Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 3 - First impression of Giethoorn

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Ryan greeted Mayor Jelley and said, “Hello, Mayor Jelley, I am Lane, and this is my companion. We took the task of removing thieves that you posted in Alfa City. “

Zhelile listened to Ryan, looked up and down, and led Ryan and Ellen into the black tent.

The ground in the **** tent is covered with thick carpets, which are woven from wool, and it seems to be carefully embroidered with a certain pattern, but it is clear that this carpet has been used for a long time, and it has been unrecognizable. What pattern is embroidered on it?

The space in the black tent is really not small. Although the tent is divided into two parts by black wool blankets, the outside part alone is enough to stand thirty or forty people. In stark contrast to the small gray tents outside.

Mayor Gerald invited Ryan and Ellendo to sit around a small table with himself, and his sturdy youths bowed their heads and stood behind them respectfully.

Soon, a young maid delivered three white drinks.

Ryan took a sip from the glass. He felt that the white drink was very sour, and it also had a faint smell, which he couldn’t drink at all. In order not to be disrespectful, Ryan reluctantly swallowed the point in his mouth, and then gently placed the cup on the table.

Mayor Jelley smiled at Ryan ’s move and said, “This is the unique goat ’s milk on our grassland. It does have a slightly different taste, and it seems that the Honorable Magician does not like it.”

Ryan explained: “Please call me Ryan. I haven’t tried it, I just feel sour.”

Mayor Zhelile laughed. He said with a smile: “Every new guest will not be used to this taste. Unlike the people here, we drink every day and have long been used to it.”

After talking, Zhelile motioned for the maid to bring two glasses of water and removed the goat’s milk.

Ryan immediately picked up the clear water and took a big sip.

Mayor Jerele looked at Ryan and smiled slowly about the scenery on the grassland, the various customs of the herdsmen, and even talked about the celebration of the Victory Day, as if the task of removing the thieves was not issued by him. Never encountered a thief.

Ryan tried to lead the topic to the thieves several times, but they were all deliberately led away by Mayor Jelley.

This way of talking made Ryan very uncomfortable. He took advantage of Jellie’s wooden cup and drank goat’s milk and said: “Mayor Jelleyl, we would like to first understand some specifics about the thief in Giethoorn.”

Mayor Zhelile has not spoken yet, but a bright business came out of the tent: “Haha, the mayor has a visitor, how can I not come.”

The voice was not over. A very sturdy man in his thirties was gone. He wore a white headscarf on his head and was dressed in gray woolen clothing. He was bent behind his waist The youth of the knife.

After the man in the white headscarf entered the tent, he scanned the three people present with his eyes. His eyes fell directly on Ryan ’s chest. He saw Ryan ’s badge of magic apprenticeship.

The man in the white headscarf stunned slightly, and then said with a smile: “It turned out to be a Mr. Magician, disrespectful and disrespectful. The nickname is Azim. The toughest warrior, why do n’t you ask me any questions? “

Without waiting for Ryan to speak, Zile said unpleasantly: “Azimu, Mr. Ryan and his friends are my guests. What are you doing here?”

Azim laughed out loud and said, “If I am not mistaken, this Mr. Ryan and his friends are here to help us eliminate the thieves in Giethoorn. As a member of Giethoorn, of course I have the responsibility to let The two respected magicians have learned the most informative information. “

The mayor of Zhelile changed his face and said aloud: “I am the mayor of Giethoorn. I will naturally talk to two guests about this. There is nothing about you here. You can do your own thing.”

Azim listened to Zhelile’s words, and his face also changed, but he soon recovered.

Azim looked at Zhelili with contempt, and said, “Observe, Lord Mayor. But I hope you think about it before you speak.”

After talking, Azim took the guard and walked away.

Mayor Jelley held the wooden cup full of goat’s milk in his hand, and his hands were shaking, and his heart was extremely angry. He suddenly put the wooden cup on the table and said to Ryan: “Dear Lord Magician, my body is a little unwell. Let’s talk about it tomorrow. Please take two to rest first.” Talk to Ellen, stand up straight, and walk into the tent separated by a black wool blanket.

The youth behind Zhelile hurried to Ryan and led Ryan and Ellen out of the tent where the mayor lived and sent them into another small gray tent dozens of steps away.

