Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Boy, do you want to be strong?

Stepping out of the door, Chen Xuan quickly saw that not far from the Qingtian Budo Hall, there was a young and a good-looking girl.

This young man is covered with top brands all over his body. It looks like oily noodles. At first glance, he is a rich second-generation type.

As for girls, they are plainly dressed and it is easy to imagine that they are from ordinary people.

“Uh, do you want to be so vulgar? Isn’t this a bridge between rich children chasing poor girls in TV dramas?” Chen Xuan curled his lips, but didn’t leave here, but watched more with relish.

Although he is a bit vulgar, he is still full of interest and wants to see if this girl will agree.

“Zhou Hua, you are very good. In the rich second generation, you are definitely the kindest kind. You care about me, love me, and help me. Everything is in my eyes.”

The girl named Xiaoli stopped, and then said very seriously: “My classmates like you, and my family likes you very much, and even I am a little tempted by you.”

“But, I have my principles!”

“I remember I told you that I had a wish since I was a child-my husband in the future must be someone who can surpass me in martial arts!”

“Otherwise, I would rather not marry forever!”

After listening to Xiao Li’s words, the young man named Zhou Hua’s expression suddenly sank.

It can be clearly seen that his mood at the moment is particularly bad, and his eyes are clearly lonely.

“Xiao Li, you know, I have been working hard!”

After a few seconds of silence, Zhou Hua looked at Xiaoli affectionately, then opened his cuffs, and said eagerly: “Look, these are the bruises left by my crazy training during this period of time. I have been working hard to catch up. is you!”


Seeing the injury on Zhou Hua’s arm, Xiaoli’s eyes were faintly unbearable, but she still said stubbornly: “Tomorrow, I will bring some medicinal wine to wipe it for you. I will say if you can stop going again in the future. Tortured in the martial arts hall? You are not good at martial arts. If you force yourself, you will only hurt yourself!”

“There is something at home, I have to go back first, so please stop pestering me!”

After speaking, Xiao Li turned around and walked away quickly.

Looking at the fading shadow of Xiao Li, Zhou Hua stood alone, deeply hurt.

As Xiaoli said, he is really not good at martial arts.

In other words, his martial arts talent is very poor, and he basically has no hope of catching up with his beloved Xiaoli in his life.

Even if he asks a famous teacher for advice and practice hard day and night, it is difficult to make up the huge martial arts talent gap between him and Xiao Li.

This means that unless Xiao Li changes her mind and abandons her wish from childhood to childhood, Zhou Hua will have no hope of chasing her!

When I think of this, Zhou Hua, who has already fallen into love, can’t be heartbroken, hate why he has no talent in martial arts alone!

“This kid seems pretty good… at least he has a pure character, not like the domineering rich second generation! I think this little Li seems to be interested in him…”

Not far away, Chen Xuan, who had witnessed the whole process, nodded slowly, muttering in his heart: “Well, in that case, please help him!”

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately refreshed his energy, took a leisurely pace, and walked towards Zhou Hua with his hands under his hands.

“System, I am not proactively propagating, but helping a poor guy.” Of course, he didn’t forget to inform his system in the bottom of his heart, “I think you will not object to such a compelling thing to help others. Right?”

The system did not respond, and it seemed that Chen Xuan’s actions had already been tacitly approved.

In this way, Chen Xuan can naturally feel at ease.

“Young man, do you want to be strong?”

As soon as he arrived in front of Zhou Hua, Chen Xuan opened his mouth and asked a very “evil-interesting” question.

“Huh? What the hell?” Zhou Hua was suddenly stunned.

“I mean, do you want to surpass your sweetheart in martial arts?” Chen Xuan asked casually.

“I think, how can I not think about it?”

Zhou Hua, who was not seen, sighed slightly, and said, “But, this is too difficult, as difficult as climbing! You don’t know, although Xiaoli’s parents are very ordinary, her martial arts talents are extremely outstanding. In us Jiangzhou University, her martial arts talent can be ranked in the top ten!”

“In addition, she has loved martial arts since she was a child, and her parents are extremely supportive. She has always been allowed to receive instruction in the martial arts hall… Now, she is already an intermediate martial artist!”

“For an amateur mid-stage like me, she has no problem playing thirty shots!”


As he talked, Zhou Hua’s expression became very painful, as if he could not help crying at any time.

“This guy is not his first love, right? He seems to have a deep affection for Xiaoli, and he is almost crying!” Chen Xuan listened quietly and analyzed in his heart.

After Zhou Hua finished speaking, he was solemn and said: “Young man, don’t be so pessimistic, there is always a ray of life. If you really want to catch your sweetheart, you might as well go with me now. .”

“Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce myself, I am the owner of Sunny Budokan!”

“Hey, there is my Budokan.”

Chen Xuan’s words did not arouse Zhou Hua’s interest.

The reason is very simple. He has tried too many Budokans and found too many “famous teachers”!

What’s the result? No matter how hard he works, but his talent is limited, his martial arts level is always unhappy!

Beyond Xiaoli, there is no hope at all!

So, of course he wouldn’t think that this “little patron” who looks a few years older than him can change all of this!

It’s just that, with the mentality of “a dead horse as a living horse doctor”, he did not refuse Chen Xuan’s invitation.

“Then go to your Budokan.”



half a minute later.

“Huh? Such a deserted Xiao Budokan? It doesn’t look like it was just opened?” Zhou Hua, who just followed Chen Xuan into the gate of Qingtian Budokan, couldn’t help sighing after looking around casually.

You must know that in order to catch up with Xiao Li in the martial arts, Zhou Hua has been to dozens of martial arts centers in Jiangzhou in recent years to learn art as a teacher.

Every house is a crowded city, with an endless stream of trainees, and the atmosphere of martial arts training in the museum is strong.

Therefore, he never thought that there is such a deserted little martial arts gym in Jiangzhou!

was so deserted, as if there was only one curator!

Let alone a student, I can’t even find a cleaner!

“Huh? Here, the apprenticeship fee is 100,000 yuan? Special price?” At this moment, Zhou Hua’s eyes fell on the price list, and he was naturally shocked.

At the same time, a strong vigilance towards Chen Xuan emerged spontaneously.

The reason is very simple. At this moment, in Zhou Hua’s heart, he has fallen into a black shop!

“Why am I so unlucky!” Zhou Hua suddenly looked bitter.

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