Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 9 - Fight the left hand again

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

The “left hand” stared at Ryan without moving, and Ryan was alert.

His men in black rushed towards Faras. Oz struggled to stop it, but there were too many people in black, and Oz could only barely stop them for a while. This time was enough, Farath seized the opportunity, she once again cast a fireball, this time without the interference of the “left hand”, the fireball exploded smoothly in the black crowd, exploding five or six people in black Flew into the air, and Elena also stood behind Farath. She took advantage of Farath’s fireball to show off her power. When the black men were in chaos, they threw flying knives again and again and took the lives of two black men.

The explosion of the fireball awakened the “left hand”. He remembered his scene in Giethoorn. In the light of the sky, he was also blown into the air, the increasingly unbearable pain in the lower limbs, and the more on the ground The smaller magician coming … All this made the “left hand” fall into a frenzy. He roared loudly, and the piercing sound seemed to tremble even on the ground!

In the rage, the “left hand” moved. He rushed to Ryan at a high speed. What the whole plan of Lord Senat, and the blood needed by Lord Sandro, all **** aside, I just want to shred now. The little magician in front of him then ate all his corpses, and even chewed his bones bit by bit!

“Left hand” watched the figure of the little magician expand infinitely in his own eyes, but he didn’t move at all. He was burning in anger and didn’t think about the reason. At this moment, his mind was completely covered with the idea of ​​revenge!

“Left hand” bumped into the motionless Ryan and knocked him into the air. The “left hand” was so fierce that he threw up his hands and violently knocked Ryan’s body in the air, and then tore Ryan into two pieces with a sharp point. “Left hand” still does not stop, desperately torn Ryan’s body into pieces.

The torn Ryan did not burst into blood, but disappeared into the air.

The “left hand” caught in a frenzy didn’t even notice this. It raised his hair with a smug laugh, and finally killed the little magician. He raised his hands high and shouted loudly for his successful revenge.

Suddenly, the “left hand” felt a pain in his back, and he turned around, only to find that Ryan, who had just been torn apart, stood there in a good manner, holding a dagger in his hand. It was this short sword that pierced his body.

It turned out that Ryan cast a “misleading technique”, using the generated images to make the “left hand” mistakenly think that it was his own body, and then took advantage of the “left hand” to pay attention to the success of the sneak attack.

This “misleading technique” will create an image, but unlike mirror imaging, this misleading illusion can be independent of the free movement of the body. Although all movements are false, they can be confusing. The role of the enemy. Ryan ’s body was hidden by the side, seizing the time when the “left hand” thought to kill the little magician to relax his vigilance and severely hit the “left hand”.

“The left hand” flew up to Ryan, who had already blessed himself with mirror imagery. He was like a cat and quickly shunned from the “left hand”. The “left-handed” rapid attack only broke one of his mirrors, and the shadow in Ryan’s hand made a sword on the “left-handed”.

Ellendo had already brought “sharp claws” into a wind wolf, and when Ryan’s sneak attack succeeded, he roared and rushed towards the “left hand”.

“Left hand” punched Ryan, and Allen grabbed the head of “left hand” with both hands. He saw that “left hand” had only his head or his own, deducing that it was his key point.

It seems that Ellendo’s guess is correct. The “left hand” withdrew his fist against Ryan and swept to Ellendo. Alan Duo bowed dexterously, avoiding the sweep of the “left hand”, and then quickly rushed past him. At the moment of being close to the “left hand”, Ellendo’s claws swept fiercely under his ribs, leaving a long mouth.

“Left hand” roared again and again. After being transformed by Sandro, his physical strength was greatly enhanced. Unexpectedly, he was repeatedly frustrated in front of these two people.

The “left hand” decided to kill Ryan even if he paid some price. It was this little magician who made himself the way he is now. Even if he was greatly hurt, Sandro could transform himself once, he could transform the second time.

“Left hand” disregarded Ellendo and grabbed his back, he punched Ryan with all his strength. This blow was so powerful that Ryan didn’t dare to compete. He cleverly shot the arm that punched the “left hand” from the side, and then pushed it home. Hitting against Ryan’s ear, he didn’t hurt Ryan.

Despite this, Ryan still felt that his ears were hot, and he had re-estimated the power of the “left hand”. The “left hand” seemed to be more powerful than in Giethoorn.

Ellendo knows that although Ryan is good at martial arts, if he fights hard with his left hand, he is not his opponent. He has to hold down the “left hand” and give Ryan time to play.

