Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

v2 Chapter 10 - Holy Knight\\\'s reinforcements

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

A cloud of sparkling sparks of calcium carbide gathered above and below the Holy Knights Phalanx.

Bacon had long been aware of all this, but he was deeply trapped and unable to take the initiative to interrupt Vill’s spellcasting.

Suddenly, a thicker lightning bolt split from the dark cloud to the bacon, and the bacon had no way to retreat. He could only hold up the shield with the golden light shining, and carried it hard.

Lightning struck Bacon’s shield accurately, and made a huge muffled noise. The powerful impact even spread to other holy knights around Bacon. Several holy knights around him were immediately killed by the impact of this powerful magic. The dust on the ground was also flying in the sky with a strong impact, which made the original strong circular defensive array show a trace of cracks.

When the dust cleared, looking at the heavy armor on his body that had been severely damaged and spitting out **** bacon, Sennat couldn’t help smiling. This powerful blow, even the blessing of the God of War, cannot be defended. Bacon’s shield is smashed and can no longer block magic. I believe that I can kill these holy knights soon.

Seeing the result of his magic, Vergarg’s face showed a dark smile, and he began to prepare for the third magic. This time, he was ready to send Bacon and the Holy Knight into the arms of Hades.

After Bacon led the Holy Knight into the Claw Town, Ryan and Ellendo decided to help the Knight. They slipped into Giethoorn from where they came out yesterday, whether it was a thief. , The herdsmen or knights, did not notice their tracks. From the sacred knights forming a phalanx to defend against thieves to the thieves magician’s powerful “thunderbolt” shattering bacon’s shield, Lane and Alan Dormer silently watched behind a tent.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, Ryan said decisively to Elendor: “Go ahead. You first contain the other’s magician. I use fireball to help the Holy Knight.”

Having finished speaking, Ryan couldn’t hide his body anymore, and he quickly ran towards the Holy Knight. During the run, Ryan cast a stone skin technique on himself to increase his defensive ability.

Seeing approaching, Ryan did not stop, but released a fireball directly while running!

The roaring fireball fell into the middle of the thieves without any errors, and the flames were scattered all of a sudden, and a strong explosion occurred.

Ryan seized the opportunity for the thieves to gather together without any precautions, ran around them non-stop, and released fireballs while running.

Bang ~ Bang ~ Bang ~ ~ ~

Continuous explosions, splattered flames, torn limbs, blood all over the place … At this time, the town of Giethoorn seemed to become the legendary demon hell. After the harvest, the thieves were suddenly hit, and the chaos suddenly broke out.

When the Holy Knight saw the reinforcements coming, the morale was greatly boosted. Bacon deserves to be a battle-hardened royal knight. He made the most correct choice in just a moment. He immediately directed the Holy Knights to transform into a round defensive formation into a triangular assault formation. Bacon stood in a triangle himself. At the forefront, as the sharpest arrow, pierced towards Senat. As long as you win or kill Sainat, you can change the whole situation!

Another fireball fell into the crowd of thieves, exploding a bunch of incomplete human bodies, and several fierce thieves who were blocking the Holy Knight’s forward path were brought into the arms of the **** of darkness by Ryan.

With a clatter, Lane had a secret calculation in his back, and a thief came with a dagger while he was not paying attention. When the thief’s surprised expression just appeared on his face, Ryan turned around and released a magic missile, killing the thief who attacked him, and then Ryan released another magic missile and killed an attempt without hesitation. Thief approaching himself.

Seeing the little magician in front of him ruthlessly harvesting the lives of his companions, the thieves trying to siege Ryan are full of fear; a magician who can continuously cast magic while moving at a high speed, even if he is stabbed in the body, it is absolutely harmless. A terrifying existence. With the protection of the stone skin technique, Ryan can freely release magic. He meditates on the spell and uses his fastest speed to actively cooperate with the Holy Knight to launch a fireball that harvests the life of the thief.

Several other thieves tried to approach Lion, and were killed by Lion with a magic missile. The “left hand” who had led the team to siege the Holy Knight saw that Ryan’s magic was too harmful to the thieves, and greeted him personally.

Lion is fully cooperating with the Holy Knight, sending the fireballs to the place where the thieves gather, causing a lot of casualties. Ryan’s eyes saw the “left hand” in Yu Guang’s eyes, thinking that it was just an ordinary thief, and he sent a magic missile.

Unexpectedly, the “left hand” moved quickly, his left hand waved hard, and the steel claws on his hand blocked Ryan’s magic missile.

