Celestial Employee

chapter 65

“Haha, brother, your defensive spell is really the best in the world.” When he saw Zhao Lingjun and others’ joint blows, they were blocked by the tortoiseshell of the young man in black. Twice. “Their spells can’t break your tortoiseshell.”

“Hey.” The young man in black smiled proudly, but did not speak to the young man in Tsing Yi, because at this time Bai Loli’s second spell had fallen.

Bai Loli’s second spell is a few black arrows, but these black arrows seem to have little power. When they are blocked by the tortoiseshell of the young man in black, the black arrows become A black smoke spread around the young man in black.

Seeing Bai Luoli’s black arrows and being easily blocked by the tortoiseshell of the young man in black, the young man in Tsing Yi felt more relaxed.

“Haha, two powerful spells will not work, this kind of spell will also come out, and it will not be shameful.” The young man in Tsing Yi said strangely while raising his **** towards Zhao Lingjun and others.

The people in Tsing Yi felt that they said that the young man in black who was not far away in front of him had no voice, and Zhao Lingjun and others saw their middle finger, but they seemed not angry at all, but used a weird look Looking at himself and the young man in black.

The young man in Tsing Yi felt a bit bad. He couldn’t help but walked to the young man in black and looked at it, but he found that the young man in black was wide-eyed and looked straight at Zhao Lingjun and others in front of him. a bit.

“What are you doing?” The young people in Tsing Yi felt a little strange, because the young people in black not only did not move, but also seemed to have a black spirit on their face, which was more pitiful than usual, so the young people in Tsing Yi couldn’t help it. I patted the shoulder of the young man in black and wanted to ask him why he was so smirked.

“Shutong” but to the Tsing Yi young people was surprised that he just patted the young man in black lightly, and the young man in black fell down straight, black blood came out of his nose and mouth, as if Like being poisoned, he was unconscious.

“You, you are too mean, and actually poisoned.” The young man in Tsing Yi jumped up and said Zhao Lingjun and others incredulously.

“This poison mist arrow is also one of my spells.” After hearing the words of the young man in Tsing Yi, Bai Luoli looked at the young man in tantrums very wrongly. “Why, everyone is desperate now and can’t use it. Is this spell? ”

“-” The young man in Tsing Yi was speechless.

“Haha, Bai Lori, good, don’t bother with this silly bird, let’s flatten him together.” The young man in Tsing Yi was speechless, but Suzaku was already like a villain, squeezing his fist, and said to the young man in Tsing Yi.

“Do you think you can beat me this way?” After hearing Suzaku’s words, the young man in Tsing Yi yelled wildly, “I’m Qinglong, Qinglong, one of the four great beasts. You have no time, no time … ”

“Qinglong? Is this person having a problem with his head?” After listening to the young man in Tsing Yi, Suzaku looked at Qinglan not far from him. “If he is Qinglong, what are you?”

But Qing Lan hadn’t had time to answer. The young man in Tsing Yi who claimed to be Qinglong had already shouted, “You don’t have time. You want to kill me. Find a way to find me first.”

After calling, the young man who claimed to be Qinglong suddenly opened his mouth, and countless blue mist gushed out from the mouth of the young man in Tsing Yi.

The cyan fog instantly filled the entire world of black and white. The young man in Tsing Yi changed his position in the fog and was very proud. After changing a few positions, the young man in Tsing Yi felt that Zhao Lingjun and others must have no choice for themselves.

“I’m a green dragon, a green dragon that can swallow the clouds, and you can’t kill me.” So the young man in Tsing Yi shouted with pride.

“Are you Qinglong?” But the young man in Tsing Yi just shouted this sentence, and the young man in Tsing Yi only felt a violent gang wind blowing between the black and white world, and the young man in Tsing Yi was blown by this gang wind. , Can’t even open your eyes. In the whistling rectification, the young man in Tsing Yi only heard the voice of a woman floating.

“If he is Qinglong, I am his aunt.” When the wind stopped, the young man in Tsing Yi froze as soon as he opened his eyes.

The young people in Tsing Yi only saw Zhao Lingjun and others encircling themselves, and the blue cloud sprayed by them had been completely blown away by the wind.

Among Zhao Lingjun and others, the girl who looked very beautiful and beautiful, said to Suzaku.

“You …” The young man in Tsing Yi just wanted to ask, who the **** are you, and why can you easily break through my mist of Qinglong, Zhao Lingjun and others have already started together.

“Ah–” The young man in Tsing Yi only had a time to scream, and he became a magic target for Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku.

“Pretending to be a Suzaku in front of a real Suzaku, and posing as a Qinglong in front of a real Qinglong. You said these people came out of the Qingshan Mental Hospital.”

When the young man in Tsing Yi was almost smashed into a roast pig by the spells of Suzaku and others, Suzaku said depressedly.

Suzaku’s voice just fell, and the world in black and white in front of him began to distort.

Zhao Lingjun and others only felt that there was a darkness in front of them. After a wave of mana, the eyes of Zhao Lingjun and others lit up again.

While waiting for everyone to see everything in front of them, they found themselves still standing in the Sixiangkanli Hall, while the four roasted pigs were lying on the ground in the Sixiangkanli Hall.

But Mu Daolin, who was supposed to be hiding in the last hall of Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, was foolishly standing on the mountain road of Sixiangkanli Temple and the last entry hall of Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace. Looked at himself.

“Mu Daolin.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t figure out why Mu Daolin appeared here at this time and could not help but stay for a while.

Zhao Lingjun stayed for a while, but Mu Daolin standing on the mountain road suddenly awakened and threw a metal tile-shaped magic weapon from his hand.

