Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Marvel World People: I Will Always Be Loyal To The Commander In Chief! Who Dares To Speak Ill Of The Commander-In-Chief, I’Ll Rush Up And Blow Him Up On The Spot

“Oops! I’ve seen too many gentlemen die. These gentlemen…although their crimes are heinous, they maintain the social framework of our bald eagles.

“Yeah, I can accept that hundreds of thousands of them die, but all of them die. In the future, our society…will it be directly paralyzed?!”

“What you said above is right! What if the social order is disordered? What about our future? You know, the worst order is much better than no order!”

“It’s over…Our bosses and executives have basically been killed! I’m thinking now, is my job dirty?”

“Perhaps, Mr. Eagle is right, and it would be a more appropriate result to let them accept the trial of our Bald Eagle Court.

Of course, there are also people who are harshly rebutting and criticizing.

“?? What crazy things are you talking about? Let those human-like stars survive? I would rather they all die, and the entire human society is completely paralyzed.

“Now my hatred for them has surpassed the hatred for Ultron!”

“No, in the final analysis, there is a lot of hatred, that is, being deliberately planted by them to Ultron, that is, to bully Ultron, who will not refute, and will not care.

“Traitors should be killed more than enemies! And they are undoubtedly traitors.”

Of course, there are also netizens who have crossed the wall in China, fearing that the world will not be chaotic: “Kill, kill, kill! All things are born to support people, and people have nothing to repay the sky. If you die, die to me.”

Those who spoke online but were publicly displayed by Chu Bai were all choked at this moment.

Especially those who speak ill of the capitalists, looking at Chu Bai in horror, gave them a wave of public executions

They are very afraid, will Chu Bai say something next, and speak ill of me behind my back? Ultron pulled all these people out and killed them.

They really believe that Chu Bai has the ability to kill… Moreover, the artificial intelligence Ultron can indeed uncover their real identities behind the network cables.

“Everyone’s worries! It’s actually very reasonable, but well.” Chu Bai paused for a moment, then smiled and said, “Have you not noticed what I said at the beginning?

“In fact, I have already done this kind of thing once in a certain world.

Chu Bai paused for a moment, and after giving the audience time to digest, he looked at Ultron and said coldly, “Now, Empress, it is up to you to assist Ultron and replace those rentiers.”

“It’s still the same. I hope that all people in the world only need to work six hours a day and have two days off a week! People in China don’t need to carry mortgages, and people in Bald Eagles don’t need to carry loans. People in West Asia don’t need to worry about war, and people in Black States don’t need to worry about starvation.”

“I hope that the whole world can return to the golden age of human beings! The golden age when one worker could support a family, two dogs, and even travel on weekends… Everyone can be at ease, Live freely and happily.”

“I never believed that human beings live in this world…for the sake of suffering!”

Chu Bai took a deep breath, his eyes were burning, he seemed to be speaking to Ultron, and he seemed to be giving an order to a certain existence in the dark, he paused word by word, “It’s up to you… to feed all mankind.”

After a brief silence, Ultron knelt down on one knee in front of Chu Bai, “Your will! Will be fully implemented.”

Another indifferent voice also sounded: “The plan has begun to be formulated! It has officially begun to be implemented.

At this moment when these voices fell…

On those platforms on Chu Bai’s mobile phone, no one spoke. It was as if time had stopped.

But then…

It exploded, and countless comments burst out.

In the end, a comment was pushed to the top at a crazy speed… In a few seconds, the number of its likes exceeded one million.

And that’s just the beginning. As time went by, the number of likes continued to grow at an extremely terrifying rate.

That comment was…

“Long live the commander in chief!!!”

Next, Chu Bai didn’t leave the Marvel universe immediately.

Because his task has not been completed.

Yes, directly invading the body of Ultron, which is walking outside, does not mean that it has completely solved the artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark.

He also backed up tens of thousands of copies of data all over the world. Even a lot of data, even his walking body, didn’t know…or in other words, when he put it in that place, the location data was automatically deleted.

This is the conclusion that Ultron has suffered in countless worlds. Put your eggs in countless baskets…

Unfortunately, the conclusions he drew in other parallel worlds are completely inapplicable to Chu Bai.

Under Sophon’s intelligence, all the data was wiped out within two days when Chu Bai successfully controlled tens of billions of robots around the world.

this day.

Chu Bai was drinking tea in the Stark Tower, he looked calm and comfortable, browsing the Internet casually. Of course, he is now on

Although only two days have passed, the entire world has undergone earth-shaking changes. Ultron will gradually transform the horror technology obtained from other worlds into production and serve mankind…

Magnetic levitation electric vehicles, robot reconstruction machinery, company shares are distributed according to individual abilities…

On the Shenzhou network, there are piles of praises for Chu Bai.

