Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1195 - Aftermath (1)

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Prince Mozartfeller weighed in and out again, and felt that it was difficult to defeat Ryan and Mother Mother and Herast. If they could not kill the target on the spot and let them escape, it would be meaningless to provoke a new battle, especially It’s after Lion and Mother Mother have sensed their intentions and knocked, so the Thor demon demigod king made a tentative test in his hesitation, wanting to see the new king of Lion next If there is any ambition, if Ryan will disclose all his intentions to dominate the world after he reveals it, then instead of waiting for Ryan to arrange everything and challenge himself when he is at his best, it is better to take a risk now.

Ryan may not have guessed the trap set by Prince Mossefeller, but he has never liked to focus on this aspect, otherwise, with the strength of his original field strength and the assistance of many companions such as Caleb, he has already forced it. The human world and the underwater world have been completely synthesized into a huge empire, rather than as a guide to form a tightly integrated business and politically independent alliance, so I heard that Mozart Phillips After that, Ryan shook his head and said, “I am not interested in this. Besides, with the strength of humans and allies, it is impossible to swallow the huge territory of the Rakshas, ​​and in the future, the Sol Devil and the Dark Elf should be used. Clan dominates, and I only need to get the part of the benefits I deserve. “

Prince Mossefeller had no idea about Ryan ’s last sentence. If a demigod king had no decent land in another world, that would be a strange thing, but Ryan ’s current territory is It is taken care of by the dark elf family, Hrudian, so humans and their allies who gradually set foot in other worlds will become more tacit with the entire race of dark elves, which will definitely be detrimental to the Saul Devil from a long-term perspective. , So Prince Mosazfeller opened his mouth and said: “Now there are only three of us left in the alien world. The spirit-absorbed main brain and the Sla Black Toad are still alive but do not have the power of a demigod. Ignore it, so the order of the alien world will be maintained by the three of us for a long time in the future. Ryan, you just said that your clan is not strong enough. It does n’t matter. With your demigod king sitting, plus The rich resources of the outside world, both the population and the number of the strong will grow rapidly … “

Prince Mozart Phillips said this after changing his tone, and continued: “However, this growth process can have its own advantages and disadvantages. So, I didn’t ask you for the succubus a while ago. She has been lucky enough to return from the battle of the bottomless abyss. Not only has she successfully activated the blood of the six-armed Barlowe, her own strength has also been greatly improved, and she has reached the peak of the legend. Now I will give her back to you and then distribute this charm The corresponding subordinate of the devil, let her fight for you in the future to suppress those enemies who will not submit. “

The words of Prince Mozartfeller made Mother Heist a slight move. She had seen the idea of ​​Saul ’s demon demigod king for the first time. Since she could not solve Ryan in battle, she had to I have also been drawn into my camp. I ca n’t sit back and watch a new demigod king always stand on the side of the dark elves. Although the practice of Prince Mosazfeller will greatly damage the interests of the dark elves, Lord Heris The mother is still ready to let Ryan accept the other party’s good intentions. Previously, Ryan’s strength is after all only a domain strongman. Whether it is dependent on Mother Hearst or becoming an ally of the dark elf is normal. Now he is already a dignified king. If you continue to maintain the previous relationship, I am afraid that the two sides will be suspicious due to friction sooner or later. It is better to support the tribe of Lane to become independent and independently become the third largest race in the world outside the Saul Devil and Dark Elf. , Will never take the initiative to do harm to the dark elves. Under the situation of the three-legged future of the other world, a competitor who is friendly to himself should be the dark elf ’s most. Choices, especially when Mother Herast has entered the age of aging, the reborn and reborn Boyadinas may not be able to successfully hit the demigod realm before she falls. Only a stable alien world will be maintained in the future. This period of unreliable times preserved the status of the dark elves.

So without waiting for Ryan to answer, Ms. Herest answered him: “This is really a good way. The combat power of Saul Demon is particularly famous in other worlds, as long as you can successfully control them. , These warriors with high-level demon bloodline will become the sharpest sword in your hand. As for the management territory, the Hrudian family’s manpower is definitely not enough, so I suggest you may choose to use some Raksha monsters in this regard. Matters, you must know that these guys have lost the backing of Harlem Vatican. Without your protection, the fate of the future can be imagined, and only you can do so with Ryan. The big alliance you have formed now includes human beings, So many races, such as elves and Naga, naturally do n’t mind a part of the Rakshab, and instead it ’s Prince Mosazfil and I. Do you think our people can really treat those Rakshabs equally? “