“No, stop him.” Suzaku and others recognized the magic weapon, but Zhao Lingjun recognized it, because the magic weapon Zhao Lingjun saw at the Sanxing Building was used by Mu Daolin and could be transformed into a metal boat flying magic weapon. Zhao Lingjun once tracked Mu Daolin in Yunxia Tianyi. He knew that the speed of Mu Daolin’s flying magic weapon was very amazing. If Mu Dalin could not be intercepted before he left Maoshan, maybe Mu Daolin was on everyone’s eyelids. Ran away. So Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but change his complexion and screamed out.

Seeing Zhao Lingjun’s face change, Suzaku and others also knew that things were not trivial, and hurriedly shot.

The movements of Suzaku and others are very fast, but Mu Daolin’s running speed is much faster than that of Suzaku and others. When Suzaku and others picked up the law, Mu Daolin had already jumped there A spaceship transformed into a metal tile-like flying magic weapon. By the time Suzaku et al.’S spells were overshadowed by the overwhelming Chaozhou Road, Mu Daolin had already flown out a long way.

“I *, this guy’s speed is too fast. Boss, what should I do?” As soon as Suzaku saw the spells cast by everyone, he didn’t even touch Mu Daolin’s clothes corner. Mu Daolin would fly after a while. When he couldn’t even see the shadow, he could not help asking Zhao Lingjun depressed.

“Haha, everyone, goodbye.” Zhao Lingjun also talked to Suzaku in the future, Mu Daolin flying in mid-air, but already shouted arrogantly at Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku.

“I …” After hearing Mu Daolin’s shouting, Suzaku had the heart to die. Suzaku felt that the world was really messed up. Even the people who fled were so arrogant that it was simply unreasonable. But now Suzaku has no choice but to take Mu Daolin.

Because Suzaku and Qinglan and other people have flying spells, but at a glance at the speed of Mu Daolin’s flying boat, Suzaku knows that even if he takes off his clothes and strays, he can’t catch up.

“Haha.” Looking at Zhao Lingjun and others’ faces from afar, Mu Daolin knew that Zhao Lingjun and others would definitely not be able to catch up with himself.

So while fleeing in his own flying boat, Mu Daolin wanted to be more proud and couldn’t help laughing.

“I want to escape, I’m afraid it’s not that easy.” But Mu Daolin’s laughter hasn’t stopped, but a black cloud suddenly appeared before Mu Daolin.

As soon as Mu Daolin saw the black cloud in front of him, he split his mind, because Mu Daolin saw that the black cloud was actually a collection of thousands of black flying insects.

“Sect Master Hei Gu.”

As soon as Mu Daolin saw the black cloud, Zhao Lingjun and others were overjoyed. Zhao Lingjun did not know why the Hei Gu Sect Master You Shaoyuan Hui was exactly where he couldn’t help but said to himself, “How could he be there. ”

Zhao Lingjun’s words just fell, and several groups of sudden and sudden flames suddenly appeared behind Mu Daolin, and turned into an old man with a white hair. It was Zhang Daqian, the lord of the White Bone Sect.

Mu Daolin’s whole heart is on the thousands of black worms not far in front of him, and how do he know that there will be a sudden increase in the bones of the patriarch Zhang Daqian behind him.

When Mu Daolin found out that the mana behind him was fluctuating and turned his head, several long bone-shaped swords that had been transformed into Zhang Daqian’s hands had been stabbed in Mu Daolin’s body.

“Ah–” Mu Daolin was passed by several long knives, and immediately screamed like a pig.

“I *, Shuang. How could he be there too.” Suzaku shouted after seeing Mu Daolin stabbed by Zhang Daqian, he couldn’t help saying.

“Are you all right.” Suzaku’s voice just fell, and Wu Xiaoye’s voice came behind him.

Suzaku and Zhao Lingjun and others looked back, but found that Wu Xiaoye and Gu Xuanbei and others had cast their spells and flew behind them.

“We are all right.” Listening to Wu Xiaoye said, Zhao Lingjun was a little strange, “Why did you come here, why are the two of them right there?”

“Every place here was enveloped by the suddenly rising black mist, we couldn’t see what was going on inside, so the Sect Master Hei Gu and the Sect Master Bone Bone please flew up into the sky to check it out. Mu Daolin stopped. ”

Suzaku heard Wu Xiaoye’s words, and she understood it all.

It turned out that the fake Qinglong just launched the free Ming Array. Suzaku and others saw a world with only black and white, while Wu Xiaoye, who was waiting outside, saw a cloud of darkness.

Sect Master Black Gu and Sect Master Bone Bone were anxious and wanted to fly up to the sky to investigate. Unexpectedly, they just intercepted Mu Daolin, who had escaped.

“His luck was really bad.” Suzaku could not help but glance at Mu Daolin again in the sky, but only then glanced at it, and Suzaku could not help but take a breath. “I*.”

After being stabbed by Zhang Daqian’s long white bone sword, Mu Daolin was now tightly wrapped by the thousands of black bugs of the Black Gu Sect Master. From afar, Mu Daolin is no longer like a person, but like a black rice dumpling with a few knifes in it.

Although Suzaku has lived thousands of years, but for thousands of years, Suzaku has been sealed in Vajrasattva for most of the time. So there are not many good things that Suzaku has eaten.

The fragrant meat dumplings are the same.

“TNND.” But as soon as Suzaku saw the scene, she felt that she would never eat rice dumplings again.

“Brother Zhao Lingjun, this person can’t run now.” At this time, Bai Luoli, who saw the scene, also said in a milky voice.

Looking at the scene of Bai Luoli at this moment, it is estimated that no one can think of such a junior high school girl beauty, but actually the master of the other two masters in the Ming Dynasty.

“If he still ran like this, I ate the big stone.” After hearing Bai Luoli’s words, Suzaku smirked dumbly, and fell not far from the wall of the hall of Sixiangkan away from the temple. A black stone came down and said to Bai Luoli.

Because Suzaku knew that the black cloud was the black cloud gu that was cast by You Shaoyuan, the head of the black gu sect. Even if Suzaku himself was dressed in Zhang Daqian’s bone knife and wrapped in the black cloud gu, it was impossible to escape.

