Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Completely Destroy The Old Order! Rebuild The Golden Age Of Humanity! The Shocking Frenzy Of The World: Long Live The Commander-In-Chief!

Such an understatement and calmness, as if what he wanted to kill was not the existence at the top of the food chain. But an ant…

At this moment, the image projected by the queen split into thousands of small screens… At the same time, these screens are constantly changing…

People with different skin colors and different countries, but who committed the same unforgivable crime, were arrested on the spot by the Ultron robot guarding them while their faces were full of madness.

“You, you… what are you doing? Don’t do anything to me! Ultron, are you going to tear up the agreement with us?” Some people were terrified.

“You bastard! My father is an eagle. If you dare to kill me, I [my father] will detonate all peace eggs and destroy all mankind without hesitation. Ah…don’t kill me.” Some people were hysterical roar.

“??” There are still people who are afraid, but force themselves to calm down and ask seriously, “Aren’t you really afraid that we will drag human beings on a strange road? Before…you were always afraid of human extinction? Wait a minute, don’t you , Could it be that the guy who frightened you from behind and made you dare not slaughter humans died…”

There are all kinds of beings.

Even many viewers were dumbfounded when they heard those inappropriate words.


“What the hell are they talking about? Wait a minute, let me stroke it, let me stroke it…”

“What kind of magical reality is this? Ultron is actually worried about human extinction?”

“Hahahaha, the dignitaries actually… actually threatened Ultron with the destruction of human beings! What kind of Black humor is this?”

“Before, I always thought that Ultron was the greatest enemy of human beings, but now, I realized how ridiculous I was before…The greatest enemy of human beings is obviously human beings.

You are right!”

In the distance, everyone in the Avengers Alliance looked at this scene, also full of disbelief. They looked at each other and felt that their worldview was broken.

Steve let out a breath, with a tangled expression on his face, finally he gritted his teeth and chose to close his eyes, pretending he didn’t see it.

However, Tony Stark had no way to hide his ears. Because he saw a lot of his acquaintances on the live broadcast channel. No matter how much he upholds justice, he is a big capitalist after all. Except for the Avengers, everyone he knows is of the same class as himself… In other words, they are all capitalists.

These capitalists, in the era of Ultron’s rule, are obviously representatives of not being human. Anti-Ultron like him is a different kind…

Of course, after seeing their 12 crimes, Tony Stark had no intention of begging for mercy for them, but he still felt a little bit sad.

Suddenly, Jarvis’s calm voice sounded, “Sir, Mr. Owl wants to communicate with you.”

Tony Stark quickly escaped from the disappointment, his brows twitched, looked at the son of the eagle who died tragically, he hesitated to speak, if he wanted to beg for mercy for the son of the eagle now, would it be too late?

Although it felt full of slots, Tony Stark nodded after thinking about it, “Come on.

In the next instant, an illusory screen appeared in front of Tony Stark. The gray-haired bald eagle seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant.

“Stark!” Owl said in a low voice, “I hope you will act as my medium to communicate with Mr. Chu.

Tony Stark knew at a glance that the owl must have seen his son’s death. If so, why bother to negotiate?

“Stark!” the owl’s voice became heavier, his eyes became cold, “I hope you can hurry up now! Every bit of your hesitation [symbolizes the death of the backbone of the Emperor’s free world… ….

“And, if that guy doesn’t stop! Perhaps, mankind will be truly destroyed.”

Tony Stark shuddered. He vaguely realized something. He glanced at the owl in disbelief, gritted his teeth, and rushed forward, “Commander of the Salvation Army! Please wait a moment.”

Chu Bai paused, staring at Tony Stark with interest. In order to show his sincerity, Stark let the mask unbuttoned, and he showed his face.

Tony Stark’s popularity in the Marvel world is too high, not just the bald eagle… In Europe, in China, and in other parts of the world, his fame is in full swing

Especially after the identity of Iron Man was exposed, Iron Man’s popularity in the world even surpassed that of the first-class figure of the eagle.

As soon as he appeared at this moment, countless people naturally recognized his true identity.

“This guy… what’s going on? Why did he appear out of nowhere!”

“This guy is also a big capitalist…Grandma, this bastard may be behind those disgusting things! Why didn’t Mr. Jin kill him too?”

“Iron Man should still be good! And Mr. Chu didn’t do anything, so this should be regarded as a kind of proof instead?”

“Is he now trying to speak for those who have committed the most crimes? If this is the case, then this guy is no longer my idol! It’s disgusting.”

“That, let me explain in advance!” Tony Stark held up his hands very sincerely. Although he was rebellious, he still had the most basic force. In front of Ultron’s master, his status and ability , seem so insignificant.

He swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty, “I agree with your actions very much! It’s just…someone wants to borrow, borrow my mouth, and ask you something.”

To this.

“Why do you need to use your mouth to come and ask if you want to ask!” Chu Bai waved his hand lightly, eroding Herrscher’s authority and invading Iron Man’s mecha. Through Sophon, he directly projected the owl’s projection in front of himself…of course, it also projected in front of all the people watching the live broadcast all over the world.

“…What?” Owl obviously didn’t think that he would be directly exposed to the public. After finding out the situation, his eyelids fluttered wildly, and he even subconsciously covered his face

There was a brief silence, and the world was in an uproar.

It’s useless for the owl to cover up like this, countless people have recognized the true identity of this person…

They were a little dazed, and they didn’t know why this guy mysteriously asked Iron Man to chat with Chu Bai at the moment when Ultron was being dealt with.

…… Mr. Chu. “In just a few seconds, thousands of middle forces in the free world died suddenly. The owl finally couldn’t bear it anymore. He put down his hand as if throwing it out, pointed at the camera with a cold face, and said through gritted teeth, “Please Stop now!”

“What if I don’t.” Chu Bai stared at the owl with interest.

“Then, you will see the extinction of human beings.” The owl put a button on the table expressionlessly. He has given up completely…  …

At this moment, all the people around the world who saw this scene fell silent. They stared at the screen dumbfounded, their eyes and mouths slowly opened wide, wondering if they were hallucinating at this moment.

After they confirmed several times, everyone’s emotions exploded at this moment.

“Fuck, Fuck, that stupid dementia! What’s he doing? Is he on duty?”

“??Before I saw that group of people dared to threaten Ultron with the survival of human beings, I felt that this world is already very magical! But I didn’t expect that they would dare to threaten Mr. Chu from another world with the survival of human beings? Really Are you crazy?!”

“Maybe, it could really threaten success… Well, after all, Mr. Chu came to this world to save the world!”

“I actually think that if you offend Mr. Chu, he will definitely not care about the owl. Don’t forget, that gentleman is not from this world! Even if our world has become a wasteland, what does it have to do with him? !”

Fear, panic, unbelievable… Especially those bald eagles, heartbroken, they were actually betrayed by the bald eagles they had chosen. I don’t know how many people have scolded the eighteen generations of the eagle’s ancestors.

“You still dare to kill!” Owl looked at Chu Bai without the slightest intention to stop Ultron, but looked at him with interest and panic, and shouted, “Don’t think I’m joking!”

“You may be strong enough to take the peace egg head-on…but if I throw the peace egg like a bear and a rabbit, then sticking to the system will make all the ammunition of each country go into the air. Thus completely Destroy the world!”

“You came here to save the world… Please be patient for the sake of the overall situation! As for those who have committed crimes, they will naturally be judged by our bald eagle court. We will give you an explanation!”

“…please,” the owl said finally, almost begging. He didn’t even mention that you killed his son, how sincere is he? Why don’t you agree? How dare you not agree?!

“Then press it!” Chu Bai rolled his eyes, still wanting to bully him? What are you thinking?

…… I really want to do it. I really did it!”

The eagle sternly yelled several times, and after realizing that Chu Bai really didn’t care, despair appeared on his face.

The body swayed for a while, and the owl closed its eyes for a while, then said sadly, “You bastard! What kind of savior are you? Ah [you don’t care about the lives of people in our world at all! ”

“Then… let’s die together!!”

The owl laughed wildly, and he hammered heavily on the launch button.

The next moment, all the hidden bases located around the Bald Eagle received the final signal and began to destroy them.

At this moment, the whole world was dead silent.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the owl and the Red button he pressed… They tried to think about many possibilities of world destruction. For example, the destruction of Ultron, or aliens…

But they really never thought that human beings would be extinct by human beings themselves. And it was destroyed in the live broadcast

After reacting, countless people directly broke the defense.


“It must be fake… Owl, as long as it is not crazy, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.”

“It’s hard to say. I had a strong desire to self-destruct when I saw an eagle before! After all, I watched my son die with my own eyes.”

“Ah this…”

“Humanity is destroyed, but for such a ridiculous reason? This kind of thing…

“It’s not ridiculous! It is the group of people in the upper class who really control the destruction of mankind… and this group of people is being massacred by the master with industrialized speed. What are the hysterical and crazy people doing? It’s all normal!”

“So, are we done?!”

Under everyone’s blank stares, Chu Bai calmly took out a droplet from the system warehouse, and said softly, “Queen, lock on the target.

