Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 260

Chapter 263

“Okay, since this adult is going to fight, please do it yourself.”

Li Zhi took a half step back, showing a gesture of affection.

“One thing to remind adults, I am waiting for you at Xiuyi Wei Yamen. If this Young Master Wang can’t arrive at Xiuyi Yamen today, then we have to talk about it properly”

Having said that, he turned to leave.

“Prince Consort doesn’t go with this officer?” The military attache’s face froze immediately, and the cold sweat that had just disappeared broke out again.

Looking at Wang Runzhi’s posture, he probably has something to do, and as Li Zhi said, he is talking about Imperial Family behind his back.

If Li Zhi doesn’t follow along, if something goes wrong on the way, he can easily be labeled as a comrade!

Even if you don’t become a party member, it’s a disadvantage at the end of the day, which is almost enough to be dismissed.

“Sir, do it for yourself.” Li Zhi laughed and turned to leave.

From start to finish, he didn’t even ask the name and position of the adult in the hall, but only recognized his grade by the official uniform on the other side.

A man who is about to die and is not ready to go along with the ceremony, why ask so many questions.

This sand sculpture foolishly thought that Wang Shoufu was just asking him to help him find his way out. Little did he know that he had become the rope in the middle of the tug-of-war between the two sides.

After Li Zhi left, the military attache looked at Wang Runzhi, who had passed out, with a gloomy expression on his face.

“Bao Da, Lang Er, Niu Can, Ying Si”

“You four must escort Young Master Wang!”

“Remember, Be sure to deliver it safely to Xiuyiwei Yamen!”

If Wang Runzhi ran away, it might be a lesser crime.

But if Wang Runzhi is really dead, the problem will be big!

As for letting Wang Runzhi enter Xiuyiwei Yamen, the military attache never considered this from start to finish.

What are you going to embroidered clothes Weiyamen, quickly ran home, and asked your father to wipe your ass!


As soon as they came out of Six Doors, Li Zhi ran into Guo Jingyu and Qin Sheng who came in a hurry.

“Do you really want to attack Wang Shoufu?”

“What does “I have to” attack him,

a bad old fogey, even his own son No, I have to take care of him.”

Li Zhi looked innocent.

What secret means did you use to get promoted to Martial Artist Grade 7? If you didn’t consolidate the realm well, study hard and practice hard, you actually wanted to seek revenge on yourself!

This operation is really a knife to pull the butt, showing a hand!

“He probably won’t go to embroider the clothes and guards” Qin Sheng looked at the back “unless we press him”

These are two choices, one is just to the end, press Wang Runzhi went to embroider clothes and guards.

In this way, it is bound to confront Wang Shoufu.

This boss is full of peaches and plums all over the world. Most importantly, he is the only one who does not belong to Yingchuan Academy!

But leave it alone and don’t need to report it, it’s over.

The most unbearable thing to ask about guilt is to ask “Is there any rumors about Imperial Family behind their backs”.

Let’s not talk about Wang Runzhi, even if we pull Li Zhi out, we won’t be able to pass this level.

No, it’s not that he can’t pass this level, but that Chi Guoguo has no king and no father. Pulling out and whipping the corpse a hundred times is too little, and the eighteenth generation of his ancestors are not relieved.

“che, you’re arguing with a fool, go for a walk and find a place to have a drink!”

Li Zhi waved his hand, not at all worried about it. superior.

Just now when he used astral qi to circulate, he used too much force and his movements were rough. It would be good for Wang Runzhi to keep the meridian.

It’s a waste, this time it’s really a waste.

“I’m busy”

“I’m busy”

Guo Jingyu and Qin Sheng said in unison.

Li Zhi? ? ?

Are you two busy with the same thing? ?

“I said, since a while ago, you two have been inseparable from the door at the same time, why do you want cultivation?”

“I am a Confucian scholar, What immortal Immortal God, Zibuyue is strange and chaotic!”

Qin Sheng flicked his sleeves and walked away with a neck.

“What kind of immortals are you cultivating, I think you are the ones who want to become immortals, and you want to go to heaven when you are born on earth!” Go home.


These two have mental disorder!

Glancing at the two of them, Li Zhi turned around and walked home.

Li Zhi knew exactly what they were going to do when they went home.

This kind of thing, he can’t help if you are busy, don’t make trouble and even help.

The only thing Li Zhi didn’t understand was how these people were suddenly busy giving birth.

For child Li Zhi to understand, the continuation of family incense is of course crucial.

But it’s a bit too exaggerated to stay at home every day just to give birth to a child?

Li Zhi felt that she couldn’t understand, but she really wanted to know the reason behind it.

The birth of a child by others has nothing to do with him, and the meaning behind this is what Li Zhi wants to know.

It’s like the main world, the oil price has risen, you don’t have a car and don’t refuel, does this matter have nothing to do with you?

If you don’t refuel, other cars must refuel, such as train trucks, food trucks and fruit carts.

This is the principle that one hair moves the whole body.

Just as Kankan was about to leave the inner city and walked to the outer city, Li Zhi suddenly saw a familiar back.

She was dressed in plain clothes and covered her body with red gauze. It was clear that it was not raining or the sun was shining, but she still wore a paper umbrella.

“Big, big brother” Goudaner suddenly became nervous and flew to Li Zhi’s shoulders, grabbing his hair with his hands.

“That woman”


After Goudanyi reminded, Li Zhi suddenly realized “red medicine!”

A small shout, which was subconsciously murmured, was heard by Hong Yao who was several dozen meters away.

As if she was ready, she turned around and looked at Li Zhi with a sweet smile

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

Goudaner was so nervous that he stuttered, obviously he was extremely afraid of the red medicine.

“I’m afraid of a hammer, go and have a look. If she dares to come here, you can see if I do it or not and it’s over.”

“Then I’ll find a lot!”


After finishing speaking, Goudaner flew away directly, as if there was something terrifying behind him.

Li Zhi glanced at Goudan’er with disgust, with a good-for-nothing look, not following me at all.

Walking up quickly, Li Zhi said with a smile “Girl Hongyao, she is still beautiful after not seeing her for a long time”

The old friend reunited, Hongyao seems to be in a good mood. Mouth “ge ge” with a chuckle

“Prince Consort has changed a lot”

It’s not small, it’s more polite, and its bearing is also much bigger, it doesn’t look like it is any more That cautious man.

“I don’t think I’ve changed. People are multi-faceted. Maybe the girl from Hongyao only knew one side of me before, but I didn’t see other sides of me”

“Other sides?” Hongyao’s beautiful eyes flowed and looked at Li Zhi for a while

“There is indeed an unknown side”

“Suddenly someone from an old person fell in love, looking back at the mountains and rivers It’s autumn, and two lovesicknesses are drenched in snow, and this life is considered a white head.”

“How many daughters can resist such a revealing of true feelings~”

while speaking, The beautiful eyes of the red medicine were always on Li Zhi, and he never left.

Not a person, this woman is definitely not a person.

Now Li Zhi completely determined that the red medicine is not human.

The common problem of Chinese grandmothers is that they can’t walk when they meet a romantic and talented person who can recite poems.

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