But Suzaku’s words were finished, and there was a loud bang in the sky.

Suzaku didn’t understand what was going on, but saw Mu Daolin, like a black rice dumpling, suddenly explode like a bomb. Thousands of black guts flying from the station where Mu Daolin Zhao Zhaojun and others were being held tightly were blown up all over the sky.

“What’s going on? What about his people?”

Suzaku looked at the scene unbelievably, because Suzaku saw thousands of black worms exploded, but there was no figure of Mu Daolin inside, only a scattered blood mist. In the scattered blood mist, a white light flew out quickly, and within a moment, it flew into the higher clouds and disappeared.

“Blood explodes and escapes.”

Zhao Lingjun suddenly changed his face.

“I *, isn’t it.” Suzaku was dumbfounded.

Blood explode and escape from the body is a spell that must be exploded and die before you can let your soul escape. If the escaped soul cannot find a suitable physical body to reincarnate within twelve hours, it will also disappear, even if it escapes. The soul can find a suitable physical body to reincarnate, and all the cultivation behavior will be put into the water, and cultivation must be restarted.

Suzaku didn’t expect that Mu Daolin would use such a lifeless escape technique.

“Cough-I can’t think of letting his soul run away.”

Seeing that the soul of Mu Daolin had already flew away, the Black Gu Sect Master You Shaoyuan and the White Bone Sect Master had to fall into the Sixiangkanli Hall.

Because the black cloud grub that communicated with his own mind was injured by Mu Daolin’s spell, as soon as the black guru sect master Shaoyuan fell to the ground, he spit out a blood. And Zhang Daqian was also very embarrassed. He was covered with blood stains, and there were some black worms on his face, which looked very funny.

“He even used this escape technique.” Zhao Lingjun could not help sighing at the look of the two.

Zhao Lingjun knew that the reason why Mu Daolin appeared on the mountain road was supposed to be that Zhao Lingjun and others would die in the free Ming dynasty. However, Mu Dalin could be captured, but he still let his soul escape. Zhao Lingjun was still a bit depressed.

“What should we do now?”

Suzaku looked at the ruins in front of her, and the four half-dead monsters lying on it, said to Zhao Lingjun.

“Wake up these people first, and ask them who they are.” Zhao Lingjun looked at the Taiyuan Temple, not far away in front of him, and then looked at the four monsters lying on it, and said.

“I’m coming.” Although the Sect Master Hei Gu spit out a bit of blood after spitting out blood, but when he heard Zhao Lingjun say, You Shao Yuan, the Sect Master Hei Gu still stepped forward, and released one between his hands. Green flying insect.

“Intimate Gu.” Zhao Lingjun nodded slightly when he saw the green Gu.

Insect Gu Gu can allow the Gu Gu and the Gu Gu to communicate with each other for a period of time, and now it is used to force these four people to be much simpler than spells such as Sorcery.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun nodded, the Sect Master Hei Gu squeezed the mouth of the fake Qinglong who was the closest to himself by Suzaku and others.

The green intimate grub trembles its wings and flew into the mouth of the fake green dragon.

Suzaku swallowed hard as soon as she saw the wings of the green innocent grub flying into the mouth of the fake green dragon.

Suzaku felt that a worm like this got into his mouth. It must be a very disgusting thing, but when thinking about it like this, the fake Qinglong woke up slowly.

“Ah–” The fake Qinglong almost fainted as soon as he saw so many people around him.

“I tell you, if you dare to pretend to die, I will cut you into ham slices.” But Suzaku’s words made the fake Qinglong have to work hard to widen his eyes.

“how about it?”

After seeing Qinglong waking up, Sect Master Yu Shaoyuan of the Black Gu Sect took several legal decisions, and Suzaku asked You Shaoyuan. “Who are they?”

“This …” You Shaoyuan wiped his sweat. “This doesn’t seem to be an ordinary monster, my innocent guts seem to have no effect on him.”

“No, there is such a thing?” Zhao Lingjun stayed for a while after hearing You Shaoyuan’s words, and Suzaku couldn’t help but say it before he could speak in the future. “TMD, let me come.”

“Okay.” Seeing that Suzaku seemed to have a good way, You Shaoyuan had to wipe a sweat and walked aside.

“What … what are you going to do?” The fake Qinglong was terrified when she saw Suzaku walking towards her face with a greasy face.

“You are going to die or live.” Suzaku did not answer the question of the fake Qinglong, and kicked directly between the legs of the fake Qinglong.

“Ah–” Although the fake Qinglong has been bombarded into a pig’s head, but Suzaku kicked up, the fake Qinglong screamed, and even the tears came out. “I want to live, I want to live.”

“Okay, look at you.” The fake Qinglong on Suzaku’s eyes snorted and folded his feet. “Then answer my question obediently.”

“Good.” The fake Qinglong clutched his legs and nodded desperately, presumably wanting to call Suzaku to call Uncle.

“Okay, you four, who are you? What does it have to do with Mao Shanzong.” Suzaku nodded in satisfaction when she saw the reaction of the fake Qinglong.

“The four of us are the four great mountain guards of Maoshan Sect. Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and White Tiger.”

But the first sentence of the fake Qinglong made Suzaku jump.

“Fuck you, you are Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Baihu, what are we?”

A huge flamingo surging with huge mana waves appeared from behind Suzaku.

Suzaku was so angry that even his own deity appeared.

“Do you want to play with me?”

“Me. Are you …?”

As soon as I saw Suzaku showing his deity, the fake Qinglong also froze, but after a while, the fake Qinglong still said to Suzaku with a mosquito hum, “But they said we are blue–”

“You are green, the real Qinglong is here.” Suzaku is not good anymore. After nodding Qinglan beside him, he said to Qinglong, “It seems that you are not dying until the Yellow River, and you can’t cry without seeing the coffin? ”

“Me ~”

When Suzaku said this, the fake Qinglong was so scared that he was peeing his pants, and said quickly. “I’m telling the truth.”

