Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 107:

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Gong Haeyeon shook her head nervously, her anxiety evident. “I’m already nervous just thinking about talking to Guild Master Yu Su-eun.”

“I’ll go.”

Seora’s sudden declaration caught her off guard, and she turned her head abruptly.

“What? No, it’s fine. you’ll be entering the Labyrinth soon anyway. And I know today’s work isn’t exactly exciting for you. You should rest until then.”

Gong Haeyeon grumbled discontentedly, reaching out to grab Seora’s face and examining it closely. She started rambling, Did anything happen in the Japan Dungeon? Why did you lose weight? Are you eating well? I should buy you food, and so on.

Seriously, when was the last time Seora joked about finishing her work early?

“It’s okay, really. We’re just going to talk. I’ll be back after lunch. Oh, and I moved.”

“Moved? Where did you go?”

“Hehe. I’ll invite you to a housewarming party when I come back from the Labyrinth, so look forward to it.”

“Wow, that’s great! If you’re saying that, you must have found an amazing place. By the way, you made a lot of money, right? Where did you go? Tell me!” Gong Haeyeon poked Seora’s side, but Seora remained silent. She hadn’t wanted to spoil the surprise by revealing it beforehand. Seora wanted to show off her new house properly.


“It looks just the same as before.”

The headquarters of the Guardian Spirit Guild, which Seora hadn’t visited in a while, was as impressive as ever. Situated in the heart of Cheongdam province, the guild’s building stood out with its imposing presence. It was ridiculously tall and incredibly eye-catching, making even major corporations envious.

However, the sudden appearance of Headbang, who had been making headlines and dominating the internet for the past few days, seemed particularly unusual, even for this prestigious guild.

Upon hearing the news of the hotshot’s arrival, Vice Master Park Gyeongdo hastily made his way to the first floor to greet him.

“H-Headbang? Y-you’re Headbang, right? It’s truly an honor to meet you! I’m Park Gyeongdo, the vice master of Guardian Spirit!”

“…” No need to bow so low that your head touches the ground. It’s rather burdensome, actually.

“But, um, what brings you to our Guardian Spirit Guild… Ahem! D-do you perhaps wish to join the guild!?”

“I’m here as Yun Seora, an official from the association, not as Headbang.”

“Ah… Oh, I see…”

When Seora shook the identification card hanging around her neck, Park Gyeongdo openly displayed his disappointment. As expected of Guardian Spirit. It seemed that ambition ran not only in Yu Su-eun’s veins but in the vice master’s as well.

“You’ve come because of the incident with the Flower Abundant Guild, right?”

The Flower Abundant Guild. That was the very place where issues had arisen involving Guardian Spirit.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Please follow me. The guild master is waiting for you.”

Park Gyeongdo treated Seora with consistent politeness and a humble demeanor. Back when she was in the F-class, he used to behave oppressively, but now that her rank had changed, his attitude had also transformed. The darn superiority complex based on rank. It’s truly disheartening.

“What the heck!? It’s really Headbang! Y-y-y-y-you! Why are you here!?”

As they entered the guild master’s office, Yu Su-eun, who appeared to be on edge as if she had been informed in advance, jumped up. Seora smiled and casually shook her identification card.

“Well, I’m also affiliated with the association. As a civil servant, I have my responsibilities.”

“Vacation! Weren’t you on vacation!?”

“I returned today. I have a few days before I leave again, and which office worker can freely rest? I have work to do until then.”

Hahaha. It’s amusing to see Yu Su-eun, famous for her bad temper, looking irritated. Seora’s broad smile seemed to make Yu Su-eun’s body tremble. She really resembled a Chihuahua.

“But isn’t it unfair for you to come in person, no matter what!? Huh? Why do you have such a daunting expression?”

“I haven’t done anything yet. I haven’t even sat down.”

“Sit! Sit! Sit down quickly!”

“Oh, please bring me a cold coffee.”

Seora not only comfortably settled onto the sofa but also confidently placed her drink order. As Yu Su-eun signaled to Park Gyeongdo, he hurriedly brought the coffee and left the room.

“Ugh, I had everything prepared to say, but I forgot because of you.”

“I came here solely for work. Shall we begin with the detailed discussion?”

After hesitating for a while, Yu Su-eun let out a deep sigh. She seemed to mutter something like, “Ah, I can’t handle this. What am I supposed to do? Blah blah blah.” But Seora pretended not to hear.

“…It’s true that the Healer on our side made a mistake. I do take good care of my subordinates, and I don’t throw them into danger without warning or cancel contracts randomly. We only recruit individuals who have undergone rigorous training and passed. It’s different from Suwon-cchi’s Clear Blue!”

“Dispatching is the main source of income for Guardian Spirit, so trust is crucial. That’s why I found it a bit suspicious as well.”

Yu Su-eun had an authoritative demeanor, and despite openly discussing finances, trust was the foundation of it all. Even if Guardian Spirit had a monopoly on Healers and Mages, without trust, no one would willingly take on the risks and work with them.

Guardian Spirit always upheld its contracts. That was the core principle.

“A B-class Healer. He has remarkable talent and can even restore an amputated arm. Although he joined us recently, he is skilled enough to handle dispatches on his own.”

Yu Su-eun handed over a document containing information about the Healer in question.

His name was Kim Yuhyeon. He awakened as a B-class Healer a year ago and immediately joined Guardian Spirit. With his wide-area healing and defensive abilities, he had the potential to aim for an A-class with steady growth. So, why did he behave so recklessly?

“But then he disappeared and went into hiding.”

