Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

If it is said that on the first day of the opening of the business, someone will come to the door to talk about business. For the first person to take care of his business, Jin Yujin’s boss thinks that he is also going to give a rather big smile, then say something. The words of the sky are illusory.

However, the thoughts and reality are always a pair of happy family or love each other, so when Jin Yu saw this blue-haired boy who appeared almost out of thin air, he almost let the buns go biting his **** in the past – Nima ! ! What is this kind of weak sense of existence and sudden horror? ! This product definitely has this ability? This product must have a transparent human lineage! ! Jin Yu looked at the blue-haired boy as strangely as the others, and after the crazy spit in his heart, he took off the paw of the boss on his shoulder and walked up to the front and smiled and extended his right hand: “Hello. I am the owner of this store, Jin Yu, you can call me the gold boss, do you want to buy a different animal? Then, what do you want to buy? How do we enter the house?” Blue-haired teenager seems to be Jin Yu’s quite friendly and embarrassing attitude is very unfamiliar, and some are flattered. Even a little bit of Jinhua’s peach eyes are flashing. When the blush is a little bit sloppy, he goes straight to the store and then hits. In the two large vases that the pajamas have just sent.

… Hey, this first customer looks a bit natural… well, should it be better? Jin Yu’s self-consolation thoughts.

And the other few people looked at the blue-haired boy, it was full of sympathy.

After the blue-haired boy entered the pet shop, he was shocked by this elegant decoration and decoration. Even if he looked a little bit, but the guy who was able to walk into the dark street without a single shot, he said nothing. It will be a dumpling that has never seen the world.

Therefore, the blue-haired boy only took a look and determined the strength of the pet shop.

Because of this, he was still a bit embarrassed, and now he has become somewhat expecting.

He has a hunch that there must be a beast that he wants.

Jin Yu and Yan Qinglin sat on the main sofa, and the blue-haired boy sat opposite.

And A, B, and D are very conscientious, standing behind the green lining, sitting on the sofas on both sides, sitting orange and buns.

After that, there are several a-level, a+ exotic beasts at the feet of their respective masters, and Jin Yu holds one in his hand, two in his feet, and one in the back… looks quite like, imposing .

“Hello! I, I am Lante, you can call me the blue boss.

I want a different animal that can work with me, OK? “Lant is very excited when he opens his mouth. The little eyes that look forward to staring at Jin Yu, almost made it impossible to stand up.”

basket? I still have a frame! With a light cough, Jin Yufu took a professional smile and said: “Since we are a pet shop, naturally we can find a good master for the beast, but you must at least say clearly, you want to be different. The race, rank and ability of the beast, otherwise, there are so many different beasts, I can’t let you try one by one.

“Bluezi heard a word, then nodded a little, nodded. “That that, that, sorry, I am a little too anxious.”

“I, I, I want a different animal that can cooperate with me… Well, simply speaking… is, it is like my beast…” So Jin Yumo, then everyone else is silent.

It must be that their understanding is wrong! Is this blue child trying to find a natural animal that is as natural as him, with no sense of existence and then suddenly a horrifying alien? ! Rub it! Not to mention Jin Yu, this is not the local half-hook boss, even if it is a native of Yu Qinglin and Li Xiao, I can’t think of any strange animals like this guy.

Jin Yuxi’s pumping of the mouth and feel that he needs a strong familiarity with the business.

Now this situation is too embarrassing, he even has a recommended choice! ! Jin Yu’s smile was a little stubborn and his body was a bit stiff.

It is a bit uncomfortable to see the boss, so the pressure is a bit low.

B. As the number one dog head of Yan Qinglin, he immediately smiled: “In this case, what do you think of invisible bats? They can be invisible.

“Blue child heard the words in a blink of an eye with a contemptuous look at the B, very serious and calm: “I am not invisible.

“The implication is that I am not invisible to Mao. My beast is invisible?! I am not a bat! I am looking for a different animal that I am very similar to, not looking for invisible bats!… So I am smoking The corner of the mouth is defeated.

And A Wu Bai looked at B. He thought that he was a bit miserable. He wanted to speak, but in the next moment, Lan Zi’s expectation was like a throat, and half of the words could not be said.

Nima! Don’t look at Laozi with such a look! I don’t want to be looked forward to first and then despised by your calm! ! Just when the atmosphere was going to be rigid to a certain extent and it was impossible to do so, suddenly, a small buzz came out of Jin Yu’s arms.

