Cute Beast Store No. 138

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

It turns out that if a person is unlucky, then unless it is already mildewed, the degree of the mold will be reversed, otherwise he will continue to suffer.

Today, the dark street was promoted to the most unfortunate pants, and after talking about the early birth of the child, it began to smash in the heart.

It’s just that everyone is surprised and puzzled. It’s reasonable to say that you should be angry and lead the gold boss who directly leads his own beast to smash the person into a scum. There is no anger reaction at all. The guy next to him, who is obviously like the boss of Jin’s head and his partner, even raised his mouth slightly. ! A cockroach with a hawkish eye swears that he absolutely sees that boss-level character is laughing! Laughing! ! Is it! ! Kim Bo has already studied how to make two men have problems with their offspring? ! This is the most amazing result of the Bianque Medicine Award and the Shennong Life Prize. ! So all the big guys stared at them big or small or picking or drooping eyes and looking straight at Jin Yu waiting for the result of the guess, just holding them with great expectations, at this time excited over the head, I completely forgot that Zeng today was almost regarded as the motto, and after this time I have been regarded as a motto – your sister! ! Even if it can be believed that the sub-human beings are stronger than the new humans, Nima can’t have any unrealistic fantasies about the actions of the Golden Boss! ! Otherwise, the consequences will be like this.



Jin Yu smiled and looked at the tight-fitting tight-fitting pants, and smiled and said: “Take your words, I will find the companions in our store as soon as possible and let them have a baby… In addition, Like hi, I am the most admired congratulatory poster today, and I sincerely hope that you and your lovely pet will be able to give birth to your child… and then we can deliver it from our store.

You must be assured that we will not discriminate against different kinds of love in the species. After all, it is also a touching love! ! Are you right? “The big rumor suddenly felt that my blood trough was emptied. I looked at the moment around me and was far away from me. I looked at the animal and you even kept your own beast.” The big **** who condemned the look, deeply inhale, exhale, breathe, breathe and exhale: “I am going to go!” ! I only like women in my life! Laozi doesn’t even provoke a man to provoke his own beast! ! I don’t want to be a human being! ! Laozi is definitely the most normal man -! ! “Jin Yuwen smiled and nodded: “Yes, yeah, you are a normal person, you can rest assured, I understand, we will not discriminate against you.”

Remember to be a little better for your family’s beasts, don’t let it be lonely and lonely ” “…” Hearing that the pants are screaming and crying, looking at the mistress one meter away from me, he is so weak and whimper: “I, Laozi is really a normal man.

“This time all the big men looked at him with sympathetic eyes and nodded: “You can rest assured that you are really a normal man, we understand.

do not worry! At that point, the crotch squirted a spurt of blood and lay down directly on the ground, Nima! It’s because you don’t understand it properly, I can’t be relieved!! No matter how serious the trousers are because of a temporary mistake. And the consequences of hard work, anyway, this product is estimated to have no courage to go out in a short time.

After this incident that caused a lot of psychological shadows to the public, the gifts that the grandmother and the younger brothers took were also arrived, and they were handed over to Jin Yu.

As a compensation for the big pants, Jin Yu originally intended to refuse the gift, but the latter was crying and crying to the mother’s request for the receipt, mainly because the reason for the goods is too pithy, so Jin Yu a little hand Itchy – “Golden boss, you will accept it! Otherwise, I will worry about waking up tomorrow morning, I am being sent to fall in love with different plants… It is really miserable.

“Nima wants you to tell Laozi about the early birth of the child, can the boss toss you like this? Jin Yu rolled his eyes and accepted the gift money, and then thanked you all the people who were awakened by him: “In any case, I would like to thank you for your opening today.

I don’t have much to say about other things. If you have any questions about the needs of the beasts, you can definitely help if you can help! In addition, if you have a badly injured or disabled animal, please don’t throw it away, the store will definitely give it to you on your behalf.

So thank you, everyone, please come back.

From the beginning of the Jinyu store to the present, the publicity people felt that they were really participating in the opening of a different animal pet shop. If you want to go, it’s only the words that Jin Jin said, only a little bit of a beast. The feeling of a pet shop.

However, if you hear Jin Yu, the public and the masters can get a bit of information. They have some guesses about Jin’s certain abilities. Although they can’t confirm it, Jin Yu said that he just just ‘helped’. Then, for those big guys and masters who have already become sophisticated, it is certain that Jin Yu is able to have some methods for the insomnia of the beast.