This small gray tent is different from the one in the town of Zhelile, but the space inside is very small. It takes about five or six steps to touch the wall of the tent. The height is not good, but it can barely make people stand. Straight body.

The entire tent did not even have the entire carpet, directly exposing the ground burned with fire. If you camp for a long time on the grassland, you will use fire to burn all the turf in the camping area, exposing the bright ground, so that you will not feel wet. At the corner of the tent, there is a very small table with two frayed woolen blankets next to it, probably for sleeping

After the young man left, Ryan and Ellendo picked up the wool blanket and laid it on the ground. Then they sat together side by side and whispered about what had just happened.

Ellendo said: “Lean, look, the situation here is strange.”

Ryan said: “Yeah, Mayor Jelly seems unwilling to talk about the thieves, and what the man named Azim said also seems to have other meanings.”

Allendo said: “I can feel that the man named Azim seems to be the key to the whole thing. You see, even as the mayor, Jelley is very afraid of him.”

Ryan sighed and said, “This horn town is really a lot of things. There are thieves on the outside, and it seems that the inside is not in harmony.”

Elendo said: “I think the top priority is to talk to the mayor again to figure out the status quo. I think the mayor just seemed to have concerns when talking to us, so I don’t want to talk more. You see we haven’t said long , Azim came in a hurry. If no one informed him, could he come so fast? “

Ryan agreed: “Okay. I’ll go to the mayor again in the evening, and I will go quietly to prevent others from knowing.”

Ellendo said: “Well, then I dive out of town at night, my wind wolves are still outside, I let them monitor the town of Giethoorn, if anyone goes out, then I will keep up.”

Throughout the day, although the town of Giethoorn came and went, no one approached the tents of Ryan and Ellendo, as if they simply did not exist.

Finally, at night, Ryan and Allen split up. Allen took advantage of the night and sneaked out of Giethoorn. The tall wooden wall could not stop Elendo’s footsteps.

Watching Elendo gently flip out the wooden wall of Giethoorn, Ryan sorted out his clothes and walked quietly towards the black tent where the mayor lived.

As soon as Ryan walked outside the tent, he heard a voice inside. He put his ear on the tent and recognized it carefully.

Inside is the two arguing loudly, the mayor’s voice looks hoarse, and it is Azim who is arguing with him.

Ryan moved in his heart and didn’t walk in directly, but looked around and found that no one noticed himself. He walked gently into the shadow behind the tent and listened carefully to the conversation in the tent.

I only heard Azim said: “Enough is enough, you coward. Fighting, you said that you are afraid of losing too much in the town; and, you think the price of others is too high; send a reward task and wait for these days, just Two young magic apprentices are here. What can they do? “

Zhelile’s voice was a little hoarse. He said, “Aqimu, I am the mayor of Giethoorn. I naturally have my plan, and I don’t need you to point fingers.”

Azim said: “You old man, Claw Town is not yours alone. If you are so hesitant, when they lose patience and kill them directly, everything will be done. You don’t care about yours Four women and large flocks of Taren sheep, I feel distressed. “

Zhelile listened to Azim and said nothing.

Seeing that his words worked, he proudly said, “My people have spent a lot of effort to contact them. You have also seen that although they always came a while ago, our losses did not It ’s not big. It ’s just that some sheep and horses have been lost. People are fine. Their requirements are actually not too high to think about, but they are only 3000 horses. ”

“3000 horses?” Jeremy shouted again when he heard this number: “We have no more than 5,000 horses in total. They will go to the majority of them all at once. What shall we do in the future?”

Azim said: “You don’t deserve to be the mayor of Giethoorn, you know what is right in front of you. If they really come in, it’s not a matter of horses, you will lose your life! No life, you What’s the use of those? Your four women will also embrace others … “

“Enough!” Jeremy interrupted Azim impatiently.

Azim didn’t pay attention to Zelej, and continued: “The **** of Alfa has also been here, and your reward mission has been released. What effect? ​​You really think that those two children who have not grown up What is the use? Do you want me to tell you the truth? Everything has to depend on yourself. They have given us a deadline. If you do n’t answer again tomorrow night, then when the sun rises the day after tomorrow, they will come and get it by themselves. Think about it yourself. “

The tent door was opened, and Azim strode out.

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