Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 4 - Mayor

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After Azim walked away, Ryan walked lightly to the door of the tent, opened the door, and walked in.

Mayor Jelley stood with his hands on his hips and his back to the door, his body trembling slightly, gasping heavily. Hearing that the door was opened again, he didn’t look back, and said coldly, “What are you doing back?”

Ryan said: “Mayor Zhelile, it’s me, Ryan.”

Mayor Zhelile was shocked and turned his head quickly, saying, “How are you? How long have you been?”

Ryan did not intend to let others know that he had eavesdropped. He deliberately said, “I’ve only arrived. I was surprised to see Azim raging away.”

Mayor Zhelile listened to Ryan’s words and relaxed a lot. He greeted Ryan to sit down and asked Ryan’s intention.

Ryan said: “Mayor Zhelile, my companions and I are here this time, mainly for the reward mission you posted. We plan to learn more …”

Mayor Jelley waved his hand and interrupted Ryan’s words. He said, “Dear Lord Magician, I know your intentions, but I don’t think you can help you much.”

Ryan smiled and said, “One more person gives you more strength.”

Mayor Zhelile said, “Even if there are hundreds of edelweiss rabbits, it is impossible to shake one of the dragon’s feet.”

Ryan shrugged his shoulders: “Doing whatever you want is better than not doing it. As long as you have careful planning and strong execution, maybe the edelweiss will also defeat the dragon one day. But if this group of edelweiss does nothing If you cook it, you will become a dragon’s delicious meal one by one. “

Zhelile listened to Ryan’s words and fell into contemplation. Ryan knew that Zhelile was hesitating, and he did not speak, but only looked at Zhelile silently.

After a long time, the mayor said: “Ryan, you are still young. If I were you, I would walk away with my companions. Without life, careful planning makes no sense.”

Ryan saw that Mayor Jelley could say this, knowing that Mayor Jelley still had no confidence in himself. He thought about it and said to Mayor Jelley: “I know you have no confidence in me in my heart, and I also I do n’t want to say anything. But since I have taken this task to eliminate thieves, I will definitely stay and try to do it well. Even if there is a great danger, it is just what I have to pay before harvesting. . “

Mayor Jelley thought Ryan stayed only for the bounty. He took out a purse and gently put it on the table, saying: “You are still young, many things are unclear. Among a group of snow rabbits, it is not Everyone will have a mind with you, maybe you are here today, and some people have already known. I have 50 gold coins here, you take it, I as the mission issuer, think you have done your best , You can get rewards. “

Ryan shook his head. In fact, he was not used to this pun with puns. He directly pointed out and said, “For example, Azim?”

Mayor Zhelile gave Ryan a deep look and said, “How much do you know?”

Ryan shrugged his shoulders again. He found that he had done this action more frequently recently. He sorted out his thoughts and said, “I don’t understand. 20 thieves actually made a town of 1,000 people like an enemy. Let The mayor of this town is in a dilemma, even considering reconciling with the thieves? “

After listening to Ryan ’s words, Jelley ’s face changed, and he knew in his heart that Ryan had heard the quarrel between him and Azim. He opened his mouth to explain what he thought, but he thought about it and said, “Alfa City Guardian I once said that, but he is now going back in disgrace. I guess if he is not his sergeant, he may not be able to go back. “

Ryan Daqi asked, “Isn’t it said that after the garrison arrived, and after stationing for a period of time, he didn’t find any trace of the thief before he went back?”

Zhelile smiled contemptuously and said, “Just the pig that is fatter than me? He came here either for gold coins or for women. My people found the trail of the thieves, and he took the drunk and followed him. Then, at night, he was stripped of his clothes and thrown at the gate of the town. I guess the thieves were reluctant to make things big. After all, they killed the garrison of Alfa City. It was very troublesome. “

For the first time Ryan heard this message, he silently calculated, how could the sergeant be incompetent, after all, with 50 soldiers, didn’t the Giethoorn send someone to help?

Thinking of this, he asked Jerele: “50 soldiers can’t beat 20 thieves? What about yours? Didn’t you go?”

