Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 52: Loan Without Needing To Pay It Back

Laz's red eyes were focused on the three thugs who just so happened to be aiming guns at him. He had no idea what kind of reaction he caused in Kennedy. At the moment, he was only focused on the three idiots who wanted to cause trouble.

For the three idiots, it was like looking into the eyes of the devil himself. Angelo was incredibly scared at the moment. He had no idea what he was facing, but it wasn't anything good. For guys who typically bullied the weak and feared the strong, he could tell this creature was definitely one of the strong. Only trusting his instincts, Angelo started to back away slowly. He wanted nothing more than to be away from this creature as soon as possible.

Laz on the other hand, was just a little on the annoyed side. It wasn't like he couldn't tell they were scared of him. It more had to do with the fact that they had brought out guns. Although he knew they had real bullets, he wasn't exactly concerned. Thanks to that crazy grandpa Bill, he had learned how to dodge bullets. Although real bullets traveled a lot faster than rubber ones, it didn't matter as long as they were within his range of perception. He could figure out quickly where they were going and make sure he wasn't there.

They held no challenge to him what so ever. The reason he was annoyed was because he now had to work a bit harder on this seemly stupid problem. Laz wasn't a lazy person by nature, but at the same time, he didn't think that the first time he was doing a job with Kennedy would result in him actually having to try hard. It kind of also annoyed him that nothing could just be straight forward in life.

He wanted to earn an easy dollar and maybe knock around a few idiots that decided not to pay Kennedy and therefore, earn a bit of brownie points with her. Although Laz hadn't really thought of himself as liking this slightly older and more mature women, that didn't mean he wasn't a hot blooded male at heart.

Guys showed off to women, no matter how stupid they looked in the process. It was just what they do. Guys can't explain it even if you asked them too, but it is what it is.

Now however, he had Larry, Curly and Moe here, acting like gangsters and wanting to cause trouble. So now, he was annoyed.

Laz took a deep breath and in his most commanding voice simply said, "Fuck off."

Although he tried hard, it wasn't as though he had fully matured. Therefore, his voice didn't come off as commanding as he thought it would. If anything, it made the three stooges calm down a little.

"Oh, I see. Some little puck with glow in the dark contacts wants to play the hero huh?" Angelo said, while he finally was able to get his heart under control. Even if the thing in front of him calm crashing down from the sky and caused a scene, he was more willing to believe it was something along the lines of a magic trick as opposed to it being real. It just made more sense that way.

"What do you mean boss?" The muscle head asked.

"Just that it seems like we were fooled by this guys tricks. I bet he is even working with the girl to scare us, knowing we would come tonight."

"Oh? Oh oh oh, that makes sense boss. Kids these day can find all sorts of shit on the internet. Bet it was probably a mini explosive or something he set off before jumping on the ground." The meat ball quickly blurted out, making his own conclusion.

"That sounds about right. Ha, we were almost played as fools by this little limp dick punk, huh?" Angelo said back, while walking forward. He never moved the gun though and continued to point it right at Laz.

Kennedy was still hanging back at this point, leaning against the wall like none of this had anything to do with her. Originally, she wasn't going to do anything and just let the kid earn his keep, but the appearance of the guns changed things. She didn't want to see him get shot after all and she was starting to get nervous. She knew she could run away in a heart beat and the three thugs wouldn't just start shooting at random. It wasn't like this was the middle of nowhere, shots would be noticed. All the same, she didn't know if Laz would be ok. She might be a bit cold towards others, even if she was doing so with a smile on her face. But for the kid, she didn't want to do that if it caused him to become distant.

She might not like him like him, but she still liked having him around. A woman's heart isn't something easily figured out.

*HEY, CAN YOU HEAR ME?* She thought, almost screaming in her head.

*OH FUCK. Yes, I can hear you. Why are you yelling though? It's not like it will let me hear you from father away. Well, maybe it will. I don't really know,* Laz thought back while keeping his eyes on the guys.

*Are you going to be ok?*

*OH? Is this the legendary girl's 'soft heart warmth' that get's revealed in a moment of danger?*

Kennedy wasn't one to take a jab laying down and simply responded with, *No. This is me not wanting to have to deal with the cops over your corpse while having a bag of narcotics and cash on me.*.

She couldn't help but smile and she responded though. If he was still in the mood to joke, he wasn't worried.

*Ah, now that's more like it. Actually, if it was automatics, I would have a problem. But, it's not. So it's all good.*

Laz was still standing in place while Angelo, meat ball and muscle head were moving in closer. They weren't about to surround him since even idiots wouldn't circle a guy while they had guns. They wanted to get closer just in case they had to fire. They didn't want to miss.

What they didn't know was that it is so much easier for Laz to predict the fire line when the guns were closer. The real worry in any gun fight was the one you couldn't see coming.

"What's wrong kid? Scared? Now that we've seen through you little tricks, you going to go piss yourself and run? Ha! How's about we break your legs and let you lay there while we enjoy your girl huh? How's that sound? Been a while since I raped a teenager," Angelo spouted out, looking happy with himself.

*Change of plans. Get out of sight once I move,* Laz thought towards Kennedy.

*What's wrong?* She didn't know what he had planned, but it seemed like it might get a bit dangerous.

*I'm going to fuck these guys up, that's what.*

After he said that, Laz suddenly dropped into a crouched position, like a runner getting ready to sprint. Although the thugs had the guns trained on him, they didn't expect him to suddenly move. None of them had been trained to handle a gun before or even fired one, so they had a psychological block that caused them to not fire right away even when faced with danger. Experience isn't something that can be taught.