Ryan was also the first to see someone who could ward off the magic. What he knew must be the leader of the martial arts superior in thieves. He immediately changed the way he ran, trying to use the changeable direction and the obstacles on the ground to pull away and “left hand “the distance.

Ryan clearly knew that if he was entangled, all his efforts just now might have been in vain. Not only did he lose his initiative, he could no longer support the Holy Knight, and even his own security could not be guaranteed.

The “left hand” was anxious, if he could not get close to the little magician in a short time, then the little magician could still cause huge harm to his associates. When the time comes, these people will be killed, and the strength of their leader will be greatly damaged.

“Left hand” shouted at the thief: “Stop him, don’t let him use magic.”

A thief held up his shield and blocked Ryan’s progress. He saw Bacon used his shield to block the magic of his own magician. He also tried to use the shield to defend Ryan’s magic.

However, Ryan made a move that surprised the thieves. He took out the shadow, and the black blade showed a trace of murderousness.

The thief holding the shield approached Ryan. Ryan’s eyes swept and found that the thief’s lower body was not covered by the shield. He immediately released a magic missile in his left hand, which interrupted the left leg of the shield thief. On the ground.

Lion holds the sword in his right hand and casts a spell in his left hand. This is a stunt he has developed under the careful teaching of Caleb and Draenei, and it is also the first time he uses it in front of the enemy. He waved the shadow and cut off a dagger that attacked himself, then released a magic missile and hit the thief who attacked him.

In the roar of the thieves, Ryan released another fireball, igniting the pile of wood around him.

The blazing fire also blocked the route of the “left hand” chasing Ryan. The “left hand” yelled and could only bypass the fire.

Ryan missed a fireball in the direction of the “left hand”.

With a loud bang, the “left hand” was affected by the power of the fireball explosion without being warned, and his body was stunned by a magical flame!

“Left hand” is far more powerful than other thieves. He looked at the traces of the flame burned by the magic flame on his chest. He didn’t make a hum and continued to chase Ryan. Only where he ran, left a bright red mark.

Ryan did not expect the “left hand” to be so fierce. It was not much worse than the fierce World of Warcraft he had seen. However, Ryan had no mercy in his heart. Kill them without any confusion. He waved the shadow and set off a thief’s long sword, and then punched him, breaking the thief’s chin.

Although the thieves who besieged Ryan were frustrated, but under the command of the “left hand”, they also successfully restricted the range of Ryan’s movement. However, the Holy Knight at this time has rushed to a place less than 10 steps from Xenat! The splattered blood had even dripped onto Sainat’s face.

Ryan saw that there were fewer than 50 thieves around Senat. They reluctantly resisted the impact of the Holy Knight with their weapons. He believed that they would soon be washed away by the Holy Knight. The other thieves, under the restraint of their fireball attacks and running, cannot quickly rescue them in the past, knowing that their purpose has almost been achieved, as long as they persist, wait for the Holy Knight to win Sainate, this battle can ended.

Seeing Ryan’s “left hand” seeing the form reverse, the leader Sainat was assaulted by the Holy Knight, and his safety was worrying. Decisively gave up chasing Ryan, and directed the thieves to rescue Sainat.

Seeing that the “left hand” gave up chasing himself, Ryan immediately released a fireball at him.

“Left hand” was guarded this time. He put his hands on his chest and blocked the explosion of fireball with steel claws. Rao is so, the body of the “left hand” is still lit by a hot magic flame, and a burning flame emerges. He was so fierce that he made an angry growl at Ryan.

“Left hand” was completely irritated by Ryan, determined to kill Ryan first, he grabbed a piece of burning wood with the steel claw in his hand, and threw it hard at Ryan.

Ryan saw the score clearly, he jumped aside quickly, avoiding the wood thrown by the “left hand”.

“Left hand” squatted slightly, and then jumped abruptly. He even jumped a dozen steps at once and fell to Ryan. He folded his hands together and thrust into Ryan’s chest.

Ryan was shocked. He had clearly seen the power of the steel claws. The sword made of pure steel was twisted by it. If his body was coming, he would not be broken.

Almost at the moment when the “left hand” steel claw scratched the clothes, Ryan completed the mirror imagery, and there were five more figures beside him.

The steel claw pierced one of the figures, and the “Ryan” immediately shattered and disappeared into the air.

The “left hand” attacked with two hands apart, breaking two mirrors in a row.

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