Celestial Employee

chapter 64

When the red-faced three-eyed idols interwoven with golden splendor in the Lingguan Hall turned into pieces of golden glory and dissipated, the Wumen people only heard a hurricane roaring sound, which sounded underground.

Along with the hurricane’s roaring sound, countless white gas, like a fountain, sprayed from the cracks in the mountain. The majestic and majestic Lingguan Hall was instantly covered with huge cracks, and the huge stones collapsed, revealing a gilt bronze statue that was more than ten meters in the Lingguan Hall.

And this huge gilt bronze statue is only a flash in the pan.

While the Lingguan Hall collapsed and collapsed, the entire Maoshan trembles violently, with more and more cracks spewing white gas.

Under the base of the huge gilt bronze statue, a few deep cracks also split in an instant. The huge gilt bronze statue made a creak that made its teeth sore, and it was like falling into the sand, slowly tipping and sinking into the cracks in the base of the base.

At the moment when the gilt bronze statue collapsed, the entire mountain was covered with dark clouds, thunderous bursts, and countless electro-optical lights dancing in the clouds like snakes. Suddenly, there was a heavy downpour in the air. When the big raindrops of soybeans fell, they were washed out by the ground, and the white gas like a fountain was blown around.

Over the entire Mao Mountain, white gas was rushing, raindrops were shining, and the lightning flashed, just like the end of the world, Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Ping couldn’t help but stunned.

But this is just the beginning. In the shocked eyes of Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Ping, I saw that huge cracks on the mountain spread out in a radial pattern, and the whole mountain cracked into pieces of rock. After the cathartic white gas disappeared, it seemed that the entire Maoshan had suddenly lost all its support, and all the rocks were sinking underground.

Fortunately, everyone was surrounded by landslides, but at the feet of everyone there were magical objects flowing, silver light flashing, and no movement at all.

Therefore, all the talents were able to cast spells, cage the sky, prevent the rocks from falling and hurt people, and watch the end-of-the-world scene in front of them.

But at this time the thunderous thunder and the sound of the rocks falling endlessly. When huge rocks sink to the ground, the huge smoke that filled the sky filled the sky. The sky above Maoshan was already covered with dark clouds, and the sky was extremely dark. At this time, huge smoke filled the eyes of everyone, and everyone only felt vaguely in front of them, and only faintly saw them. When the huge mountains and rocks sink into the ground, the ground was like a volcanic eruption, and there were flaming lava spraying into the air. Other than that, everyone could see nothing.

I don’t know how much it has passed. The thunder in the sky slowly subsided, the rain stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly spread out. But after the dark clouds cleared, the whole sky was dim and blood-red, and it looked strange.

After a few more minutes, the smoke spreading in front of everyone slowly dissipated. When the Wumen people saw the scene in front of them, they could not help but exclaim.

In front of the Wumen people, the original and majestic Lingguan Hall had disappeared without a trace, and the surrounding people were already a cliff. Everyone looked around, but they saw this mountain within the real mountain gate of Maoshanzong. After the Fu Manning Palace in Yuan Dynasty, above the mountainside, except for the square inch where the Wumen stood, and the second and third views of the Wanxiao Palace in Jiuxiao In addition to the undamaged rocks below, all other places have collapsed and collapsed.

The Wumen people stood looking down at this square of silver light, and they saw the black smoke curling up, the fire clouds were little, and the fire of the lava field was vaguely visible, where everyone stood, and the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace The rest of the building turned into two lonely peaks that grew up in the ground fire purgatory.

Although Suzaku was bold, but before breaking the pieces, he only thought that Maoshan collapsed and became a mess. Never thought that this Maoshan would collapse from the mountainside, all collapsed, and became like a purgatory. Breathless, but speechless.

Wang Shuntian and Quan Wuzhen, who had been awake, saw the scene in front of them, and suddenly a spit of blood spouted out, yelling, and passed out.

“This Maoshan and this mountain range, since the atmosphere has been destroyed, the place where we are standing has not collapsed because of your formation to condense the atmosphere, so why are there no collapses in those places?” Lin Yiren also stayed It was a while before I came back to God and looked at the remaining Taoist temples in the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, separated from the abyss by a dozen feet, and asked Pang Taiju.

Pang Taiju and the Wumen crowd looked at Lin Yiren ’s fingers, and saw the top of the lone peak in front, and the second forbidden view of the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace. Big characters, Sixiangkan leave the hall. “Presumably, under the two entrances, there is a magic array similar to my blue sky and seven magical locks.” Pang Taiju looked at the black wall and black tiles in front of him. Kan Ligong said to the Lin Yi and Wumen.

“Why did the Yuan Fu Wanning Palace not be destroyed?” Lin Yiren looked back and looked at the Yuan Fu Wanning Palace, which had become a ruin, and continued to ask Pang Taiju.

“It is estimated that below the mountainside, the earth’s atmosphere belongs to another mountain range, so there will be no collapse or collapse.”

Before Lin Yiren turned back, he heard Pang Taiju answering himself like this.

Lin Yiren thinks that Pang Taiju’s answer is very reasonable, but Lin Yiren thinks that Pang Taiju’s voice is very strange and seems to be absent-minded.

Lin Yiren turned his head very strangely, but found that Pang Taiju stared straight at the four elephants in front of him, without blinking, just like seeing a beautiful woman dancing striptease.

The Sixiangkanli Hall is the second view of the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace. From afar, the Sixiangkanli Hall is not as tall and tall as the Lingguan Hall.

The main hall of the Sixiangkanli Hall is also carved beams, and the cornices are slanted into the cloud, which is more than double the height of the Lingguan Hall. , Upon closer inspection, I only felt an invisible power that emanated from Sixiangkanli Hall.

