Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1194 - Bloody battle (ten)

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While the Queen of the Night was still halfway back, she felt a strong pseudo-magic force coming from behind. The Queen of the Night swayed her head quickly a few times, causing the long black hips behind her to flutter up, forming a deep The defensive enchantment protects his body in it, and then the surprise pseudo-magic force strikes hard against the night enchantment transformed into long hair, so that the body of the night queen also shakes involuntarily. under.

The Queen of Night does not have to turn around to know that the person who stopped herself from retreating is Prince Mossfirler. If in the normal state, the Queen of Night could force the Saul Demon Demigod King to retreat with just one hand, but now She was overpowered. Not only was her opponent blocked her retreat, but the collision just made her full of blood and blood. If it was n’t for the Queen of the Night, she would bite her teeth tightly. .

Taking advantage of the chance of Prince Mozartfeller desperately blocking the Queen of Night, Ryan, who was “burning” with pure white brilliance, had arrived in front of the Queen of Night, and saw that his entire body quickly began to swell, and then burst into countless fragments , Burst out all the pseudo-divine power in the body in an instant, and even formed a slightly smaller mana storm, affected by this mana storm caused by the self-detonation, the chaotic storm rushing from the unknown time immediately swept away Here, the night queen who had no chance to escape again was twisted into the center of the storm.

“No, it’s impossible.” The Queen of Darkness uttered an incredible shouting loudly while struggling to struggle in the center of the raging storm. She never imagined that Ryan actually spared her life and died with herself, making this countless. The plane Titan demigod king was finally trapped in the desperate situation in front of him. Only this shout came out of the night queen ’s mouth. She suddenly remembered something, and her eyes turned towards Mother Christine. Looking around, through the chaotic storm that was tearing her body, the Queen of Night saw a familiar but very tired face, just as Ryan had just exploded her body.

At the beginning, Ryan, who burned the pseudo-power in the body, was indeed the body, but when he rushed to the Queen of Night, it became a mirror projection of him. This projection, which can have 70% of Ryan ’s strength, deceived everyone, including the hostile. The Queen of Night, which made the latter think that Ryan was really willing to pay the price of his life to win the war, but at present, although Ryan put the Queen of Night in desperation, his own situation is also very bad, the previous efforts to suppress The attack has consumed many of Ryan ’s powers, and the final burning pseudo-miracle power and mirror projection are at the expense of overdrawn life. Therefore, the Queen of Night will only see Ryan ’s tired face, and he can forcibly support it without falling down. Is doing his best.

This chaotic storm can be easily strangled by even demigod-level Warcraft, and the Queen of Night will naturally not be spared. However, in order to survive this Titan demigod king, he still exhausted his last effort and let his long black hair in front of him Wandering back and forth to form a night enchantment to protect themselves, it is a pity that the current Queen of Night has basically exhausted her strength, and can exert less than one-fifth of its heyday. This process has only maintained two or three. Just seconds.

“Bang.” When the night enchantment outside the night queen’s body was about to collapse, the chest of the night night suddenly burst into a blood hole, and the hot blood splashed directly out, covered with the black night enchantment, That part was previously severely damaged by the Eye Demon Tyrant. The Queen of Night used the mysterious technique to heal, but at the cost of consuming a certain amount of power. Now the Queen of Night is exhausted, and there is no way to continue to maintain that secret. Surgery, so several old injuries on her body recurred in succession, which made the Queen of Night step into the abyss of death.

Numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the black night enchantment. Fortunately, the spider-like cracks slowly expanded to cover the entire enchantment. When the chaotic storm swept through the night enchantment again, those spider web cracks finally couldn’t bear and began to break. Then, the body of the Queen of Night was hit by the power of chaos, and soon turned into small dust and smoke under the storm.

Looking at the chaotic storm that was still raging after the Queen of Night was killed in the distance, Ryan, who was completely leaning on the soft body of Mother Herast, did not feel relieved. Today, they have occupied the time, The geographical position is still harmonious, but in the end it is the result of the near-lost injury in front of it, and the strength of the Queen of Night can be seen from this.

Although the battle has come to an end, the war has not been completely ended. The chaotic storm in front of me is afraid to continue for a long period of time, and within a few hundred years, thousands of kilometers of the area will become a restricted zone of life. , And because there are void channels everywhere in the area, in order not to be smuggled into the alien world by powerful creatures from other planes, there must be heavy soldiers stationed around this area to monitor, especially when the chaotic storm is about to end. Dangerous, it must be said that they will have to come back and sit for some time in order to minimize the risk.

