Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 10 - Clearance

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Faras saw Ryan appear to save himself once, and then “left hand” turned to pounce on Ryan, anxious.

Reed intentionally blessed Ryan with a protective magic, but found that the two were too far apart, and he was helpless. When he saw his distraction, Oz was scratched by a black man and appeared. With blood, he shouted loudly: “First kill the man in black, then rescue Ryan!”

Oz suffered some minor injuries, but calmed down. Instead of worrying about his helpless companions, it was better to concentrate on the group of black men in front of him, not to mention Oz faced a dozen short swords. You can be stabbed to death by a chaotic sword, and you can’t be distracted to see Ryan’s situation.

After reminding Reid, Faras set his mind and focused on casting fireball.

Reid blessed Oz with a protective fire magic to prevent Oz from being accidentally injured by Faras Fireball.

A large flame gathered at the top of Faras’s wand, and Faras’ fireball magic was completed. Unlike Fireball, which Ryan casts, the flames gathered by Faras are more than three times larger. Faras waved his wand vigorously and cast this fireball on the black man who besieged Oz.

The man in black thought that his chief “left hand” went back to kill the female magician, and they were besieging Oz in full armor. In addition to the magician, this kind of warrior with a shield and heavy armor is the most difficult for the men in black to deal with, so they chose to siege Oz, hoping to kill Oz quickly with more blows and less, and then Then deal with others.

Who knows, Ryan’s sudden appearance makes the “left hand” change his intention and turn his head to attack Ryan. This group of men in black is besieging Oz, and they didn’t notice too much that the target of the “left hand” has changed. They still besiege Oz together according to the order just issued by the “left hand”.

Because the men in black stood relatively close to each other, the fierce explosion produced by this fireball blasted seven or eight men in black, and the remaining five or six men in black were also affected. They were in a panic. Shouted and separated at once.

Seeing the magic cast by Faras, the remaining men in black only found that their leader “left hand” turned to kill another little magician. They gave up Oz, from several directions Towards Faras.

Although Oz was affected by the explosion of Farath ’s fireball, he was blessed by Red with protective magic in advance, and basically did not suffer any damage, but now the man in black has changed his strategy and no longer besiege him, but choose from several The direction bypasses himself to kill Faras.

Oz was helpless, he could only barely raise his shield and hit a man in black, then waved his axe and slashed at another man in black next to him. Relieve some of the pressure on Faraday.

The two men in black also learned to be good. Instead of fighting with Oz, they kept fighting around Oz and dragged Oz to death to create a female magician who killed each other. Opportunity.

Alina, who had been standing behind Faras, decisively pulled out a short sword from her body. The situation in front of her was very simple. She dragged the man in black and gave Faras enough time to cast magic.

Elena held a short sword and ran up to meet a man in black. Elena ’s martial arts are not very high, she is better at sneaking from behind, but in this situation, the warrior Oz in the team is dragged down, Reid is also a priest, melee is not good at it, only She can come forward by herself.

Elena raised the short sword in her right hand and slammed the man in black. The man in black went down with his long sword, blocking Alina’s short sword in front of her belly. Then the black man’s wrist was stirred hard, and Elena’s dagger was pulled away. The man in black is about to withdraw his arm and lift his sword straight. Unexpectedly, Alina’s right-handed dagger’s blow was originally a false move. Alina took advantage of the man in black to unwind her dagger and open her chest. , Throwing a flying knife with your left hand!

The black man’s long sword has just twisted off Alina’s short sword, and there is no weapon to block the flying knife, not to mention the short distance between the two, it is impossible to avoid. The man in black reluctantly sideways, avoiding the vital point of his body, and was thrust into the left shoulder by Elena’s flying knife.

The severe pain made the man in black couldn’t help but groan, and the right hand holding the long sword withdrew back to the chest, and the large beads of sweat fell from the head of the man in black.

Reid’s magic is complete, he blesses Elena with a “power of the bull” magic. Alina suddenly felt the infinite power in her body, and she once again stabbed the dagger in her hand.

The man in black endured the pain and used the long sword in his right hand to block it. Unexpectedly, after Elina was blessed with the power of the wild bull, her strength increased greatly. sword.