There is a vast courtyard in front of the Sixiangkanli Temple. This courtyard was originally surrounded by a high wall. Only in the place facing the Wumen crowd, there was a black gate.

But now the gate has been opened straight, and the courtyard before Sixiangkan’s main hall can be seen from the standpoint of the Wumen crowd.

Looking down on Pang Taiju’s eyes, Lin Yiren only saw Si Xiangkan left and right in front of the hall. There were two pools with a radius of about five meters, and the water in the pool was sparkling.

But what attracted Lin Yiren’s eyes at once was Tao Hongjing, the head of the four elders of Maoshanzong standing on the stone path between the two pools.

Tao Hongjing seemed to have been seriously injured by Zhao Lingjun’s sword. Even though he had changed his robe, he still revealed faint blood on the robe, which could be seen even by Lin Yi people who were more than ten feet away. However, at this moment, Tao Hongjing seemed to have no sense of his injury.

Tao Hongjing just stared blankly through the black door opened on the outer wall of the Sixiangkanli Temple, and looked at the Maoshan that no longer exists. His face was pale and he was unable to shake his mouth to swallow, a look of loss of soul.

“I know today, why should I have been.” Lin Yiren looked at Tao Hongjing and sighed. He wanted to say this to Tao Hongjing.

“Among the Nether Master, Huang Quan’s Jian Dengbang, were you killed in Maoshan?” But before Lin Yiren could speak, he heard Zhao Lingjun making a sharp voice.

The voice of Zhao Lingjun’s sentence is like a ghost screaming and screaming in the middle of the night, which makes people feel annoying and uncomfortable. At ordinary times, Zhao Lingjun would never make such a sound, but Lin Yiren was dumbfounded. After staying for a while, Lin Yiren knew that Zhao Lingjun suddenly used the deceptive sound in Wumen.

Perturbing the magic sound can instantly capture the mind of the person being treated, allowing the other party to answer their own questions honestly.

This spell is the Wumen mystery that Zhao Lingjun learned from Guxuanbei. This mystery is much safer than the sorcery and other spells, but if the other party ’s mind is turbulent and the Tao heart is unstable, it is absolutely impossible to succeed. .

However, although Tao Hongjing is now advanced, he was seriously injured and suffered a loss of blood. When he saw the dramatic change in front of him, he was even more agitated and blank in his mind. At this moment, Zhao Lingjun saw the opportunity to use the heart-pounding magic sound. Hit well.

Everyone in Wumen saw Tao Hongjing in the courtyard of Sixiangkanli shocked, the light in his eyes suddenly scattered, and his face was no longer a loss of soul, but a dementia. With a blank expression, Mumu replied: “Jian Dengbang was killed by my brother Zhang Mingzhen while traveling down the mountain.”

“Maoshan Zong-.” Hearing Tao Hongjing’s words, Lin Yiren suddenly raised a sorrowful scream in the sky.

“Why kill him.” Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath, looked at the inexplicable Lin Yiren, and continued to ask.

“Ghost Mage, everyone in the cult, everyone can be blamed.” After hearing Ling Lingjun’s words, Tao Hongjing still replied Mumu.

“Then if that person just practiced the Nether Spell, but did not do a bad thing in his life?” Hearing Tao Hongjing’s answer, Zhao Lingjun’s face was full of murderous opportunities.

“Cultivation of evil door spells is a crooked door evil path. You must first get rid of it, otherwise you will suffer endlessly.”

“A good one must get rid of it, otherwise the troubles will be endless.” After hearing Tao Hongjing’s answer, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but laugh from the sky.

Hearing Zhao Lingjun’s laughter, a trace of confusion appeared on Tao Hongjing’s face, and he seemed to wake up.

“Where is Mu Daolin?” But Zhao Lingjun, who is now full of anger, obviously will not let Tao Hongjing wake up easily. “Mu Daolin?” Lin Yiren froze, wondering who Zhao Lingjun asked.

Lin Yiren did not know that Mu Daolin was the middle-aged Taoist Zhao Lingjun first went to Sanxing Building to step on a plate. However, since using the search technique on Xu Mi, Zhao Lingjun has known that Mu Daolin was one of the disciples of Fang Tianhua who was taught by Mao Shanzong, and he was very popular with Fang Tianhua.

The reason why Zhao Lingjun asked Mu Daolin at this time is because Zhao Lingjun has not seen the figure of Mu Daolin since he entered Maoshanzong.

Even if Mu Daolin was favored by Fang Tianhua again, his rank was two generations lower than that of Tao Hongjing and others. Now Mao Shanzong is about to give Wumen a pot, and the four elders all come out desperately. Not seeing it, Zhao Lingjun felt a little strange.

As soon as Zhao Lingjun’s sentence of soul-snapping magic sound came out, Tao Hongjing recovered his expression of dementia.

“He’s here …” Tao Hongjing, who was captured by Soul Demon’s voice, shook his mind again, turned around, and pointed at the four elephants behind him. But Tao Hongjing’s words were not finished yet, and Sixiang Kanli suddenly flew out a white mysterious light in the hall.

The Wumen crowd hadn’t reacted yet, and the white mysterious light had already passed through Tao Hongjing.

When Zhao Lingjun looked at him, he saw a sharp sword tip protruding from Tao Hongjing’s chest. The white ice lingered on the tip of the sword, but it was Zhang Mingzhen who had just met Zhao Lingjun and others in the Lingguan Hall. Ice Xuanjian.

Zhao Lingjun and Wumen were all taken aback. At this time, Tao Hongjing was dressed by the sword, and he had woke up from the soul-snapping magic sound, and the ice xuanjian was blasted with ice. Although Tao Hongjing was worn by the sword, the wound was instantly hurt Freeze, not killed for a while. But when Tao Hongjing woke up and turned, he saw a sharp point in his chest, and his heart was suddenly split, and he couldn’t help but screamed.