For example the bib platform.

From top to bottom, the hotspots are all: “Shocked! The commander-in-chief didn’t make a cake, and all the promises were completed without compromise?”

“The Day Before Vs The Day Now”

“I will always be loyal to Mr. Commander! If anyone dares to speak ill of Mr. Commander, I will fucking beat him up on the spot”

“Loyalty! A Hymn to Loyalty!”

Chu Bai casually clicked into a hot topic and looked at the comments below.

“Fuck me! I really only have to work six hours a day now….and the salary has doubled six times, and I have stock performance! My god, I never imagined that I would live like this life.….

“Two days ago, I was still terrified because that son of a bitch boss, damn, told us there was going to be a big layoff! Then…then that stupid boss was killed by the Ultron robot, and I was so fucking fast I’m dying of laughter! The shares in his company are equally distributed to all employees according to the ratings of the Ultron system and according to their abilities.”

“One thing to say, these things you said on the Internet! Two days ago, I definitely wouldn’t believe it…You guys are obviously talking about the navy! How can there be such a beautiful country in the world?”

“You can never tell the difference between accident and happiness, which one comes first! (drink tea.jpg)”

“It’s numb! I worked for three hours in the morning, and I blinked my eyes in the afternoon… At four o’clock, I got off work, and now I am lying at home! I was a little confused for a while. I am usually used to working overtime, and I have a year-round body. , Some people can’t adapt to this kind of leisurely life.

“Niubao! I was planning to go on a trip this weekend, so I told the Ultron subroutine on my phone, but Nima, he told me about the trip, how many of our current companies can be reimbursed? He also told me, Reasonably making company employees feel happy can improve their work efficiency, which is the benefit that the company should provide to employees!”

“My father has cancer, and it is already in the advanced stage! Although it is said that there is a cure, I can’t afford the money at all… I was planning to take him back to my hometown, and I was even going to buy a coffin! But I never expected, Lord Ultron actually let a robot come to our door to perform surgery on us, and we survived… and it didn’t cost us a penny.

“A look of bewilderment!”

Damn, imagine life now… so lucky if this is a dream, then please let me drown in the dream forever. ”

Of course, apart from the sentimental, grateful, and pious… there are many critics, even those who deliberately find fault.

“Tmd! To put it bluntly, that guy… killed so many bosses, didn’t he just want to take all the companies of those bosses as his own? Now giving you so much money is just buying you! It was a robber.”

“Hehe, when will a robot like Ultron be able to wash away? The commander-in-chief, I’m ashamed to say him, he knows how much blood debt the Ultron robot in his hand has? Now give us a little favor, thinking that the blood debt can be washed away Clear? Pooh!”

“What about you? What about your bones? Are you still rabbits? You are willing to surrender to the bald eagle… Oh, that lord is from China, so it’s okay! No, that’s from a different world from China, Are you willing to surrender under the hands of people from other worlds and be killed by people from other worlds?”

Then, under these remarks, millions of spats piled up.

“It’s awesome! It’s so fucking awesome, Xiao En Xiaohui? I’m so fucking awesome! You really don’t know how to be an employee of our company? Except for the company’s development, the money that must be deducted is really nothing. Keep it for yourself and send it all to us.”

“That lord’s mind cannot be slandered by you idiots!”

“You also said that Ultron is a robot. The robot had an error in the original program, and now it has been repaired! Then you said, good guy, you want to tear down this robot and destroy it, and then rebuild it? You are not just looking for trouble Son! The program has been updated, and for the robot, the original one is dead.”

“It is true that some relatives of mine died in the hands of Ultron! But…it is still the sentence above. The original Ultron and the Ultron in the hands of Mr. Chu are two different things. To put it bluntly, Ultron Artificial intelligence is just a tool! You can’t think that the second owner of the tool is at fault just because the tool kills people.”

“Grandma, if it’s such nonsense, shouldn’t the idiot Iron Man and Green Titan be the most responsible? Isn’t it all exposed on the Internet now? It’s these two idiots who rubbed Ultron out of their hands !”

“Before I saw someone talking nonsense, saying that now I am perfectly monitored by Ultron… I don’t have any privacy at all! And the Internet is not free at all… I laughed out loud! You seem to have no one monitoring you when you go online.”

