Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v9 Chapter 1186 - Bloody Battle (2)

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Everyone knows the intention of the Harlem Vatican Sultan, so this little difference between allies quickly resolved itself. From the perspective of combat power, although the four-nation alliance lost two companions here, the overall In fact, the combat effectiveness has not been greatly affected. After all, the two guys who died were temporarily reflexive to join their own camp. If they are more trustworthy than the match, the two of the spirit sucker, the main brain, and the eye demonic tyrant have been standing in opposing camps. The temporary allies are naturally far worse than the four demigod kings who had been formed in the beginning and the newly-proclaimed Lion. The five demigod kings have a tacit understanding. Sometimes a large number of people does not mean that the power is strong. When facing strong enemies If you have to calculate and guard against each other, you can only let the situation develop in the opposite direction.

The night queen ’s cough soon stopped, and her long hair behind her body fluttered without wind, gently covering the bleeding wound on her chest, and waited until the long black hair fluttered again in the strange sky. At that time, the wound on the chest of the night queen that was seriously damaged by the eye demonic tyrant was blurred, and it seemed to be covered by the shadow. This small change made her injury no longer flowed with blood. At first glance, it seemed to be completely healed. It seems that it is just that the Queen of the Night does not have the recovery ability of Elendor ’s inheritance from the ancient Warcraft Hydra. This is only a temporary means of closing the injury, so that his next battle will not be affected by this aspect. .

It’s just that the Queen of Night can temporarily close the body’s injuries, but there is no way to contain the pain from the bursts in his head. The psychic monster is originally a race dominated by spiritual power. A demigod-level psychic monster’s crazy counterattack before the death of the main brain Even the super demigod king, who is about to seize the opportunity of igniting the **** of fire, can’t bear it, which is the price she must pay to kill the two demigod kings who rebelled against her. It was expected before the flaws were revealed, but I did n’t expect that the psychic master brain that I had always looked down on was even more powerful than I thought, and this is not all the power of the other party. As the psychic master brain with only the brain part and no body, just The only thing that has been wiped out by the Queen of Night is an avatar that inherits most of it. If the Queen of Night breaks into the lair of the main brain of the spirit sucker alone, and faces the crazy blow of the real main brain at close range, maybe …

The Queen of the Night did not continue to think about it. She has been annoyed by what she did before countless times today, and there is no more such a thing. Fortunately, the pain reverberating in her mind can be contained and hidden, standing Ryan and others around her did not see any clues from the face of the night queen, but instead inferred from the blood stains on her face that she was drying up, another result that was more beneficial to the night queen was that the Titan demigod had already It completely suppresses its own injury, and it is possible to issue an attack to kill the king of the same level at any time.

Ryan looked at the blood-stained face of the Queen of the Night. He saw the sneering expression on the face and the ridiculous color between the eyebrows, and there was an indescribable taste in the eyes of the Queen of the Night. The discovery made Ryan feel that he seemed to have overlooked something important. Unfortunately, no matter how he thought about it, he still couldn’t find the specific details, so he had to focus more on it to prevent the sudden attack of the Queen of Night at any time.

The Queen of Night ’s next offensive is a dozen seconds later than Ryan ’s expectation. This is not because she needs to accumulate more power and hope to kill in one blow, but to suppress the pain in her mind and waste more of the Queen of Night. In time, when dozens of black dharma **** flew out of the palm of the night queen and each of the five demigod kings around them, the long buttocks and long black hair that had been hanging behind her fluttered without wind, like a ball The huge black hole spreads towards the surroundings like that, and it will devour everything it passes, whether it is air or magical energy, or light that is not bright from other realms or even the gods around the king used to lock themselves.

Although the Queen of the Night attacked several targets at the same time, in fact, the focus of the attack was before and after. She first chose Ryan, the new demigod king. After all, in her opinion, Ryan’s strength no matter from what aspect It should be the worst among them, but the continuous miracles make it easy for others to ignore this, and because it has repeatedly underestimated the speed of Ryan ’s strength increase, it has become overkill, so that the mentality is reversed and started. Unconsciously overestimated Ryan.

Night Queen ’s attack is like the last time the Shadow Plane invaded the world in a large area. Wherever it went, it was like a cloud overcast. The black magic ball and Ryan ’s star missile also had many similarities, but caused The effect is quite different, Ryan’s missile will bring a little bit of starlight, while illuminating the sky and earth, it also brings a gorgeous starry sky beauty, and the night of the Queen of Night will only bring depression and despair.