“I’m in these four elephant kanli temples, don’t you want to see me, then you come in to see me.”

But Tao Hongjing only made a scream, and there was such a voice from Sixiangkanli.

“Mu Daolin.” Zhao Lingjun heard it all at once, and the person who made this voice was Mu Daolin, who had fought with him in the small hotel.

Zhao Lingjun had just recognized that the person who made the sound was Mu Daolin, and the ice Xuanjian in Tao Hongjing’s chest had turned into a white light, and flew back to Sixiangkanli Palace. In Tao Hongjing’s tragic cry, the blood was rushing like a spring. In a moment, Tao Hongjing fell down, and there was no more noise.

“I just asked him where he was, why did he kill Tao Hongjing?” Zhao Lingjun saw Tao Hongjing under his own eyes and was killed by Mu Daolin hiding in the Sixiangkanli Temple.

“Boss, what should I do? This man is so perverted that he even killed his own people.” Although Suzaku didn’t know who Mu Daolin was, he saw this man hiding in the Sixiangkan Palace. He killed his own people. Can’t help but say, “Are we just going to use spells and just blow him up with these four elephants?”

Suzaku’s words were very slight, and they were separated by ten feet from Sixiangkanli Hall, but the people of Sixiangkanli seemed to have a good ear, and Suzaku’s words were only exported. Here comes Mu Daolin’s voice.

“Yes, you don’t have to see me, you can just level these four elephants from the temple to the ground, but you came here this time not just to level the Maoshan Sect.”

After a pause, Mu Daolin continued, “Don’t you want to know, what is the white jade box in your hand?”

Mu Daolin’s tone is full of sarcasm. It seems that Wumen has won a lot now. Mao Shanzong has suffered heavy casualties and is not in his heart at all. He has decided Zhao Lingjun’s appearance.

But Zhou Daolin was a bit wrong.

The biggest purpose of Zhao Lingjun’s coming to Maoshanzong was not to know what the white jade box was, but to find out what the origin of the blue-clothed Daoist who possessed a hundred ghost ghosts.

Because Zhao Lingjun learned from Dahua Tianhelian that only his master, that is, the brother of the Three Treasure Sect Masters who might have been hanged thousands of years ago, had the Hundred Ghosts Soul Streamer, and he understood the practice of Hundred Ghosts Soul Stream制 方法。 Manufacturing methods.

After hearing Mu Daolin say this, Zhao Lingjun just smiled.

Zhao Lingjun laughed because he thought Mu Daolin was really ridiculous. “Mu Daolin, don’t you know that our Wumen has many ways of God, can we get what we want to know from the dead?”

After hearing the voice of Zhao Lingjun, Mu Daolin in Sixiangkanli was obviously stunned.

But Zhao Lingjun did not pause at all, and ordered the attack on the Wumen people.

“Give me this guy who pretends to be a ghost, and even Sixiangkan left the temple.” After finishing this sentence, Zhao Lingjun added another sentence, “Some cruel spells, don’t shoot. I don’t want to see inside. The guy turned into a pool of meat and could not even find it. ”

“Dangdang” was heard, and Sixiangkan left the hall, and there was a sound of metal falling to the ground. It seemed that someone heard Zhao Lingjun’s words and was shocked. Even the sword in his hand was not grasped and was dropped to the ground.

But Suzaku wouldn’t care what the people in Sixiangkanli were doing. When he heard Zhao Lingjun’s words, Suzaku was spoiled.

What else is more enjoyable than unscrupulously casting spells to fold the house? What’s more, this house is still the Maoshan Sect of Taoist Xuanmen.

“Look at my Samadhi Lihuo sword.” So as soon as he heard Zhao Lingjun’s words, Suzaku shot first.

A thin white firelight shot from above the fingers of Suzaku, and quickly circled the four elephant kan from the palace twice.

“I *.” Although Suzaku’s Samadhi Fire Sword is like a laser cutting machine, Suzaku thought that the four elephants Kanlidian said that they would have the same protection as the Lingguandian. But to the surprise of Suzaku and Wumen, although Sixiang Kanlidian was made of black slabs and looked like black light flowing, when Suzaku’s Samadhi separated from the fire sword, Sixiang Kanli left the palace , But there is no protection of the magic circle.

Suzaku’s Samadhi Lihuo Sword was only wound twice in the upper part of Sixiangkanli Hall, and the upper half of Sixiangkanli Hall was cut off.

And the magical attacks of several Wumenzhong people with quick hands and feet also hit the upper half of the Sixiangkanli Temple cut by Suzaku. Sixiangkan’s upper half turned into a pile of black gravel pieces scattered around.

Seeing Sixiangkan leaving the temple so unscathed, the rest of the witchmen who were preparing to cast spells also stopped their hands.

“Haha.” Suzaku, who stopped his hand, suddenly broke down.

Because Suzaku saw that the originally majestic Sixiangkan left the temple, and he and several Wumen people casually engaged in it, and it became like an open toilet. And a middle-aged grey-clothed Taoist, with a gray face and a ghostly look at the man in the Wumen, brushed it, and went from the open toilet like the four-like kanli to the hall into the last hall of the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace. .

“Haha, this guy, we will make all the Taoism here into toilets, and see where you can go to hide.” Suzaku knew that this guy must have been talking to Zhao Lingjun.

“Boss, what should I do? Did you blow up the remaining one?” When Mu Daolin ran into the last hall of Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, Suzaku asked him with his eyes squinted. Today’s Suzaku has almost written the words violent male on his face.