“I *.” Suzaku was mad at this guy and asked Wu Xiaoye around him, “Lend me your demon pot for use.”

Wu Xiaoye looked at Zhao Lingjun. Zhao Lingjun nodded, and Wu Xiaoye handed the demon pot to Suzaku.

“Did you see it? Do you know what this magic weapon is? If I don’t know, I’ll tell you, this is a monster pot, which can be used to make monsters directly into elixir.” Suzaku lifted as soon as he took Wu Xiaoye. The demon pot shouted to the fake Qinglong.

“This is a demon refining pot?” Suzaku thought that this guy would be scared to death when he saw the demon refining pot in his hand, but Suzaku didn’t expect that the fake Qinglong saw the demon refining pot in his hand, but he stopped. Zi was filled with a confused look. “Why is this demon refining pot different from the one we usually live in?” “I *.” Upon hearing this sentence, Suzaku and Zhao Lingjun and others suddenly understood.

The fake Qinglong guy said the pot of demon refining in his mouth, which is the demon raising pot of Maoshan Sect.

So these four guys must be the four monsters raised by Maoshan Sect with the demon raising pot. And the reason why these four guys think they are Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, presumably since they have the consciousness, Mao Shanzong has always told them that they are Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, just like if Someone told you since childhood that if you are the world’s first master, if you are the world’s first master, you might really think you are the world’s first master.

Thinking of these four guys, maybe they didn’t know their true identity until now, Suzaku felt a little sympathy for the four guys.

But seeing the fake Qinglong in front of me, thinking of this guy’s arrogance in the free Ming Dynasty, Suzaku’s heart hardened again.

“Different from what you usually live in? Do you want to go in and live?”

“I don’t want it.” Although I don’t know what magic weapon that Suzaku holds in his hand, but seeing Suzaku’s vicious expression, the fake Qinglong shook his head quickly.

“If not, just answer the question honestly.” Suzaku now knows this guy is not playing with himself. “Why did Mu Daolin kill Tao Hongjing and Zhang Mingzhen?”

“do not know.”

“Where is the Fang Tianhua?

“do not know.”

“Is there any ambush in Tianyuan Hall?”

“do not know.”

“I *, do you know how to write dead words?”

“The ones you asked, I really don’t know.” The fake Qinglong almost cried.

“I’ll ask you another question. If you dare to say anything you don’t know, you will die.” Suzaku can’t stand this fake green dragon. “When you were practicing, where was the so-called demon pot where you lived?”

“I–” Hearing the first half of Suzaku’s words, the fake Qinglong was so frightened that he shook his body, but when he heard the second half of Suzaku’s words, the fake Qinglong wept with joy. “I know this, I know this.”

“I *” Suzaku kicked the counterfeit Qinglong as soon as he saw the reaction of this counterfeit Qinglong. “You know what you said, what do you want to do?”

“I said, I said.” The fake Qinglong nodded furiously, held out his finger, and nodded Tianyuan Temple not far away. “The Liandong pot was usually placed in the view of the treasure in the Taiyuan Temple.”

“Zangbaoguan?” After hearing the counterfeit Qinglong’s answer, the eyes of Suzaku and Pang Taiju were all bright.

“Yes, the monster pot is usually placed inside that.”

“Then if you want to use it, would you just go in and hold it?” Suzaku looked at the fake Qinglong. “In that case, you must be very familiar with Taiyuan Temple. Then you just told me. You don’t know Taiyuan Temple. Is there an ambush? You do n’t tell the truth, do you want to die? ”

“I’m telling the truth.” As soon as I heard Suzaku’s words, the fake Qinglong almost cried again. “Usually Mu Daolin took it out for us to practice. We have never entered the Taiyuan Temple.”

“I *, that treasure …”

“Wait.” Suzaku was about to ask the fake Qinglong, what magic weapon is in the treasure hall, but was interrupted by Zhao Lingjun. “You said that Mu Daolin usually took it out for you?”

“Yes.” “What’s the matter? Boss?” Suzaku found strangely that after hearing the affirmative answer from the fake Qinglong, Zhao Lingjun suddenly looked thoughtful.

“Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace was originally the place where the four elders of the Maoshan sect and the master, Fang Tianhua, came in.” After hearing Zhuque’s words, Zhao Lingjun looked at Zhuque and said, “When I first saw Mu Daolin here, I felt a bit wrong. I thought it was because of the critical situation that Mu Daolin would go to the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace to hide. I did not expect him to have been here before. ”

“Yeah, how could he always be here.” Suzaku turned to look at Qinglong, “Are you lying to us?”

“But what I said is true, …, I …” The fake Qinglong was terrified again.

“Looking at him doesn’t seem to be a lie.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku and said, “It’s certainly not the first time that Mu Daolin is so familiar with the way he looks here.”

After he paused, Zhao Lingjun continued, “Although Fang Tianhua, the mausoleum of Maoshan, protects his shortcomings, he usually rewards and punishes clearly, and abides by the rules and regulations, if …”

“What if?” Pang Taiju, who could hear Qin Zhao suddenly stopped here, could not help but ask.

“Have you seen Fang Tianhua, the patriarch of Maoshan?” But Zhao Lingjun did not answer Pang Taiju’s question and continued to ask the fake Qinglong.

“No.” The fake Qinglong shook his head.

“How many years have you been from consciousness cultivation to the present?” Zhao Lingjun continued to ask.

“For ten years.”

“I *.” After listening to the fake Qinglong, Suzaku gasped. This fake green dragon has been practicing for so many years, and has the same horror strength as the thousand-year-old monster. How many monsters have these four people swallowed in the monster pot.

