Count of Wizards

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Vidal

In Connor’s memory, the Ferguson family also retained this magical item, but that magical item can only be used and preserved by the successive generations of the Ferguson family. Connor only saw his father, the old Ferguson, when he was a child. After using it once, he vaguely remembered their magical item, which looked like a walking stick.

Although I wanted to close the box with the sun badge immediately and put it in his arms, Connor restrained his desire in front of Professor Reyes, and some wanted to rest. Said: “Teacher, this thing is too expensive, I can’t ask for it!”

“Connor, you are my most valued student. I have great expectations for your future. Take this as a congratulatory gift to you after you become an official knight!” He patted Connor on the shoulder. , Reyes said with a smile:

A flash of gratitude flashed across his face, and Connor stood solemnly and bowed deeply to Reyes.

“Thank you, teacher!”

For half an hour, watching Connor, who was carrying the sun badge, walked out of his villa in excitement, and gradually went away. Professor Reyes pondered for a while, before facing the empty house wall, he spoke again inexplicably:

“Do you see Connor Ferguson aware of my plan?” Reyes’s voice did not contain a trace of emotion, as if he was not alone with the amiable Professor Reyes just now.

With the sound of Reyes’s voice, there was a strange wave of water ripples on the wall that Reyes looked at, and then an old man with a somewhat rickety figure and clothes like a housekeeper appeared from the water ripples.

“Master, your plan is proceeding smoothly. Conor Ferguson will become your prey without knowing it. If you feel it is necessary, I will start monitoring Conor Ferguson now!” Some rickety The old butler respectfully said:

Reyes fell into contemplation again. After a while, he shook his head and said: “It is not used now. I just smelled the wizard on Connor. With the Gwendelin badge I gave him, I believe Connor There is nothing wrong with this little guy, Ferguson.”

“Master, you are really generous. The Gwendelin badge still has a lot of energy left. If it is replaced, it can be exchanged for at least a thousand magic stones.” The old butler sighed:

“Emperor Raul once said that you can only catch big fish by putting a long line. Besides, if Conner is a relative of mine, if you want to count it seriously, I will naturally be more generous to him!” Reyes laughed loudly. , But when he said the word “relative”, there was a complex look in his brown pupils.



As time passed, a week passed, and it was the time Connor had agreed with the famous Valverde detective.

In Valverde’s private detective office, Connor is still in his original outfit, with black sunglasses, an elderly windbreaker, and a bowler hat, covering his face tightly.

After taking a deep sip from the pipe and spitting out a big round smoke ring, Valverde, who was comfortable, took out the prepared document bag and put it on the table, and then just like this quietly. Looking at Connor in front of him.

Connor, who was about to bring the information bag over, was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly realized that he shook his head and took out a hardware pound note from his wallet and handed it over.

took the dark green hardware pound that exuded the unique ink aroma of banknotes, Valverde’s old face showed a smile of satisfaction, and then gently pushed, pushing the file bag to Connor.

“This gentleman, I believe that after reading the contents of the kit I gave you, you definitely think these ten gold pounds are worth the money!” Valverde said meaningfully:

raised his eyebrows, Connor did not respond but opened the file bag that Valverde took out.

Looking at everything in the file bag, Connor had to admit that although the famous detective Valverde in front of him seemed a bit greedy for money, his ability was beyond doubt. In the dozen or so pages of investigation report, everything was listed in detail. , During this week, what did Rebecca do, who I met, where to spend the night, etc. It’s just about the color of Rebecca’s daily **, and the fabric. Out.

It took a full hour to read the investigation report. Connor’s face became heavier and heavier. Taking out the character sketch on the last page of the investigation report, Connor pointed to the thin face drawn on the sketch. The triangular-eyed young man asked Valverde: “Is he the disciple Vidal of the cult that you mentioned in the investigation report?”

Valverde nodded solemnly, and UU reading said solemnly: “That’s right, that is Vidal. Although he is only twenty-five years old this year, he is an extremely dangerous figure, third-class in the empire. Wanted criminal! According to the description of the arrest warrant, Vidal is the illegitimate son of a wealthy businessman. Five years ago, when he was 20 years old, he joined the cult and worshipped the spirits. After half a year, he will include His father and brothers and his family members killed all 15 people, and the methods were so cruel and appalling! Since then, he has become a wanted criminal in the empire, and the news has never been known.”

closed his eyes, Connor rubbed the Qingming acupoint on the bridge of his nose, he was really in a bad mood now.

Although he had been somewhat prepared, he still did not expect that Rebecca was actually related to the cult worshipping spirits. In the investigation report Valverde gave him, it was shown that this extremely dangerous Mr. Vidal seemed to be related to Rebecca. It was a romantic relationship. They had secretly met late at night several times within a week. This was clearly noted in the detective report. Before the tryst with Vidal, Rebecca used to buy contraceptives in the pharmacy.

Although Connor didn’t know who this Vidal was before, Connor still knew exactly what kind of terrorist organization was.

Spirit worship is one of the cults that the Kaman Empire has made every effort to eliminate. When a member of the cult is found, one will be killed. The teaching of Spirit worship is that death is not the end of life, but the death of the body, only the soul. It is the one who will never change forever! Not only that, the most important point is that in Connor’s memory, the spiritual worshippers who believe in the soul are extremely good at curses and other sorceries!

Baked snails with cheese, Rebecca saw her own reaction, and the cursing spiritual worshipers…all the clues added together, I believe that as long as they have a basic IQ, they will never think that this is a mere coincidence.

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