Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Chapter 1426

 Followed by the momentum that suppressed the audience and left, until he walked out of the elevator,

    the surprise in Andre’s heart did not dissipate.

    Just think back to Black youth directly overawed by the other side that kind of aura, even he can not face the feelings that so powerful is not entirely imaginary figure from such a young age,

    this is what the participants …

    scared Ran solemnly, although it was the faction that resisted the participants, Andre had to admit that seeing the other party at the moment when

    he was forced to go nowhere, he really felt like seeing a savior from his heart.

    “Executive Officer, thank you for being here tonight, for avoiding certain developments that made the situation worse. I am extremely grateful for that.”

    “Those two, I will go one step ahead.”

    Listening to Andre’s words change a bit more polite, nod at him to leave,

    continue to follow suit and silver-haired beauty, and then looked at the side not seen more than a day of Adeline, a lot of things to ask before she first looked at the front,

    ” By the way, I remember that the hotel door is not in this direction.”

    “In order to protect you from the harassment of those reporters, we take the hidden VIP passage,”

    and to his question, Adeline answered in a cold voice, and walked quickly in front of the bodyguard. When people opened the door, she heard her words of arranging everything as always.

    “Do not worry, sir, the car is ready.”

    Looked outside the standard of practice of Rolls-Royce, thought the car during the day looking for a place to play hard, feeling a sense of reality back for a second this top class,

    square Then followed Adeline into the car in the screen of the bodyguard pulling the car door.

    Rolls-Royce’s dark and shiny body flew past the bustling night of Calgary, and did not spend much time on the road. It

    came to another five-star hotel that is more inclined to the niche and rich than wealthy tourists. It is located outside the city center. ,

    Fang Ran glanced at the luxurious presidential suite in front of him,

    um, 73 points, not bad… After

    coming to North America, he has lived in various places, and he made a comment in his heart, bulging like a pufferfish.

    “I’m sorry, Master, there is no real estate here in Fiesld’s name, so I can only arrange this kind of temporary residence for you.” It is

    obviously a presidential suite. Why do you say it is like a cheap hotel…

    Fang Pufferfish swelled and was speechless for a second. Then she walked to the sofa in the center of the 100-square-meter living room and asked casually:

    “It’s really strange, and there are places where you don’t buy real estate, why?”

    “The main reason is that it is because The added value of geography and climate, after all, Calgary is not like Toronto or Vancouver facing the lake or the sea, and there are no famous landscapes around.”

    “As an inland city, even if the warm current returns in winter, it is still too cold,”

    he also followed him. Walking to the bright and huge living room, Adeline said the reason in a cold and calm voice.

    “If the latitude is the same, we have a castle under the name of Europe.” The


    khan silently for a second, this is not known as the name of real estate,

    Fang Ran heaved to sit down on the central sofa and lifted his face. Turning back to the topic:

    “So, why are you also in Calgary?” A

    stunning cold snow-white face under the silver hair, a formal dress with exquisite beauty and noble beauty, the black silky legs under the skirt and the fragrance of perfume reveal sensuality,

    Ed. Lin sat in front of Fang Ran and looked at him calmly and asked,

    “Master, don’t you know?”

    ” Do you know what?”

    She missed the smell of perfume on her body, and she was puzzled with a constant expression on her face.

    “Calgary is the second largest energy center in North America, and it is also the headquarters of Star Power Company, an energy company under the Future Consortium.”

    Wait, I’ve heard of the latter part for the first time!

    Seeing the unexpected look on Fang Ran’s face, Adeline continued to calmly explain:

    “Not only that, Xuelong , Huangke , China Petrochemical…Many energy companies have branches here, of course, this also includes Eisencke Former.”

    Originally, I was wondering why the stolen contract was in Calgary. It turned out that the other party’s energy group was headquartered here.

    “So in the future, will the talents of the consortium hold a business party here…”

    Hearing such information, Fang Ran rubbed his forehead and breathed out slowly, then looked at her again and asked about the crisis that had not been clearly stated on the phone before.

    “What’s the specific situation now?”

    “Mephiste, the president of the Star Power Group under the Future Consortium, invited people from all walks of life in the energy field, including all the agreement members in North America and Europe.”

    “The other party should be planning by what means, in tonight to win over those energy companies signed an agreement to let them give up. “

    this is it …

    because this will be manufactured as a negative opinion of the United States Essen Kefu it in public …

    from the agreement will be held There are only two days left. When the contract is lost, the other party is still unwilling to stop the headache.

    The crisis in the energy sector is a crisis of raw materials. To eradicate the problem of raw material transportation, it is a necessary condition to promote the “North Atlantic Energy Agreement.”

    Thinking about how to deal with this situation, Fang Ran turned to Adeline and asked:

    “How many companies are involved in the signing of the agreement?”

    “Including Royal Shell Group, Total, British Petroleum, North American There are a total of six energy companies including Xuelong Petroleum, NE, and Esenco Former.”

    Listening to Adeline’s cold and calm answer, I don’t know that several other names are also famous super giants in the energy field.

    Fang Ran just has no choice but to have five corners to guard against…

    “Considering the secret of associations Support, the other party should use some bargaining chips in the night battle to win over those energy companies,”

    “For example, let participants with a certain ability to help solve problems.”

    In the commission of the tavern, I heard about the ability to solve the bridge construction project. How much cost can be saved in a difficult problem, but in response to Adeline’s judgment,

    Fang Ran raised her eyebrows a little strangely:

    “Don’t you need to consider the normal commercial interests in reality?”

    “The night battle factor is excluded, “In

    response to his doubts, Adeline spoke calmly as if narrating the facts:

    “Fisteld has no rivals in business.”

    ( ̄- ̄;No, can you not be so bloated…

    It is not for her anymore.” Self-confidence is not self-confidence, but an answer that takes it as a fact. Fang Ran was silent for a second, and

    began to wonder if it is really good for him to help such a dominant overlord…

    “So, what do we do now, Master? “

    the bright open living room presidential Suite, on the large sofa flat, silver-haired beauty cold eyes looked calmly around the youth asked,

    ” can not let the other side do it, since they want to go to win over members of the agreement, as long as the people that we draw Just come back,” after listening to Adeline’s inquiry, confirming this response method, showing a completely different attitude from when the contract was stolen,

    Fang Ran slowly exhaled and watched Adeline’s voice raise:

    “Invite those agreements. Members, we are also preparing a business party tomorrow night.”

    “Is it okay? Although it will not be reported to the general public by the media, but to formally attend this kind of occasion means to announce that you are the chief executive officer of Fiesel.”

    Then I heard Adeline asked softly. , Fang Ran lightly raised the look of the venue just now.

    “It’s ok.”

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