“Let’s go and see before talking.” Zhao Lingjun smiled slightly after hearing Suzaku’s words.

Of course, Zhao Lingjun does not mind that everyone will level out the remaining building of Maoshan Sect. Anyway, the entire Maoshan Sect has almost been leveled off too. Zhao Lingjun really wanted to shovel out the remaining building to see why the head of the Maoshan Sect, Fang Tianhua, was so suffocated by this time that he didn’t come out to show his face.

But Zhao Lingjun saw Sixiangkan in the corner of the hall, and there seemed to be a person lying down. So Zhao Lingjun decided to find out first.

“I also need to go.”

Although the Sixiangkanli Temple is already an open toilet, but because of fear of ambush in Maoshanzong, Zhao Lingjun decided to go and inquire only with Zhuque. But Zhao Lingjun said that, Qing Lan shook his head.

“Brother Zhao Lingjun, I’m going too.” Bai Luoli still blinked her black eyes and didn’t speak. When Qing Lan said this, Bai Luoli also said immediately.

“Fairy Master, your Dao force has not fully recovered, let me go.” Wu Xuanyun also said rushed.

“You let them go with you, so many of us are waiting here, if there is something wrong, we will be able to do it again.” Zhao Lingjun wanted to say something, listening to Wu Xiaoye said, Zhao Lingjun would He nodded.

“Okay.” After listening to Zhao Lingjun said, Bai Luoli jumped up happily, as if it was not a site of Maoshan Sect in danger of ambush, but a playground.

“Be careful.” Before Zhao Lingjun and others had reacted, Bai Luoli had turned into a white rainbow, and flew to the courtyard in front of Si Xiangkan away from the hall.

Zhao Lingjun and others were startled by Bai Loli’s reckless movements, but after Bai Loli fell, Si Xiangkan left the palace but nothing happened.

“Brother Zhao Lingjun, come here.” Before Zhao Lingjun and others could speak, they already saw Bai Luoli making a grimace towards herself proudly.

Seeing Bai Luoli’s appearance, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help crying, so he had to release nine snake demon from Qinghua Sword, stood up, and flew towards Bai Luoli.

“Take me with me.” Suzaku saw his boss had already flown over on the mount, and of course he wanted to fly over immediately. But Suzaku hadn’t come to cast a spell yet, and Pang Taiju had already grabbed Suzaku’s clothing corner.

“Take you with you? Did you make a mistake.” Suzaku looked at Pang Taiju with great contempt. “If you are a beauty, I can still consider it.”

“Take me with you.”

“*, You can’t let go.” Suzaku saw Qing Lan and the others had already passed by Yunfei, but she hadn’t passed yet, and was a little anxious.

Suzaku felt that if Pang Taiju pulled him back, he would kick Pang Taiju himself.

“I’m not a beauty, but I’m a master of formation, master of master. Maybe there is a magic formation over there …” But Pang Taiju’s words made Suzaku dispel his intention to kick and kick him.

Because although I usually think this guy is not good, but at least in the formation, it is still a master.

So after thinking about it, Suzaku nodded. “Okay, I will take you there.”

“I knew you were a good person.” Pang Taiju heard Suzaku’s words, and happily went to Suzaku’s back.

“My case, what are you doing.” But Suzaku was startled by Pang Taiju’s movements, and suddenly flew away, so that Pang Taiju almost fell a dog to eat shit. “I’m not gay.”

“You, you don’t stumble on me, how can you take me past.” Pang Taiju looked at Suzaku extremely grievously, and decided to go back first, he must first learn a wind-fighting technique or something, so as not to ask grandpa to tell grandma of.

“I’ll take you there, do you still have to carry you?” Suzaku looked at Pang Taiju and smiled very much like Niucha.

Suzaku flicked his hands, and before Pang Taiju responded, he saw a purple light curtain suddenly surrounding him and wrapped himself in it.

“What is this?” Pang Taiju looked at the light curtain around him curiously, and couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch it.

“This is the Purple Flame Hood, used to protect you.” Suzaku looked at Pang Taiju and smiled strangely.

“It’s used to protect me?” Pang Taiju froze for a while and saw Suzaku’s weird smile, and when she first felt a little bad, Suzaku had squeezed the decision.

“Fire dance whirlwind.”

“Ah–” Suzaku’s decision was just finished. A tornado made of flames wrapped the Pangtai giant group. Pang Taiju only had the time to issue a pig-like scream, the whirlwind of flames, He moved Pang Taiju to the Sixiangkan where Zhao Lingjun and others were away.

When the sound of “Boom” fell into the courtyard of Sixiangkan Ligong, Pang Taiju was already indistinguishable from the southeast to the northwest. Pang Taiju only felt like he was stuck in a washing machine for a long time, and even the internal organs were sprayed from his mouth.

“Haha. How do you feel good.” But then Suzaku, who flew over afterwards, said that she was still in trouble. “Do you want to come again?”

“You …” After Pang Taiju finally got up, he wanted to work hard with Suzaku.

But Pang Taiju stood up, and when he saw the two sparkling pools not far from his side, Pang Taiju was dumbfounded, because Pang Taiju suddenly saw that the two pools were clear Under the water, there seemed to be black gas flowing.

“I *, it turns out to be him.” When Pang Taiju was about to step forward to see what was happening, Suzaku had already jumped into the chaotic four-like ridge like a convertible toilet.

When Suzaku leaped in, Zhao Lingjun happened to turn over the person lying on top. Suzaku recognized the person who was lying face down. He was in the Lingguan Hall and placed a seven-star magic sword array. Zhang Yinzhen, the elder of Maoshan, died of his own death.

