Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 270

Chapter 274

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivator that travels between the two worlds!

“It’s getting lively below”

“gā gā gā, hurry up, go down, I can’t wait!”

“Shut up you idiot, last time If it weren’t for your gluttony, we would have been punished together!”

“We have a legitimate reason this time, let’s go down and join in the fun! After a while, Xiuyi will be gone, and we won’t have our share!”


“Idiot, aren’t we the ones who embroidered clothes and guards! Also, it was told not to interfere indiscriminately, what we have to do is to keep an eye on the city!”

Several eagle monsters The cultivator hovered in the sky, looking at the raging fire sea below, eager to see, but he didn’t dare to take the initiative.

There is an order above, so don’t pay attention to all the movements of the inn. There are special personnel here, and they only need to keep an eye on the movements in the city.

A few monster cultivators of the eagle tribe are those eagles that keep the cannibal hobby.

The people they eat are usually death row prisoners in Heavenly Prison, or people who need to be executed in secret.

But Heavenly Prison is not every day all have death row, so when they can eat people, it depends on the will of God.

But there are exceptions, and that is the case below.

When it is obvious that someone is in trouble, and it is necessary to embroider the clothes and guards to kill and stop the killing, they will take the lead and go down in advance to stop the riot, and they can also eat one or two by the way.

But today’s situation is different. Today, there is an explanation, they must keep an eye on the movement in the city, and they don’t need to worry about the inn.

A few monster cultivators from the Eagle Clan were obviously a little greedy. Although they were still hovering above the city, their eyes could not stop wandering at the inn.

Just as they were distracted, a shadow unconsciously touched the top of their heads.

These monster cultivators were already high enough to fly, but they never dreamed that there were birds that could fly higher than them.

The shadows of huge birds are constantly passing through the clouds, and it seems that they are looking for a suitable time.

A short while later, a crisp and pleasant sound rang out from its belly

“Just this area, pause here”

The shadow heard the sound ,

paused , and then just hover in this area out of thin air.

If this scene was seen by the following monster cultivators, I’m afraid I’d be scared to wet my pants on the spot.

Birds are born with the ability to fly, which makes sense because they are birds.

They can glide, lift off, and land, which is an innate instinct given to them by the innate talent of the race.

However, birds can’t stop when they are in the sky. When they flap their wings, they will fly forward, and if they don’t flap their wings, they will fall.

I’ve never heard of any bird that can levitate out of thin air, neither gliding nor flapping its wings, just parked in midair.

Such weird birds, or high-quality Monster Races, don’t fly with wings, but Power of Heaven and Earth.

Or it is not alive at all. It is rumored that the wooden bird created by Lu Ban with the mechanical technique can fly continuously for three days and three nights without stopping.

Perhaps only this kind of mechanical bird can levitate out of thin air.


A burst of sweet singing came from the belly of the strange big bird.

“Hey, Boss, did you hear any girls singing?”

Old Fourth, who had a scar on his face, asked

“Where? There are singers, do you have a problem? We are still flying in the sky in the middle of the night!”

The boss was a little impatient, maybe because he couldn’t eat people, his mood was not smooth.

“gā gā gā, Old Fourth is not only the stupidest, but also lecherous. Have you forgotten where the scars on his face came from?”

Old Fourth seized every opportunity to ridicule ruthlessly other brother.

Usually it’s the one who makes the most mistakes, any big brother can scold him at will, but now he can seize the opportunity, he really has revenge and complains.

“Hehehe, I forgot if you didn’t tell me, it’s still Old Fourth’s play!”

The third child also laughed strangely.

The scar on Old Fourth’s face was an accident.

Old Fourth is extremely lecherous, and is an extremely good mother (daughter) for this mouthful.

Once a pair of powerful cat demon mother and daughter came to defect, Old Fourth thought it was the result of his own tiger body shaking and the arrogance of domineering, who would have thought that this was a trick.

It was a good game, and the little kitty in his arms suddenly turned into a big tiger, blinding Old Fourth in one eye with one paw.

Fortunately, the boss happened to stop by that day, otherwise Old Fourth would be gone.

Only later did they know that the cat demon mother and daughter were from a Mountain Monarch king not far away, and they were not real mothers and daughters, but a cat demon girl with good innate talent, and An old sister-in-law posing.

The purpose is to defeat the six brothers one by one.


Another faint sound came.

This time they just switched places, and now the third is where Old Fourth was.

“gā gā gā, I seem to hear the voice of a woman singing!”

The third child smacked his lips, greedy.

“Shut up, you have more than enough success,” the boss was furious, turned around and slapped Old Fourth heavily.

“Do you know that the demon order has had a miraculous effect recently, and many Monster Races have chosen to join the official uniform to eat a bite of imperial food! If it goes on like this, when Old Man Guo sees us unhappy one day, put it directly. Tragedy if we change it!”

Old Fourth…..that’s why you slapped me for no reason?

The demon let them all know that it was a signal that Wu Kingdom began to accept Monster Race.

All Monster Races must register information, and there are volunteer Monster Races who can choose whether to join the official forces, such as Six Doors, or even the military.

However, Xiuyiwei has not accepted the new Monster Race. First, their strength is uneven, but they cannot guarantee their complete loyalty.

Seeing that the boss was angry, a group of monster cultivators did not dare to speak, alternating patrolling obediently and honestly, keeping an eye on the movement below.

It continued until the eldest came to the old fourth place, and he also vaguely heard the voice of the woman singing.

“There are really women singing? It’s not good!!!”

The boss exclaimed “Quick, quick! Quickly descend!!”

It’s a pity he noticed It was too late. When he said that he was going to descend, he suddenly felt a burst of weakness in his wings. Looking up, the other brothers were also stiff and fell straight to the ground.

One second before losing consciousness, the boss seemed to see in the sky, a huge silhouette gradually revealed.

What the hell is this old edge, bigger than our several brothers?

The giant silhouette takes several monster cultivators on its back in one dive, then a hole in the back emerges and swallows them inside.

“My lord, I did as you ordered. You must abide by the agreement and avenge me!”

The woman who sang just now spoke in a soft and weak tone , full of endless hatred.

“Don’t worry, Buddhism is one family in the world, and we, the Holy Sect of the White Lotus, will not ignore the fall of a Bodhisattva”

The voice fell, and the back of the huge shadow opened again, The few monster cultivators flew out, submerged into the sky and began to patrol according to the original trajectory.

Only this time, their bodies were slightly stiffer, and their eyes lost their original rays of light.

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