Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 271

Chapter 275

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivator that travels between the two worlds!

Embroidery Guard headquarters.

“General refers to adults, Yingyi and Yinglu are planted”

A young Xiuyihui reported.

This person is the young superintendent who persuaded the fight with a palm.

“Is it planted?” Guo Tenglong nodded, without any extra expressions or words.

This result is reasonable and unexpected.

These six flat-haired beasts are normally high profile, arrogant and conceited, and they will be planted sooner or later.

It’s just that it was planted so fast, which really surprised Guo Tenglong.

But it doesn’t matter, they are only part of the group of Sky Guardians, and the most disobedient part.

“You go to the city and watch the Expo, don’t let the pawns of the White Lotus Religion disturb the nobles in the city’s Imperial Palace”

“Yes!” The young Xiuyi supervisor of the Expo pointed to a respectful salute, turned around and ordered most of the staff to leave the Xiuyiwei headquarters.

“Tiger” Guo Tenglong turned around again and said to his Second Brother

“You go and find Bo Wu, I guess I missed it, he is still in the house right now. Come out for an event”

He initially figured out that Li Zhi would definitely join in the fun tonight, but he seemed to have guessed wrong. After Li Zhi left the palace and went home, it seemed that he really didn’t go out.

“Leave?” Guo Menghu was stunned, his expression became extremely strange.

The world knows that his big brother is a Grade 3 Martial Artist, and he is also the youngest extraordinary Martial Artist in the world.

But few people know that his big brother is still a Confucian general who has no problem solving problems.

This Li Bo Wudang is really capable, his style is eclectic, but he can always surprise people.

“Huh…this kid, it’s probably that variable”

Guo Tenglong’s eyes were a little complicated.

Variables, whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, no one can tell.

There may be variables,

the originally planned ending will be changed by Heaven and Earth turning upside down, letting the dying and the lucky ones die.

But for the high-ranking, no one wants to have variables except those who have a mortal ending.

These high-ranking players are playing with interests, and the victory or defeat between them is never limited to life and death, but how much profit they get, and how to facilitate the next layout.

The arrival of Li Zhi may give many people immediate benefits, but in the long run, this variable has also disrupted their original plans.

Once these plans are developed and implemented, it is not so easy to change.

Only during the game, make a behavior adjustment or activate a backup plan.

Or simply stay the same.

This is also why high-ranking people like to use conspiracy rather than conspiracy.

Yangmou is upright and oppressive, plotting against the backs of his conspiracy, and the two will know when you see it.

“Okay, I’ll go to his house now!”

With that, Guo Menghu turned and left.

He didn’t have any staff and then went to Prince Consort alone.

“That’s right” Guo Tenglong stopped him, “Let him follow along, the people behind White Lotus Religion can’t take his chances yet, but the puppet on the surface, hand it over to him again. It’s perfect!”

“Okay!” This time Guo Menghu had no doubts, everything was expected.

The puppet Sect Lord is reserved for Li Zhi. Even if he is incompetent, let him participate, and then match him with the second brother of Dianjia.

But now Li Zhi is Grade 4, which saves trouble.

Grade 4 and Grade 5 are not the same thing at all.

After Guo Menghu left, Guo Tenglong waited in the room for a while, and after a while, a gust of breeze blew, and a handsome middle-aged man full of elegance came to the headquarters of Xiuyiwei.

“The breeze is blowing, Lord Li is really good at it”

Seeing the person coming, Guo Tenglong’s face showed a rare trace of smallness, as if he had let go of something on his mind, and the whole person was full of emotions. A little easier.

“Mr.Guo is too polite, my virtuous brother, who is not a good family, is thankful for your care”

The middle-aged man reached out and wiped his face lightly, and his face changed for a while , and finally fixed on a familiar face.

If Li Zhi was here, I’m afraid it wouldn’t start to fall the chin, this person is brat Li Kai’s father, Li Wei!

In his impression, Li Wei is a unhappy Martial Artist who stopped at Grade 8.

Li Zhi once suspected that there is no reason why the second brother of the Li Family and the Crown Prince siblings worshipped under Lin Beibei’s father. Why is Li Xiu already a Grade 4 Confucian, while Li Wei is only a Grade 8 Martial Artist.

Now the truth is, it’s not that he can’t, but he has been hiding himself!

“Lord Li can come, our odds of winning are a little bit better. This is really great news!”

Guo Tenglong calmed down a little, and said Sitting down with Li Wei.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of help could make Guo Tenglong, who has rigorous schemes and deep foresight, lose self-control.

But that’s the truth. Li Wei is here. It seems that Guo Tenglong is even happier than seeing Li Xiuneng come.

Li Wei waved his hands again and again, as if he was a little ashamed

“Lord Guo has a few praises, it’s too flattering”

“It took more than 20 years In the end, it was Jiangdong’s Qiao Family who took the shot. I got the light of the Qiao Family, otherwise I would still be a waste!”

“Lord Li doesn’t have to be like this, a good fighter has no illustrious achievements, and a good healer has no brilliance. Name, you can be promoted to Grade 3 Great Confucianism, if the credit is only on the Qiao Family, then it is the biggest joke in the world”

Guo Tenglong said with a smile.

Listening to what he said, it seems that Li Wei can achieve this achievement, and it is indeed due to the Jiangdong Qiao Family.

However, even though the sedan chairs are being carried by everyone, he is not stupid enough to answer Li Wei’s words, admitting that he was able to step into the Grade 3 Confucian scholar, which is entirely due to the Qiao Family.

“With Lord Li’s breeze blowing, I will win this battle!”

Guo Tenglong was a little excited, took out a map from his cuff, and sent it to him. The one given to Qin Sheng is almost the same, but much larger.

He said that the map was spread out, and he stretched out his hand to point out a few places on it

“Qing State is guarded by Mr. Li Xiu, and we talked about the old Monster King back then. One vein, they promised me to form an alliance with us for the time being, and now it can be said that we can sit back and relax.”

Li Wei looked down his fingers, gently nodded

“Of course, old Monster Although the King lineage has declined, no one didn’t expect a Grade 4 Golden Core demon, or a Golden Core demon from the sword cultivator lineage!”

Speaking of this, the two looked at each other. At a glance, both saw smiles in each other’s eyes.

Prince Consort Prince Consort, as expected, name is not in vain, in this world, since ancient times, I am afraid no one can afford the word Prince Consort more than Li Zhi!

The Great Princess of Human Race, or even the empress of Human Race in the future, can be taken down by him. The two of them have a destiny, and marriage belongs to destiny.

But no one didn’t expect, he could quietly win the heart of the Monster Race Princess before he made a fortune. According to his posture, after the Monster Race Princess takes the position in the future, I’m afraid it’s empress again.

“The capital is definitely worry-free. Now more than half of Wu Kingdom’s experts are in the capital. If we are disturbed by this group of small children, then we don’t have to wear this hat, and we simply connect our heads. Let’s give it back to the Holy One together!”

Li Wei nodded and said.

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