Suzaku just realized why the enchantment of these people is so big, but they are so mottled and messy. It must be that these guys in the demon raising pot devoured the enchantment of monsters who do n’t know how much, but they did n’t have time. And its complete refining. Thinking of the demon power these guys used to show off their power, all based on the monster killed by Mao Shanzong, Suzaku could not wait to kick this guy to death.

“In ten years, haven’t you seen Fang Tianhua?” But Zhao Lingjun has already asked.

“No, for the past ten years, we have been practicing at Sixiangkanli Temple, and every time Mu Daolin brought us a demon pot.” The fake Qinglong obviously has not yet cleared the demon pot and The difference between keeping pots.

“Did Fang Tianhua already?” Hearing this, Qing Lan and Wu Xiaoye couldn’t help but blurt out.

“Already hung up?” Suzaku said what Qing Lan and Wu Xiaoye didn’t say.

“I don’t know. However, maybe as long as we enter the Taiyuan Hall to take a look, we know what is happening to Fang Tianhua.” Zhao Lingjun looked at the Taiyuan Temple not far away.

“Then let’s bombard the Taiyuan Hall again.” Pang Taiju said excitedly when Zhao Lingjun said so.

“Boom your head.” Suzaku glared at Pang Taiju, but because of Pang Taiju’s performance in the free Ming Dynasty, Suzaku’s attitude towards Pang Taiju was obviously much better. “What if all the magic weapons in the treasure view are smashed?”

“That’s true.” Pang Taiju nodded immediately when he heard the two magic weapons.

“Nine Xiao Galaxy Formation.”

Because the Taiyuan Temple was just as intact as the Sixiangkan Departure Hall when the Wumen people had just forcibly destroyed the Lingguan Hall. Therefore, the Wumen people also doubted that the last time the Jiuxiao Lingguan Hall entered the palace, there was also a powerful magic circle.

Therefore, under the protection of Suzaku and other masters, Pang Taiju carefully inspected the surroundings of Taiyuan Hall. Upon seeing Pang Taiju, he found that the Taiyuan Hall was covered with Jiuxiao Galaxy.

“This Jiuxiao Galactic Array is a famous magic circle in the Taoist Xuanmen. It is said that it can absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars. Once launched, the people who enter will be bombarded by meteor meteors like Heavenly Tribulation.” After the Jiuxiao Galactic Array was installed in the hall, Pang Taiju kept talking to Zhao Lingjun.

“Don’t talk so much, how can you break the line?” But Suzaku didn’t have that good patience to listen to Pang Taiju’s explanation.

“The array of eyes is also in the Taiyuan Hall. It should be a stellar pillar cast by the Arctic cold iron. As long as the stellar pillar is knocked down, this formation will be destroyed.” After Pang Taiju was interrupted by Suzaku, Said slightly uncomfortably.

“Then you go in and knock down the stellar pillar, and this glorious task will be given to you.”

“Let’s go.” Pang Taiju said to Suzaku. “With my spell, it’s hard to overturn the stellar pillar.”

“I’ll come.” While Suzaku and Pang Taiju said shamelessly to each other, Lin Yiren walked in front of them.

“You?” Suzaku and Pang Taiju were dumbfounded. They couldn’t figure out how this usually frivolous and shameless guy would take the initiative to do such a dangerous thing, because if someone in the Taiyuan Hall took the opportunity to launch the Jiuxiao Galaxy formation after entering, It is estimated that the people who entered were nine dead.

“I *” But when Lin Yiren took out Zhao Lingjun’s witch king ring, a bunch of puppet warriors, and suddenly appeared in front of everyone, Suzaku and Pang Taiju couldn’t help but rudely.

“Go and open that door.” Lin Yiren glanced at Suzaku and Pang Taiju very proudly, and gave orders to several puppet warriors.

After nailing all the souls to the Lin Yi people, Zhao Lingjun also lent the witch king ring to the Lin Yi people. Of all the puppet warriors of the Lin Yi people, the most powerful one is of course the one who does n’t know the origin. , Practiced Bone Rongsheng technique, so that after Zhao Lingjun turned him into a puppet warrior, he couldn’t use the technique to find out the origin of the blue robe.

Although this blue robe Taoist has lost the ghost ghost streamer, but even in this way, its strength is very terrifying. It is reasonable to use such puppet warriors to break the battle. But Lin Yiren was a little reluctant. He was afraid that if he had lost the ambush and lost such a powerful puppet soldier, he would be too bad. So Lin Yiren only issued orders to several puppet warriors.

After hearing the order of Lin Yiren, several puppet warriors of the abilities quickly flew towards the gate of the Taiyuan Temple.

With a clatter, in the surprised eyes of Suzaku and others, the gate of the Taiyuan Temple was easily broken into pieces by several rookie puppet warriors in the eyes of everyone.

“That’s …” The moment the door of the Taiyuan Hall shattered, the person in the Wumen with sharp eyes took a breath.

A yellow robe Taoist with a bronze carved mask on his face sat quietly on a mahogany Taishi chair facing the cracked gate, motionless.

Lin Yiren was taken aback when he saw the yellow robe Taoist wearing a strange mask sitting there, and forgot to continue with the puppet warriors who had broken the gates of the Taiyuan Hall. After giving orders, the puppet warriors stood still at the entrance of the Taiyuan Hall.

On one side are the sitting and moving Huangpao Taoists, and on the other side are a few puppet warriors standing and not moving. The atmosphere is even more weird. For a time, the Wumen people are in danger of silence.

“But the people inside are the Fang Tianhua, the master of Maoshan?” Zhao Lingjun’s voice broke the silence. “Whether the person sitting inside should have been already?” But after Zhao Lingjun shouted twice, the Taoist person in the yellow robe sitting inside remained motionless and silent. Many people in Wumen couldn’t help but this idea emerged.

The people in Wumen are full of surprises, but no one is sure, and they haven’t spoken, because if the Huangpao Taoist didn’t die at all, then when he said that, the Huangpao Taoist sneered a lot, then it was too No face.

