Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v3 Chapter 6 - Legendary demon

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Team Leith said goodbye to Jessie, and the group returned to the hotel. After lunch, they each returned to their rooms to rest.

In the eyes of Ryan, Jim and Jessie always appeared, and he felt sorry for them. A naive childhood should have been carefree, but how many children like Jim and Jessie are struggling to fill their stomachs in this city?

Ryan wanted to help them, but he didn’t have much money on his body. What’s the use of even taking out all his money? It is not Jim ’s fault that caused this situation, but the decree of the city ’s lord.

The city owner can issue such a decree that the people in his city have to work in dangerous mines, and then only exchange two simple, barely filled foods. However, this absolutely unfair and unreasonable decree was approved by the imperial ruler!

Lane walked out of the room and walked aimlessly in the hallway. He felt confused in his mind. His childhood adoration of heroes and longing for the world outside his hometown were his biggest motivations to get out of his hometown. However, many of the scenes he saw after walking out of his hometown were diametrically opposed to his previous imagination, and Ryan really didn’t understand why this was the case!

Perhaps, as Ellendo said, “If everyone is kind, there will be no inequality in this continent, and there will be no disputes. Of course it is impossible, there are only two ways, or I am slow Slowly adapt to the situation on this continent, or I have enough strength to change all this. Why do n’t you think about it? “

“I don’t know, can I change all this?” A thought suddenly appeared in Ryan’s mind. He shook his head swiftly and shook the thought out of his head completely. Ryan said in mocking, “I must be There are too many stories about heroes. “

“Fanny, we can help them” Elena’s voice reached Ryan’s ear.

Ryan stopped his thoughts, only to find that he had reached the roof terrace that he visited yesterday evening.

Faras and Elena seem to be arguing about something. Ryan heard Faras say to Elena: “I know your mood, but have you thought about it, can you help a few Jessie? How long can you help them? ? “

Elena said dissatisfiedly: “Something must be done by someone. Each of us will help them, and their situation will gradually improve.”

Faras shook her head and showed a pity on her face. She touched Elena’s hair and said, “Any, things are not as simple as you think. Haven’t you thought about who caused it?” Jim, what are they doing now? “

“City Master!” Elena shouted loudly, “Why does the Empire not care about these greedy guys. Didn’t the emperor jerks have eyes?”

After hearing Elena’s words, Faras’ face changed suddenly, but she quickly adjusted and said to Elena: “Any, things are not as simple as you think. The empire is two hundred in size. With multiple city owners, the power of the empire cannot do this at all. They can only be restrained as much as possible, as long as they do not openly violate the laws of the empire, do not rebel, and obey the rule of the empire, they can do what they want in their territory thing.”

Elena said coldly to Faras: “Faras, that is to say, the Empire sacrifices people like Jim in exchange for so-called stability?”

Faras explained to Elena: “Do you think Jim is poor? Have you ever seen anyone more pitiful than him? Did you know that last month the Senat rebellion, how much energy did the empire spend to calm down? Because of the rebellion, how much has the residents of Mori City suffered? If the entire empire is in chaos, who is the most unlucky? It is Jim and they, who have no power to protect themselves, can only let others be slaughtered. Like now, there is at least something to eat and a place to live. “

Elena stared at Faras with her eyes firmly, her hands clenched into fists. Although Faras ’s words were unpleasant, they were indeed the truth.

Ryan saw that the two had stalemate. He felt that they would reconcile them. After all, they were all members of the Lace squad. There was no need to make the relationship like this.

Lane deliberately walked a few steps deliberately, making dull footsteps.

Faras and Elena were attracted by the sound and turned their heads together and looked at it.

Seeing that Ryan was coming, Elena loosened her clenched fists, turned around, and covered her face with her hands. Faras nodded to Ryan, saying hello.

Ryan deliberately shifted the subject, he asked Faras to say: “Who released our mission this time?”

Faras said: “It is the city master of Hermita, the city master who forced others to work in the copper mine under his name. He used a high-level fire magic core as a task reward. I saw that magic core is very It suits me, and it’s next. “

Ryan asked: “Will he be so kind?”

