Civil Servant Hunter’s S-class Resignation Log

Chapter 106:

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Ever since Seora found Kang Sejun unable to articulate his past memories, she had suspected that the ending of Song Hanna and Yun Jaeheon’s story wasn’t happy. But she never anticipated something like this.

Suicide, of all things. Yun Jaeheon didn’t just take Park Jinyong’s life in a fit of rage, he also took his own. Her brother, her only remaining blood relative!

And what about Song Hanna!?

“I’m asking you if it’s true!”

In her state of unease, a surge of mana ripped through one side of the sofa. At that moment, a slight sting was felt in her fingers. The fox stared at her, having bitten her finger.

Despite her agitated state, the fox’s green eyes remained serene. Seora swallowed and took a deep breath. There was no need to direct her anger at Kang Sejun.

“…I apologize for losing my temper. But please, tell me.”

Hearing the noticeably softened tone, Kang Sejun let out a sigh. “Regarding Yun Jaeheon, yes, it’s true. Although I didn’t know the identity of the person he killed as Park Jinyong. The body was too mutilated to be properly identified. Furthermore, Yun Jaeheon’s suicide became a major controversy.”

It was real. The contents of Do Junyeong’s nightmare matched the events of the forgotten past. How many times had such things occurred?

“…And what about my aunt?”

“Song Hanna had caused chaos in Seoul before, but it wasn’t immediately after Yun Jaeheon’s suicide.”

“Then when?”

“Didn’t I tell you that Joo Eun would die if the Japan Dungeon turned into a Break Dungeon? It was after that incident that Song Hanna lost her sanity. Failing to protect Hyeon Jaehui, you, and Yun Jaeheon, Joo Eun’s death created a gaping hole in the balloon that had expanded so much.”

When a balloon is overinflated, it eventually bursts. Song Hanna’s mind collapsed in a similar manner.

“Her Entity, which seeped through the crack, completely consumed her. Song Hanna’s Entity, ‘The Greedy Predator,’ always yearned to possess her. It was an unprecedented opportunity for it.”

It turned out that the one responsible for the destruction in Seoul was that predator. Leading the country that Song Hanna had fought so hard to protect into ruin brought them immense pleasure.

That fucking bastard.

“Did Korea get destroyed?”

“In my first life, I held a low rank and couldn’t prevent it. South Korea and North Korea vanished, and when China invaded, the L-classes there… Song Hanna…” Kang Sejun couldn’t continue speaking and fell into silence.

Lu Yanwei and Wei Hu.

How gleefully did they kill Song Hanna when Korea was destroyed?

Overwhelmed by the horrifying revelation of the ultimate outcome, Seora could no longer bear it and covered her face. So that’s why Kang Sejun had warned her to be cautious with Song Hanna’s Entity.

“You mentioned it was the first time, so you regressed then?”

“When I regressed, I had already reached a point similar to when Yun Jaeheon’s family… when you died. I couldn’t prevent his death either. I attempted to at least protect Joo Eun, but it came at the cost of my own life. In the next life, I killed Song Hanna, and at some point, I became the one on the receiving end as well…”

For the first time, it seemed as though he was truly confronting his five miserable lives. How many times had Kang Sejun experienced such things, and yet he continued to strive to protect the world?

“The most dreadful one was the life just before this. Yun Jaeheon took his own life, Joo Eun died, and Song Hanna went on a rampage. I couldn’t stop any of them, and in the end…” Kang Sejun smiled bitterly, his clenched fists filled with intense strength. “That’s why I’m placing my bet on you. In this life, not a single dreadful event has occurred for the first time. It’s all thanks to your existence alone.”

Yun Jaeheon survived because she didn’t die. Joo Eun was spared from the Phantom Overlord’s clutches, preventing Song Hanna from being consumed by her Entity. Instead of destruction, Korea flourished and rose to become a magnificent nation.

Everything changed because Yun Seora remained alive.

“So, Yun Seora, please keep on living, no matter what. Even if someone reaches out for help, always prioritize your own life.” The bitter expression vanished from Kang Sejun’s face, replaced by unwavering strength. It was evident that he firmly believed the peace of this life hinged on her existence. “Your parents sacrificed themselves to save everyone. I turned back time, sacrificing myself multiple times. But you, don’t do that.”

Seora’s eyes widened.

“It’s not always the duty of the powerful to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. Sometimes, simply being alive can be salvation itself. And that’s what your existence represents.”


“So, you must live without a doubt. Focus on yourself. Those who accuse you of selfishness, I will gladly silence them. Your well-being is all that matters.”

His words carried a profound sincerity, born from witnessing the world’s destruction multiple times. Reflecting on her parents’ ultimate sacrifice, Seora, who had harbored reservations about sacrificing herself, found no words more resonant than these.

I must live.

Being alive is paramount.

It was a simple truth, yet no one had ever spoken those words to her before.

“To be honest, I was deeply moved.”

“Don’t just be moved, put it into action. You told me not to sacrifice myself. I will do the same, so you must fulfill your own role as well.”

Her sole duty was simply to live.

That was the agreement. The peace relied on her life. It felt burdensome, yet genuinely, it brought her happiness.

“Thank you, Kang Sejun,” Seora exclaimed with a bright smile. It was a smile that surpassed the beauty of the night view of the Han River stretching beyond the window.