“… Excuse me?”

“That son of a bitch! He splashed shit on us and then vanished, pretending he knew nothing! How am I supposed to deal with this? If we can’t even locate him, our reputation will crumble!”

Goodness. Watching Yu Su-eun’s face turn red as she slammed the table, it was clear that she was genuinely frustrated.

‘I made the right decision by coming here in person.’

Seora believed that Yu Su-eun had been holding back these thoughts for a while, and now she would find it easier to express them.

“Don’t you, Guild Master Yu Su-eun, possess tracking abilities? I’ve seen you informing Guild Master Joo Eun about the whereabouts of Kang Hanseo on the community.”

“It wasn’t me; it was our guild Mage. I don’t possess such tracking abilities. Ugh. I’ve already called in several people to search for him, but we can’t locate him! He must have concealed himself using his awakened powers, or he has managed to evade us completely. That damn bastard. Just wait until we catch him.”

‘He would be better off taking his own life than getting caught.’

Observing Yu Su-eun’s enraged expression, it seemed like she could strip away a person’s soul just by looking at them.

“Hey, L-class. Don’t you have any solutions? We’re not holding onto Kim Yuhyeon because we want to! We simply can’t find him either!”

“If you had informed us earlier, the association could have collaborated in the search.”

“Damn it! I didn’t expect that bastard to escape so cunningly! It’s infuriating! I’m going to kill him!”

“That’s precisely why we need to locate and apprehend him.”

What could they do about this? As one of the top five guilds, they couldn’t afford to let this situation escalate.

〖“Seora, ask if she has a photo.”〗

Seora tilted her head upon hearing the voice of the administrator. A photo?

“Guild Master, do you happen to have a photo of that Healer, Kim Yuhyeon?”

“A photo? Why? It should be included in those documents.”

Flipping through a few pages, there indeed was a photo of him. Brown hair, brown eyes. He appeared ordinary, but this was the individual who dared to provoke Yu Su-eun and escape. Ah, his audacity was beyond imagination.

〖”I might be able to help. I have extensive knowledge about Awakened individuals.”〗


Right. Now that she thought about it, the administrator was a system administrator, right? With his cute emoticons, being referred to as Elizabeth, and transforming into a fox, Seora had momentarily forgotten about that.

〖”… Seora, it truly disappoints me when you say that.”〗

Seora chose to ignore those words.

“Why? Why are you acting like this? Is there a solution?”

“I believe my god might be able to assist. He is quite talented.”

“Wow! Really? Is it true!?”

“Let’s give it a try, for now.”

〖”I’m disappointed, but since you insist, I’ll search for him. Wait.”〗

She had briefly forgotten that Elizabeth had a somewhat narrow-minded personality. Once this was resolved, she planned to summon the fox and shower him with compliments.

〖”I found him. Take note.”〗

Ah, as expected of the administrator. So fast. Seora jotted down the location of Kim Yuhyeon as described by Elizabeth.

It was a rural village in Wando, just barely outside the Mage’s detection range.

“It seems like he knows the guild well, being a guild member himself. By the way, if he wanted to hide, he could have gone overseas, but he’s still in the country.”

“Well, I’ve stationed people near the airport. Alright, so this bastard is here, right?” As Yu Su-eun received the address with the location written on it, her face turned red once again. Seora wondered if Kim Yuhyeon would return with all his limbs intact.

“As soon as you capture him, please inform the association. I’ll request a temporary truce with the Flower Abundant Guild for a few days.”

“Thank you. For your sake, I won’t kill him and I’ll spare his life.”

“…Thank you.”

Would Yu Su-eun, with her personality, hesitate to kill someone?

Upon learning that Yu Su-eun planned to personally go to Wando, Seora left the headquarters of Guardian Spirit. The enthusiastic guild members, clearly excited, requested handshakes, and she obliged.

Ah, it truly felt like being a celebrity. Receiving attention from Awakened individuals was far more pleasant than dealing with cameras and the media. As Seora stepped out of the headquarters, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction.


Her smile vanished upon hearing that name. Who had the audacity to call out that name so casually and everywhere?


But it wasn’t just anyone. The golden mugwort flower prominently displayed the words ‘National Assembly.’ It was unexpected to encounter Lee Gilsang, a member of the privately elected National Assembly, in a place like this.

“Hello, member of the National Assembly. I didn’t anticipate running into you here.”

“So, you know me.” He spoke informally, despite it being their first meeting. Her mood instantly soured. It seemed her luck had taken a turn for the worse since she laid eyes on him.

“Lee Gilsang, of course I know you. I’m Yun Seora.”

“I’m glad that even Headbang recognizes me.”

Even though she explicitly requested him to address her as Yun Seora instead of Headbang, he showed no interest in complying.

Her mood worsened even further, but she faced him with the intention of hearing what he had to say. Whether people passing by on the main road stared or not, neither of them paid any attention.

“I’ve made several requests to meet you through the association, but they were all rejected. It seems someone is interfering, so I decided to come here in person.”

Requests? She hadn’t been informed about them, but she could guess who might have been responsible. It was likely Song Hanna or Do Junyeong who had blocked his attempts.

It was understandable since Lee Gilsang, as a former opposition party member, held conflicting views with the current president, who was affiliated with the association. Naturally, his relationship with the association would be strained.

“There was no interference. It’s true that I declined your requests.” Seora nodded, as their situation aligned. Lee Gilsang’s face hardened.

“You? You declined my requests?”

Was it just her imagination, or did she hear the unspoken “someone like you” in his words?

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