Alan Duo found that the “left hand” became stronger, but his assembled body didn’t seem to move so quickly. Allen then quickly followed, turning around the “left hand” at high speed, waving his hands constantly to the point of the “left hand”. “Left hand” was furious. His several attacks didn’t hit Ryan. In front of him, this half-man, half-wolf and hungry guy always came to make trouble. He threw his fist fiercely at Allendo, but only hit each time. Afterimage of Ellendo passing at high speed.

Ellendo ’s attack secured enough time for Ryan, and Ryan ’s magic was completed.

A blue lightning jumped happily in the air. It crossed an arc and focused the left hand’s head accurately. There was a scream in the left hand, and this lightning happened to hit his old injury. This position was once struck by lightning with lightning in Giethoorn.

At this time, Allendo turned to the “left hand” behind him, taking advantage of the opportunity of the “left hand” being hit by Ryan, he suddenly approached the “left hand”, his hands pierced into the back of the “left hand”, and the “left hand” hurt. Turn his hands around and want Ellendo to sweep away. Alan Duo spread out, sharp claws took away the large muscles in the back of his left hand. The blood on the back of the “left hand” immediately spewed out and spilled on the ground.

Ellendo once again swam around the “left hand”, making the “left hand” roar repeatedly but could not catch him.

“Left hand” Suddenly stretched out his hands, and his body spun in place very quickly. The “left hand” rotating at high speed became a weapon with great lethality. Allen had no choice but to take a step back and avoid the attack range of the “left hand”.

“Left hand” forced Ellendo away. He yelled, his body squatted slightly, his feet kicked **** the ground, his body spun towards Ryan at high speed.

Allen saw that the situation was not good, he couldn’t care about his injury, and desperately rushed into the rotation of the “left hand”. The rotation attack of the left hand hit Ellendo’s chest fiercely, making Ellendo stand out a bit of blood.

However, Elendo was not injured in vain. He grabbed the “left hand” and hit his arm. His hands were twisted fiercely. The sound of a “click” fracture came out. One arm of the “left hand” showed a normal human basic departure. The distortion appeared.

The “left hand” who had discarded his arm seemed to feel no pain at all. He did not stop his footsteps, but dragged his hands to Ellendo, holding his left arm tightly, and continued to hit Ryan.

Lion ’s lightning has been completed, but seeing the fierceness of the “left hand”, it is too late to evade, and casting magic may hurt Ellendo. Ryan took a chance to bless himself with a stone skin technique, and then leaned sideways to avoid the vital point.

The sound of a heavy object hitting came, and the right shoulder of the “left hand” slammed into Ryan fiercely. Lion stumbled back a few steps, his legs were so soft that he could hardly stand.

“Left hand” hit, with a roar, he broke a punch and was arrested by Ellendo’s left arm, his body rushed towards Ryan again, he raised his right hand, grabbed Ryan’s chest, just want to immediately Lion killed himself under his claws.

Ryan was shocked that this “left-handed” power was even stronger than in Giethoorn. If he was caught, he wouldn’t be blamed if his chest was not punched out of a hole.

Ryan Shun made a mirror image and bought himself a little precious time.

“Left hand” broke an arm, although he didn’t feel pain, but after all there was only one right arm, and his attack speed was obviously much slower.

When the “left hand” smashed the mirror again and again, Lane’s fireball was ready, and he immediately threw the fireball at his feet.

The fireball exploded, and under the precise control of Ryan, the fire burst from the fireball did not burn Ryan at all, and the huge flame immediately swallowed the figure of the “left hand”.

Ryan succeeded in a blow, and cast fireball again to attack the “left hand”. A continuous explosion sounded, and the place where the “left hand” was located was a terrible place, and the flames in the sky were flying in the air with slag.

A figure was thrown out of the smoke. Ryan keenly noticed that the speed of the “left hand” was not as good as before. He knew that the speed and power of the “left hand” had been weakened a lot after being hit repeatedly. Therefore, Ryan decided to take a risk. He didn’t move, put his body backwards desperately, and pulled out the shadow.

The body of the “left hand” slipped against Ryan’s nose. Ryan struggled to stab the shadow in his hand. In the middle of the neck of the “left hand”, the “left hand” was too fierce to stop. He flew over Ryan and was shadowed. A long mouth was drawn.

“Left hand” crossed Ryan and fell to the ground. Ryan’s body was covered with “left hand” flesh and gut.

Ryan stood up one by one, ignoring the dirt on his body, and continued to cast lightning on the head of the “left hand” lying there, turning his left head into coke, and then throwing a fireball, completely breaking the “left hand” “.

After confirming that the “left hand” was really dead this time, Ryan was relieved this time. His feet were soft and he sat on the ground.

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