Demon God

Chapter 203: Different Light

"I see, so this is why you said that no one would be able to see us." Desire said as he saw the outside of the mansion.

And it was...darkness - pure darkness that Desire couldn't see the sky or the other buildings.

However, Desire could see the stairs leading to the ground, and at the end of the stairs was a carriage waiting for them.

The carriage was so big that it was taking most of the space, but there were no horses as well.

Desire suspected it was because Amelia or some other human would use their magic to create horses or whatever.

"So? What is this darkness?" Desire said as he began to walk the stairs down.

Of course, when they saw that Desire was moving now, the other three started to descend down the stairs.

"The darkness, young master, is just a carpet. I have covered the whole place with the carpet using my controlling magic." Amelia explained things as she pointed at the darkness above.

"Hmm? If that's the case, won't the people of Jakart or the other clan members become suspicious of this?" Desire said.

"You have a point, young master. However, there is no need to worry about that as the carpet, from the outside, looks like a reflection of the mansion."

"In other words, what they are seeing right now is just the mansion. Of course, the other clan members who will escort the young master and the young miss knows that they would be escorting VIPs, but they do not know your exact identities, so please do not worry." Amelia said, but she stopped right after as they finally arrived at the carriage.

Amelia then snapped her fingers, and the doors of the carriage automatically opened on its own, "Please," Amelia said as she stepped aside with her head bowed.

Desire quickly got on it, and Jarina followed right after him. And as soon as the two of them got on, the...door closed again automatically.

"Hmm? They are not riding with us?" Desire said as he looked back on the door.

"Amelia is probably going to ride in another carriage and Ryu...I'm not too sure about him." Jarina said as she proceeded to sit down on the seats of the carriage. 

This carriage was meant for VIPs so the seat was so comfortable and it was big as well. One would probably be able to sleep on it comfortably.

"Here, sit next to me," Jarina said as she began to tap the seat next to her.

Of course, when Desire heard Jarina, he quickly turned around and began to walk towards the seat where Jarina was sitting on.

After all, Desire didn't have to mind those two too much. Well, he didn't really care about them, but...Desire thought that Amelia would explain about the Dungeon to him here.

That was why he thought that Amelia would be riding with them, but since she's not, that's that.

"Whew, so we're going to a Dungeon, huh. Never expected that I would go right after I returned from that forest." Desire said as he proceeded to sit right next to Jarina.

Desire then turned his head here and there to observe the carriage more. After all, the carriage was so big that it was like his room in Lionel's mansion.

However, Desire soon felt a touch, no...weight press down on him. Desire turned his head around fast, and what he saw was...Jarina sitting down on him.

"Hmm? What are you doing?" Desire said as he looked at Jarina in the eyes.

"'s been a while since I sucked your mana, so...maybe I can suck some today while we got time," Jarina said as her face started to redden.

And Desire was...he was trying to control himself as he spoke, " know, Jarina, ever since I grew up into this body of mine..."

"I started to see you in a different light." Desire then raised his left hand as he touched Jarina's neck, "I...started to see you as a woman."

And as soon as he said those words, Desire let loose of his control over his body as his almighty sword started to rise.

Of course, since Jarina was sitting on him, she felt the almighty sword stick to her bum, "W-what's that..?" Jarina said.

Jarina didn't know anything about a man or the union that happens between man and woman at all.

That was only natural since she was really pampered and only a limited amount of people are allowed to see her.

'Oh, she does not know about those things?' Desire thought as he...controlled himself again.

His almighty sword started to go soft and it fell down, but...Jarina could still feel it as Desire's almighty sword was really big.

"I'll teach you about it later. Suck my mana for now." Desire said as he pulled Jarina to his chest.

Surprisingly, the robe that Desire was wearing went loose all of a sudden, and his bare skin could be seen by Jarina's purple eyes.

"Later...make sure to teach it to me, alright?" Jarina murmured as she...began to bite down on Desire's neck and began to suck his mana.