“Brother Zhao Lingjun, the person inside, shouldn’t he already be dead. You can see that he has been sitting for a long time without even moving.” But the junior high school student Bai Luoli didn’t have so many ideas, directly Said to Zhao Lingjun with the voice of the milk in the milk.

“It seems a bit wrong to persuade.” Listening to Bai Luoli said this, many Wumenzhong people couldn’t help but say.

“I let my puppet warrior take a look at him.” Lin Yiren also recovered at this time and turned to Zhao Lingjun and others.

“Good, it’s a good way.” Zhao Lingjun nodded.

“Go touch him and see.” Seeing Zhao Lingjun nodded, Lin Yiren issued an order to one of the puppet warriors who was standing still at the door.

The puppet warrior is a thoughtless fighting machine. Of course, there will be no fear in the mind. After hearing Lin Yiren ’s answer, the puppet warrior went directly into the Taiyuan Hall and walked to the Huangpao Taoist. Go up.

“I *, this puppet warrior must have been **** before.” Suzaku saw at a glance that the puppet warrior actually touched the chest of the yellow robe.

“I *.” Lin Yiren also felt extremely shameful, but after seeing the puppet warrior touched a Huangpao Taoist, the Huangpao Taoist still showed no response at all. : “That person seems to have …”

“You simply asked the puppet warrior to move him out to see.” Zhao Lingjun said quietly.

“Okay.” Lin Yiren nodded and issued an order to the puppet soldier. The puppet warrior didn’t hesitate at all, and even took the chair and moved the Huangpao Taoist directly. After three steps and two steps, he jumped out of the Taiyuan Hall and placed it in front of Lin Yiren.

“This man has been dead for a long time.” The Nether Mage has been practicing in the corpse stagnation area, and has an unusually sensitive sense of corpse scent. The puppet warrior just put the yellow robe Taoist in front of Lin Yiren, Lin Yi People have already felt that this Taoist Taoist has been dead for a long time.

“Take down his mask and take a look.” Zhao Lingjun was not surprised at all, but felt somewhat understanding.

“Okay, take off his mask.” Although it is believed that the Huangpao Daoist is dead, and the Huangpao Daoist is in front of Lin Yiren at the moment, Lin Yiren always feels that green face of the Huangpao Daoist Chan’s carved bronze mask can’t tell the weirdness, but it’s better not to touch it.

After hearing Lin Yiren ’s order, the puppet warrior certainly did n’t hesitate anymore, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed the carved mask. He wanted to take the carved mask off, but the puppet warrior seemed to have grown it when he caught it. Huangpao Taoist’s face didn’t move at all. When the puppet warrior exerted force again, the crowd only heard a click, the mask was not removed, but the head of the Huangpao Taoist was removed by the puppet warrior.

“I *.” Suzaku glanced at it. The broken part of the neck of the Taoist Taoist had been weathered and cracked. It seemed that he did not know how many years he had died and had become a corpse. “Stop.” The puppet warrior saw that he had taken off other people’s heads, and did not take off the mask. He felt that he had not completed the task. He was still there, scratching the head with one hand, holding the mask with the other, and trying to remove the mask from the yellow. The robe is ripped off the head. Lin Yiren really couldn’t see it. If he didn’t stop calling, the puppet warrior might smash the yellow robe Taoist’s head like a walnut, and then give the mask to himself.

“Take a look.” Lin Yiren nodded to the puppet warrior depressedly, and the puppet warrior obediently put the head of the yellow robe Taoist in front of Zhao Lingjun and Lin Yiren.

“This …” Just glanced at the head of the puppet warrior, Lin Yiren took a breath.

It turned out that the bronze carved mask seemed to merge with the dried flesh and blood of the Huangpao Taoist, just like the skin on the face of the Huangpao Taoist, and became a part of the body of the Huangpao Taoist. No wonder the puppet warrior pulled it and did not pull it. The following tool pulled the head of the Huangpao Taoist off. As soon as he approached the bronze mask, Lin Yiren felt the palpable mana fluctuations from the bronze mask, and suddenly Lin Yiren had a kind of trying to wear this bronze carved mask on his face. Impulse.

Lin Yiren didn’t know why he had such an urge, so he couldn’t help but take a breath.

“This person should be the head of Maoshan Sect Fang Tianhua.” Lin Yiren was about to ask Zhao Lingjun if he had such a feeling, but Zhao Doujun had already touched a piece of jade on Huangpao Taoist. “That’s the command of Maoshan Sect.”

“It turns out that the master of the Maoshan Sect, Fang Tianhua, has been dead for a long time. Well, then, are the orders issued by the Maoshan Sect usually issued by Mu Dalin in his name?” Qing Lan Bingxue was clever, and at a glance he wondered why the fake Qinglong had seen Fang Tianhua over the years.

“It should be.” Zhao Lingjun nodded. Although the tofu skin solidified the conjecture in his heart, Zhao Lingjun’s heart was even heavier.

Who killed Fang Tianhua, the bronze carved mask on his face, and what was it. Zhao Lingjun felt that a larger mystery followed.

“Break through that for a while.” After thinking about it for a moment, Zhao Lingjun didn’t come up with any clues, only decided to take a look at the Advanced Taiyuan Temple to see if there were any clues.

“The array of eyes is the black iron pillar, as long as it is knocked down. Now the Jiuxiao Galaxy Array is not activated. There is no magic circle protection on the iron pillar. It should not be difficult to knock down.” After hearing Zhao Lingjun’s words , Pang Taiju pointed at a black mysterious iron pillar in the Taiyuan Hall and said to Lin Yiren.

“Okay, go and knock down that iron pillar.” Lin Yiren was also full of doubts, and could no longer care about anything, and directly issued orders to the puppet warrior under his control, the unknown blue robe Taoist.

