Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1427

    “As long as Fiesder’s crisis is not over, sooner or later, I will have to meet each other on this occasion. As long as the association is concerned about this level of things, I will definitely know my existence.”

    “So it doesn’t matter whether I declare it or not. “

    Looking out the window, I thought about this before entering the building,

    but what Fang Ran didn’t say was that what really made him let go of his worries

    was the one revealed in Kolossos’ words, even the arcane zero rider. It doesn’t matter if the A-level superiors act at will, and there is no such simple attitude towards association.

    “Anyway, don’t worry. From the people you meet, the big guys in the association don’t seem to pay attention to

    these’little things’ in the mall at all,” thinking about Trinity and Kolosos’s nothing to do. Attitude, Fang Ran looked at Adeline and dispelled her worried smile:

    “Even if the association knows it, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s not the dead line or the first pillar.”

    Moreover, that kind of top boss should be right now. Busy with other things…

    Although I didn’t delve into that side, on the night of the lakeside factory, the human experiment of the faceless humanoid, the arrival of human beings in unnumbered reality, and the appearance of Clotide,

    were surging in the dark. It’s definitely not a trivial matter.

    And hearing Fang Ran’s words, Adeline’s cold and snowy face cast a pair of eyes calmly,

    “I’m not worried about the dead line or the first pillar in your mouth. I just think you don’t recognize the identity of the CEO very much, Master. I’m not willing to show up in public with this.”

    Wei Wei was taken aback, the right status granted out of thin air may be a bit of lack of self-identification. The moment I walked out of the elevator, I really wanted to use the [phantom card] as a disguise,

    but that     Suddenly , the figure of the night crow flashed in my mind. It

    was his disguise, his escape, his

lack of courage… and then suddenly gave up this plan, letting a high-profile entrance with a high mood, for Adeline like this statement,

    Fang Ran just smiled softly without answering.

    “Master, you look good mood.”

    Confirmed the consortium poaching face the future, also held to deal with one’s own method such gatherings, bright luxurious presidential suite,

    Adeline watching young look in the Qing Yang out loud,

    then There was no obvious expression on Xue Bai’s face, and she asked with a serious voice,

    “Did you encounter something happy while getting along with the three female participants, or did it burst out when you were acting with one of them? What kind of breakthrough relationship?”

    “Sure enough, Master, do you still feel happier with those women than with me?”

    Just because I finished dealing with the situation tonight, I suddenly heard Adeline’s calm questioning. Sanlian, especially the last sentence, felt a certain kind of sadness,

    and Fang Ran , who was really happy, waved her hand quickly,

    “No! No, I was because it was rare to be like an ordinary participant, and I experienced what the’basic level’ of the night warfare world was. So, I and them are normal…”

    Then halfway through the argument, Fang Ran suddenly reacted…

    !!!Σ(?Д?!) No, why should I explain to you! !

    This is almost as if I came back from a trip with the other sex, facing my girlfriend and quickly clarifying why it happened to me,

    looking at Adeline’s cold face with no usual expressions, the corners of her mouth twitched silently. .

    “What are you doing to care about these?”

    “As your assistant, I have an obligation to understand your interpersonal relationship, young master,” the

    words did not fluctuate, and Adeline spoke openly and calmly:

    “At the same time beware of other unreserved women. The third person stepped in and got in front of me to have a physical relationship with you, Master.”

    The third party stepped in!

    And you give me a little bit of restraint!

    I don’t know how many times I thought that Adeline’s character really blinded her cold and sexy face. After a day and a half, I felt the headache when I was with her again.

    Suddenly I realized that compared to her, it seemed that It is indeed easier to spend time with Serica and others…

    “By the way, Master, did the contract investigation go smoothly on your side?”

    Without the consciousness of what he said, Eddy was on the exquisite and spacious sofa in the presidential suite. Lynn dignified sitting back to topic,

    “ah … it went off smoothly, in Houston found insiders, found the man stole contract from Calgary,”

    “then determine the contract here now.”

    knead Holding the temple on one side, relieving the headache and the rational pressure of being constantly tested, and briefly explained the progress of the investigation to her casually,

    Fang Ran raised his head to tell Adeline about the contractual response.

    “But the clue about the person who stole the contract is broken. We plan to try to start from the future consortium. Selika and the others have already started investigating tonight.” Winning the

    members, the contract was stolen, and the

    agreement was signed to resolve the raw material crisis. Both methods are clear, listening to Fang Ran’s indifferent tone, Adeline watched him quietly.

    “Master, you seem to be very sure.”


    Uh …are you…” Fang Ran replied, scratching his cheeks, pretending to be stupid, then cleared his throat and coughed twice and said with a serious face:

    “Anyway Don’t worry about the contract. The top priority is to ensure that the agreement members are not taken away tomorrow night.”

    “Okay, I see, I will now let people prepare for tomorrow night’s meeting.”

    Nodding calmly, Adeline Seeing Fang Ran’s light question:

    “Master, what else do you need?” After

    arranging the things to be handled, I relaxed and thought for a while, then suddenly remembered the

    ugly cup of coffee at the airport during the day, and looked at Adeline. He sighed and smiled:

    “Then make me a cup of coffee.”

    “Okay, please wait.”

    Watching Adeline take out her phone and press it twice, almost immediately a female in the logistics team knocked on the door and mentioned It was brought in with a black box,

    hand-flushing pot, filter cup filter paper, fixed-temperature kettle, grinder and powder sifter, glass bottle with coffee beans, and a complete set of tea sets.

    Hand-made coffee is a highly skilled type. Minor changes such as powder-to-water ratio, grinding degree and brewing time will affect the final taste,

    but Adeline is obviously proficient in this, and her amazing figure smoothly completes each process, which is even more elegant like a painting. Same.



    ‘ve been waiting, Master.” “Ah…thank you.” Seeing Adeline quickly put a cup of coffee in front of her, she was caught off guard and thanked her as she sat down directly next to her,

    and then picked up the coffee. After a complicated process of tasting the expensive and luxurious coffee beans, the mellow and thick aroma is turned into an unforgettable and delicious drink for laymen like him. The

    liquid is at the right temperature, and there is a strange and familiar taste in the mouth. spread.

    With a satisfying sound, he slapped the aftertaste of the first bite, and suddenly found that Adeline beside him had been looking at herself strangely,

    “Master, do you not have any special feeling?”

    “What special feeling, you again Did you add something to it?”

    She rolled her eyes speechlessly at this, making sure that she didn’t take out any strange bottle just now, and then took another sip while holding up the teacup.

    Then Adeline looked at him safe and sound while drinking coffee, and answered with a calm expression:

    “The powder on the black market website that can make people burst into clothes.”


    щ(?Д?*щ) Did you buy that thing together?

    I said why this coffee feels a bit of braised pork ribs!

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