But now Zhang Mingzhen is stiff, and his body is cold, and there is not even a breath, but he has been yin and died for a long time. “I *. It must have been that guy just now.” Suzaku suddenly thought of Mu Daolin, who ran from this temple to the last palace of Wanxiao Palace in Jiuxiao.

“Is this person?” After hearing the surprised voice of Suzaku and others, Pang Taiju didn’t carefully check the two pools that seemed to have black gas flowing. At the sight of the old man lying in front of him, he was taken aback.

“This man is the elder of Maoshanzong, Zhang Mingzhen.” Zhao Lingjun stood up and nodded to Pang Taiju.

“Brother Zhao Lingjun, that’s …” Zhao Lingjun just answered Pang Taiju, and Bai Luoli made another cry.

“Why?” Zhao Lingjun looked in Bai Luoli’s eyes, but after seeing a statue of Sixiangkan leaving the temple, a pair of legs were exposed.

“I *.” Before Zhu Lingjun stepped forward, Suzaku leapt there, but Suzaku was stunned at first glance.

“I *.” Zhao Lingjun didn’t know what surprised Suzaku, but after stepping forward to take a look, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but rudely.

On the open space behind the idol at the corner of the temple, Sixiangkan was lying on the ground with corpses. And Zhao Lingjun just glanced at it and recognized these people, it was Liang Tang equals with Zhang Mingzhen who set up the seven-star Zhumo array.

“Boss, is that the person named Mu Daolin, is Ma Jiajue?” As soon as he saw the scene, Suzaku couldn’t help but think of what he saw in an old newspaper in the guardhouse of the Huajingyuan Community news.

“Why did he kill the Maoshan Sect?” Pang Taiju was also stunned by the sight in front of him.

Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath and looked at Qing Lan and the others around him. He was speechless, because everything in front of him was really incredible.

“These gods …” Zhao Lingjun was wondering if he had called Wumen all over. He simply flattened the last palace of Maoshan Sect and pulled Mu Daolin out to ask what was happening, but Qing Lan was right. Zhao Lingjun said.

“Why?” After hearing Qing Lan’s words, Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku and others immediately looked at the idols around them.

There are only four statues in Sixiangkanli Temple, and their positions are more conspicuous. It’s just that after Zhao Lingjun and others came in, all their attention was attracted by Zhang Mingzhen lying on the ground, so they didn’t carefully watch the four gods.

“Brother Zhao Lingjun, these four gods are not like fairies, but like monsters.”

At this time, Jing Lan mentioned that when everyone looked at it, it turned out that even the beautiful junior high school student Bai Luoli saw the problem.

The four gods seem to be carved with black jade. One of the gods is surrounded by flames, one is surrounded by clouds of mist, and the other two are covered in iron armor and wrapped around the waist.

These four statues look majestic, but they are all dignified. Where is there a little taste of fairy?

Zhao Lingjun took a closer look at the four gods, and he didn’t find out what the four gods represented, but he also felt that the four gods were indescribably strange, and they didn’t look like Taoist fairy statues at all.

Suspiciously, Zhao Lingjun suddenly heard that the last laugh of Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace entered the palace, Taiyuan Hall.

“I *, you’re laughing fart. Wait a minute, we’ll kill you in, and after catching you, whip you with a whip dipped in pepper, and see if you can’t laugh.” Suzaku heard the lewdness all at once. Laughter came from the Mu Daolin who fled into the Taiyuan Hall, so Suzaku couldn’t help shouting at the Taiyuan Hall.

If according to Suzaku’s original temper, after hearing the lustful laughter from Mu Daolin, he has already rushed into the Taiyuan Palace not far away in front of him, but after being killed for the first order, Suzaku is cautious A lot, so after shouting, Suzaku stared at Zhao Lingjun with hope, and hoped that Zhao Lingjun would order everyone to demolish the only temple of Maoshan Zongshuo, and then let himself go in to remove the perverted one. The lewd guy laughed out and caught a hard lesson.

“Want to kill in? You’ll get through that level before you talk about it.” But Suzaku’s voice just fell, and Mu Daolin in the Taiyuan Temple gave another lascivious laugh.

“Be careful.”

As soon as Mu Daolin’s laughter sounded, Zhao Lingjun and others discovered that Sixiangkan was above the four gods in the hall, emitting a strong demon spirit.

“I *.” Suzaku felt it all at once. On the misty idol, the demon radiated was exactly the same as the demon radiated on the green cloud that swept Zhang Mingzhen and others in the Lingguan Hall.

“Welcome to my world.” Suzaku just felt the magical energy above the misty idol, and the magical energy emitted from the green cloud that swept away Zhang Mingzhen and others was exactly the same. The sound of “Woo” turned into four clouds of different colors.

And when the cloud-like idol turned into a blue cloud, a voice like this sounded in it.

“I *, who do you think you are, God of Creation? Return my world?” Judging from the amazing demon spirit, Suzaku can be sure that the four clouds of mist turned into monsters. Under the sky, what monsters dare to pretend to be ghosts in front of Suzaku, one of the four great beasts? So Suzaku didn’t even think about it, and a real fire of Samadhi shot at the blue cloud.


“Free Ming King Formation!”

As soon as Suzaku shot, he heard two different voices. The first voice was in four clouds of clouds, and a cloud of red clouds. It seemed to be surprised to see the samui true fire released by Suzaku.

The other voice was Pang Taiju’s exclamation. In Pang Taiju’s exclamation, Suzaku only heard a loud bang, and the water in the two pools in front of the temple was suddenly flooded into the sky, and countless black gas poured out, and then Suzaku I just felt that it was dark, and I could not see anything.

“I didn’t expect you to be able to cast the Samadhi Fire Sword.” When it was dark, Suzaku heard the voice in the blue cloud, “It’s a pity that you are now in my world, no matter how strong the spell is, there is nothing to me. Works. ”

“Because here, I am God, absolute God.”