“My man!” When he heard Ryan’s words, Jelley suddenly thundered, and he shouted loudly: “I sent the most capable 20 people to follow the pig, but what happened? Into the trap of the thieves, after being alive, in order to save their lives, they actually deceived my men and let them all fall into the hands of the thieves, 20 people, all of whom were cut off their throats by this group of hateful thieves. “

Ryan was also taken aback when he heard this. He didn’t expect the truth of the matter to be like this. No wonder Jerele had little confidence in himself. But there was another question in Ryan ’s mind. He said, “Please forgive me for my misunderstanding, Mayor Jelley, but I ’m still very strange. Even if it fails for the first time, there are hundreds of young people in Giethoorn, and you can even ask El Facheng asks for help again, is that the case? “

Zhe Lile looked at Ryan’s sincere face and couldn’t help but feel a little trance, he seemed to answer non-answers: “20 young people, the youngest one is similar to you, they are the future of our Giethoorn, just so incompetent Of the pigs are ruined. “

Speaking of this, Mayor Zhelile paused for a moment, and he seemed to see the faces that were fresh in his eyes. He said in a low voice: “The people of Yangjiao Town actually lived a nomadic life many years ago. With a strong horse, a strong bow on his back, living on the grassland of the South Taran prairie, friends came, fresh goat milk, Warcraft and orcs came, we have sharp arrows. “

“200 years ago, the empire drove away the orcs, so that our ancestors no longer have to worry about the oppression of the orcs, and our people lived a good day they dreamed of.”

“Because there is no threat from the orcs, our ancestors no longer have to wander around to avoid the orcs, and slowly settled in the most beautiful places of water plants, so they lived for generations.”

“Unfortunately, a stable life of more than one hundred years has caused us to slowly lose the sturdiness of our ancestors. There have also been a lot of hidden dangers in the settlement life for many years. After all, the richness of water plants is also limited. Now the population and the herd ratio There has been a substantial increase since the beginning of time. We have gradually felt this situation, but we have become accustomed to this kind of life. We would rather go further when we graze every day, and squeeze more when we stay at night, rather than give up here. . “

“After I became the mayor, I always wanted to change this situation. I carefully selected a group of young and energetic herdsmen, hoping to use them as the main force in a few years to build another settlement in other places, and then use this This way of slowly expanding our settlements, so that our people have more living space. Unfortunately, most of them died in the hands of thieves this time. “

Tears came out of Zhelile ’s eyes, and he wiped them with his hands, continuing to say: “Aqimu was originally my right-hand man, but then I slowly discovered that he was a very ambitious person, he was very aggressive in doing things , Advocates giving up old and disabled people, and only taking young people to migrate. You can even rob others like the orcs robbed our ancestors. “

“For this matter, I had a fierce quarrel with him, and in the end everyone parted ways.”

“After all these years, he also has a lot of power. I know that he has done something behind his back, but I didn’t expect him to achieve his purpose or even reconcile with the thief. Ryan, you are still young, and too long. The road is going to go. You do n’t know, when did the person of Qi Mu do it, why do you bother to fall into the affairs of our people? “

Ryan listened to Mayor Jelley and was shocked. The mayor, who looked weak in appearance, was so full of foresight, which made Ryan admire him. But Ryan said firmly: “Mr. Mayor, since I took this task with my companions, I will do my best to do it well. It’s getting late, I’m going to rest, and you should take a rest early.”

Having said this, Ryan walked out of the mayor’s tent without looking back.

Seeing Ryan walk out of his tent, the mayor changed his weak look just now, and his eyes were full of violence. He whispered: “Aqimu, you want to fight me, you think I don’t know, you increased the number of horses requested by the thieves by 50%, and the extra part has not been taken by you, you plan to Take this opportunity to ride on my head? Huh! And this magician, my heart is too simple, I ca n’t help but say a few words? You fight slowly. “

After coming out of the mayor ’s tent, Lane strode toward the little tent where he lived, opened the tent door, and walked in.

The tent was very dark, and it seemed Ellendo had not returned. Ryan walked to the table and lit half of the candle on the table.

Just the moment Ryan turned on the candle, a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart. This feeling he used to appear only when he was stared at by the fierce Warcraft!

Ryan thought, and a thick layer of stone skin had shrouded his body.

With a “dang” sound, a dagger stabbed Ryan’s back and cut Ryan’s clothes, but was blocked by the thick stone skin.

Ryan didn’t even have time to turn his thoughts, and the body had instinctively fell forward, avoiding the assassin’s next attack.

While falling, Ryan twisted his body and turned around. He saw a black suit all over his body, and a man wearing a black mask was rushing at himself.

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