Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 11 - Rogue Wizard

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

Seeing that his magic mirror was almost finished, Ryan didn’t panic, because the mirror had already given himself enough time, and a beating of electricity was formed in his hands.

Ryan’s right hand shadow stabs at the “left hand” abdomen, and the “left hand” hands together, holding Ryan’s long sword.

Ryan wanted this opportunity. He extended his left index finger and released lightning on the face of the “left hand”. At such a short distance, the “left hand” was too late to avoid, and a blue electric light hit accurately.

“Left hand” screamed and released Ryan’s long sword with both hands.

The tip of the long sword in Ryan’s hand was raised, and he took advantage of the situation to stab the “left hand” throat.

Unexpectedly, the “left hand” is far from that of other thieves. Although his face was seriously damaged, his hands quickly defended himself. The sharp steel claws waved in front of his body and blocked Ryan’s long sword.

“Left hand” does not look at anything. In order to prevent Ryan’s attack, he can only keep backing, waving his hands on his chest, hoping to give himself a little time to restore his vision.

The “left hand” action was in the middle of Ryan’s arms. In just 2 seconds, Ryan completed the fireball magic. In order not to be blocked by the “left hand”, Ryan cleverly throws the fireball technique to the foot of the “left hand”.

The brilliant flame looked like a blooming flower in Ryan’s eyes. However, in the heart of the thief, it became a sickle of death. Seeing that the “left-handed” adult with superior martial arts was blown into the air by Ryan’s fireball, the thieves were completely scared, and many people had left their weapons and fled.

From the release of Ryan ’s first fireball to the defeat of the “left hand”, although it was thrilling, the time was not long, but between a dozen breaths.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Ryan quickly looked around, looking for the trail of Ellendo.

When Ellendo and Ryan rushed out together, they turned into a standing wind wolf. Knowing that the thief magician is amazing, he is not his opponent, so he made up his mind to fight with the thief magician Vir.

When Ryan’s first fireball exploded and everyone’s eyes were attracted, Elendo took advantage of this opportunity to rush to the thief magician Ville at full speed.

Vail didn’t notice Ellendo’s actions and was still concentrating on mana.

Seeing that the thief magician Vill’s magic was about to be completed, Alan couldn’t care more about hiding his whereabouts, he looked up and shouted.

A wolf howl attracted the thieves’ attention, and several thieves greeted the wind wolf who turned to Allen. Ville glanced, but was surprised to find that Allen stretched out his hands, and the two palms that turned into windwolf claws quickly shot out. In just 2 seconds, he slapped fiercely on the thief’s head and body ten times many! The two thieves hadn’t even responded yet, and their bones were crushed in many places, and they collapsed to the ground.

Seeing Ellendo solve the two thieves effortlessly and continue to pounce on himself, the thief magician Vail is not afraid to take risks, maybe he can release the powerful “Thunderbolt” before Ellendo comes close, but there is no defense He will definitely be torn into pieces faster by Allen faster than the group of knights. Weir’s chain lightning and lightning strikes are indeed amazing, but these electrical magics require a short casting time. Facing Allen, who moves quickly, using this long-time magic and death is no doubt. On all such occasions, the magician will choose a magic that can be quickly released to attack the opponent, hoping to gradually open the distance and look for the chance of a fatal blow. Therefore, Vill had to give up the magic that was about to be completed, and chanted the lightning spell that could be released quickly.

A blue lightning flew from the cheerful Vere’s fingertips and went straight to the point of Ellendo.

The fast-running Allendo didn’t have time to dodge, and his hands guarded the vital point, eating the magic.

The huge current made Elendor’s arms tremble, and even his heart tingled, and the white wolf on his body suddenly stood up.

Ellen screamed badly, he hit a roll in place, barely avoiding the second lightning of the thief magician Vir, but his shoulder was still wiped by lightning.

Ellendo lay on the ground, and saw Ville ’s third lightning bolt flying towards him again. He had nowhere to hide!

Seeing that Ellen was about to die under the lightning technique of Vail, a shadow pounced on him, blocking the blue lightning for Ellen.

Turns out to be Ellen’s Wind Wolf! It groaned and could not afford to fall.

Seeing his wind wolves lost under enemy magic in order to save himself, Allen gave a roar.

At this time, the fourth lightning of the thief magician Vir came again.

Allendo struggled with his hands on the ground, turned over, and escaped the lightning.

At this time, a thief stabbed at Allen with a spear. Allen grabbed the spear and slammed it. How did the ordinary thief’s power become Allen’s opponent after turning into a wind wolf? Grabbed the past.