Lin Yiren’s words just fell, the Taoist puppet warrior, who was originally dressed in a blue robe, was now just a black gown by Lin Yiren, and he started.

This boneless glory of the blue robe Taoist, who is unknown, is indeed the strongest spell that Zhao Lingjun and others have ever seen. Lin Yiren and others saw a white light flash in the hands of the Taoist, but it had not yet reacted. The white light had cut the black mysterious iron pillar into two sections.

At the moment when the black wrought iron column turned into two pieces, the thunder sounded and a white cloud rushed to the sky.

“Okay, this galaxy of Jiuxiao has been broken.” As soon as he saw the white cloud rushing straight towards the sky, Pang Taiju said with delight.

“Let’s go.” Since seeing the body of the Huangpao Taoist, Zhao Lingjun felt faintly that there should not be any ambush in the Taiyuan Hall. Now that the Jiuxiao Galaxy Formation was broken, Zhao Lingjun nodded and took the lead toward Tai Walked in the Yuan Dian.

“Treasure Treasure View, Shengxian View.”

Suzaku ate two hardships, and was very careful at this time. Following behind Zhao Chensheng, Suzaku was alert all the way, but this time there was no accident. After entering the Taiyuan Hall, Suzaku only saw the entire Taiyuan The hall was empty, and there was nothing but the black black iron pillar that collapsed to the ground and became two sections. Suzaku was originally disappointed, but seeing the plaques hanging on the two connected inkstones behind the Taiyuan Hall, Suzaku was excited.

“I’ll go find it first.” Before waiting for Zhao Lingjun and others to estimate, Suzaku brushed and ran to the door of Zangbaoguan.

Before Zhao Lingjun responded, Suzaku hurried into the treasure hunt.

“This guy’s movements are really fast.” Zhao Lingjun looked sad and looked at Suzaku, who was running faster than the rabbit, and said depressed.

“Ah-” But just after Zhao Lingjun’s words were finished, Zhao Lingjun heard the Suzaku in the view of the treasures yelling.

“What’s going on?” Lin Yiren and others heard Suzaku’s voice and suddenly changed their face: “This guy won’t be so unlucky, did he encounter any powerful ambush again?”

As soon as Lin Yiren thought about it, Zhao Lingjun quickly jumped into the view of treasures as soon as he saw it.

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun also thought that Suzaku had encountered an ambush. But Zhao Lingjun leapt into the treasure trove, but couldn’t help but stunned.

Suzaku is still standing in the view of the treasure, but beside Suzaku, there are several mahogany shelves, which are full of glory. “It’s developed now.” Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku looked at each other with wide eyes, then swallowed and said in agreement.

Suzaku and Zhao Lingjun never imagined that the mahogany shelf of the Maoshan Sect’s Treasure View was actually filled with all kinds of glorious flying swords. At a glance, at least mid-level flying swords were at least dozens Just like asking for the Feijian Exhibition.

Suzaku and Zhao Lingjun ’s mental endurance is not bad, but Lin Yiren, who is behind Zhao Lingjun, is not as strong as the other two. As soon as he walked into Zangbaoguan, he saw so many flying swords on those mahogany shelves. , Lin Yiren fell directly to the ground with a bang, and after a long time, Lin Yi talent came up from the ground and stared at the mahogany shelf beside Zhao Lingjun and Zhuque inconceivably: “Is this Maoshanzong’s view of treasure? How do I Do you think this is the Tibetan sword pavilion of the Shushan School? ”

“Pun” Zhao Lingjun hadn’t spoken yet, and Pang Taiju, who came in behind Lin Yiren, also rolled his eyes and fainted on the ground. He didn’t wake up for a long time. Suzaku used N methods until he wanted to do it for Pang Taiju. When artificial respiration, Pang Taiju woke up slowly.

“If I were a swordsman, how nice it would be.” Pang Taiju looked at the mahogany shelf and said, “I didn’t expect Maoshanzong to have so many flying swords. If I were a swordsman, I wouldn’t worry about flying swords in my life. Made it. ”

“You are not a swordsman, you are a bitch. You can’t stand to see so many magic weapon flying swords now. If you are a swordsman, you are not directly thrilled with brain hemorrhage.” After hearing Pang Taiju’s words, Suzaku turned his head disdainfully and said to Zhao Lingjun, “Boss, you said this Maoshan Sect, how come there are so many magic weapons and flying swords?”

“I don’t know.” Zhao Lingjun looked at so many magic weapon flying swords on the mahogany shelf and shook his head with his nose.

At this time, there was another sound of air-pumping sounds in the treasure, Zhang Changquan, Xiao Ping and Gu Xuanbei also came in.

After seeing so many flying swords, everyone guessed that in the end, the most reasonable explanation is that the reason why Maoshan Sect has so many magic weapons flying swords may be that Mao Shanzong is one of the oldest Taoist Xuanmen and Mao Shanzong ’s way During the operation, except that the seven-star Zhumo array is the Taoist skill of the flying sword, there is no magic spell of the imperial flying sword. After so many years, Mao Shanzong will definitely get some magic weapons and flying swords under the circumstances of chance. And Mao Shanzong doesn’t have many people use flying swords, so these flying swords have been kept here, the more they accumulate.

If the people of the Qingcheng School saw so many flying swords in the Maoshan Sect, they would definitely be alive and mad, but unfortunately there is no school of flying swords in Wumen. Still nesting in his own hands, it is not useful. Thinking of the pitiful look of the Qingcheng School, Zhao Lingjun was sighing again.

After a while of sighing, Zhao Lingjun began to pay attention to other magic weapons.

However, compared with the colorful magic weapon flying sword, Mao Shanzong placed not many magic weapons in this treasure view. So Zhao Lingjun saw at a glance a slightly flat, seemingly transparent jug made of white jade placed on the innermost mahogany shelf.

“Keep the demon pot?” As soon as I saw this little pot. These three words naturally appeared in Zhao Lingjun’s mind.