And this is just enough for them to pay more attention to Jin Yu.

Not to mention the gold boss’s side is surrounded by five a-class beasts, a super boss who knows the dark street boss, which is almost a terrible strength.

Therefore, after today, how to treat this newcomer who came to the dark street soon, was confirmed by these big brothers and masters – Nima! Of course, this kind of goods is treated like a Jinshan that is covered with steel thorns. It is necessary to pay great attention to eyelids and be cautious and careful! ! After sighing, the big men went away one by one or together or alone, and when the big men left, they quickly rushed from the front of the dark street to a green, yellow and two strange animals.

When Jin Yu had not reacted, the orange head of the hedgehog sitting on the big tail wolf shouted and shouted: “Gold brother! Congratulations on opening your business today! We will send you a gift. !!” So the next moment Jin Yu saw a big car dragged behind the little green body, and in the car, lying horizontally, a pile of at least dozens of various kinds of disabled animals… Instant, Jin Yu The corner of his mouth was pumped up.

Nima! ! Is this to give him a gift, or is it to open the market? ! Do you think that you don’t need him to spend a lot of mental energy? ! At this time, the same face as Jin Yu was ugly, and there was a big boss at the side of Jin Yu. At this time, he looked at the orange eyes with cold chills. This unsightly guy shouted at the opening. His partner is so intimate, even brought so much useless garbage? ! He is too aware of the temperament of his own partner, even if Jin Yu is so angry at this time, then he will be honest and hard-working to treat these disabled animals, then! ! When is the chaotic energy he needs, when will he be able to restore him again? ! This is the robbery of red fruit! ! Nima! Kid looking for death! ! So boss was angry, and the breath around him suddenly fell into a terrible pressure.

At the same time as the boss does not have the strength to press the pressure, as the most loyal subordinates, the four genus of A, B, and B are immediately cold at the same time, in the next moment, it is still on the back of the big tail wolf with a little gloating Around the orange, there were four daggers of different styles and colors, but also extremely dangerous. The dead frame was placed on his neck, so that he could not move at all.

! ! ! “A Liang!!” The four bright killers suddenly appeared on the side of the orange light. Li Xiao, who came over from behind, curled up in a moment and was alert.

It’s just because the breath of the four people is too dangerous. It’s not an opponent to fight alone, let alone one-on-four… But when Li Xiao’s teeth are ready to forcibly attack, suddenly I heard the voice of Jin Yu helplessly: “Hey, let your hands converge a little! Li is my friend. If I didn’t have him, I couldn’t have been in the dark days.”

Although Wen Yan’s Qing Lin was somewhat reluctant, he also made a look at the four people.

Just after this, I was indefinite and asked: “You didn’t have it?” In this case, A, B, B, and D were shot in an instant, and A Wu’s feet were directly stepped on the feet of C black.

Ding Bai sighed and turned his head and decided not to look at the unfortunate picture of his master.

“…Nima!! You have it all over the world!!” Jin Yu of the fried hair stepped on the foot of Yan Qinglin directly, while pondering the big white or the buns to bite the butt. One bite, the two most powerful goods in the battlefield were actually put on death, and the Jin Jinyu stepped on a few feet.

“Cough!” B. As the dog-headed division of the four-person Qinglin, it is natural to give trouble to the masters at the most critical time. At the moment, the glasses are pushed, and Li Xiao and Orange are unclear. : “Two good, in the next B, is the boss of the gold boss, that is, the subordinates of that.

When you meet for the first time, please take care of it.

“So Li Xiao and orange bright-0-.

“Xiao Jin?” After Li Xiao recovered, he looked at Jin Yu. The latter nodded silently. “Hey, I will explain it to you in detail. Anyway, you don’t have to think too much.”

And Li Xiaowen said that his mouth was jumping.

Nima, in this case, how do you ask Lao Tzu not to be too much? ! And when Orange and Li Xiao were carrying out countless kinds of dog blood and thunder brains for the current picture, suddenly the white straight up and yelled at a lamppost next to him.

So everyone’s eyes were concentrated in that place, so the next moment, a blue-haired boy who seemed to be quite weak and had a weak sense of appearance was suddenly appearing next to the lamppost that was empty. Under the gaze, he looked straight at Jin Yudao: “You, you, you are the owner of this store, shop? Please please, please sell me to me… a fighting animal!”

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