There are many meanings in the words of Mother Herast, such as the sentence “Warrior with high-level demon bloodline”, which is actually cutting the flesh from Prince Mozartfeller, obviously she said After this sentence, when the Saul Devil allocated a subordinate to the Queen of Victoria’s Blade, the minimum selection criteria must be at least a high-level demon bloodline, so that even if the combat power of this army cannot be guaranteed, at least it can also let They have the potential to continue to improve. If there is a Saul demon who meets the conditions to open the bloodline in the future, I believe that Prince Mossefeller can only hold his nose to help them get through the teleportation circle to the bottomless abyss, instead of like The Queen of Blades made some excuses like that.

In addition to this, Mother Christine did not sit still and watch Prince Mosazfiler to dilute her own interests, but deliberately referred to the tragic fate of the Raksha Bandana, treating her allies and even Luo with the kindness of Ryan The generous attitude of the demon captives believes that there will be more factions from the new forces of the new world. These guys who have lost their backing will definitely hold Ryan ’s thighs firmly. Their governance territory has helped Ryan, However, the effect of Prince Mozart’s proposal has been reduced a lot. The strength of the Hrudian family is still too weak. After all, their family did not even have an exclusive city as their headquarters. It has been developed for a long time but the time is too short. Which big family in the other world did not stand up for hundreds of thousands of years. Isenia, even the dark elves who depended on themselves in the city of Isopaton, have not completed The integrated Hrudian family, even with Ryan ’s partiality, may be difficult to compete with the military power of the Queen of Blades with high-level demonic bloodlines, Lord Heris Of course, they will not let Seniteya lose their status in the future because of their own words, so they took the opportunity to add a third force to the power of Ryan. With these Rakshaw demonstrants who are good at logistics, the Hrudian family You can better create more powerful battle golems, thus balancing the pressure caused by a large group of Saul demons with good strength and potential.

The two demigod kings have already struggled in their words, but fortunately, the intentions of the two sides have not lost Ryan, and Ryan has also asked himself that they are by no means their opponents in this regard, and they simply do n’t care about it, just secretly and fully recovered Power, before Ryan and Mother Hirst snuggled up in a very ambiguous movement, in fact, just for the blind eyes of the two of them to be released by physical contact, the power of Mother Hirst is good at repairing and restoring, after all, she is in Before becoming a demigod king, he was a spider waiter, so in the process of non-stop dialogue between the three parties, Mother Herster secretly and continuously sent her power to Ryan to help him recover from exhaustion as soon as possible. Mana.

After resolving the Queen of Night, among the three surviving princes, Ryan almost lost her mana and lost her combat power. Mother Herster also had 30% of her power left because she helped Ryan to share the defense. The reason for the rebirth secret technique is that the body has only 70% of the previous strength. In this way, the strength of Mother Herster is actually worse than she thought. Even if she and Ryan join forces, it is difficult to save at least with After forty or fifty percent of the strength, Prince Mosazfeller confronted.

It was just that Mother Herast immediately awakened after she noticed that the other party had such an intention, so that Prince Mossefeller knew that her side had been guarded, and then she immediately took the opportunity to secretly send few false gods to Ryan, Help this natural ally to quickly recover its strength. After the rebirth of the reincarnation, only 70% of the power of Mother Herast needs a long time to slowly restore this part of the lost power, so this situation is in front of you. Among them, her best choice is not to compete with Prince Mozartfeller who recovers faster. After all, even if she is fully restored, she still only has 70% strength. It is definitely not the same as the fully restored Prince Mozartfeller opponent. Therefore, Mother Herast chose to help Ryan restore her strength, relying on the improvement of the strength of her allies to balance the gap between herself and Prince Mossefeller.

Prince Mossefeller did not know that he had launched a fierce attack at the very beginning. At least he also had a 50% chance to achieve his goal. He missed the best chance of his life between the two ends of the first mouse. In this round of hard-working dialogue, see It seems that Prince Mossefeller had some upper hand, but in fact gave Ryan a precious breathing opportunity. Now even if he no longer relies on the assistance of Mother Christine, he has some points when facing Prince Mossefeller Protect yourself.

ps: I went to the hospital at three o’clock this morning, but unfortunately it was a false alarm. I didn’t sleep for a few hours and then got up and went back to check it out (I can’t sit on the bench in the hospital corridor until daylight,). Although he was looking forward to it, he was helpless. This is the legendary pain and happiness.

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