Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 295

Chapter 295 Tang Qinglong Is In Danger

Ma Xiaoyu’s mood sank to the bottom in an instant, and that gloomy voice evoked a long-standing memory in her heart.

She still remembered that when she was pregnant with Ma Linger, she met a 1-star Corpse Emperor.

At that time, she only had the cultivation of the Great Celestial Master, and was not the opponent of the Corpse Emperor at all.

Although the power of Majia Shenlong has super lethal power to zombies, she caused a lot of damage to the corpse emperor~.

But it’s not as good as it is, and she eventually escapes at the cost of a crushing defeat and serious injuries.

At that time, if she hadn’t been very close to Longcheng, maybe she might not be able to escape.

But now, 19 years later, because of her heavy injuries, she currently only has the cultivation of an eighth-rank Saint Master, and I am afraid she will still not be the opponent of the Corpse Emperor.


Hearing the words “Ma Xiaoyu, long time no see”, Ma Xiaoyu’s mood instantly turned bad.

She was 100% sure: she met the corpse emperor again.

Even worse:

Now her son Tang Qinglong is here, and her daughter Ma Linger has also turned into a zombie.

Under such circumstances, even if she joins forces with her husband, I am afraid that she will not be able to protect the safety of her son and daughter, or even ensure that she will survive.

“Damn, why at this time?”

Beside Ma Xiaoyu, Tang Dingguo also realized what happened, his face sank, he scolded in a low voice, then raised his head dreamily and looked in the direction in front of Ma Linger.

Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Qinglong also looked over.


Their family saw a young man who looked almost the same as a human, but with black lips, looking like he had been poisoned, giving off an evil feeling, and stepped out.

This “young man” did not hide his aura at all, and let the incomparably pure corpse aura in his body permeate in all directions.

He walked step by step, the ground under his feet, the flowers and plants around him, all quickly withered, corroded, and melted behind him…

And through the breath of this “young man”, Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Dingguo can tell that the young man’s cultivation realm is: 5-star Corpse Emperor!

“5-star Corpse King!!!”

Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Dingguo both took a deep breath.

5-star Corpse Emperor, although only 4 minor levels higher than 1-star Corpse Emperor.

But except for monsters like Zhang Wuji, even if the others are a small level higher, it means a huge leap in strength.

When he was in the realm of the Great Celestial Master, Ma Xiaoyu was able to escape from death at the cost of heavy damage under the hands of the 1-star Corpse Emperor.

But she is now an eighth-rank saint teacher, but she can’t guarantee whether she can escape under the hands of the 4-star corpse emperor.

Because humans, spirits, zombies, and resentful souls who can cultivate to this realm…

There is no talent.

Basically all of them are arrogant demons.


The further back, the more difficult it is to fight across the great realm.

In this world, I am afraid that only Zhang Wuji can easily cross the three realms with the cultivation of the Celestial Master Realm.

When Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Dingguo were thinking about this, the 5-star Corpse Emperor, who looked like a young man, slightly outlined the corners of his mouth, showing a sinister smile, and a gloomy voice came out of his mouth:

“Sure enough, it’s you, Ma Xiaoyu!”

“This emperor felt that the blood of your Ma family was infected with the corpse poison passed down from the blood of this emperor, so I controlled the infected people to move towards this emperor. I didn’t expect this emperor to be so lucky to meet you.”

“It seems that this time, this emperor can get his revenge. If it weren’t for you, this emperor might have been promoted to the 7-star corpse emperor now.”

After the 5-star corpse emperor’s voice was settled, Ma Xiaoyu’s face changed slightly.

“Your corpse poison?”

Ma Xiaoyu looked at the 5-star corpse emperor with a sharp face, and said aggressively: “You mean, you controlled the zombie to bite my daughter?”

“Your daughter?”

The 5-star Corpse Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled complacently.


He laughed and said happily: “It’s really heartwarming, I didn’t expect that the descendant of the Ma family who was infected with this emperor’s corpse poison is actually your daughter!”

“Your daughter is very good, especially suitable for this emperor’s corpse poison. Ma Xiaoyu, don’t worry, this emperor will not hurt your daughter, her talent is very good, very suitable for being a zombie, as long as this emperor cultivates, maybe it will be Can produce a strong corpse emperor.”

Speaking of this, the 5-star Corpse Emperor glanced at Ma Linger behind him, and his eyes suddenly lit up:

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

“Is this your daughter? She looks good too! It’s just that, if you train your daughter to be a corpse queen, you can make her the emperor’s concubine.”

When the 5-star corpse emperor said this, he almost showed a “isn’t it beautiful” expression on his face, which made Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Dingguo’s faces extremely ugly.

Hearing that Tang Qinglong, who had already automatically hid in Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Dingguo, was furious and subconsciously shouted:

“Don’t even think about it, it’s just a zombie, and it dares to hit my sister’s idea!”

Tang Qinglong’s voice settled down.

The atmosphere in this area was quiet for a moment.

The expression of the 5-star Corpse Emperor was slightly stunned, and then he looked at Tang Qinglong, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a look of interest in the slits of his eyes.


Behind him, Ma Linger, who had been released from bondage, became extremely docile and obedient. Not only did she stop being violent, she also didn’t attack Tang Qinglong’s family.

“Is this your son? He looks delicious!”

After watching Tang Qinglong for a few seconds, the 5-star Corpse Emperor suddenly said this.


Tang Qinglong’s face was stunned, and he ducked back in fear.

Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Dingguo’s faces became more gloomy, and their hearts were beating like “puff”, “puff”…

This 5-star Corpse Emperor will not joke with them.

That is to say: he really treats Tang Qinglong as a delicious food.

When he thinks that his daughter has become a zombie, his son may be eaten by the 5-star corpse emperor as food…

Ma Xiaoyu and Tang Dingnai felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.


Tang Dingguo took a deep breath, he and Ma Xiaoyu looked at each other and understood each other’s decisions.

On Ma Linger’s side, there may be no way to save her.

So at least, they want to let Tang Qinglong live.

The thought in his mind flashed away, and in the next second, Tang Dingguo burst out:

“Qinglong, escape, escape back to Longcheng, and find a senior in the Great Master Realm. Maybe your mother and I still have hope of living.”

The words fell for a moment.

Tang Dingguo raised his right hand upwards, turned his palm downwards in the process of lifting, pressed down gently, and scolded in his mouth:

“Town!” dry

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