“I *, what kind of shit.” Suzaku squeezed the decision quickly, trying to cast a flame shield to protect himself, and then cast a fire wall to illuminate this place so that he could see that one in himself. Where was the guy who was pretending to be a ghost in front of him, and then punched his nose.

But what surprised Suzaku was that after he had finished the two finals, there was not even a sparkle around his body.

“Don’t you believe me yet?” When Suzaku was surprised, Suzaku heard the voice of the guy pretending to be a ghost.

If it’s usual, Suzaku will definitely yell, “I’ll put you in the lungs.”

But now Suzaku can’t even say a single word, because when he heard that voice, Suzaku only felt a pair of giant hands and suddenly pinched Suzaku’s neck.

Suzaku was choked with a sigh of breath, and Suzaku stretched out his hands, trying to break away the giant hand that choked his neck, but Suzaku touched his neck directly.

Those hands are actually invisible.

“Why, you have to break yourself?” When Suzaku’s hand touched his neck, the voice rang again.

“I got you MB, I cut you MB.” Suzaku now wants to be the nine-pin sesame officer played by Zhou Xingchi, scolding this guy bloody. But what made Suzaku mad was when the voice sounded. Suzaku found that his hands were not under his control, and his hands were pinching his neck and tightened slowly.

“I won’t just hang like this.” After a while, Suzaku felt that his neck was about to be pinched off by his own hands. Suzaku felt that his mind was slowly unclear, but there was a thought in Suzaku In my mind, it was extremely clear. “If someone knows that Suzaku will be strangled by their own hands, then others may laugh to death.”

Suzaku felt that if he was really strangled by his own hands, then he would not be born again without a fire, and he would find a place to bury himself, everyone in the province jokes.


Suzaku heard Pang Taiju’s roar when Suzaku had been pinched by his own hands.

With Pang Taiju’s roar, Suzaku shuddered and suddenly realized that he could control his own hands.

“Cough–” Suzaku put his hands down, and the fresh air suddenly poured in, causing Suzaku to cough for a while.

After Suzaku coughed twice, Suzaku’s eyes lit up.

The sudden light caused Suzaku to close his eyes.

“I didn’t think you could actually restrain the free Ming Wang Zhen. I knew I should kill you first.”

As soon as Suzaku closed his eyes, he heard the sound of pretending to be ghostly. And that voice seemed to speak to Pang Taiju.

Suzaku opened his eyes as soon as he heard this sentence, and as soon as Suzaku opened his eyes, he was taken aback.

Suzaku found out that he was no longer in the hall of Sixiangkan, but went to another world.

Suzaku only saw the world in front of her, and it was divided into black and white.

The sky is black, the feet under one’s feet are black, and the space between the sky and the ground under one’s feet is all white.

Between heaven and earth, there is nothing but people standing quietly.

Suzaku only saw four young people in front of him like the white loli favorite, and couldn’t help seeing the F4 in the soap opera “Meteor Garden”.

These four people all look tall and handsome, but between their eyes, they are full of evil spirits.

In Bai Luoli’s words, it is that these people are bad guys at first sight.

The young man in the head was wearing a blue gown and was covered with clouds, presumably the guy who pretended to be a ghost.

Standing on his left hand is a cold-faced young man in black scales, all black on his face.

Beside this cold-faced young man, there is a young man whose body seems to have water waves flowing and his body is rippling with white water.

What attracted Suzaku’s eyes was the young man in the red on his right hand with red hair. The reason why this young man attracts Suzaku most is not because this young man has the same red hair as Suzaku, but because this young man also has a strong wave of fire mana. From this point alone, Suzaku can feel that this young man with red hair is just like a fire master.

“You haven’t pinched your neck?” The young man in Tsing Yi, who saw Suzaku’s gaze, said to Suzaku in a mocking tone.

Suzaku did not fight with this young man in Tsing Yi because at this time Suzaku heard Pang Taiju’s eager cry.

“Quick, time is running out.”

Suzaku turned her head and saw that Zhao Lingjun and others were standing behind him unharmed, but Zhao Lingjun and others were all nervous, like a big enemy. Pang Taiju squatted on the ground, pressing a few jade stones in his hands.

The brilliance of the jade stones circulated, forming a small magic circle.

But the black ground was mirror-like, and countless black air rushed toward the jade stones, just a word of kung fu, and the light on the jade stones was already dimmed.

Suzaku didn’t understand what Pang Taiju said when the time was running out, and looking at the expressions of Zhao Lingjun and others, Suzaku knew that Zhao Lingjun and others did not understand.

When Suzaku wanted to open an inquiry, Pang Taiju had already said it eagerly.

“This place is a different space constructed by the opponent’s man using his spells and the free king array hidden in the Sixiangkanli Temple. In this, he is omnipotent. My magic circle can only restrain this freedom. It ’s the time for Ming Wang Zhen to be a pillar of incense. During this time, he is still an ordinary person like us. If after this pillar of incense time, his spells and this free Ming Wang Zhen reintegrate, then we will … . ”

“I *.” Suzaku already understood before Pang Taiju’s words.

Suzaku has also heard that there is a fairy named Hunyuan Reality who can use the strongest Taoism to create a world of his own, and in that world, no one is an opponent of Hunyuan Reality. Because in that world, the circulation of all things and the rules of the world are determined by Hunyuan real people.

Life and death in that world are only between the thoughts of Hunyuan real people.

At present, this young man in Tsing Yi, although not a Hunyuan real person, but also according to the * circle, with his own unique technique, launched a world similar to the Hunyuan real person. Although this world looks extremely rough, there is nothing but black and white, and heaven and earth, but in this world, he decides life and death.

