Demon God

Chapter 204: Just Kidding!

The carriages carrying Desire and Jarina were able to get out of Jakart City with no real problems at all.

That is because Amelia has already ordered someone from the Lion Clan, even before they started to take off, to tell the city guards stationed at the east gate of the city that carriages from the Lion Clan would be passing through the gate.

Amelia has done this so that the traveling would be smooth, and there would be no stopping for official matters.

Of course, other things such as food, accommodations, and whatever they needed were prepared already in a random carriage.

Those would be used for Desire and Jarina, and the other members as well.

And now, the carriages were using the main road that would lead towards the east as the Ghost Horses ran fast.

Surprisingly, there was no traffic at all even though the carriages were using the main road that leads towards the east.

As it was the main road, it was only natural that it would be full or have some carriages running on top of it.

Merchants from eastern origins trying to get to Jakart City would pass through here, and travelers or adventurers would guard someone going in and out of the city.

That was why it was weird to see that the main road was completely deserted or no carriages.

However, Ryu or the other members of the Black Hand who were the drivers of the various carriages were not surprised at this.

Why? It was because they knew that it was because of the Dungeon that appeared in the east of Jakart.

Dungeons are very dangerous as the monsters would be able to get out of the Dungeon and roam the area around the Dungeon. 

Of course, if given enough time, the monsters would even adventure not only the area around the Dungeon but also try to go to other places.

And that is why there was no one who wanted to go to the east or did anyone from the east tried to go to Jakart.

They didn't want to get attacked and lose their lives in the process. What's more, it was publicly known that the rank of the Dungeon that appeared was Rank C.

The lowest rank for a Dungeon, Rank F, would still be able to obliterate a city of harmless and ordinary humans, so it was only natural that the fear of the public got stronger when they knew that it was Rank C.

"Hmm...I see, so that's why we are going to reach the Dungeon faster than expected?" Desire's voice resounded out inside the carriage.

The one that he was speaking to was...Jarina, who was still sucking his mana as Jarina continued to bite down on his neck.

"Y-yesh...I'hm guesshing thaht it wouhld..." Jarina struggled with speaking as she...couldn't take her mouth away from Desire's neck as the taste of his mana was just...delicious.

However, when Desire patted Jarina's head, Jarina straightened her back as she continued to speak, "Ahem! I'm sorry...anyway, that's why I'm guessing that it would only take us an hour or so to reach the Dungeon."

"It has been quite some time since we departed from Jakart, so another 30 minutes...probably."

"Since we are also using the treasured carriages of the Lion Clan, the Ghost Horses would bring us faster to our destination," Jarina said as she made herself comfortable on Desire's lap.

"Treasured carriages of the Lion Clan? What is that?" Desire asked.

Treasured carriages of the Lion Clan were those carriages that could run without any actual horses and could be used with just mana and magic.

In other words, the carriages that got the Ghost Horses on them are the ones considered treasured carriages of the Lion Clan.

These Ghost Horses were also seen as the symbol of VIPs from the Lion Clan as only extremely important people can ride on this type of carriage.

After all, it was only the Lion Clan who got these Ghost Horses or the treasured carriages.

It was their trade secret, which then became the symbol.

Of course, it wasn't officially their symbol, but...the public just took it and made it their symbol.

"I this all I have to know about the Dungeons?" Desire said as he began to tighten the robe he was wearing.

And when Jarina saw that, her eyes widened as she spoke, "W-wait! Why are you dressing up now? W-won't you let me suck some more?" 

"I mean...we got the time, right? I can, at least, suck to my heart's content during this free time..." Jarina said with her face basically being tomatoes right now.

"Well...I would love for you to keep sucking me, but..." Desire pointed to the door with his right hand, and Jarina followed his right hand as she turned her head.

It was then that a knocking sound resounded out in the carriage, and a voice followed soon after.

"Young master! Young miss! We have arrived at our destination!"

And as soon as the voice said those words, the carriage...stopped moving.

It was weird that a knock and a voice telling them that they have arrived at their destination happened first before the stopping of the carriage, but well.

The one who was the driver of their carriage was Ryu, so it wasn't really that weird.

"See? We got no time anymore," Desire said, but he was not done as he spoke again, "As much as I love that you are sitting on top of me, I have to stand up, so..." 

And when Jarina heard that, she made a sound, "Ah!" and quickly moved out of the way. Of course, she didn't sit on the seats anymore as she stood up.

Following her, Desire stood up as well as he began to pat Jarina's head, "Was my mana delicious?"

Jarina just nodded her head with a thin smile on her face. Seeing that smile on her face, Desire...couldn't help but smile as well as he spoke, "That's good."

"Alright, let's go now." Desire continued as he began to walk towards the door.

Of course, Jarina followed right after him, and the door just opened on its own again.

The two then proceeded to get out of the carriage just like that. They went out of the carriage normally as if they didn't do anything lewd in the carriage at all.

"What the? It's dark again?" Desire said as he squinted his eyes.

Darkness was all over the place; it was present in the air, ground, literally everywhere.

And that means that Amelia covered this place again, and it seems that Desire was correct into thinking so as Amelia's voice resounded out in his ears.

"Young master, as we are now near the Dungeon, there are people of all origins there. I suggest that you and the young miss wear a mask to hide your identity before we go into the Dungeon," Amelia said with her head bowed.

"Hmm? There are other people there besides the Lion Clan? I thought that you guys just conquered it? How would there be other people present in this place?" Desire said as he looked at Amelia.

However, Amelia was not the one who answered his question. It was Ryu, and this was what Ryu said, "Before we started the attack on the Dungeon, merchants came with us so that they would be the first ones to purchase the rights of the items that we would be selling."

"As the Dungeon is Rank C, the items are fairly wanted by all kinds of people, weak and strong, rich and poor included."

"There are a fair amount of merchants, and their subordinates are many as well, which is why there are other people here."

What Ryu said was reasonable, and even though Desire didn't really study about merchants or rights or whatever it was, Desire agreed with it as well.

Desire's general knowledge became broader with his body's growth, so he, at the very least, knew about merchants and so on.

"However, does it really matter? That Pista event...Master seems to plan to introduce me to the world with that, so people would come to know of my existence, sooner or later."

"But! Jarina should be hidden well. So, Jarina needs the mask, but I do not."

Desire said, but...before even anyone else could answer him, Jarina spoke.

"No, there's no need for that, Desire. You are correct in thinking that Papa intends to make you famous with Pista, and I...Papa would also make an announcement to the world about me."

Jarina said all those words, and as soon as she was done, Amelia and Ryu both had their eyes wide open as they stared at Jarina.

"What?!" Both of them said at the same time.

Well, it was reasonable. After all, Lionel telling the world about his daughter...that was too risky.

"Young miss! Please do not even joke about things like that! Both of us know about the situation with that Suckus, and the other guilds and clans are showing suspicious movements! There's no way that the Lord would do something so risky!" Amelia said as her cool face broke.

Even Amelia would be panicked about this...of course, even Ryu.

"That's right, young miss! What Amelia said is true!" He said.

And Jarina was...she was smiling. She was smiling as she continued, "I'm just kidding. Fufufu."

She said...

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