“Is she dead.” There was a voice from Mother Hearst in the ear, which made Ryan wake up from his contemplation. He carefully recalled the situation just now, although it was clear to see that the Queen of Night died and fell. , But Ryan always felt something was wrong, but he could n’t even figure out what was wrong with him. Ryan believed that Mister Herast would have this feeling too, otherwise she would never ask about the slightly redundant The problem.

At this time, Sol Devil Prince bypassed, and while the other party was still hundreds of meters away from her, Mother Christopher, who was half-holding half holding Ryan, suddenly said, “You hit the punch just now. Yes, you can stop the Queen of the Night from escaping. You have to do Mossfiler. “

The devil prince of Saul heard Mother Hearst talking to herself in such a salty tone, and he stopped slightly, and his eyes glanced back and forth over Mother Lane and Mother Hearst. , Replied casually: “If it weren’t for Lane to lay down his life, even if I hit her a few hundred punches, it wouldn’t help.”

The two demigod kings questioned and answered this question, and immediately let Ryan understand in his heart. This is Mother Herster reminding herself to watch out for Prince Mozartfeller. After all, everyone ’s strength is now greatly consumed in the battle. , But this Saul Devil is the best-preserved one among several people. If he suddenly has any thoughts, I am afraid that the exhausted Ryan and the mother and father of Herster who have only one or two percent strength It’s a very bad thing.

It ’s just that the tiredness on Ryan ’s face ca n’t be concealed no matter how he hides it, so he simply turned his neck a little bit, so that the whole body can lean more comfortably on the body of Mother Herster, and then use the low The voice said to Prince Mosazfeller, who was standing a few hundred meters away: “If I had a choice, I would rather not have such a terrible victory, but it is a pity that the facts will not be turned around by our will. The hero is actually not us, but the fallen eye-devil tyrant and others, especially the black prince parasitic on the Harlem Fan Sultan. Unless he reminded us, I am afraid that you and I will have to pay some more costs Understand that at that time, we are willing to work hard, and we are not qualified. “

“Yeah.” Prince Mozartfeller nodded after listening to Ryan’s words. He said in a melancholy tone: “In the past, the Seven Realms were seven and a half gods fighting against each other. Unexpectedly, three of them suddenly fell today. There are also Spirit Sucking Monster and Sela Toon who have left with serious injuries. The words before Hei Pou left us is beneficial to us, in fact, its real purpose is not to ask for a favor, now we do n’t care whatsoever In the end, I won the war. Even if I had any ideas, I had to let go of this parasitic guy and then fell. “

“Knowledge is a virtue. I agree with you. In fact, in many cases, the bad relationship between people is often caused by the unfilled desire ravine.” Lane said in a pun. The destruction is thousands of times more difficult. The former requires a long time and a lot of energy to maintain, while the latter requires only one thought and one action. “

“Okay, don’t say this.” Prince Mozart Phillips felt a slight jump in heart after hearing these words from Ryan. His decisive hand waved, his tone quickly filled with pride and ambition, and then to Ryan and Heris The maid said: “From today, the alien world will be honored by the three of us. Saul demon, dark elf and human race will become the masters of this plane. Lion, when will you migrate your own people? , I heard Astarot said about your hometown, where the space is too narrow, the resources are also quite barren, or it is more developed in the other world, you might as well take over the territory of the Rakshas, ​​and then we will divide up The interests of the Titans and the eye demons. “

The more Ryan appeared to be careless, the more he deliberately showed that he was exhausting his mana, and the more prince Mozartfeller had no confidence in him, especially now that Ryan and Herist Very intimate postures snuggle up with each other, which shows Prince Mossefeller that the two have a joint foundation and understanding. If Prince Mosazfeller does n’t move other thoughts, if he wants to take the opportunity to kill Lion, I ’m afraid I have to face the counterattacks of two demigod kings at the same time. Once Lion is not exhausted as on the surface, but still full of surplus, then the attack by Prince Mozartfeller will cause the three people to be fairly The friendly and delicate situation completely disintegrated, and the Sol Devil family also had to face the threat of two demigod kings for thousands of years.

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