Ryan injected the body of pseudo-divine power into the palm of the galactic sky, this shield-like defensive enchantment looks like a thin layer of halo, but it contains the rule of stars, but it is extremely strong, no matter how the Queen of Night uses it. The kind of black magic ball attacked was silently resisted outside the enchantment, like a solid reef ignoring the beating of the gigantic waves.

The confrontation between the two sides lasted only a few seconds. The Queen of Night found helplessly that although he found Ryan ’s shortcomings, he could not transform his advantage into momentum in a short time, because as long as Ryan has maintained a firm posture, the Queen of Night She could n’t find any flaws to use. She could certainly defeat Ryan ’s defense with overwhelming power, or rely on her strength to forcibly consume Ryan ’s mana, but the former would inevitably put herself at the same time as she attacked with all her strength. The flaws are leaked to other demigod kings, and may not be able to cause the result that the night queen wants to achieve. The latter takes a longer time. I am afraid that Ryan has not exhausted, the night queen himself was dragged because of one enemy and five. collapsed.

So the queen of night changed the center of gravity of her attack decisively, her arm swung a few times towards Ryan, and strengthened the strength of the black magic ball in an instant. At the same time, the body of the queen of night stepped sideways at will, crossing the space and appeared in Harlem. In front of the Sultan of Vatican, according to the observation of the Queen of the Night, this prince of Rakshasa ’s demigod was the shortest time to enter the demigod realm except for Ryan. In the case where Ryan was unable to attack for a long time, this brain was full of business and money Raksha Yao may be the key to opening up the situation.

Because the Queen of Night attacked the surrounding five people at the same time, Harlem Sultan did not notice the pressure he was under, and there was no difference between the previous Queen of Night’s main attack on Ryan, but until the Queen of Night shifted the focus of the attack. Immediately after he came, he immediately felt a suffocation, endless black orbs, endless oppressive attacks, and endless nightfall. It seemed that he would never stop devouring Harlem Vatican Sultan completely.

At the beginning, the resistance of the Harlem Vatican Sultan was a bit of a rule, but under the overwhelming force of the night queen, a flaw soon appeared. The night queen keenly locked this and used a stronger and more powerful attack. Repeatedly hit the psychological defense line of Harlem Fan Sultan, and finally made his heart collapsed. Fortunately, at this time, Sela Black Toad, who was an ally with Harlem Fan Sultan, reached out and helped the two to beat them. This barely pitted the Queen of the Night, but it was inevitable that there was a loophole in the direction that Black Tober should have defended.

The Queen of the Night moved slightly, and without any hesitation, Hei Tou had to reveal a defensive loophole in order to rescue the Harlem Fan Sultan. It seemed that she was going to break through from there, in this case, the nearby Mother Mother Even if she does n’t want to move anymore, once the Queen of Night gets rid of the blockade she laid down, she can attack in any corner of the outside world at any time in a way of fighting, without being constrained as it is now. For everyone, it is definitely a disastrous consequence. After all, no one can confidently stick to other people to reinforce when facing the Queen of the Night alone, even if the Queen of the Night does not need to shoot, just maintain a pressure All can drag down the entire four-nation alliance.

Mother Herast ’s replacement was very timely. She succeeded in grabbing the Queen of the Night, but the Queen of Night gave up the breakthrough plan while Her Mother Herster was dispatched, and went straight to the Saul Demon When the prince was killed, Prince Mosazfil used his body as a weapon, and forcibly collided with the Queen of Night. The two sides evenly divided, but no one could help anyone. As soon as the result of this seeming draw appeared, Mosazfi Prince Le’s face suddenly changed, because his strength was not as good as the Queen of the Night, and the draw in front of him could only show one thing, that is, the real point of attack of the Queen of the Night was not himself.

After successfully mobilizing or dragging Sla Black Toad, Mother Herast, and Prince Mossfirler, the Queen of the Night finally showed her serpent-like teeth, and her figure circulated in the void, and Her next target unexpectedly chose Mother Christine, who had been replaced, and in various previous trials and battles, the Queen of Night found that the power of the dark elf’s demigod king seemed to be as it should be. There is a certain gap in the level of the level, although it is impossible to judge that the mother and father of Herster had carried out a reincarnation ceremony because of unknown factors, but it also allowed the Queen of the Night to find this potential breakthrough point. Unable to attack, when the second target, Harlem Fan, was assisted by Hei Tie again, the Queen of the Night temporarily formulated a series of transfer plans, and now she finally caused the result she wanted.

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