Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 7 - Before the battle

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

At the same time as the members of the Rex team fell silent, deep in an abandoned mine hole outside the city of Elmida.

This is a huge empty cave. The whole cave seems to have been treated with magic. Its ground is very flat, and the walls of the cave are very smooth. It is not like a real mine.

A sarcophagus engraved with exquisite patterns is prominently placed in the middle of the ground. The sarcophagus is engraved with vivid characters and exquisite buildings. Among these carved patterns, a handsome man in a black cloak will appear in most of them. In the pattern on the front of the sarcophagus, this handsome man stood on the high palace, he looked down at the ground, watching the crowd on the ground kneeling to him, as if he were the master of this world. There is also a bat flying in the air on his cloak, and a few bright drops of blood are exposed at the corner of the bat’s mouth.

The ground around the sarcophagus was “carved” by some kind of magic with a huge magic circle. The complex pattern of this dark red magic circle spread like a spider web, and from time to time weird fluctuations.

At one end of the magic circle is a high altar, on which is placed a huge seat where a person wearing a black cloak sits quietly.

A brazier was placed around the altar. The dark flames were burning in the brazier, but the beating flames gave a very cold feeling, and it seemed that even the bones would be frozen.

Below the altar is a pool full of blood, with corpses and bones vaguely revealed.

Several skeleton warriors walked into the cave with their corpses on their backs, and the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the empty cave. These skeleton warriors walked mechanically to the side of the blood pool and threw the body on their backs.

The blood pool, replenished with fresh corpses, immediately rolled up and made a loud noise, and the corpses gradually melted into blood.

This blood flowed into the bleeding pool, flowing along the concave magic circle, and soon filled the entire magic circle. The dark red magic circle sent out strange waves, sending blood to the sarcophagus in its center.

The sarcophagus absorbed the blood and gave out bursts of satisfaction, as if it had just been a hearty meal.

A heavier footstep came, and a huge assembled monster walked into the empty cave.

The assembled monster has a human head without any clothes on its body, obviously showing different furs and bones. It should be assembled with several unused corpses of Warcraft. It has four legs, each leg is completely different except for its length. It should be four different types of Warcraft. The assembled monster walks like a warhorse.

The assembled monster walked under the altar and said in a non-human language respectful to the person wearing the black cloak on the altar: “Master, today there are 20 fresh corpses.”

The man in the black cloak said nothing.

The assembled monster said, “The guys said that a mercenary team came to Hermida these days, and it is said that they came to find the missing people.”

“Humph!” A human voice came from the corner of the cave, and another assembled monster came out from there.

This kind of assembled monster that speaks human language is completely different from the one just now. His body is not so bloated, his upper body is completely a human, and his lower body is assembled on a leg of Warcraft. The assembled monster walked and said in human language: “It’s just to die, I can kill them all by myself.”

This human-speaking assembled monster walked down to the altar step by step, and his face was illuminated by the icy flame of the altar.

The “left hand” who became a monster assembled and said to the altar in a black cloak: “Master Sandro, thank you very much for giving me this more powerful body,”

“Left hand” stretched out his hands and looked at it with satisfaction. He felt that his whole body was now full of endless energy, and he wished to immediately grab a person’s heart to taste.

Sitting on the altar, Sandro, who was wearing a black cloak, spoke as if his voice had been soaked in ice that had never changed, and it made people feel creepy: “The ceremony is about to be completed. I need more blood.”

The unruly “left hand” has always respectfully said, “No problem, Lord Sandro. Lord Lord my family sent you hundreds of young people with full flesh from Giethoorn. Here, there are also 20 With a fresh body, I believe it is enough for you to use. “

Sandro raised his shoulders, revealing his hands. His hand turned out to be a bone!

A powerful force emanated from Sandro’s hand and spread in the cave.

This force passed into the brain of the “left hand”, grief, helplessness, pain … All kinds of negative emotions in the world appeared in his brain, although the “left hand” had been murderous, he could not bear it. Such a terrible dark power, he desperately wanted to get rid of this power, but his body could not move at all.

“The left hand” has more and more negative emotions in his head, and he can no longer bear the greatest pain in this world. & amp; quot; Ah ~ & amp; quot; The cry of heartbreak echoed in the cave.