It seems that she could suck Desire's mana from any part of his body or from any position.

"Yeah, later. Besides, I don't want our first time to be in a carriage." Desire murmured as he began to hug Jarina and caress her back lovingly.

The two of them soon felt the carriage moving, but Jarina didn't stop sucking his mana at all and Desire didn't ask her to stop either.

They just let time pass on while Jarina was sucking his mana...


Before Jarina and Desire got into a steamy situation, Amelia and Ryu talked with each other first.

They talked about how Ryu is going to drive the carriage where Jarina and Desire were riding, and about who is going to escort them.

"What? You arranged for Black Hand's sortie already? You really move fast, Amelia."

Black Hand was Ryu's main force and those men were his direct subordinates.

Since Ryu was supposed to guard over Desire and Jarina, it was just the perfect move for Amelia to ask for Black Hand's sortie in this situation.

However, there was only one problem, and that was...

"Yes, however, since the Black Hand took the lead over conquering the Dungeon in the east, the current members are tired and are currently resting. The only ones that would go are the main members of the Black Hand."

"They number about 20 people, but that should be enough, no?"

Of course, when Amelia asked Ryu, Ryu just answered with a, "Damn, right you are!"

After their conversation, Amelia began to uncover the darkness, the carpet covering the mansion, and the carriage.

The outside world could be seen, and the buildings in the city of Jakart could be seen as well.

However, that was not important at all as...other carriages were sitting just near them, and there were people as well.

Those people are the Black Hand's main members and are just waiting for orders to move out.

"Now that we are done here, I shall go to my carriage, then. Protect the young master and the young miss well." Amelia said as she bowed her head towards Ryu.

She then began to walk towards one of the carriages sitting near the main carriage.

"Geez, that woman is smoking hot, but she's too stiff." Ryu murmured as he began to walk towards the driver's seat of the main carriage.

"Ah, wait! Why do I feel like she will become a mistress of the young master?" Ryu said with his eyes widened as he turned his head to look at Amelia's fleeting back.

However, it seems that he soon came to organize himself as he turned his head back to the main carriage, "Oh well, the young master is handsome. I'm sure he has some other qualities, too. The young miss wouldn't have fallen for him if he was only handsome,'s definitely more than possible."

Ryu soon arrived at the driver's seat and got on it without any problems. The driver's seat was a little bit special as there was something like a pole sticking out in front of Ryu, which is connected to the driver's seat.

And on top of the pole was some kind of marble.

"I guess I will make a bet with Fyu about whether the young master will be able to get Amelia or not," Ryu murmured as he reached out for the marble.

Ryu then activated the magic spell implanted in the marble as he churned up his mana to activate it, "Ghost Horse."

Ryu said, and as soon as he did, the straps meant for horses started to rise as...two transparent horses appeared in it, wearing those straps.

"Go!" Ryu shouted out loud as he ordered for the Ghost Horses to move. 

Of course, the Ghost Horses did his bidding as they both began to run.

"Ah, I guess it would be for nothing. I already think the young master will be able to get her, and Fyu will also think that way." Ryu murmured as he then proceeded to relax back in the driver's seat.

"Oh! I guess the bet should be changed to...whether the young miss will allow a mistress or not!"

"That should spice things up, hahaha!" Ryu laughed as the gate covering the entire mansion of Lionel's mansion opened up automatically.

"Ah, I guess I got to work first," Ryu said as he began to stand up.

Ryu then sucked the air in as his lungs started to get bigger as he prepared for a powerful shout.

And as soon as he felt his lungs were 'full,' Ryu shouted out loud.

"Black Hand, move out!!!"

Neighhh! The Ghost Horses of the various carriages started to run after the main carriage when they heard Ryu's order.

And it was in this way that the group of carriages carrying Desire and Jarina went to the Dungeon in the east of Jakart, the Dungeon of the Dead.

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