Before they could react, Laz had pushed off with his feet and at a rate that was almost invisible to the eye, was standing right in front of the muscle head. Laz wasn't nearly as fast as Kennedy, but that was only in terms of overall speed. When moving while fighting, it takes a different kind of speed to be fast and reflexes to move in ways that others can't compare with. Kennedy may be much faster than Laz, but this is why she couldn't have beaten him in the forest that day. Grandpa Bill had trained him well for this.

Reaching out his hand, Laz grabbed the almost two meter high muscle head and lifted him off the ground with just his right hand. Since even then, Laz had a hard time keeping him off the ground since he was a bit shorter than the muscle head, he even leaned him forward while locking his neck down, preventing the strong guy from curving his back and getting his feet to touch the ground. Laz had locked his joints to prevent him from getting any leverage so that he would struggle less.

His goal wasn't to cut off his air supply. It was to close the artery and prevent blood going into his brain, a much faster way to knock someone out.

After only a moment, the giants body went completely limp as he passed out, dangling like a limp noodle. Angelo and meat ball's fear had once again be reignited. This time, they knew they had been mistaken. This was no trick.

Laz didn't give them a moment to collect themselves and made another instantaneous dash towards the meatball, repeating the steps that brought the giant down. The only problem was that due to the amount of fat on the meatball, he was able to struggle a bit, kicking and grunting while his vision blurred.

It was actually the fatty's struggle that woke Angelo up from his stupor. By the time the meat ball and gone limp and hit the ground, Angelo lost all mental blocks about shooting and fired off a shot towards Laz.


The sound reverberated in the alleyway between the buildings and caused a sound almost like an explosion. Laz wasn't startled in the least though. He simply took a small step to the side and started to calmly walk towards Angelo.

Angelo's biggest problem with having never fired a gun before was being unprepared. The forceful jerk from a 9mm that would have been nothing to s skilled shooter, caused his hand to move and the bullet to go off course by quite a bit. He had been aiming at Laz's chest, but as a result, almost shot his ear. It was child's play to dodge a shot like that.

As Laz got closer and closer, Angelo was moving back quickly, with the thought of running out of the alleyway, getting in his car and getting as far away as possible. Laz wasn't going to give him that chance. He moved suddenly straight at Angelo and came up right in front of him. Angelo had only enough time to get off one more shaky shot that Laz easily avoided before his neck was in the iron like grip of Laz.

With his cold, glowing red eyes Laz just looked at Angelo and squeezed, causing his vision to blur quickly. The last thing he heard before drowning in darkness was Laz's somewhat childish intimidation voice saying, "you lose."

As he dropped Angelo to the ground, he looked over to the dumpster that Kennedy had jumped behind, signalling her to come out.

"Hey, that was pretty kick ass for a little guy," she said jokingly as she walked over.

"Yeah? So does that mean you've fallen for this awesome display of man?" Laz replied somewhat laughingly.

"Man?" Kennedy exaggeratedly looked around. "What man?"

"Never mind. Now what do we do? People will be looking around and calling the cops over soon." Laz had black lines on his face as though he wondered if this girl would ever actually look at him as something other than a little boy.

"Get the keys from Angelo and get them into the car. If anyone asks, just say they passed out drunk in the Pool Hall. I'll be right back." With that said, Kennedy ran into the pool hall from the side door and quickly stashed the bag and cash back into the locker, before rushing outside again.

Laz had already gotten them back into the car at this point with little trouble thanks to his strength. Most people were staying inside as the shots had scared them so there were no awkward questions being asked. It was also possible to hear the sounds of sirens in the distance.

"Alright, next, grab their wallets and get all the cash and their identification," Kennedy ordered after quickly surveying the situation.

"WHAT?" Laz asked, a bit shocked.

"Just do it. Put the wallets back in their pockets. Oh, don't touch any plastic and make sure your wearing gloves, were just taking out a small loan without needing to pay it back." Kennedy said with a wicked grin while quickly put on some gloves she had grabbed from her purse that she had retrieved from the locker after putting the other bag back in.

They worked quickly since Laz no longer asked questions.

"These bastards were kind of rich huh?" Laz had gotten almost two thousand just from the two henchman while Kennedy worked on Angelo's wallet.

"Of course. Idiots like this like to feel important by having cash on them. Egotistical assholes. Alright, pull down their pants and underwear too. Make it look like the fat one is laying on the tall one. Check for any liquor and pour it on them as well. Quickly, NO QUESTIONS!" Kennedy ordered again, seeing that Laz had a face like what the hell was wrong with this girl.

It took only a few moments to complete the task and set up a scene where it looked like the two henchmen were having a ŀustful encounter in the back seat while Angelo was watching on from the front seat, while playing with himself. Laz had never felt more dirty in his life.

Kennedy had retrieved the guns at some point as well, putting the one that fired back into Angelo's hand while storing the other two in her purse. At this moment, the sirens sounded like they were right on top of them. After dumping a bottle of vodka over the passed out men, she stood back for a moment to admire her work. Laz backed off as well and couldn't help but think that it basically looked like a drunk, male love fest that ended too excitingly.

"GOOD, MOVE IT." Kennedy commanded while running back into the alley and going into the side door of the pool hall with Laz quickly on her heels.

As he ducked inside, he turned around quickly as he noticed the cops had arrived and were jumping out of their cars, locking down the whole street.

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