Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 53: Be Prepared

As cops stormed the street, it didn't take them long to find the car where Angelo and his boys were 'resting.' Because of this and the visible gun, they surrounded the car quickly. At the same time, Laz and Kennedy were inside the pool hall, waiting.

"And why aren't we leaving?" Laz couldn't help but ask. He had taken off his mask and gloves and stored them in his bag. Kennedy had done the same with her gloves as well.

" You see people running away from something, it means they have something to hide," Kennedy responded while looking towards the front of the pool hall. They had quietly moved from the locker room area into where the billiards tables were located. At the moment, everyone was looking out the shop windows with the expression of watching a show. No one had time to notice the two kids who cam in from nowhere.

"So then when do we leave?" Laz asked, wondering what she was thinking.

"Almost time. Just remember to follow my lead and try not to look guilty," Kennedy responded with a smile.

As they walked towards the door, no one seemed to notice them as the door was in the opposite direction from where everyone was looking. Exiting the pool hall, Laz noticed the street was lit up with blue and red flashing lights and the sounds of people chatting between themselves.

"Can you believe these sick people?"

"I guess the guy got so worked up by the other two, he literally shot one out."

"That's wrong man, really wrong."

"It's just disgusting that these people have to do this stuff in their car on a street where people walk by. What if kids saw them?"

"Well, sometimes they can't go back to their homes because of their fetishes. It's kind of sad the world can't be more accepting."

"I don't care that they were all men getting it on. I just wish they could have done it in a hotel room. How would you feel if you came out of a store and two people were just fucking each other on a bike rack?"

"How hot we talking here? The chick I mean. I ain't into guys. But if he ain't bad looking than it's a plus."

"I thought you weren't into guys?"

"I mean, when you watch porn, how horrible is it when the guy is fucking ugly beyond redemption? If I have to watch a guy fuck a chick that's way out of my league, at least he should look like he deserves it."

"So... your watching porn and paying attention to the dick, huh?"

"Fuck you."

Laz and Kennedy had almost gone unnoticed until a cop walked over as they were turning in the opposite direction to leave. As it stood, the pool hall was right next to where the car was found so the police were keeping an eye on the doors to see who was coming and going. Passerby's were standing outside the police tape while Kennedy and Laz, having exited the building, were inside the police area.

As they moved, Kennedy had grabbed onto Laz's hand and wrapped her fingers around his. Overall, it just looked like they were two teens on a date.

"Hey kids, wait up!" The cop called out. Due to the darkness and the glare of various lights, it was almost impossible to make out the cops face. All Laz could see was the name "Officer Brown" on his name plate.

Laz froze and Kennedy stopped walking, before turning around and showing her enchanting smile..

"Yes, Officer?" She responded back.

"You can't just walk through a tapped off area like this," Officer Brown said while looking a bit dazed at Kennedy. He obviously was a bit distracted by her beauty.

"Oh? I'm terribly sorry officer. We just finished playing a few rounds and were going to head home when all this happened. We didn't know if there was a back door and couldn't be late for curfew so I thought we would be fine with just going by. Is that ok?" Kennedy replied while blinking her eyes and bringing he hand to her mouth in an overly exaggerated showing of shock.

Laz's eye couldn't help but twitch more than once. Since when did she become this sweet and innocent sounding?

"Th.. that's ok. You kids can go. But remember to be careful. Obviously things aren't as safe as we would like to believe around here," Officer Brown said back to them while pointing a finger at the car behind them.

"Ohhh... Of course. But it looks like things are settled now wit you here right?" Kennedy once again flashed a killer smile towards the dazed man.

"You bet. We will make sure these kinds of people are locked up for a long time!" He said back with pride.

"Thank you again," Kennedy said while waving back and dragging Laz along with her. He honestly didn't know what to think at this moment. If a couple of guys had been seen coming out of the pool hall and trying to get away, they probably would have been questioned or even brought down to the station. But since it was a pretty girl, she just had to flirt with the officer for a bit and there was no action taken. Laz didn't even think the officer looked at him once the whole time.

As they made their way down the street, Kennedy couldn't help but start laughing out loud.

"Ha, way too easy. It's almost like they don't have a brain," she said once she settled down.

"I don't even know what to say," Laz shook his head helplessly.

"And that, little boy, is why it is sometimes much easier to get out fo something by being a woman," Kennedy responded in a proud way.

As they walked a bit more, Kennedy suddenly stopped and dragged Laz off the sidewalk behind a large tree. The area was dimly lit and hard to see from the road.