Ellendo held the gun in one hand and grasped the collar of the thief in the other. He pushed the thief towards Vail and blocked the fifth lightning bolt he had released. The unlucky thief could n’t even scream, it became A piece of black charcoal.

Ellen ran two steps towards Vir and threw the spear in his hand.

The spear flew to Vail with a broken air.

A grin appeared on Vill’s face, and a sixth lightning was released.

The blue lightning and the spear came in close contact in the air, and the huge magic energy directly hit Ellendo’s spear.

Alan Duo bought valuable time for himself. He immediately took advantage of the extremely fast wind wolves, ran around at high speed, and occasionally threw some weapons robbed from the thieves at Vill to draw Vill’s attention. Firmly attracted to himself, Vir released multiple lightnings in a row, all of which were evaded by Allendo using thieves and various obstacles in Claw Town.

In order to hold Ville, Ellendo controlled the distance precisely, not too far away from Ville, so that Ville had the time to release the mighty magic, nor too close to Ville, giving him the chance to hit himself with lightning.

Vir’s face became even more terrible. He was completely irritated by Elendo. He kept reading the spell of lightning, and the blue lightnings flew one after another towards Elendo. Rondo turned into coke.

Allen repeatedly grabbed the thieves around to defend against the magic of play. The thieves around saw that their companions could not only help the magician solve this humanoid evil wolf, but also repeatedly killed by the wizard’s magic. They all screamed and ran away.

Ellendo’s situation was suddenly not good. Without the thieves as a target to attract Vail’s magic, he could only reluctantly avoid several obstacles with the advantage of speed.

Several clever thieves saw Elendo’s actions and picked up the debris scattered on the ground and threw them at Elendo, increasing his difficulty in moving.

Continuous high-speed movement, coupled with two times of magic in the body, Elendor’s physical exertion is very large, he had to hide behind a tall haystack, breathing heavily.

Several thieves saw Allen’s situation, prepared to pick a cheap one, raised his sword and rushed up.

Elendo dared not expose his body to the pile of wood, and could only passively defend. He flicked the thief’s long sword with a thick wolf claw.

The thief took off his sword and ran away when he turned around, but after a few steps, he didn’t find Ellendo catching up. After turning around, Ellendo was still hiding behind the lumber pile.

He and several thieves who wanted to pick up cheap know that Elendo did not dare to show his body, they stood outside and clamored five or six steps away, wanting to attract Elendo to chase himself, so as to create a chance for the thief magician Will.

Vir saw several thieves standing near Ellendo. He estimated the angle and thought that the chain lightning could be ejected from these thieves onto Ellendo. Then he began to gather mana and chant the spell of chain lightning.

At this critical moment, Ryan defeated the “left hand”. Seeing that his friend was in dire straits, Ryan ran quickly to the thief magician Vir.

Seeing that the lightning in Vir’s hands was jumping and gathering more and more, Ryan was anxious in his heart. He had done his best to run. In order to be faster, Ryan had even blessed himself with a blast spell. Although the blast of wind will squeeze the potential of the caster, after the spell has been effective, people will fall into great fatigue, and Lane can’t care about it.

White light flashed, Ryan’s running speed was faster, and even the whisper of the wind elf was heard in his ear!

Seeing that he was getting closer to the thief magician, Lane meditated on the spell while running, and there was also a jumping electric light in his hand. Just as Vail completed the chain lightning, Lion’s lightning was also ready!

The two raised their hands at the same time and released their magic together.

Vail’s thick lightning chain flew to the thieves beside Eldor, while Ryan’s blue lightning flew to Vil’s lightning chain!

Two lightnings of different thicknesses encountered in the air, and a dazzling blue light burst erupted, the light flashed rapidly, making it impossible for people to look directly at.

Two lightnings were intertwined in the air, and soon the victory and defeat was achieved. Weir’s lightning chain offset Ryan’s lightning and continued to fly towards the thieves.

The thieves who provoked Ellendo didn’t know they were the target, so they didn’t beware.

Vail’s lightning chain hit the target accurately, and a scream of the thief came out; the lightning chain killed one thief and quickly ejected it on another thief. A huge current scorched the unlucky thief’s body.

The thief fell to the ground, but he didn’t die for a while. He rolled on the ground with pain, and cried with pain.

Seeing that the little magician in front of him used lightning to counteract some of the power of his chain of lightning, saving Ellen ’s life, his face was completely distorted, and he decided to join this young man with only the magic apprentice logo on his chest. Kill. Even with two enemies at the same time, Ville with the title of Advanced Magician of the Electric Department also has absolute confidence.

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