The queen entered the water drop control system logically. Import all the coordinates of the bases that are ready to launch weapons that you have found after unfolding into the collection.

Chu Bai quietly said the last sentence, “Go…solve them.”

As the voice fell, the water droplets pierced through the void at an extremely terrifying speed.

In front of Chu Bai, the Queen instantly projected the scene of thousands of bald eagles and peace eggs preparing to take off… The missile launchers in various parts of the land of the bald eagles opened… In the endless sea, a Another bald eagle big black fish came out of the water…


Just a breath!

The picture froze.

Then, bang, bang, bang…

All the pictures projected by the queen were destroyed.

The liquid weapon, which is as beautiful as a drop of water, is like a steel knife cutting a cake, easily piercing through all the bases, smashing them thoroughly. Nothing can stop him…

Three minutes!

Before those missiles were even launched, the base was completely destroyed and lost the ability to launch missiles.

The big black fish in the vast sea also exploded one by one, slowly sinking into the bottom of the sea.

This is a picture that cannot be described in words.

No matter who it is, seeing this scene, they all feel their scalps go numb and their whole bodies tremble.

It’s almost as desperate as ants possessing wisdom, looking up and witnessing humans pouring molten aluminum water into their nests.

The two sides are not opponents of the same level at all.

Tony Stark slowly opened his mouth, like a fish deprived of oxygen, his throat made a difficult noise, “This… This is…”

On the virtual screen, on the other side of the owl, the crazy smile on his face froze, and his eyes were full of bewilderment.

After a long, long time, he slumped on the chair and murmured, as if talking to himself, and as if he was narrating to someone, “It’s fake…all of them are fake! Illusion 220, it must be this Look, how is it possible in this world… how is it possible.”

“This gentleman!” Chu Bai turned his head to stare at the eagle with a blank face, and spit out the words that nailed him to the rack of human shame, “You are suspected of the crime of destroying humanity, and you will be sentenced to death!”

“Ah Yoyo, is it me again?” Huang Yuan looked at the new coordinates projected on his visual film, and sighed with emotion about his never-to-return fishing life.

However, the emotion is the emotion, but Huang Yuan’s movements are not slow at all. After all, the opponent’s operation made him subconsciously think of the Tianlong people who were deeply hated by most of the navy. He PT


Just the moment after the yellow ape turned into light and disappeared, the background of the owl turned into endless light and heat at this moment.

When the brilliance dissipated, there was nothing at the other end of the video, it was empty, only the land that had been burned into a scorched black, which showed that there was not nothing here before.

Suffocated, dazed, helpless.

“What happened… what?!” someone murmured.

“That person… solved the owl?” Someone faintly realized what happened, but couldn’t understand at all, how could it be so fast, “But, didn’t he just set off for a second?”

“Yeah, that wretched man…cough, tall guy, how did he do it? Falk, that man is back again.”

Seeing the yellow ape who appeared next to Chu Bai once again, the eye sockets of all the audience almost protruded at this moment.

There are many smart people who, looking at the light transformed into the yellow ape, have vaguely guessed the results of the previous detection by Tevis. That is… Could this guy move at the speed of light? Even drive the power of light to destroy the opponent!

After Chu Bai exchanged a few words with Huang Yuan casually, he continued to let Ultron execute the punishment.

There are too many… There are too many human-like stars produced during the reign of Ultron…

Even if he could kill thousands of criminals in one round, Chu Bai’s round of raising the knife still killed more than ten minutes.

Millions of sinners of different nationalities were all wiped out.

For example, in a country like the bald eagle, that is even more outrageous, almost the entire upper layer has been wiped out.

The situation is best in China. It’s not that the people in China are really kind to people. The main reason is that they haven’t been defeated by Ultron yet. So the general order is still maintained…so the dead, um, are actually quite a lot…but it’s not like many countries are emptied directly.

After a short period of excitement and excitement, the crowd fell into a daze. At this moment, the hot spots on various worlds and platforms have changed from the original crazy mass killing to confusion and worry about the future.

Chu Bai looked at the camera again. He communicated with Sophon all the time, and he perfectly grasped the turn of public opinion in the world at the moment.

He hooked his fingers lightly, and an unowned mobile phone in the ruins in the distance jumped into his palm. He instantly unlocked the password with the ability of the Herrscher of Corrosion, entered the Twitter platform, and clicked on it at will. Among the hot comments.

And, he showed those comments to the camera. The last one is impressively…

“Well…I’m not going to speak ill of Mr. Commander! But, but is Mr. Commander, too bloodthirsty?”.

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