Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1185 - Bloody battle (1)

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Seeing Ryan actually compares those strong in the field with himself, makes the hearts of several other demigod kings quite dissatisfied, but everyone knows Ryan quite well, and he is very clear that his character is like this, and now everyone also hopes Ryan can hold the Queen of Night from the front, and naturally will not jump out to express his objections because of this little dissatisfaction. Furthermore, since Ryan has shown his position of treating the demigod king present as a companion, it means that he will The advancement and retreat of everyone together made the demigod kings, including Mother Herster, add more confidence in the victory over the Queen of Night.

“Don’t abandon your companions.” The Queen of the Night chewed Ryan’s words gently, and then said in a cold tone: “Then go to **** together.” Her voice just fell, and two black spheres appeared in her hands. After the Queen of Night threw them at different targets, the fifth and sixth black spheres quickly appeared in her palm, and this time the Queen of Night locked the two demigod kings who were wicked monsters and eye demons who betrayed themselves. In fact, she even attacked the four demigod kings around him.

When the Queen of Night attacked the other four people, she inevitably exposed flaws to the front Ryan ’s defense, but Ryan turned a blind eye to this, but maintained her own galaxy enchantment, not giving the Queen of Night any opportunity. The Queen of the Night saw that her plan to lure the enemy could not be achieved. She simply turned false into reality. She aimed at the four demigod kings who were being attacked by her. They controlled the black spheres to swallow the pseudo-divine power that they exuded. After the counterattack was issued, the black sphere that began to swell due to the absorption of a lot of energy was first detonated, and a large piece of deep darkness enveloped them.

Ryan is still unmoved. He believes that the companions of other demigod kings are not weaker than himself. As long as he is determined to resist, there is no reason to defeat in the night Queen ’s random attacks. Ryan only needs to stop the night queen from breaking through from his own direction. The idea is enough, everyone has done their own thing, and today the Queen of the Night does not pay a heavy price to stay away.

In the endless darkness, the body of the Queen of Night suddenly appeared in front of Ryan. She was only a layer away from Ryan. The two of them stared at each other for a second, and then the Queen of Night raised her fist wrapped in black energy. , Heavily smashed down towards the galactic hemisphere emitting bright light. After a collision, the galactic hemisphere was safe, but there were some black spots vaguely at the location hit by the fist of the night queen.

Next night, the female worker came with another punch, seemingly determined to break through from Ryan. Ryan concentrated on locking the movement of the night queen. His flat palms welcomed the night queen who was bigger than his body. The fist blocked it, and the collision of the two methods caused the light emitted by the Xinghe Sky to sway violently. However, no matter how bad the form looked, Ryan ’s body was still half-stepped and blocked. The offensive of the queen of night.

“I hope you can withstand the third punch.” The Queen of Night said with a sneer. Her entire right forearm has completely turned into a shadow, which obviously contains the power of the law of the shadow plane. Knowing that the blow of the Queen of Night must be powerful, his legs bent slightly to make his body stand firmly above the void, and then his upper body leaned forward slightly, his arms gathered all the pseudo-powers in his body, and burst into a dazzling light, Connect the Xinghe Tianmu enchantment in front of him with his body, and hit the shadow fist of the Queen of the Night with no return.

Seeing that the two demigod kings were about to burst into a more violent confrontation, but unexpectedly the figure of the Queen of the Night flickered, and even sent a void teleport to leave from in front of Ryan, then she waved her fist that had turned into a shadow, and sucked monsters towards the spirit. The body of the master brain was swept away, and the spirit sucked the master brain. There was no quite the full blow of the Queen of Night. It was just a trick. When it realized that the Queen of Night had been sent to himself, it was a little too late to resist. Sucking the monster’s brain has to gather the central wisdom to madly blast the spiritual power into the night queen’s mind, hoping to use this kind of two defeats to force the opponent back.

Only a muffled noise was heard, and the body of the psychic monster’s main brain was turned into pieces under the bombardment of the night queen. Although the latter killed the opponent by a stroke, it was in the psychic monster’s brain. It was also uncomfortable under the counterattack. The powerful soul power instantly poured into her mind, causing the Queen of Night to appear dizzy for a moment, and then a trace of bright red blood penetrated from the eyes and ears of the Titan demigod. It is obvious that it has suffered a lot.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Ryan still suppressed the eagerness to try, and continued to stick to the spot and never attacked, but the Demon Tyrant and Sol Devil Prince left and right towards the Queen of the Night, ready to take advantage of her dizzy moment Continue to devastate this enemy, the eyeball body of the eye demonic tyrant is still in midair, and multiple different types of rays are emitted from the tip of its eye stem. These eye demonic rays converge and merge together in front of the eye demonic tyrant, forming a line Thick new rays blasted the Queen of Night, but Prince Mossefeller had no tricks. His body was the most powerful and threatening weapon. As long as he could hit any part of the Queen of Night ’s body, the latter would suffer fatal s damage.

