Count of Wizards

Chapter 40

Chapter 39 The Guacetino Incident (Part 2)

“Parasite!” When it comes to these clergy, wealthy businessmen and nobles will spit out such a word!

Thirty-six members of the upper and lower houses accounted for more than 90% of the members of the upper and lower houses of Ruen. Their secret joint letter to the church headquarters seems to be because of the “Guacetino incident!” In fact, the “Guacetino incident” was just a fuse.

These nobles, what the wealthy businessmen really want to resist is that the Church of the Storm is making an increasing donation to their traditional sphere of influence! Wealthy businessmen in Ruen once hired an accountant to calculate that a factory in Ruen with an annual sales of 50,000 gold pounds can fall into the pockets of capitalists every year after eliminating the costs of workers’ salaries, raw material costs, and imperial taxes. The gold pound for the prince is about 15,000, and in the last 15,000, the Storm Church will ask them to donate the 5,000 gold list!

If you do nothing, you have to take one third of the pure profit from your pocket. There is no doubt that the wealthy businessmen and nobles of Luen, who hate the Storm Church, are itching to eat the Bishop Kang of the Luen Storm Church. The flesh of Constantine, and the blood of Constantine!

This time Constantine did so out of place with Guachetino, breaking the balance between the church and the ruling class. How could the nobles and wealthy businessmen let go of such an opportunity? Connor even felt that he had reason to believe that the so-called “Guacetino Incident” might be a game, a game that got rid of Constantine!

“Although in order to avoid uncontrollable things, the members of the upper and lower houses did not submit the letter publicly, but chose to submit the letter secretly, but the upper level of the Storm Church still attaches great importance to this matter. They sent a person named Elena The cardinal of, came to Ruen to investigate this matter, and Miss Margaret was the assistant pastor of the cardinal of Jelena!”

“Connor, you know, my father has long supported several members of the House of Commons, so last month Cardinal Jelena visited my father in person, and at that time, I met Miss Margaret. !” George told Connor everything he knew.

Connor nodded slowly, but he began to ponder inwardly. He knew clearly that all that George could know in such detail was entirely because he was the first heir of his father, Mr. Harvey, and his father Harvey Sir, it is very likely that this is the main driving force behind the joint letter of the two houses.

To become a member of the House of Lords, the prerequisite is to become a nobleman, and to become a member of the House of Commons, you need “two votes”-banknotes! vote! These two votes are indispensable. George said that his father is a supporter of several members of the House of Commons. This is very euphemistic. In fact, Mr. Harvey is the sponsor of the members he supports! And those congressmen are actually the tools for Mr. Harvey to achieve his goals!

The cardinal is the existence of the Storm Church second only to the Pope, and is the absolute high-level of the Storm Church. Obviously, the cardinal of the Storm Church named Jelena skipped those “tools” and directly found the messenger behind to negotiate. Up!

Thinking of this, Connor felt relieved. When he heard that Margaret was the pastor of the Storm Church, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom. He remembered his mentor, Professor Reyes, once told himself, Storm The church believes that all wizards other than itself, the Earth Church, and the official wizards of the empire are all dark wizards, and all dark wizards must be eliminated!

So Connor was worried that the reason why Margaret came to herself was because she found out that she was a wizard. Now it seems that Margaret and her cardinal Elena should focus on “Guaccetti In the “Nuo Incident”, you should not distract your energy on a little shrimp like yourself at such an important time!



“Pastor Margaret, did you go to Connor Ferguson at Harvey Sanchez’s birthday party?” In a room in the magnificent Storm Church in the center of Ruen, a thin, high-aged man with a gloomy face , Is sternly asking the peerless beauty in front of her.

If Connor were also standing in this room at this time, he would be surprised at the gloomy face of the middle-aged man who showed his kind smile in front of the people of Ruen City at this time. This thin, middle-aged man, not someone else, is one of the protagonists of the “Guachetino Incident”, the Bishop of the Storm Church in Ruen, Constantine!

“I went to see him, what’s the matter?” After stroking her hair scattered between her forehead, Miss Margaret replied noncommitantly:

“Pastor Margaret, please remember the purpose of your coming to Luen. You have to focus on solving the immediate issues. The relationship between our Storm Church and the wealthy noble merchants is already very tense, let alone that we don’t have Connor. Ferguson is the conclusive evidence that the dark wizard and the worshipper Vidal are related to the death of Vidal, that is, we have! The things before us are a hundred times more important than Connor Ferguson! Do you understand? Pastor Margaret ?” Constantine snarled frantically at Marguerite like a hair dryer.

A disdainful smile appeared on his delicate face, UU reading www. Pastor Margaret said slowly: “It turns out that Bishop Constantine also knows that the relationship between the church and the wealthy noble merchants is already very tense?”

“Margaret! You… impudent!” Constantine shouted angrily: “Margaret, you are just a priest! And I am the bishop of the church, the bishop!”

The disdainful smile on Marguerite’s face was even stronger, but just as she was about to open her lips and sneer, a faint cry from a young woman suddenly came from the room. Although the voice was not loud, it resounded clearly through Marguerite In the ears of Lit and Constantine:

“Shut up! Right now is the eventful season for the church. Both of you are church elites, and you should be united sincerely!”

“Things have eased, Margaret, you have to focus on negotiating with rich and noble merchants, and you, Constantine, don’t forget that you are a sinner, and the church trial office will judge you at any time!”

Hearing this female voice, both Constantine and Margaret looked awe in their eyes. They looked at each other, and immediately said in unison at the same time: “Follow your will, Lord Elena!”

“Bishop Constantine, as you wish, I will temporarily lay down the collection of evidence that Connor Ferguson is a dark wizard, and focus on negotiating with Harvey Sanchez and other messengers behind the incident. I hope you will soon Give me the information of the main messenger behind those people!” Margaret said calmly:

seemed to know Margaret’s abilities and got her promise, and finally a lightness appeared on Constantine’s gloomy face.

“Connor Ferguson, let you go for the time being, and enjoy your last time as a dark wizard!” When Constantine left and only herself in the room, Margaret squeezed her powder fist and murmured in a low voice. Road:

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