After Suzaku wanted to understand, she didn’t hesitate and immediately started.

Suzaku knows that there is only one chance for everyone now, and that is to knock down these four people in a pillar of time.

Although there is no discussion, at this moment Zhao Lingjun and others all have the same intention. At the moment when Suzaku shot, Zhao Lingjun, Wu Xuanyun, Bai Luoli, Qing Lan also shot.

The goal of the thief is to capture the king first, Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku are all very clear, that is, to be the first to remove the most dangerous young man in Tsing Yi.

Suzaku’s shot is his most powerful spell, Sanmei Zhenhuojian.

When Suzaku used this trick at most, it was at most showing a sword light condensed by Samadhi’s true fire, but at this time, the situation was critical, and Suzaku’s hands flew out a skillful Samadhi’s fire sword at the same time.

Simultaneously displaying two Samadhi True Fire Swords is extremely energy consuming. At this time, Suzaku only asked for a blow to kill the guy who pretended to be a ghost. As for the amount of Dao energy consumed, Suzaku could not care about it at all.

“Your opponent is me.” Suzaku’s goal is the young man in Tsing Yi, but the samui true fire sword in Suzaku’s hand is only manifested. Among the four young men, the red-haired young man has already pounced on Suzaku.

When he rushed over, the hands of the red-haired young man had turned into two swords of true fire.

“I know you are a Suzaku.” Red hair rushed towards Suzaku while continuing. “But I forgot to tell you that I am Suzaku.”

“You are a **** Suzaku.” Suzaku’s nose was crooked when he heard red hair.

Although this young man with red hair really seems to have the same horror fire mana as Suzaku, and the enchantment of this young man is also strong enough, but the enchantment of this young man with red hair is mottled, with the enchantment of Suzaku , But completely different.

Because the young man with red hair was blocked in front of him, Suzaku could only rush towards the red hair.

But Suzaku hadn’t gotten this red hair yet, but Bai Luoli had already been fighting with this guy who claimed to be Suzaku.

The young redhead’s goal is Suzaku, but Bai Lori’s spell casting speed is faster than anyone. So the red hair hadn’t had time to put two swords on Suzaku. The lightning and frost ice gun of Bai Lori had already smashed towards the red hair. And when she saw that Bai Luoli’s spell was leaning towards herself, her red hair could not compare with Suzaku, and she could only compete with Bai Luoli.

As soon as he saw that the young man with red hair was entangled with white loli, Suzaku’s two Sanmei Zhenhuo swords directly bypassed the red hair and shot towards the young man in Tsing Yi.

Suzaku’s two samui true fire swords, under the full impetus of Suzaku, cast off like electricity, much faster than the flying swords of ordinary monks. But Suzaku’s two samui true fire swords, a few meters away from the young man in Tsing Yi, suddenly came with a white water blade.

A white smoke filled with “chi”, the white water blade, even with Suzaku’s Samadhi really fighting.

This time he intercepted Suzaku, but it was the young man whose body seemed to have waves flowing and his body shone with white water. Suzaku had already seen that this young man must be a master of water spells, but did not expect that this guy’s spells and powers were so brilliant.

When Suzaku was entangled in the young man covered in water, Zhao Lingjun, Wu Xuanyun, and Qing Lan’s spell attacks had also been dumped to the young people in Tsing Yi.

Although Zhao Lingjun and Qing Lan have not fully recovered their mana, the white glow of Qinghua Sword, the huge golden cone transformed from the Golden Light Cone, and the Qinglong Taiyi God Thunder cast by Qing Lan intersect, and the power is still very amazing.

But when he saw that Zhao Lingjun and other people’s magical attacks were pouring towards him, the young man in Tsing Yi didn’t blink, and the young man in Tsing Yi was wearing a black scale armor, and there was a young man with black air on his face Xiexie smiled and stirred the decision.

As soon as the decision of the young man in black was finished, the black scales on his body suddenly flashed with black light, and turned into a huge black translucent tortoiseshell, which was blocked in front of the young man in black and the young man in green.

The huge tortoiseshell was clouded with air, and there was a vaguely black winding looming on it, the red letter was vomiting, and it seemed strange that could not be said.

The white glowing light from Zhao Lingjun ’s Qinghua sword, the huge golden cone transformed from the golden cone and the blue dragon Taiyi Shenlei cast by Qinglan collided with this huge tortoise shell. Tortoiseshell blocked it.

“Xuanwu!” Wu Xuanyun was so distracted by the tremendous earthquake that he almost exclaimed. Because this huge tortoise turned out by this young man in black turned out to be similar to the legendary strong defensive spell that only Xuanwu can exhibit, Xuanwu tortoise and snake armor. But the mana of this young man is full of evil spirits, and his deity is obviously not the basalt of one of the legendary four great beasts.

“Haha.” Wu Xuanyun and Zhao Lingjun and others were wondering, but the young man in Tsing Yi already looked at Pang Taiju behind Zhao Lingjun and others and laughed.

Zhao Lingjun and others couldn’t help turning around and looked at Pang Taiju. At first glance, Zhao Lingjun and others were surprised. Because in this moment, the glory on the jade on the ground in Pang Taiju’s hands has been dimmed a lot.

“With your strength, even in peacetime, it may not be able to outperform us. People.” In laughter, Tsing Yi people looked at Zhao Lingjun and others with pride. “You kowtow and beg for mercy.”

After a pause, the Tsing Yi people turned to glance at Suzaku and others who were fighting, and laughed proudly again.

In the eyes of the young people in Tsing Yi, the two pairs of people are just fighting against each other, and there is no one-and-a-half meeting, and they will never win, and Zhao Lingjun and others, in such a short period of time, could not break themselves The tortoiseshell in front of me.