“Want to take advantage.” Who would have known that the vertigo of the Night Queen ended before the Eye Demon Tyrant and Prince Mosazfeller came close, apparently her resistance ability was far above the expectations of other demigod kings, shouting this in a low voice After the sentence, the Queen of Night raised her hand and gently pushed against Prince Mossefeller, the power of the entire Shadow Plane condensed and squeezed towards the other side, Prince Mosazfeller saw the sneak attack Failure, immediately without hesitation, struck three punches in a row, not only stopped his forward speed, but also backed away at a faster speed.

The Queen of the Night forced the Prince Mozartfeller to retreat, and the palm of his hand swept homewards, struggling with his body and struck by the rays of the Eye Demon Tyrant, grabbing the Eye Demon Tyrant that would be covered with eyes before the other party could not hide. Grabbed in the palm, then the entire shadow plane quickly shrank, condensed in the palm of the night queen, and overwhelmingly crushed the demigod king into pieces, letting blood and pulp in his own Fly out under the finger.

The shadow plane that invaded the other world disappeared in an instant. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Kalibu and others who had recovered some strength helped each other and fled towards the distance. The Queen of Night was too lazy to ignore these little ants, In addition, it was impossible for Ryan to stand in front of her and could not easily break through, so they simply let them go, but just raised their hands and flicked a few times, throwing out the fragments of the corpse of the eye demonic tyrant, and then the night The queen looked at the remaining part of the palm with disgusted eyes. A small vortex appeared in the palm of her hand. A soul hunter protruded the tentacles from the vortex and devoured all the corpse residues in the palm of the night queen. Then it shrank back from the vortex.

The Queen of the Night watched her pet disappear from the vortex. She was about to talk, but a mouthful of blood swelled up from her throat, and she burst out of her mouth. At the same time, the Queen of the Night was sucked by the master brain and The severely wounded head and chest of the ogre tyrant came with unbearable severe pain, which made the Queen of Night couldn’t help coughing repeatedly, which also prevented the blood in her mouth from squirting in time, accumulating in her mouth and flowing down the corner of the mouth. .

Looking at the look of the night queen’s face that was cruel because of the blood, the forehead of the Harlem Fan Sultan could not help jumping up quickly. He was afraid of the night queen’s terrible power, and he could even kill the power slightly. The stronger two demigod kings were also pleasantly surprised by the heavy damage to the body of the Queen of Night, allowing them to defeat and even kill the demigod king.

The Queen of Night coughed for a while, and then slowly returned to calm. I do n’t know if she was afraid of the power of the Queen of the Night to kill the demigod king just now. When she showed her weakness, the demigod kings who surrounded the Queen of Night did not The man dared to step forward and let the Titan demigod king stand up straight again, and then he felt a little regret in his heart. He felt that he seemed to have wasted a chance, and also annoyed that other companions actually chose to not attack.

“Huh, didn’t some people say that they should drag their opponents head-on, what did you do when the companion was killed just now.” The previous sentence of Harlem Fan Sultan only referred to Sang Xuanhuai, but the more he said, the more excited he was. Pointing directly to Ryan and questioning him, as an ally of Harlem Vatican Sultan, although Lord Selachan Black Tooth didn’t open his mouth, his eyes looked at Ryan but he was also full of doubts. Obviously his mind was the same as Harlem Vatican.

Seeing that Ryan was accused, Mother Alliste, an ally, couldn’t help but say: “If you commit suicide, let Ryan be held accountable. As a demigod king, he can’t even stop the opponent’s punches. Count on your companions to do something for themselves. “

“Okay, the target is already injured, let’s solve this battle first, and then talk about other things.” Prince Mossefeller’s words sounded like he was persuading, but he defaulted on the refutation of Mother Christine, so that Harlem Fan Sultan and Lord Black Toe is quite unhappy, because it shows that his own strength is inferior to the opposite side, and it also buries the instability factors for the outside world situation after the war, but they are not so worried about it so far, so they do n’t To say more, it is just a preoccupation.

In fact, everyone knows that even if Ryan’s shot was impossible, it would have no effect. The spirit sucking the main brain and the eye demonic tyrant died too fast. They paid their due price for their underestimation. The attack is nothing more than a deadly death like an eye demonic tyrant, it will only make the situation of the siege of the night queen worse. As for the Harlem Fan Sultan, it is necessary to provoke this topic, but they are not talking about it for the eye demonic tyrant. Instead, he expressed his position and reminded Ryan and other allies by the way that if he was attacked again, the speed of rescue should not be so hesitant and slow.

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