Zhao Lingjun could not help but stepped forward and took the crystal clear pot into his hand.

On the small pot made of white jade, there was a wave of mana that made the heart palpitate. Zhao Lingjun picked up this small pot and knew that this small pot was not even a demon pot even if it was a monster pot.

Suzaku, who was standing not far behind Zhao Lingjun, also felt that Zhao Lingjun’s mana wave rippling on the small pot was about to step forward to see what happened, but at this time, there was a cry of exclamation outside the temple.

“What’s the matter?” Suzaku stayed for a while, and hadn’t reacted yet. Qing Lan, who was standing not far from the door, had turned into a green cloud and rushed out of the treasure view.

When Gu Xuanbei and others entered the treasure trove, a group of Wumen people were left behind, guarding the half-dead Qinglong and others lying on the ground.

But now these Wumen people lie down on the ground, and several of them seem to have not been lightly injured, and their faces are full of pain.

The fake Suzaku and others on the ground are still lying half dead, and the fake Qinglong has no idea where to go.

Seeing this scene, anyone has already figured it out, it must be the fake green dragon, riding these guards of the Wumen people who did not pay attention to the outbreak, and injured the guards of the Wumen people, and then escaped. Too. “I *.” As soon as Suzaku rushed out of the treasure trove and saw the scene, he immediately shouted angrily.

But Suzaku’s voice had just disappeared, and a blue cloud fell on Suzaku.

With the sound of “Boom”, Qinglan said with a smile while throwing the fake Qinglong like a pig’s head on the ground in front of everyone’s eyes. “If it weren’t for his serious injuries, when he just escaped, the spells consumed too much potential, and I might not be able to catch up with him.”

“You run again.” Suzaku was already in full swing, but when she saw Qing Lan throwing the fake Qinglong in front of her, she became quiet.

“I’m afraid, I’ll never dare again.” The fake Qinglong became more frightened when he saw the expression of Suzaku. He lay on the ground and kowtowed, with a snot and tears. What a pity.

Suzaku originally felt that these guys were very pitiful, and now that they do n’t even know who he is, he would have been pleading with Zhao Lingjun and let these guys go. But this guy was actually riding Suzaku and other people away. It hurts to hurt so many people. The only sympathy for this guy in Suzaku ’s heart is gone, and now this guy looks so disgusting, and Suzaku looks sick. , I feel that the monster’s face has been lost to this guy.

“I’ll ask you one last question.” So after looking at Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku coldly confronted the fake Qinglong Road.

“I said, I said, if I knew, I must say.” The fake Qinglong nodded desperately.

“Okay, isn’t that the magic pot used by Mu Daolin for you to practice?” Suzaku pointed to the small pot made of white jade in Zhao Lingjun’s hand and said to Qinglong.

“Yes.” As soon as Qinglong saw the white jade pot in Zhao Lingjun’s hand, his eyes showed a greedy look involuntarily.

Seeing Qinglong showing such a vision, Suzaku’s heart was even more disgusted with this fake Qinglong.

“How about I invite you to live in the demon pot?” After looking at Zhao Lingjun, Suzaku said to the fake Qinglong.

“This is real?”

The demon raising pot, also known as the fake demon pot by Qinglong and others, contains not only rich demon spirit, but also the demon soul collected by Mao Shanzong for so many years. Every time he went in to practice, the fake Qinglong and others They are all entering the country quickly. Although the fake Qinglong is seriously injured and exhausted, but if he can enter, he may soon recover. Just when I saw the demon pot in Zhao Lingjun’s hand, the fake Qinglong showed such a greedy look precisely because of this. But the fake Qinglong never thought that Suzaku would tell himself to let him in and live, and upon hearing it, he suddenly shivered with excitement.

“Of course it is true.” Suzaku looked at the fake Qinglong and said very seriously. “I asked the last time, would you like to enter the demon pot and live there?”

“Yes.” If the fake Qinglong was afraid that he would hesitate anymore, Suzaku wouldn’t let himself live and nod quickly.

“Okay. I’ll let you live in the demon pot.” Suzaku’s answer made the fake Qinglong very happy.

“You, you are mistaken, it’s not that pot …” But what made the fake Qinglong horrified was that Suzaku did not take the small pot made of white jade from Zhao Lingjun’s hand, but touched it directly from his arms. The small silver slender pot pointed out at him. Before the fake Qinglong’s words were finished, Suzaku had pulled the lid off the silver slender pot and pointed it at the fake Qinglong.

A flash of glory flashed through ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The fake green dragon disappeared into the silver slender pot in Suzaku’s hand.

“It’s you who said you want to enter the demon pot. You can’t blame me.” After seeing the fake green dragon disappearing in the brilliance of the demon pot, Suzaku slowly closed the lid of the demon pot, fiercely. Shake it, just like shaking a bottle of farmer orchard mixed juice drink.

“Boss, what about the remaining three.” While shaking the monster pot, Suzaku still looked vicious, but after shaking it, I didn’t know what to do, and looked at the half-dead monster lying on it However, Suzaku’s mood was a little low, and she couldn’t help turning her head to ask Zhao Lingjun.

Suzaku’s low appearance certainly did not hide Zhao Lingjun’s eyes. Suzaku followed Zhao Lingjun for so long, and Zhao Lingjun knew too well his number one gold medalist. Zhao Lingjun knew that although Suzaku’s usual temper seemed to be hot, he was actually a soft-hearted guy. Zhao Lingjun knows that Suzaku is in a low mood just because he killed a monster himself. Because no matter what, Suzaku is also a monster.

So Zhao Lingjun just looked at Suzaku and smiled slightly, “Benevolence to the enemy is harm to his own people. If we had collected these guys from the beginning, would so many Wumen people be injured? “After a pause, Zhao Lingjun looked at Suzaku again. “Do you want to let go of these three monsters and wait for them to retaliate later? Or do you want to refine them now?”

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