Faras said: “In fact, it is not his kindness, but the increasing number of missing people in the city of El Mida. He is worried that if he goes on like this, he will not find enough labor to affect his own interests.”

Ryan nodded thoughtfully.

Faras also said: “When we took the task, we thought it was just a normal kidnapping. Now when we arrive here, we find that it is not the case. The situation in Hermida, except for the city owner, there are almost no rich people. Even if If you kidnap, you will also kidnap the city owner. I can’t think of any use for kidnapping these miners who can’t even eat food? “

Ryan said: “Yeah. This is really strange.”

Faras said again: “I heard Jessie’s words today, which is really unbelievable. According to her description, what kind of monster is that? What use do they have to catch these miners?”

Reed’s voice came: “You are all here, that’s great, come to my room, I have something to tell everyone.”

Faras looked down at the sound and saw Reid standing at the entrance of the roof platform, his face was very serious, changed his usual appearance, and asked strangely: “Reed, you never seem to be so serious, what’s the matter? Things? “

Red said: “It’s a few guesses from me. If it’s true, then we’re in trouble.”

Faras said: “Okay, let’s go together and listen to your guess.”

Faras and they followed Reed to his room, only to see Ellendo was already there.

Reid said: “Since everyone is here, I will talk about my guess.”

Reid said: “Today we found Jessie and heard her say something about the so-called demons. I have always had a bad hunch in my heart. After having eaten just now and thinking about it in bed again, I think I have seen the devil and the piles of bones described by Jessie in the book. I remembered it carefully, and the result surprised me. “

Faras said: “Reed, stop talking nonsense, and hurry up.”

Red said seriously: “Do you remember the invasion of the Undead Legion 200 years ago?”

Faras said: “Who doesn’t know this, hurry up and say your guess.”

Reid said, “Fani, don’t panic, I’ll say all of this. There are my guesses here, which I also read from the book, plus Jessie’s words, I put them together, To reach a conclusion. “

Faras nodded, and she saw that Red was very serious, so she didn’t intervene any more, but just sat there and listened carefully to Red.

“I have read the relevant materials of the holocaust 200 years ago, especially the composition of the Undead Legion. Although the Undead Legion was nominally commanded by the demon ‘Alest-Caslavin’, the actual command The power belongs to his think tank, Lich Cons. “

“This lich has terrible strength. He used some method to create a large number of liches, and through these liches, he commanded the various legions separately.”

“The main components of these undead legions are skeleton warriors. These warriors transformed from human corpses are not as powerful as when they were alive, but the number is too large, and almost no supplies are needed, as long as a lich can Thousands of these warriors are controlled. Lich Cons is using this method to command the huge army of undead. “

Reed gasped and continued: “But the Skeletal Warrior is a large number of people, basically it is cannon fodder. Lich Conss has created another terrible murder weapon. He assembled the Warcraft and human body fragments and synthesized them. A kind of undead that possesses both the fierceness of Warcraft and the simple wisdom of human beings. This kind of undead can kill a squad composed of 50 light infantry alone, or charge against more than 10 knights. It is extremely powerful. A punch on the battlefield can hit a war horse, and even a boulder with a heavy weight can be easily lifted and thrown away. “

Faras was also dignified, she looked at Reid and said, “You doubt the demon that Jessie described …”

Reid said: “Yes, that demon is what I said just now. The horrible murder weapon of the Legion of the Dead, and the piles of bones are obviously skeleton warriors.”

Hearing Reid’s words, Ellendo’s eyes glowed hot. Ryan knew that their druids came out to travel, most of them were looking for the traces of the undead. Now that there is relevant news, of course they are excited.

Ryan patted Ellendo’s shoulder, beckoning him to be restless.

Reid ’s eyes swept across the room. He said softly: “Our opponent is likely to be a fish that has not been completely eliminated 200 years ago. This mission has become very dangerous. I hope everyone now Just think about it, if you do n’t want to, you can leave immediately, no one will laugh at you. “

Faras said: “There is nothing to leave. We take risks to exercise ourselves, not to give ourselves up. But please think about it. If you choose to stay, it is impossible to retreat, especially when facing the enemy.”

There was silence in the room, only to hear everyone’s faint breathing.

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