Elena blocked the long sword of the man in black, and swiftly moved forward. The short sword in her hand stabs the throat of the man in black. The man in black was shocked. Why did the little girl’s power suddenly increase? He didn’t care about thinking too much, he hurriedly tilted his head back, hoping to avoid Elena’s attack.

Elena lifted her right foot and kicked fiercely between the legs of the man in black. The man in black screamed, his feet jumped up, and he couldn’t care about long swords or short swords, his hands covered his lower body in the air, and then fell directly to the ground.

Elena wanted to kick another kick, but found that the man in black was covering her lower body and had not moved. The foot proposed by Elena, who was blessed by the power of the bull, was definitely Bioz in Alfa City. The mercenary guild kicked most of the kick. After all, it was just a lesson to others, and this time it was a fight between life and death.

The remaining four men in black quickly approached Faras.

Faras didn’t panic. She knew Reid’s strength. If he had blessed himself with a sacred shield, what was he afraid of? Faras took the magic wand and began to recite the spell. Soon, the magic was completed, Farath raised her wand and pointed at a man in black who had been forced into her side. A flame blasted violently from the ruby ​​at the top of the wand and sprayed the black. On the man’s face, the man in black didn’t even scream. He dropped his weapon and fell to the ground. His head and upper body have been extensively burned by this fire magic. The man in black is in pain. Endure, keep scrolling.

The other three men in black were startled. One of the shorter men in black saw Faras and was preparing for the next magic, and quickly threw his short sword towards her.

Faras ignored the dagger flying towards her and continued to prepare her magic.

The dagger hit the layer of golden light shrouded by Farath and was bounced away. Is the sacred shield blessed by Reid, which can be destroyed by this ordinary dagger?

While the dagger was bouncing off, Faras completed the next magic. A ball of flame condensed into an arrow and flew to the man in black who threw his dagger and hit the target accurately. The flaming arrow burst out of the high-temperature flame contained in it at the moment it hit the target, killing the man in short black suit.

The remaining two men in black were holding the dagger tightly in their hands, and sweat came out of their palms. They felt a dilemma: “What should I do? At this time, turning around and running can only become the target of the magician, but I just posted it myself. , Nor can he break the sacred shield that Reid blessed for Faras, or become a target for others. “

After a moment of hesitation, Farath cast another flame arrow, and a hesitant man in black was hit by this burning flame arrow and became a victim of this magic.

The continuous death of his companion made the last man in black feel the fear of death. He turned his head and wanted to run, but how could he pass Faras’ magic?

A flame flew out of Flushing’s hand, tracing a red trajectory in the air, and accurately hit the man in black who wanted to run away. The man in black was suddenly surrounded by blazing fire. He rolled desperately on the ground, thinking Extinguish the flame, but how can the flame created by magic be extinguished so simply? The burning man in black soon fell to the ground and did not move.

Faras took a deep breath and finally solved these guys who were looking for trouble. She quickly went to see Ryan, with a hint of hope in her heart, hoping Ryan would persevere.

Who knew this ending left Faras stunned: Ryan and Ellendo had solved the “left hand”! Watching Ryan use magic to continuously explode his left body to pieces, Faras’ brain is blank, isn’t he a magic apprentice? Why does this strength look better than yourself?

Reed knew that he was blessed with a sacred shield, and Faras was enough to solve the few black men who attacked her, so Reed put his energy mainly on the side of Oz and Alina, he first gave Ellie Na casts a “Bull Power” to help Elena kill her enemies, and then casts a wound healing magic to cure Oz’s bruise on his left hand.

The pain in Oz was refreshed, he shouted, lifted his axe and chopped towards a man in black, this man in black quickly succumbed to parry, but Oz’s move was just a feint, he suddenly raised his shield, shot To another man in black. The man in black was about to make a sneak attack from the side of Oz while Oz and his companions were fighting, but hit Oz with a shield.

The sound of broken bones came from Oz’s shield. Oz’s violent shield slammed the nose of the black man who was trying to sneak into the head, and the black man suddenly died.

The last man in black was frightened by the sound of broken bones. He just wanted to turn around to escape, but he felt a sudden pain in his back. He wanted to look back to see who did it, but slowly Fell to the ground.

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