Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 259

Chapter 262

Wang Runzhi didn’t say anything to Li Zhi, he pointed at him, and said aloud

“Sir, Caomin wants to sue the Prince Consort Li Zhi of the dynasty, for arrogantly splashing around in the wine shop, throwing a The whole pot of hot water was spilled on the grass people!”

Speaking, he took out a fifty-two silver note from his sleeve and threw it on the ground

“This silver The ticket is proof that he admitted to throwing a pot of hot water on Caomin and compensated Caomin for the soup, but Caomin did not accept his compensation! But I ask for justice.”

Li Zhi looked at the picture with some dullness Silver note, wink…hey, I’ve got an excuse for you!

Is it illegal to splash someone with hot water? To be precise, break the law!

Of course, this depends on the degree of injury of the person being splashed.

If the injury is not serious, it would be nice to apologise.

If the injury is serious, then pull it back to play the board, and then pay the money when it’s over.

However, the premise of all this must be built on the premise that it is not intentional.

Deliberately splashing people with water should be called pick quarrels and stir up trouble, ranging from twenty sticks to one hundred sticks.

At this time, the military attache has been forced to the edge of the cliff, and if he is not careful, he will be shattered.

Wang Shoufu only said that he wanted him to cooperate with Wang Runzhi and lose face of Prince Consort, but he didn’t say it would end like this.

According to the current development trend, the two are irreconcilable!

“Uh… this matter can’t be entirely on the side of Young Master Wang, this officer.. I still have to listen to what Prince Consort has to say”

At the critical moment, He still chose to follow his heart and live a muddy life.

Although Shoufu’s boat is good, I am afraid it is not suitable for me.

It’s okay to just sell personal favors, but this is irreconcilable with Prince Consort, so I’d better be more careful.

“Me? Of course I have something to say.” Li Zhi could see it, and at this moment, she had some chance to become a Grade 7 Martial Artist.

But he wasn’t satisfied with his own breakthrough. Taking advantage of the heat of his breakthrough, he came to me for revenge!

“I remember, it’s only illegal to throw you on purpose, right? Otherwise, it’s just careless and just lose money?”

Li Zhi asked Wang Runzhi.

“You should be like this,

but you admitted that you did it on purpose, and you even took out a bank note to humiliate me!” .

“Then I think you misunderstood” Li Zhi faintly smiled.

Hearing this, Young Master Wang thought that Li Zhi was subduing him, and became even more proud.

“It’s too late for you to say anything now…”

“I was going to throw the prince that day, didn’t expect you to suddenly come up!”


Wang Runzhi’s voice came to an abrupt end, like a drake with his back strangling his throat

“You you you you!!!”

His angry face rose Red, extending the hand tremblingly, pointed at Li Zhi.

“What are you, what are you, what are I!” Li Zhi turned sideways, avoiding his pointing fingers.

Fuck, I hate people pointing at me the most!

“Sir” Li Zhi rushed to the stage to cup one fist in the other hand

“The other day I happened to hear that someone downstairs was talking about the emperor, ascending the throne, etc. I was very angry on the spot when I discussed the Imperial Family, and I planned to take that person directly”

“But when I looked down, it was actually the Shizi and Young Master Wang, and I was unsure at that time”

“these two people are the son of the North Guardian Lord, and the son of the chief minister of the dynasty. The two are still cousins.”

“I can’t offend them, but as an embroidered guard, I had to deal with it.”

“In desperation, I had to pick up the tea bowl and pour it on my head, hoping to remind the prince not to talk about the Imperial Family!”

“But absolutely didn’t expect ah, the prince didn’t get wet, but Young Master Wang got wet”

“But I see that Young Master Wang’s reaction is so great, is it because of the discussion of Imperial Family that day, Do you have a share too?”


Li Zhi’s series of words fell, and even a needle fell to the ground in the quiet hall.

After a long time, Young Master Wang shuddered and shouted, “It’s a bunch of nonsense, it’s just a bunch of nonsense, Li Bowu, you know what the crime is for using the Imperial Family as an excuse to spread rumors and cause trouble!”

“Prince Consort, it’s serious!” The military attache also became nervous, involving the Imperial Family. Whether it’s true or not, he must take Le seriously.

“Is it true? Naturally, the first trial is required, but it should not be tried here. Young Master Wang, follow me to the embroidered clothing Weiyamen!”

With that said, he was about to reach out and grab Wang Runzhi.

“No! I’m not going! You can’t even think about it! You are abusing your power, I want my dad to read you a book!!!”

“Prince Consort calm down, I think This matter”

bang! !

Li Zhi complexion turned cold, stretched out a palm force and punched a hole in the ceiling of the lobby

“Xiyiwei guards the world, anything that is detrimental to the Imperial Family , I can kill first and then play!”

“Don’t make any mistakes!”

Speaking, he approached Wang Runzhi a few steps again

“Wang Runzhi, If you ask, you will know, don’t worry, we will definitely not torture you, after all, we have Confucian scholars, so we don’t need torture to extract a confession!”

“Of course, if you are not satisfied, we can also openly interrogate you. , invite more than four Grade 4 officials from the Imperial court, and invite a third public hearing at the same time! You will definitely not be wronged!”

Hearing the word Confucianism, Wang Runzhi immediately fought a cold war.

His father is a Grade 4 Confucian, so he naturally knows how powerful Confucian scholars are.

Under the inquiries of Confucian scholars, let alone discussing the Imperial Family behind their backs, even if they are conspiring to rebel, they can’t help it!

“I’m not going, don’t force me!” Wang Runzhi was a little mad, and in a hurry, he actually used the Qi machine.


When the military attache saw that Wang Runzhi used Qi, he couldn’t even think about how he could be a Grade 7 Martial Artist. The most important thing right now is to save him. Under Wang Runzhi.

Facing the arraignment of the embroidered guards, the resisters, kill without mercy!

Even if he is innocent, as long as Xiuyiwei says to cooperate with the investigation and mentions that it is about the Imperial Family, the other party must cooperate unconditionally!

“Dare to violently resist arrest, courting death!” Li Zhi’s eyes turned cold, he clasped Wang Runzhi’s wrist with his backhand, and a scorching astral qi poured into his body, with a tyrannical gesture, in his Destroyed in meridian.

“Ah-! Ah-!”

Wang Runzhi is only trifling Grade 7, even though he broke through Grade 7 within a few days, but with Li Zhi’s Grade 4 In comparison, there is still the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Under the ravages of astral qi, he only had the chance to let out a shrill scream!

“Prince Consort, keep someone here!!!”

The military attache was sweating with anxiety. Seeing that Li Zhi didn’t want to stop, he could only make a gesture.

Afterwards, several agile silhouettes emerged from the back hall and surrounded Li Zhi.

Li Zhi glanced around “leopard head, wolf kiss, bull horn, eagle claws”

“The four don’t look like good people, don’t tell me you are Golden Core demons. !”

These four are the monsters that have been hiding in the back hall, and they are also four Grade 5 Monster Races.

“Bao Da”

“Lang Er”

“Niu Can”

“Winning Si”

“The one who has seen Xiuyiwei pointed directly at the adults!”

The four demon mouths were polite, but they still surrounded Li Zhi in a surrounding gesture.

“Prince Consort, this is the place where this officer handles the case. Even if he wins Young Master Wang, at least he should let this officer come!”

The military attache doesn’t think so much anymore , he just wanted to save Young Master Wang, and then send these two evil stars away quickly.

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