Count of Wizards

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Magic item

After a few more respectful greetings with Professor Reyes, Connor’s eyes turned slightly before he tactfully cut into his main topic.

“Teacher, since I was promoted to the strength of an official knight, I feel that my physique is increasing very slowly now…”

“Oh?” Hearing Connor’s question, Professor Reyes looked up and down Connor with some confusion. It took him a long time to stand up and say, “Come in the garden!”

Under the bright sunshine, in the garden of the villa, Reyes and Connor were standing opposite each other. At this time, Reyes had replaced the white robe that made him look personable, and put on the capable knight costume.

took out two unsharp cross swords, Reyes threw one of them to Connor.

“Come on, Connor, let me see, what kind of performance you will have in actual combat with the strength of an official knight!”

Holding the cross sword steadily from mid-air, Connor beautifully danced out a cold sword flower. He was not polite to Professor Reyes. After saying “offended”, he immediately With a cross sword in hand, step on a smart pace to take the lead!

“Swipe!” Connor who attacked showed a few fake moves. After bewildering the opponent, the unopened tip of the cross sword immediately rushed into Reyes’ throat.

Reyes kept a smile on his face, but simply lifted the cross sword in his hand to steadily block Connor’s fierce attack.

“The trick is a little better than before, but it’s still not good enough!” Professor Reyes said lightly with a smile at Connor. After speaking, he ignored whether Connor had heard clearly, and directly exerted his force with a flick of his wrist. All of a sudden, Connor who was attacking was stunned.

His heart sank, and Connor, who was shaken by a huge force, focused his attention on Reyes, holding a long sword to be wary of attacks from his teacher at any time.

Connor did not wait long. The cross sword in Professor Reyes’s hand, under the warm sunlight, quickly bit Connor’s right wrist like a silver snake.

Facing such an offense, Connor has only one way left at this time, which is to abandon the offense, switch to defense, and then be eaten away by his teacher step by step.

“Chip, look for the best way to crack Reyes’ offense now!” Connor, who didn’t want to just give up, shouted sharply in his heart:

“Dip! The best way to follow the subject’s will. The best way in the current form is to make the first three moves to attack and replace the injury. With the strength of the subject, there is probably a 51% success rate. Withdraw the block, the success rate is about 39%!”

As soon as I heard that the success rate of the first method was more than half, Connor did not hesitate, and calmly followed the advice given to him by the chip. He didn’t even glance at the cross sword that was about to hit his right wrist, and immediately took three steps forward. , The cross sword pierced Professor Reyes’s heart.

Seeing Connor resolutely wanting to “replace injury for injury” with himself, Reyes’s eyes were not irritated, but full of admiration. Connor’s offense was very clever, and the timing was just right when the old force was too old. In the eyes of Xinli’s unborn bones, if he is not a great knight now, but is the strength of a formal knight like Connor, facing this attack, I am afraid that he will directly hate on the spot, that is, he is now a great knight, it seems The only thing I can do is to give up and hit Connor’s wrist, and then go to block Connor’s offense.

In that case, Reyes will probably fall into a disadvantage in the next three or four moves due to an inadvertent reason.

Seeing Connor’s cross sword piercing his heart, Reyes reduced the faint smile on his face and began to become serious. With a low drink, the cross sword, like a silver snake, suddenly drew a beautiful cross in mid-air. The line was drawn, weirdly blocking the point of the sword that Connor stabbed.


The two iron swords collided in the air, making a crisp sound.

With the sound of the sound, Connor Ferguson collapsed at the touch and took a few steps before reluctantly to gain a foothold on the soft soil in the garden.

With a wry smile on his face, Connor bowed slightly and offered the cross sword with both hands at Reyes. He knew that with the blow just now, Professor Reyes must have recovered his strength in the end, otherwise he would never be safe and unscathed now. Standing here, but about to vomit blood, collapsed to the ground.

After Connor presented the cross sword and received it, Professor Reyes said faintly: “I have to say that the progress of your strength has been beyond my expectation. After becoming an official knight, your physical fitness has not been strengthened. It is so obvious during the pre-knight period, this is normal, so there is nothing to worry about!”

Straighten up, Connor pretended to hesitate for a moment, and then whispered: “Teacher, I know that knight training is a gradual thing, but now I have an urgent need to improve my strength…”

Hearing Connor’s words, UU reading www. Professor Reyes frowned slightly, and then said after a long while, “Is in trouble?”

Without speaking, Connor nodded softly.

Seeing Connor confessed, Professor Reyes walked in the garden and thought about it, returned to the house, and when he returned to the garden, he had a small box in his hand.

Gently brushed the dust off the small box, Reyes handed the small box to Connor.

“open to take a look!”

Although I don’t know what’s in such a small box, Connor still followed his teacher’s instructions.

gently opened the box, and Connor saw a golden badge with a sun pattern lying quietly in the box.

“This is a magical item that I obtained when I was young. I called it a sun badge. I carried it on my body. When I was attacked, it would automatically help you resist. Regrettably, the energy inside seemed to Not much, you can use it four or five times!” Pointing to the badge in the box, Professor Reyes introduced with a smile. In his smile, Connor could vaguely feel the taste of nostalgia.

“Magic Item?” Professor Reyes’ introduction of the badge immediately made Connor’s heart ecstatic.

As a nobleman, he naturally knows what the four words “magic items” represent. These are things with mysterious powers. There are countless legends about these things. For example, there was a rumor that an ordinary pregnant woman once held it. A magical item that looked like a bow and arrow killed a great knight. Although these rumors are true and false, everyone must admit that there are magical items in this world, and the existence of magical items is also evidence by some people that powerful wizards do exist. A strong evidence of

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