use my life force as a substitute so that I can maintain that summoned that how it works?"

Indeed, what Desire said was the truth. When he was but a baby, there was a time when he used his life force to summon someone.

Of course, that was indeed how the Mana Heart works.

And Desire could guess that easily, which is why the theory of him being a monster is pretty much solidified now and is about to become a fact.

Why? It was because...Desire was able to do that before even though he didn't have a Mana Heart.

"Oh...wait, since I didn't have a Mana Heart before, how did I do it?" Desire murmured.

However, that question was soon answered by him as he murmured again, "Ah, right. If I'm a monster, then it's only natural."

"Mana Heart is probably just the vessel, but the function of life force being converted to mana is inherent to monsters."

Right, and what Desire said was the truth. Mana Heart is just there to ensure the safety of the monster, but even without it, monsters would be able to use life force as an alternative to mana with their instincts.

"Now do I make this Mana Heart..." Desire said as he wished for the Unknown to show how to make a Mana Heart.

Well, Desire knew that the monsters are probably born with this Mana Heart, but since he wasn't born with one, Desire had to create his own, that much is obvious.

Anyway, the Unknown appeared right in front of him again.

[How to create Mana Heart]

-Collect Mana Hearts from Rank 6 or higher-ranked monsters, specifically undead monsters. Because of the vitality of undead monsters, their Mana Hearts would make it easier for Desire to create his own. 10 Mana Hearts are needed.

-Collect the Root of Life, a special treasure that can nurture one's life force.

-Collect Blessings of Tear, a special treasure from a Goddess herself.

[Note: Once Desire has collected all three items and is ready to make his own Mana Heart, Desire's monster instincts would kick in and his Mana Heart would be created.]


-Mana Heart is only a vessel of life force for monsters. And as Desire is a human, he doesn't necessarily need a Mana Heart. Should Desire really wants to make his Mana Heart, only do so if Desire is prepared to lose his life.

-The transfer of life force to Mana Heart is a painful process that may endanger Desire's life and possibly even kill him.

And that was all that the Unknown had to say about how to create a Mana Heart.

Of course, Desire read it all in a jiffy, but he didn't really care about the Advice part.

After all, Desire needed to create a Mana Heart at this point since he needed to open the Monster's Way properly.

Warnings or not, danger or safety, Desire had to go through with this.

"Hmmm...that's quite the task. As far as I know, Rank 6 monsters are strong. It would be troublesome to get them, undead monsters are even harder...oh, wait." Desire suddenly stopped thinking as a sudden wave of realization came over him.

"This Dungeon of the Dead got them. And since the Lion Clan conquered this Dungeon...they should have plenty of Mana Hearts from undead monsters around," Desire murmured as a smile naturally crept up to his lips.

Well, this was actually happy news as things were getting easy for him. He would be able to collect Mana Hearts in an easy way, and the Blessings of Tear is also easy to collect in a Dungeon.

The only problem that Desire would have is the Root of Life. It is a treasure that Desire never heard of in his entire life.


"It would still be easy, considering that I have the information and men of the Lion Clan under me," Desire murmured as he got up from his bed.

Since Desire already knew how to make a Mana Heart and surprisingly, the materials for it are near him, Desire decided to do it right away.

It would be better if he could finish this on his first day here since he just got a week here in the Dungeon of the Dead.

What's more, Desire still got to fight the Dungeon of the Dead at the end of the week so that he would be able to practice his skills and gain experience.

After all, that was what Desire came here to do. He came here to practice and train himself before the Pista, the event where Desire would know his strength.

" that I think about it, so many things happened on the very first day I arrived here," Desire murmured as he started to walk towards the door.

It was the truth that so many things happened to him - the Representative, the Elves, God's Eyes, Sir was as if it was all jumbled up in a single day.

Well, Desire didn't really care about it, and he just continued to walk towards the door.

He eventually got out of the room, but...he was soon met with disappointment as he found out that it was already night.

"Ah...well, I guess I'll ask the others to find the materials tomorrow," Desire murmured as he went back to his room.

No...he wasn't able to go back to his room.

Why? It was because Jarina...was waiting for him outside of her room, naked...

"Uhm...Desire..." Jarina said as she walked towards Desire, boldly showing off her body.

And it seems that the not yet over for Desire.

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