Then Jin Yu and everyone bowed together, and then Jin Yu slammed his mouth, and the eyes of Lan Zi instantly shine! I watched that I didn’t know when it’s coming, I’m still ignoring the little white that was originally in my arms, and now I’m holding my head and licking my eyes and selling my little milk wolf. Jin Yu feels this goods. It is very talented to judge the wolf to the dog.

Moreover, this is not the point. The point is, how did the goods crowd out the silent white when Xiaobai tyrants his arms, and has not been smashed by Xiaobai? ! Just biased! ! He still doesn’t feel at all! ! Just biased! ! Nima has not noticed everyone! ! This is simply the sequel to the blue animal. ! Is this simple and straightforward? simply! ! Do you want to be so clever? ! Jin Yu, who was still in the abdomen, looked down at the little milk wolf in his arms. The latter lifted his claws and squatted on Jin’s chest. Then he used his head to squat, and the buns said, so The boss will like it very much! Then it has meat and milk! Silently reaching out and licking the head of the little milk wolf, Jin Yu looked up and looked at the blue child oppositely.

At this time, the eyes of the latter have completely adhered to the little milk wolf. The excited light in the eyes flashed directly. It is estimated that if there is a buns on the side, the goods will be directly rushed! With both hands clinging to the body of the little milk wolf, Jin Yu turned it around, lifted it and placed it in front of the blue child when the little milk wolf groaned his head.

Then move left.

The blue-haired boy’s gaze moved to the left.

Move right.

The head of the blue-haired boy looked to the right.

The buns snorted and lifted their claws on the intact right eye. It felt that it was unable to vomit, and it felt that the baby that was coming back was looked at. It was really hard… This is only one day. There is wood! ! Although it used to dislike the little milk wolf and stayed in trouble, it was really seen by people. Buns thought it wanted to bite.

Needless to say, now the appearance and expression of Lanzi are telling Jin Yu and others that this is quite a favorite of this cute little milk wolf, and to be honest, the ghost presence of this little milk wolf today, Let Jin Yu have to admit that this product is very suitable for this blue-haired boy.

Just like the buns thought, this little milk wolf has just been picked up, and has not yet raised fat, it has been seen, and still so small.

The big boss who has always loved the beast is a bit reluctant.

“Cough! That…” “Enn!!” Lanzi looked forward to Jinyu.

“That, you see it.”

“Golden is somewhat powerless to look at the bright eyes.”

“Yes, yes! I, I want it! It, it and I definitely, definitely come together!” Blue has almost stepped through the large-scale beast shop of the capital star, obeying almost hopelessly. If you are awkward, you will find a dark street, and you will find the strange animal you are looking for. Now you can’t do it with excitement.

“How much, purple gold coins, I will pay!!” If it is to change to other big beasts, Jin Yu will definitely laugh when he hears this sentence, but now, Jin Yu just nodded slightly. Road: “Money is not the most important.

“”what? “Blue is a bit confused. In general, the boss doesn’t like money very much?” You want the little guy to like you, and there are a few rules about the beast, although it was opened on the first day. There are no signs, but these rules still hope that you can comply.

Jin Yu said, put the little milk wolf on the head of the steamed buns, and then took a look at the white.

The latter slammed into the beasts and, about ten minutes later, took a very beautiful ‘Ivory Adoption Agreement’ made by the different beasts.

Jin Yu took over the gorgeous agreement and looked at the cup in his hand at the first sight.

The first article of the Alien Adoption Agreement: Every strange animal does not want to work for a few days every month, so please be self-reliant these days.

Nima! ! Can you be more shameless about these two goods? ! Jin Yu coughed twice, and continued to look at the second article.

……rub! Really? ! The second article of the Alien Adoption Agreement: Every animal is a winged angel, so for goodness like an angel, please be sure to lead them to a top-level meal every month. You know, you can’t bear the gold coins. Good animal.

Jin Yu’s hand holding the gorgeous paper was so shaking, took a deep breath and turned to look at the group of people sitting on the side of the nest and selling the cute beasts, arrogant: “I will do it again!” Nima! Is it an angel of wings?! Is there a few days every month?! I thought you are all ancient code network novels?! Annoyed Laozi off your little black house!! Wipe! !!”

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