Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Ecstatic Zhou Hua

There is no doubt that Zhou Hua has already accepted the plant and is ready to be “slaughtered” by Chen Xuan later.

After all, he was very self-aware, and asked himself that with his mere amateur mid-range combat power, he would never escape the “hustle mouth” of the black shop owner Chen Xuan.

Forcibly resisting will only end up being beaten up.

Instead of doing this, it is better to save money and avoid disasters.

Stay with the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood…Leave safely, there will always be a chance to be “ashamed” in the future!

“Be sure to report to the Martial Arts Association and punish this black-hearted museum owner severely! Hmph, it’s really damn, dare to open a black martial arts center in our Jiangzhou!”

After making up his mind, Zhou Hua held up a smile with difficulty, and said, “Master, your martial arts gym looks very good. Then I will pay the apprenticeship fee first, and I will come to you for advice tomorrow?”

“Uh…” Chen Xuan was stunned, then frowned, and said in his heart, “This Zhou Hua, shouldn’t I have already decided that I am a black shop here, and then just take the initiative to ask me to pay my teacher’s fee to get out?”

After pondering a little, he glanced at Zhou Hua’s expression at this time, and Chen Xuan completely concluded…that’s what it is!

“I look so amiable, but actually think I am the owner of a black shop?”

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan couldn’t help but curled his lips with a helpless look, and then solemnly said: “Apprenticeship fee, don’t worry, let’s experience the good things of our martial arts gym first?”

Chen Xuan thought, now Zhou Hua misunderstands him deeply, so he must change his mind completely and worship himself as a teacher sincerely.

To make Zhou Hua change his mind, in his opinion, it is actually very simple.

As long as Zhou Hua can experience the magic of the three major technological objects, then this disciple, Chen Xuan, will definitely be able to catch it!

That’s why Chen Xuan suggested that.

But this suggestion, when heard by Zhou Hua, is completely shameless by Chen Xuankeng!

“I promised to pay 100,000 tutor fees. Isn’t it enough? Want me to use the following kinds of messy, outrageous, expensive equipment that I haven’t even heard of the name?” Zhou Hua resisted the urge to curse, and his heart straightened. Thought, “This person is too dark, even blacker than Sesame!”

However, Zhou Hua is still very knowledgeable about current affairs after all. He didn’t swear, but smiled bitterly: “Master, I have to go home in a hurry. I don’t need these equipment, right? I’ll pay 150,000 first, and so on. I’ll use it tomorrow, okay?”

“No way!”

Chen Xuan instantly understood that Zhou Hua’s misunderstanding of him had deepened, so he flatly refused: “I must use everything you say today!”

“Hey, how could I be so unlucky, I met such a shameful curator…” Zhou Hua sighed in her heart, feeling deeply miserable for her experience.


Just then, a loud and powerful voice came in from outside the gate.

is Xu Mang!

“Huh? Why are you back?” Chen Xuan’s brows suddenly narrowed, looking at Xu Mang who hurriedly arrived.

“Teacher, my dad said, he would like to invite you to dinner tonight, to express our family’s gratitude to you!” Walking to Chen Xuan, Xu Mang solemnly performed a martial arts ceremony, and then seriously invited.

Hearing these words, Chen Xuan looked complacent, but Zhou Hua, who was not far away, was shocked and his eyes almost fell to the ground.

The reason is very simple, he has already recognized that the person here is the man of the Jiangzhou University-Xu Mang!

Xu Mang has always been a well-known martial arts genius. He is known to all passers-by at Jiangzhou University.

Zhou Hua, who is also a student of Jiangzhou University, naturally recognizes Xu Mang and knows his personality well.

Xu Mang’s strength and physical talent are supernatural, and an ordinary martial artist-level powerhouse, he doesn’t even bother!

can make him so respectful, there is only one possibility-the black-hearted curator in front of him is, in all likelihood, a real martial arts giant!

“He, he, he, he is Xu Mang’s teacher?” Zhou Hua thought more and more confused, feeling that his brain was not enough, “What the **** is this? Am I thinking wrong?”

“Your father would like to invite me to dinner? After a while, I have to go shopping with my daughter tonight.” Chen Xuan smiled slightly, and then replied casually.

“Then I will go back and notify my dad and reschedule the time!” Xu Mang said, “Teacher, when the arrangements are made next time, you must reward me! Otherwise, my parents will scold me to death!”

“Good!” Chen Xuan responded with a smile, “You can go with peace of mind!”



After Xu Mang left, Zhou Hua swallowed, and then asked incredulously: “This, this master, are you Xu Mang’s teacher?”

“What’s the problem?” Chen Xuan said with his hands held down, seeming to be quite unpredictable.

“No, no problem!” Lifting his eyes and glanced at Chen Xuan’s indifferent expression, Zhou Hua became more and more aware that his previous judgment was wrong.

With such a demeanor, such an attitude, how could he be a black-hearted patron?

“Since there is no problem, then follow me.” As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan turned and walked towards the second floor leisurely.

Zhou Hua hurried to keep up, no longer doubting, but full of curiosity.


A few minutes later.

Zhou Hua, who just ran out of force-enhancing ray instrument, stared at the nine golden beads that kept circulating, UU reading www.uukanshu. com looked blank.

Jiangzhou martial arts gymnasium, big and small, he ran to an unknown number of places, but he had never seen such a strange machine in front of him!

“Your strength has been improved under the effect of the force booster.” Chen Xuan still held his hands on his back, with a calm expression, “Now, go to the boxing strength test machine downstairs to see how effective your improvement is. ”

“My strength has been improved?” Zhou Hua stared at her palms blankly, unable to believe what Chen Xuan said.

You know, he has suffered many crimes in pursuit of his beloved Xiaoli during this period of time!

can improve the physical quality, but it is extremely insignificant, and is still an ordinary amateur middle-level warrior.

Zhou Hua is almost desperate about this!

Therefore, he naturally couldn’t believe it and couldn’t understand the fact that his power could be improved just by standing in front of this so-called “force booster” for a few seconds!

“Let’s test it yourself now, and remember to come back to pay the bill later.” Chen Xuan said calmly.

“Uh, okay, I’m going to test.” Zhou Hua hugged a trace of hope and quickly walked downstairs.


Two minutes later.

“It’s amazing, it’s amazing! My fist strength has increased by 10kg! Now, I should have 1.4 power!”

While shouting excitedly, Zhou Hua rushed to the second floor, and finally stood still in front of Chen Xuan, ecstatically said: “Master, please accept me as a disciple! From now on, I will be a hardworking veteran. , Whatever you send, as long as you can help me improve my martial arts!”

“You don’t need to be so exaggerated. I don’t farm here. I don’t need old cattle.”

Chen Xuan smiled faintly, and said, “If you want to apprentice, then you will pay the money first!”

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