Suddenly, this evil force disappeared, as if it had never appeared. The “left hand” was relieved, kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath.

Sandrew’s cold, chilling voice echoed again in the ear of “Left Hand”: “I need more blood!”

“Left hand” said quickly: “No problem, Lord Sandro, I immediately notify them and let them do their best to send the fresh body.”

Sandro let go of his hand and stopped making any sound.

“Left hand” quickly stood up and walked out of the cave. He had to urge his men to speed up. The situation of Sandro’s anger was really terrible. If he was in Giethoorn that day, it would be possible to disappear by himself All holy knights are gone.

The cave has returned to its former quietness, as if the scene just now had never happened.

The second floor of El Mida City Hotel.

“Okay, I believe everyone is thinking about it.” Reid said, “Let’s decide now.”

Faras said: “Red, we come out together, naturally we have to go back together.”

Reid smiled and said, “I know you will stay.” After that, he combed his hair with his hands and put on a very handsome and handsome posture.

Faras was very disdainful of Reid’s behavior, she said with a lip, “Don’t think I want to stay with you. I’m afraid I won’t be able to explain to Master Ibehr after I go back.”

Reid’s combing his hand stopped on his head. He said embarrassingly, “Fani, that’s it, don’t say it right away, can’t you please satisfy my vanity?”

Faras glanced at Reid and stopped talking.

Reed squeezed a smile on his face and said to Oz, “What about you?”

Oz was still in a slow manner. He looked at the axe in his hand and said to himself: “Someone is going to ask me to drink Bordeaux wine. I am gone now, can’t I drink it?”

Reid said: “Oz, you used to not talk, I used to make fun of you. But now the choice of this matter is related to your destiny, you have to think clearly.”

Oz raised his head and stared at Red, saying, “As long as you drink my Bordeaux wine, my life is yours.”

Reid has no words for the drunkard Oz. This is just like drinking alcohol. He shook his head and said, “I’ve served you. Don’t die if you have wine.”

After talking, Red took a very beautiful small bottle from his storage pocket and threw it to Oz.

Oz took the bottle and gently opened the stopper with a trace of expectation, and a scent of wine immediately emerged from the bottle.

Oz took a deep sniff with his nose, and his eyes suddenly lighted up: “Bordeaux?” He took a small sip, closed his eyes, and tasted the flavor carefully, not leaving Reid anymore.

Reed turned to Elena and said, “You are young, don’t bet on me.”

Elena said disdainfully: “Fani is so good to me before I stay. Do you think I stayed on your face?”

Reid frowned and said, “I’m not big or small, I’m older than you. Why should you respect me? Since you joined our team, you have never had a good face for me.”

Elena said, “Okay, Ray ~ De ~ Uncle!”

Reid rolled his eyes and felt that his luck was too bad. Oz was drunk and Alina was naughty again. Why didn’t his teammates be serious? He didn’t want to think that he always put on a cool expression, not much stronger than his companion.

Red looked at Ryan and Ellendo and said, “Where are you two?”

Ellendo shook his head. Reid thought Ellendo was unwilling to continue taking risks. He said, “I respect your choice.”

Ellendo shook his head again and said to Red: “I see you can remember the data from 200 years ago. I thought you were very smart. The result is …”

Reid opened his eyes and looked at Ellendo. Ryan also felt that Ellendo seemed to have changed a lot. Compared with the past, Ellendo is no longer a cold look. Scene, also learned to joke. It seems that Ellendo can basically get along with others without being strange.

Ellendo said, “I am a druid …”

Reid rushed and said, “I know, you are traveling around to find traces of undead.”

Allen gave Reid a small blow: “It’s okay, I’m not stupid to get home.”

Reid smiled bitterly on his face: “Is it so bad in your own relationships? Even Allendo, who just joined the team, also ridicules himself, alas.”

Ryan said voluntarily, “Are you looking for you, Red? Since you are a companion of a team, you naturally want to have fun together and take risks together. How can you leave your companion and run first in case of danger?

Reid said helplessly: “I’m doing it for everyone, I hope you think about it, and it turns out to be wrong for me.”

Everyone looked at Reed’s grievances and couldn’t help laughing. The shadow that shrouded everyone’s heart disappeared from the laughter.

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