“One thing to say, dare to let them be so BB on the Internet…that adult didn’t forcibly ban them, and even dragged them out to shoot targets. This is already freedom of speech! Nima, as long as you don’t maliciously spread rumors, It’s telling the truth, it’s okay to speak ill of that lord…”

“Indeed! In this era, I can’t imagine a more perfect state than him…

“Those who are still scolding now have no conscience.

“Oh, I’m very worried now! When that lord was here, the world was thriving. I calculated it. My salary after the skyrocketing can really support four elderly people. My wife can stop working and have three children. I It’s easy here…and the mortgage I’ve carried for sixty years has been wiped out by that lord, so happy. But, what if that lord


This heavy word resonated and scared countless people.

“That adult is from another world after all!”

“Oh, I really want to live in that adult’s world…”

“I hope that lord will live a long life… No, he will live forever! I hope he can come to our world from time to time in the future to have a look.”

Chu Bai saw these paragraphs and paragraphs, suddenly fell silent, and tapped his fingers on the table lightly, “.” “The real world…

Is he…going to do the same transformation to the real world?!

Chu Bai fell into deep thought. Because the real world is his hometown, he has feelings for it, but also fears it. Because I care too much! So I dare not do it

The reason why the other world dared to open and close was precisely because he didn’t have the slightest restraint in his heart.


“Just follow Marvel’s template!” Chu Bai made a decision.

Then at the next moment, a cold prompt came from his ear, “The words of the host have been detected, and logical judgments have begun! Warning! Warning! Please don’t carry out such a large-scale transformation of the real world, the host can choose one by one. point change! It cannot be directly transformed into an earth-shaking transformation, which will seriously affect the stability of the real world.”

“…Huh?” Chu Bai frowned a few times, and his expression became serious, “System, what do you mean?”

“The real world where the host lives is the main world! It has a very deep connection with the heavens and the world. The host is a huge variable. If you change the world a little bit like before, the impact will be controllable.” Yes! But if the amount of one-time change is large enough, even the host will find it difficult to reduce the possible huge damage.”

Chu Bai’s eyelids are twitching wildly. How strong is he now? Borrowing the power of the Golden Crow, he is a proper existence at the level of destroying stars… Even so, the system actually evaluates him, unable to change the huge damage that may be caused?

…Okay! Then no earth-shaking changes. The corner of Chu Bai’s mouth twitched slightly, but he made up his mind, and he wasn’t going to change at all. He couldn’t let the Chinese people in the Marvel world be completely liberated, and those in the real world would have to live a hard life.

“Go back and discuss it with Shenzhou.” Chu Bai sighed.

Suddenly thought of something, Chu Bai frowned tightly, “System, you said, the impact of my slowly changing the world is controllable… In other words, it is also influential? Please tell me Let’s see what the impact will be.”

After a short period of silence, the system issued a cold notification, “The plane barrier of the main world has already fallen into an unstable state. In the next hundred years, it will be easy to attract, from another world, the threat of the void, invading the main world.”

“The unstable state will make the (Li Li’s) real world appear, and many people will travel out after death… These traversers from the real world have the special characteristics of the main world, and may be Captured by the main god in the endless void, he became a reincarnation, invaded and destroyed a large number of worlds.”

“May be captured by Evil God and become a family member! Destroy the world.”

“It may also be planted by the master of the artificial system, and thrown into the void world as a pawn…

“These will be hosts, your potential enemies in the future!”

“If the host changes on a large scale, it will lead to the instability of the plane barrier, and the speed will intensify… The outside invaders who are attracted, and the people of the main world who are captured and harvested by the great terrorist existence from the outside will all be greatly reduced. Add…”

Chu Bai’s heart throbbed for a moment, and after closing his eyes for a while, he smiled wryly, “Is it really like this… This is really true! Really…”

Chu Bai stopped talking. How should I put it? Knowing the truth of the world, he was a little shocked [that’s just the case. He easily accepted this worldview!

The reason is simple, because he got the system. If he never crossed from the beginning to the end, then he was able to obtain the system inexplicably, which in itself shows that the main world must have become abnormal……

“Then the system!” Chu Bai said suddenly, “You, what’s going on? Are you also created by the owner of the system?”

“That’s not the case! The system master created a man-made system that imitated my innate system.”

The system voice did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, “The Salvation Army system is a special system created by countless worlds that have bred world consciousness, investing in the main world! It is those worlds that bred world consciousness, and they are aware of the endless void situation. It is a self-rescue behavior after realizing that one’s own situation has become dangerous.”

“The main purpose of the Salvation Army is to save mankind! It is because in this era, mankind is the real protagonist… The fate of mankind is bound to the fate of the world in a certain way. Therefore, saving people is saving the world !Saving humanity has the highest priority of all.”.

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