It wasn’t a facade, a product of capitalist society, or a strategic move in the workplace. It was a truly joyful smile, directed at him for the first time. And so, Kang Sejun found himself unable to utter another word. Her smile touched him deep in his heart, rendering his tongue, which had been so articulate moments ago, frozen. The smile on her face, earned after surviving through five deaths and finally embracing life in the sixth, radiated a special brilliance.

“…When I said I would dedicate my life to you, it wasn’t a lie. I truly will do everything for you.” Those were the words that finally escaped his lips. He had said them before in front of Song Hanna, but this time, they carried a more intricate blend of emotions.

“That’s enough! Kang Sejun-ssi, take care of your own matters. If you don’t want to regress this time, you need to train hard.” Seora burst into laughter, causing Kang Sejun to gaze at her as if he had lost his mind.

A peculiar atmosphere enveloped the two of them, like a shade of shy pink that didn’t please the observer.

The restless fox, which had been swishing his tail against the sofa, could no longer contain himself and leaped into the air.

Where did he land? Right above Kang Sejun’s head.

With a thud, the fox’s open jaws descended upon the detestable man’s head.


“Ah! Wh-what’s happening?” Startled, Seora immediately tried to remove the clinging fox, but he refused to let go. To make matters worse, blood began to trickle down from Kang Sejun’s sturdy L-class skull.

“Eek! Elizabeth, Elizabeeeeeth!”

The elegant name, completely out of place in this situation, echoed through the spacious penthouse, producing a pitiful sound. The once-pink atmosphere swiftly turned murky and tainted.


After moving, Seora returned to work.

Do Junyeong had advised her to rest before entering the Labyrinth, but Seora refused. She didn’t know how long she would be inside the Labyrinth, and besides, it was her first time meeting the people at the company since her true identity was revealed. She wanted to properly greet them.

However, her brave intention was dampened when she noticed her colleagues’ fearful reactions upon seeing her.

“Y-Y-Yun Seora… Oh, no, Headbang-nim!”

“Please, please come in, Headbang-nim!”

Seora was taken aback by the dreadful titles that were immediately bestowed upon her upon her arrival at work.

“Please don’t call me that! Just address me as you normally would. I may be an L-class, but I haven’t changed as a person!”

“How dare we…!”

“Are you uncomfortable in your chair? I’ll bring you a new one right away!”

Amidst the commotion, a one-person sofa fit for a CEO or a high-ranking executive appeared. Seora couldn’t understand why people who had never acted this way even when facing Seong Jarim and Kang Sejun were behaving like this now.

“Remove that immediately, and if things don’t return to normal right away, I’ll schedule one-on-one meetings with each of you. Just the two of us.”

“Yun Seora-ssi, it’s been a while! How have you been? Ah, it hasn’t been that long since you resolved the dungeon in Japan, and you’re already back to work! Take a break!”

“That’s right, I mean, you’re about to enter the Labyrinth too. Are you okay? Of course, I’m happy to see your face!”

“Yeah, yeah! Hahaha!”

Amidst the cheerful laughter, the CEO’s chair suddenly disappeared. Only Gong Haeyeon and Jeong Taeseok remained. Initially bewildered, Seora couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Oh my, Yun Seora the civil servant. Your fortune has turned around, hasn’t it? Your face is glowing with radiance after just a few days off.”

However, when Gong Haeyeon beside her narrowed her eyes, Seora couldn’t help but feel flustered.

“Wh-what about me?”

“Well, I suppose it’s only natural for you to be radiant. I worked hard alone while you were away!”

Ah, right. It was expected for others to take on more work when a team member was absent. And in Dungeon Management Team 1, there were only Gong Haeyeon and Yun Seora at the bottom. Realizing that Gong Haeyeon must have shouldered the workload in her absence, Seora felt incredibly sorry.

Hmm, I should keep my intention to quit a secret forever.

“Um… I’m sorry.”

“For that, you owe me a meal.”

“Okay. How about shabu-shabu today? I’ll order special beef. I’ll even get extra meat!”

“Oh my, Yun Seora-ssi. Don’t worry and rest well in the future too. I can handle things on my own. Hoho. Is there anywhere uncomfortable? Should I give you a shoulder massage?”

Having worked together for three years, they understood each other very well. They exchanged glances and burst into laughter after a long time.

“How’s work been these days?”

“Nothing particularly special. We had a Break Dungeon a few days ago, but we resolved it successfully. It was near the Eternal Guild headquarters.”

Mentioning the Eternal Guild naturally brought Joo Eun’s name to mind. After experiencing multiple deaths, he would likely survive this time. That was a relief.

“No dispatches?”

“Oh, I have to visit the Guardian Spirit Guild today. There was a conflict with a medium-sized guild regarding Healer dispatches.”

The Guardian Spirit Guild had the most Mages and Healers. The presence of Mages and Healers affected the difficulty of raids, so medium-sized guilds often requested dispatches from them. It was essentially using guild members as a means to earn money, but the guild members were satisfied because they made a good income.

However, the frequent complaints from other guilds had become an issue.

“This time, it was the Guardian Spirit’s fault. It was a Level 4 Dungeon, and as soon as it seemed a little dangerous, the Healer from the Guardian Spirit fled.”

“That’s serious.”

“It is. They managed to succeed in the raid, but there were casualties. The problem is that the Guardian Spirit isn’t willing to give up the Healer.”

As greedy as Yu Su-eun could be, this situation was hard to understand. She was one of the guild masters with the most business-oriented mindset, and she wouldn’t easily let their corporate image crumble.

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