So the young people in Tsing Yi thought that Zhao Lingjun and others were dead.

The young people in Tsing Yi think more and more proud, and the more proud they laugh, the more they laugh. “Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha, ha …”

But the young man in Tsing Yi laughed a few times, as if choked, suddenly unable to laugh.

Because in this time’s kung fu, junior high school students like Bai Luoli, have already occupied a complete upper hand.

Bai Luoli’s spell is not as powerful as Suzaku’s Samadhi Fire Sword, but Bai Luoli’s spell casting speed is incomparable.

One of Zhu Liao’s spells had just been shot, and the second and third spells had already fallen. And Bai Luoli’s spell, once will be lightning, once will be flame, once will be frost.

Although the power of the fake Suzaku’s spell is above the white loli, but the helpless white loli’s spells come from the beginning, at the beginning, the fake Suzaku can still wield the samui true fire sword and Bai Luoli’s attack and defense, but this Kung Fu, Bai Luoli cast spells faster and faster, the fake Suzaku can only transform into a few flame shields, and resisted desperately.

“Who is this?”

Seeing Bai Loli as the endless stream of the Yangtze River, and the flood of the Yellow River as an unmanageable spell, the young people in Tsing Yi couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Fortunately, they don’t have much time, otherwise he really isn’t the little girl’s opponent.” The Tsing Yi people looked at themselves while watching the fake Suzaku furiously resisted.

“Nanhai Liuli Hood!” But the idea appeared in the mind of the Tsing Yi people. The fake Suzaku had already screamed like a pig, and flew backwards.

When the fake Suzaku flew backwards, the upper body burned with flames, but the lower body was covered with frost, and there was a blue electric light on his head, which was more spectacular than what is half flame and half sea water.

It turned out that while the young people in Tsing Yi secretly rejoiced, they had been attacking the fake Lori Bai Luoli with continuous spells, but suddenly there was a slight pause.

At first sight, the fake Suzaku was able to take advantage of the blow, and suddenly turned into dozens of rockets and shot at Bai Luoli. The fake Suzaku thought that Bai Luoli said she would also need to use spells to resist, but she didn’t expect Bai Luoli’s body, but she had Danxia Zong’s most treasured Nanhai glass cover that specializes in fire spells.

Bai Luoli didn’t care about the spell he shot at himself, and immediately cast three attack spells.

If they usually do not resist each other and attack each other, the two must be defeated, but dozens of rockets are shot in front of Bai Luoli, but they are blocked by Bai Luoli’s Nanhai glass cover. But Bai Luoli’s spells, but not all left, hit the fake Suzaku.

How could the fake Suzaku resist the simultaneous attack of the three spells, suddenly flew out, and fell to the ground when he fell to the ground.

After seeing Bai Luoli get the fake Suzaku, and then picked up the decision against herself, the young man in Tsing Yi was a little nervous.

“It doesn’t matter, boss, he can’t die yet.” After looking at the fake Suzaku who passed away not far behind him, the young man in black beside the Tsing Yi said, “And we, they …”


The young man in black originally wanted to say that they could not defeat so many of us in such a short time, and we can wait for them to be cured before we can cure him. But the young man in black hadn’t finished his words, and a scream like a pig killed the young man in black.

In the unbelievable eyes of the young man in black and the young man in green, the young man in white who was inseparable from Suzaku also flew out backwards.

It was just that when flying out, the young man in white, who was covered with water and waves, was entangled in the body. It was no longer a water mark, but a blue electric light and a white flame.

“Fuck me, electrocut you, burn you.”

Suzaku pinched a bead of blue electric light flashing and water ripples, and said fiercely to the young man in white flying out. “Come on, you come again.”

His eyes fell to the ground, because when the young man in white flew in the air, he had already passed out, where would he come again with Suzaku.

The young man in black and the young man in Tsing Yi looked at Suzaku with the same eyes as a farm animal. I couldn’t figure out how Suzaku could get an opponent with similar strength and similar spells in a flash.

Young people in black and young people in Tsing Yi didn’t know that Suzaku was holding Guishui Leizhu.

Guishui Leizhu is a magic weapon specially used in water. It can instantly release 108 Guishui Shenlei in water. Originally, this 108 Guishui Shenlei could not be used on land, but the young people in white just used all Water spells. Surrounded by a turbulent water shield, in his hands, waving, is also a huge and unmatched water knife.

After the two fought each other for a while, Suzaku was surrounded by water and waves, just like in the rivers and lakes.

At this time Suzaku no longer needs Guishui Leizhu, Suzaku is a fool.

So when the young man in black was talking ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Suzaku secretly launched Guishui Leizhu. The Guishui Leizhu not only forced the water blade of the young Shiraaki in a moment, but also the 108 Guishui God Lei that was cast on it was shot into the torrential water waves around the Suzaku, and suddenly followed the water in the hands of the young white The blade and the water waves around him hit the young man in white.

How could the young man in white think of this magic weapon in Suzaku’s hands, and he was suddenly killed by one hundred and eight guishui gods thunder and lightning, and lost the power to fight back. Struck by Suzaku’s fire spells, he screamed and fell out.

“It’s all up to you now, you must withstand it.” After seeing Suzaku and Bai Luoli each getting their opponents, they didn’t stay at all and they all fought each other and attacked themselves. Just now Zhang Kuang.

“Relax, they can’t pass me.”

When the young man in black saw the spells of Zhao Lingjun and others, he poured out towards himself and the people in Tsing Yi, and cast out the huge translucent tortoiseshell with black winding on it.

“Haha. You can’t break my tortoiseshell.”

In the tremendous earthquake, Zhao Lingjun and Suzaku and other people’s joint blow was blocked by the tortoiseshell of the young man in black.

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