Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 294

Chapter 294 Is This Your Son? He Looks Delicious

When Ma Linger attacked Tang Qinglong, she used zombie nails to grab Tang Qinglong’s body.

As long as Tang Qinglong is caught by Ma Linger, he will definitely not die, but the corpse poison will definitely invade Tang Qinglong’s body.

Until then.

Tang Qinglong will also be eroded by the corpse poison little by little, becoming the second Ma family zombie after Ma Linger.

Tang Dingguo would never allow such a thing to happen, but he was afraid of taking too much action, so he directly killed Ma Linger.

Even if Ma Linger really turned into a zombie, it would still be his daughter.

Tiger poison does not eat children.

How could he possibly kill his own daughter?


He stood in front of Tang Qinglong, and immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward, grabbing Ma Linger’s wrist like a bag, trying to subdue Ma Linger in this way.


The moment he grabbed Ma Linger’s wrist, his expression changed drastically.

Ma Linger rushed towards Tang Qinglong extremely fast, which made Tang Dingguo feel that something was wrong.

And now.

When his hand was on Ma Linger’s, he found that his strength was only slightly stronger than Ma Linger’s.

As Ma Linger’s wrist twisted, a shocking force spread out, Tang Dingguo grabbed Ma Linger’s hand and was immediately bounced off.

follow closely.

Ma Linger changed the target of the attack and grabbed Tang Dingguo’s body with her claws.

With the strength that Ma Linger 960 can display now, of course, it is not Tang Dingguo’s opponent.

But all this happened so suddenly, Tang Dingguo never thought that he would fall into the hands of Ma Linger, the daughter of a teacher.


At this moment, he was simply defenseless.

And there is no defense, which means that he may be hit.

Just in the nick of time.

Tang Qinglong, who was standing behind Tang Dingguo, stepped out in one step, and slapped Ma Linger with a palm at a distance of one meter.

“Boom” sound.

Where Tang Qinglong shot, there was a thunderous explosion, and there were also thunder arcs spilling out from the surface of Ma Linger’s body.

This is palm thunder!

The power of the palm thunder that Tang Qinglong uses is very limited.

But it’s just right.

If Zhang Wuji used his palm thunder, he would probably shoot Ma Linger to death with this palm.

And Tang Qinglong’s palm thunder, but he could only see that Ma Linger’s attack was stagnant, giving Tang Dingguo a chance to react.


After the palm lightning hit Ma Linger, Tang Dingguo immediately reacted.

He quickly retreated to the side with the fastest speed, and once again maintained the formation blocked by the three with Tang Qinglong and Ma Xiaoyu.

Tang Qinglong looked at Ma Xiaoyu, who couldn’t do anything to Ma Linger, and whispered:

“Mom, is there something wrong with our Ma family’s bloodline? Why is my sister turning into a zombie so strong? In terms of power, my sister is no longer lost to my father, only a lot worse than Zhang Wuji.”

Tang Qinglong’s words awakened Ma Xiaoyu, who subconsciously replied:

“I don’t know. Among the descendants of our Ma family, Ling’er was the first to become a zombie.”

“Dingguo, Qinglong, what should we do now, Linger seems to be like…”


Don’t look at how domineering, arrogant, and unreasonable you are at ordinary times…

But no matter how powerful a woman is, she is still a woman after all.

When this happened to him, when he saw that Ma Linger seemed to have completely turned into a zombie, Ma Xiaoyu, the eighth-rank sage master, immediately panicked and completely lost her judgment.

Tang Dingguo showed a hesitant expression, and he was a little concerned for a while, but he was confused, and he didn’t know how to deal with the current situation.

However, Tang Qinglong did not lose his mind, he said calmly:

“Dad, Mom, the two of you join forces to suppress your sister. You must not kill your sister, I’m afraid her sister won’t be able to resist. After you suppress your sister, I will cast our Ma family’s Majia Shenlong to clear it first. A part of the corpse energy in my sister’s body, let her temporarily regain her senses.”

Tang Qinglong’s voice settled.

For a moment, Tang Dingguo and Ma Xiaoyu seemed to have found the backbone. Their eyes lit up at the same time, and they nodded at Tang Qinglong and said:

“Yes, Qinglong, you are right, just do it.”

The voice settled.

next second (bhcf) minutes.

Tang Dingguo and Ma Xiaoyu disappeared.

They have completely demonstrated the powerful strength that belongs to the saint teacher realm.

Only for a moment.

Tang Dingguo appeared above Ma Linger’s head.

His body descended from the sky, one hand pressed against Ma Linger’s head, and a mark of a talisman appeared in the palm of his hand.

This is the original skill of Tang Dingguo’s innate ability “Heavenly Master Talisman”: Spiritual Talisman!


The moment Tang Dingguo placed his palm on Ma Linger’s head, he roared angrily.


With a “hum” sound, the space seemed to vibrate.

A transparent phantom with the word ‘shock” appeared out of thin air, first expanding to the limit, and then quickly shrinking into Ma Linger’s body.

all of a sudden.

Ma Linger’s breath has weakened a little, and the extent of her struggle has also become smaller.

Ma Xiaoyu appeared in front of Ma Linger. She clenched her hands and said in her mouth:

“Dragon God’s decree, Fengshen borrows the law, Nine Dragons Binding Ghost’s Immobilization Curse…”

Ma Xiaoyu put one hand on Ma Linger’s chest and shouted:



“Ow”, “Ow”, “Ow”…

Nine dragons roared one after another, and nine golden dragons flew out of Ma Xiaoyu’s body and flew towards Ma Linger.

In the process of flying towards Ma Linger, the nine golden little dragons were quickly connected end to end, bound to Ma Linger’s body like a magic circle.

When all this dust settles.

Ma Linger’s actions were completely blocked.

It was at this moment that a voice came from Tang Qinglong:

“Pro, soldier, fight, who…”

The dragon ball researched by Ma Xiaoyu floated in the air, and as Tang Qinglong finished the jujutsu with both hands and recited the jujutsu in his mouth, he shouted “Zhu Xie” at Ma Linger’s body, and suddenly, “Ow~” The dragon roar resounded.

A huge golden dragon flew out of the void, and the moment it opened its eyes, it slammed into Ma Linger’s body.

This golden dragon does not have the ability to kill, but has the ability to clear the corpse qi, and it can be used to suppress the corpse qi in Ma Linger’s body.


Just at the last moment when Tang Qinglong’s Majia Shenlong was about to penetrate Ma Linger’s body.


A gloomy figure emerged out of thin air, and punched the golden dragon’s head with a punch.

Only the sound of “Boom” resounded, and the golden dragon, which was invincible against zombies, was directly smashed into pieces by this punch.


“Ma Xiaoyu, long time no see.”

A gloomy voice sounded.

all of a sudden.

Ma Xiaoyu’s face changed suddenly, she remembered the corpse emperor that severely injured her!

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