Count of Wizards

Chapter 39

Chapter 38 The Guacetino Incident (Part 1)

“I am a pastor of the Storm Church, praise the goddess!” Margaret raised her head slightly, took a look at Connor, and whispered:

“Storm Church?” Connor was immediately surprised when he heard Margaret say his identity, but he still said immediately: “Praise the beautiful god, may the goddess be with me!”

The Church of the Storm and the Church of the Earth are the two orthodox religions of the Kaman Empire. Except for these two, any religious organization is a cult in Kaman. In the Kaman Empire, the ruling classes of the Kaman Empire represented by the royal family, capitalists, and the church are in a state of mutual dependence and mutual support. You have me in you and you in me.

The church needs to abide by the imperial religious law and must not interfere in the imperial internal affairs. At the same time, the imperial constitution stipulates that the church not only enjoys the privileges of tax exemption and independent armed forces, but also the change of power of the church is entirely determined by the church, and the imperial administration shall not put one’s oar in.

Among the two major churches, the Storm Church appears to be more powerful in all respects compared to the relatively moderate doctrine of the Church of the Earth. On the west coast of the empire, in the traditional sphere of influence of the Church of Storms, even the empire administration in various places would be influenced by them.

Connor remembers George telling him that just two months ago, Guacetino, a famous textile merchant in Ruen, opened a banquet of the Bishop Constantine of the Storm Church in Ruen because of him at a certain banquet. Just kidding, hundreds of workers in his three factories were called by the Storm Church to strike! At first, the textile merchant Guacetino was a hard bone, and he kept holding up without bowing his head. However, the strike lasted for a full week, causing the textile factory of Guacetino to lose a full 10,000 gold pounds.

Guacetino couldn’t support it anymore. He wanted to ask someone to talk to Constantine, but Constantine didn’t even kill Guacetino all at once. Guacetino had no choice but to get naked. The clothes were in front of the church door of Ruen Storm Church, and I knelt for a night before reluctantly meeting Constantine. As for the final result, Guachetino kissed Constantine in front of all his workers. He also publicly donated 10,000 gold pounds to the Storm Church, and the strike at his factory was quelled.

Although this incident ended with the church’s complete victory and slapped the capitalists in the face, it severely intensified the contradiction between the ruling class and the church represented by local capitalists and aristocrats in Loen. George quietly told Kang Na, the House of Commons in Ruen is secretly co-signing a letter to the headquarters of the Storm Church in Bernabéu, the capital of the imperial capital, requesting to replace Constantine’s bishop, and to replace the Storm Church in Ruen with a new bishop!

“Mr. Connor, are you also a believer in the goddess?” Connor just said casually for the occasion, but Margaret seemed to be serious and looked at Connor in surprise.

“I…” Just when Connor was a little hesitating, trying to organize the language and explain all this, the dance music played by the band in the banquet hall slowly fell. A handsome young man, He jumped to Connor’s side, looked at Connor, looked at Margaret and said with a smile: “Connor did you know Miss Margaret?”

“Master George, Mr. Connor and I just met!” Margaret explained to George with a smile, and then immediately said to Connor, “I am very happy to be able to dance with a gentleman like Mr. Connor! “After that, Margaret took a deep look at Connor and left.

“Do you know Connor? You are great! Originally I wanted to introduce Margaret to you, but I didn’t expect you to surprise me!” Sitting in the dimly lit corner of the banquet hall On the sofa inside, George hammered Connor’s shoulder, winked and said:

Facing George’s ridicule, Connor had no intention of this. He barely squeezed a happy smile on his face. After thinking for a while, he picked up an orange from the table in front of him and pretended to be careless while peeling the orange. Asked: “George, since this Margaret appeared at your father’s birthday party, what is her origin, you should also know?”

Hearing Connor asking this question, George stretched out his finger and pointed at Connor, with a meaningful smile on his face. “You know Connor is the most bothersome. Your careful Rebecca just disappeared. Do you want to empathize?”

Connor’s action of peeling the oranges gave him a bit of a daze, and his heart immediately became dumbfounded. George’s brain circuit can always think of men and women, but it’s good to think of George this way. Save yourself to make up stories. To deceive him, Connor did not explain much, UU reading www. stuffed the peeled oranges into the mouth, and Connor muttered: “Quickly tell me, what is the origin of that angel…”

George cautiously scanned the surroundings and found that no one was paying attention to him and Connor. Then he lowered his throat and whispered, “Remember what I told you: “Remember what I told you about Guachetino? ? ”

Connor nodded, how could he forget this kind of thing.

“Half a month ago, the 17 nobles in the House of Lords headed by Marquis Harry, and the 19 members of the House of Commons headed by Mr. Dale, a total of 36 people, secretly jointly initiated a proposal to the headquarters of the Storm Church to recommend the Storm Church. The dismissal of Constantine, if the Storm Church adopts their suggestion, they will donate 100,000 gold pounds to the Storm Church in the name of the two houses of the city of Luen. If the Storm Church’s answer is no, then thirty-six members All the industries under the congressmen will stop donating to the Storm Church indefinitely!” George tried his best to maintain the calm in his voice, but Connor could still feel the excitement in his voice.

In the current era, the most important reason why the church is able to fight against the ruling class of the empire is that the majority of the lower class people trust them. Compared with the king who rules them, the people are more willing to believe in the gods they believe in. . However, it is very regrettable that more than 90% of the sacred incarnations in the hearts of the people, the clergy who walked in the world following the will of the goddess of the storm, are seemingly pitiful, and secretly acting as male thieves and female prostitutes.

The donations made by the nobles and capitalists to the Storm Church are actually a protection fee to protect their factories and the estate will not go on strike! And as the lives of the clergy have become more extravagant in recent years, the “donations” they demand from capitalists and nobles are more and more frequent each time!

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