"Alright, take this and hand me what you got from their wallets." Kennedy took one of the 9mm's from her bag and gave it to Laz while holding out her hand. Laz, a bit startled, just took the wad of cash from his pocket and handed it over to her. She combined it with what she had taken and split the total in half, handing Laz almost $2,000.

"Looks like Angelo had as much as his two henchman combined. I would say that was a good score. Much better then just the kickbacks from the sales. Hmm... maybe we should try to get robbed a bit more often."

Laz just accepted her comments and didn't respond. He had almost become numb to her way of thinking at this point.

"Hand me the ID's. Now remember, with that piece, make sure the safety stays on until you intend to shoot it. Don't blow your balls off or anything by accident cause I promise I will laugh until I cry if you do," Kennedy instructed Laz with a serious face.

"Why do I need this now?" Laz asked, with a bit of concern while holding up the gun in his hand.

"Cause you won't always be fighting idiots who freeze up and wait to get their asses kicked. Sometimes you will need a bit of muscle that can be shown. You can't always think that people will not react when you flash them the evil eye after all." Kennedy said as a matter of fact.

"Alright, fair enough. So should I always bring this around with me?" Laz couldn't help but question. He had used a rifle before, but this was fundamentally different. Rifles were used to hunt animals, at least in theory. Hand guns were meant to be used on other humans.

"Well, don't bring it to school or anything, but probably yes to everywhere else. You and I need to be prepared and I don't just mean for this job. You know just as well as I do that this thing with the powers will be growing bigger and bigger. There might come a time when we are hunted just for being different. We need to be ready."

Laz knew what she was saying, although he never thought about it as deeply. If you knew trouble was coming but did nothing to prevent it or prepare yourself, than you were just welcoming disaster.

There is no excuse for ignorance.

"Right!" Laz agreed as he made sure the safety was on and tried to slide it into his jeans pocket. No matter how he positioned it though, it was too big to fit.

"Oh! Just be a man already. Here." Kennedy chuckled as she put her hand into Laz's pocket and brought the gun out before standing behind him. She lifted up his shirt and tucked the gun into the back of his jeans before dropping the shirt over it.

"That's the best way to keep it until you get a holster and you might want to do that soon. Also, if you got a place, go fire off a few rounds and get a feel for it. If you can't get ammo, just let me know and I will set you up with some." Kennedy said and she looked over her work carefully before deciding the gun was properly hidden.

"Also, bring it Friday." Kennedy said in a serious tone.

"What is this party thing we are going to that I need to bring a gun to?" Laz asked a bit confused.

"It's a rich boy's party. Obviously people like us wouldn't be able to understand, but these privileged few like things to be big and extreme. I can't shock you with some of the details just yet as Tommy is making things out to be a surprise so I don't even know. But you should be ready for trouble and lots of it. From what I hear, his past parties have included fights to the death involving people being offered a lot of money to kill each other, obviously hardcore drugs and orgies to name a few things," Kennedy explained with obvious disgust.

"This sounds more like an underground society party than a party for high school students," Laz commented back.

"And that's why we need to be ready in case shit comes our way. I won't order your around about your personal life, but you might want to whack a few out before hand. Unless you can be immune to naked girls crawling all over you," Kennedy laughed with an evil glint in her eye.

"What now?" Laz couldn't help but be curious.

"Nothing. Just remember you are there for me and I won't take you getting friendly with other women while we are there."

"Yes mam," Laz replied back and saluted.

"Stop that. Just remember: strong, silent type. Look mean and don't relax." Kennedy giggled.

"Is that your type?" Laz joked.

"My type? Hmm... maybe something rich that is easy to take advantage of. How's that?" Kennedy joked back.

"Well that is not me for sure, not the rich part anyway. So then why do you treat me like this?" Laz asked, expressing a bit of the question on his mind. It had been bugging him for a while. Despite their connection to Tony, they hadn't known each other long and yet she always seemed to treat him rather nicely. It didn't seem to be a brotherly love kind of thing either since she seemed to be rather affected by his flirting. All these things combined made Laz a bit curious and even a bit nervous. He didn't want to be friend zoned this quickly into their relationship.

"Treat you like what?" Kennedy asked, a bit puzzled.

"I don't know, nicely? You seem cold to boys like Tommy and fake to people like that officer, but you seem... I don't know... real to me?" Laz responded, trying to explain himself.

"Well, if I had to give you an answer.." Kennedy trailed off while walking away.

"I would say it was because of your eyes!"

Kennedy giggled and with a burst of speed, disappeared, leaving Laz standing there with his mouth wide open...

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