Burning Ashes

Chapter 59 - : Spell Exchange

“We are adventurers from other worlds.” Chu Cheng introduced himself calmly. In fact, both Li Ya and Goniz knew his identity.

But the other party doesn’t mind, what about the strangers? As long as the gods are available, they are welcome.

The world of Gaia is not the first time it has collided with other worlds and merged. For a magician, this is a normal thing, and there are many records in history books.

“I am from the Principality of Bohemia and went to the mainland of the gods to study.” Green is a passionate child.

He wore a white mage robe, indicating that he was not very wealthy. The Principality of Bohemia, there is no famous mage, legends are rare. He can become a second-order mage, so young, only talented.

But such a person can easily become the prey of the galaxy universe adventurer.

Because it looks like there is no backstage, it will not cause much trouble if you kill it.

Such a genius, if he dies, he will die, and will not leave any waves in history. In Chu Cheng’s memory, there is no Necromancer called Green. At least before Chu Cheng was reborn, he had no achievements. It may have fallen early.

“Are there any missing people in your adventure team?” Green suddenly said to Chucheng Road.

All three were stunned. They never thought of recruiting an aborigine.

“Aren’t you going to the mainland of the gods to study?” Wang Qinglong asked.

Green shyly said: “Isn’t it that I haven’t found a teacher yet, although there are many masters of the mainland of the gods, but there are few famous necromancers. I heard that it costs a lot of money to study there, so I plan to be an adventurer for a while. , Save enough coins, and then go to study. “

Wang Qinglong glanced at Chucheng, and Chucheng shook his head.

“Just accept me, my fighting ability is not bad, and there is a safe house.” Green said very seriously.

The safe house is a magic item that can hide itself. Although the use conditions are more severe than the offline method of the second world, it is also a rare item. Regardless of the level, the manufacturing success rate of this gadget is too low, and many times it’s all luck.

“Where do you live?” Wang Qinglong inquired carefully when he saw that Chucheng no longer shook his head.

“It’s closer to the south, Sassi City. My enlightenment teacher was a second-order necromancer. I lived in Sassi city for about ten years. There was really nothing to teach me, and he left. I didn’t have much development in Sassi city, just Having collected the money, I want to try my luck in the mainland of the gods. “

“You lie, if you have a third time, I will kill you. No matter what Captain Master thinks.” Wang Qinglong specially showed Green the storm badge he was wearing.

Green threw out his tongue, as if not paying attention to this.

“The old guy is not a good person. He killed my parents. My uncle is a mercenary … He died with him. I am an aunt, and the magic is not self-study. Aunt is a cleric, a magic book she translated to me, and taught. I am magic. “

“What **** do your aunts believe in?”

“Dark God of War.”

Chucheng nodded, the dark **** of war is the deputy **** of the **** of darkness, the power is not high, and there are not many believers.

“Actually, my parents are also risk takers. After I got home, I went home to do business. Without their savings, I couldn’t have the money to learn magic.”

“Will you lie again?” Wang Qinglong asked.

“I swear, I won’t do it to you anymore.” Green jumped out of bed and raised his hand. Two fingers bent knuckles, a mysterious gesture. Chu Cheng saw strength in this gesture, which was not fraud.

“Why did you lie?”

Green eyes red, said: “My aunt said, don’t believe others when you come out, don’t say anything outside.”

“When will your magic book be used?” Wang Qinglong asked suddenly.

“Fourth-level capping, there is no legendary part.” Green did not lie this time and answered honestly.

“Can I see it?” Chu Cheng asked.

“Take me and I will show you.”

Wang Qinglong smiled and said, “I am the captain, but the adventure team is the boss.”

Looking at Wang Qinglong pointing to Chucheng, Green immediately looked over with eagerness, Chucheng said: “You have to think clearly, join the adventure team, the early stage is fine, but I will buy a noble identity. Very big. “

“Aristocratic adventure group?” Green heard this, but looked forward to it more.

What does the wild group mean? The treatment of the noble adventure group is better. The temporary formation of the team, the results are usually very low.

“Since you understand, then you stay.”

“Then what is the name of our adventure group?” Green asked with great expectation.

Wang Qinglong was speechless, this team had no name yet, he looked at Chucheng, Chucheng thought without hesitation: “The Throne of Ashes.”

“This … too, too big, right?” Green was shocked by the name of the adventure group. What was it for, to become a god? God-level adventure group?

“Then do you still join?”

“Join to join!” Green happily greeted Chucheng, saluted the boss, and saluted Wang Qinglong, and called the captain. Finally, Bai Yexing gave a salute and called Lao Bai.

Bai Yexing was depressed. The three-person team had no job. Fortunately, there is a new person now, and he is not at the bottom.

Wang Qinglong sighed, this team, the professional match is really amazing.

Two Necromancers, an Eastern swordsman and a Western thief, do not have heavy armor units. Although the second world is not a real game, but in the adventure team, shield warriors or heavy knights are really necessities.

In the battle of the adventure group, there are also card slots. With the cooperation of the team, the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.

And unlike online games, the warriors in this world have high defensive power but not low attack power. . The mage is certainly powerful. The problem is that the mage’s magic power is usually exhausted first, while the soldier’s physical strength can be used for a long time.

Yes, warriors are cheap and hard-working professions, and the magician’s success rate is not to mention, but also krypton gold.

Well, a small team, there are two second-level elite masters, which is considered a luxurious configuration.

Green didn’t have any words, and gave his magic book to Chucheng. This is called Cheng Cheng. Of course, he was also afraid that the other party would engulf his magic book. If he did so, he could only cry to the captain. However, the other side has temple badges, and the background should be quite large.

So he was still upset. The problem is that because everyone had a temple badge, he decided to join.

Ordinary wild group, how could he be tempted.

Chu Cheng patiently read the magic book. This magic book has been around for a long time, recording the first-order to fourth-order undead magic. It is a good book, in addition to magic, it also records the manufacture of various magic equipment. This magic book can also store four magic, just from the first order to the fourth order.

Very good magic items, also combat equipment.

Chucheng made a judgment. Green is a relatively powerful necromancer. From the traces of the magic book, he can see that his skill mix is ​​reasonable and his growth is relatively balanced. The magic value and mental strength are good, and he is doing very well. There are records in this magic book, in addition to exercise methods, there are potions, which can prevent the body from being eroded by the power of undead magic.

If Li Dian is not dead, how good it is, his team really lacks a qualified warrior.

Thinking of Li Dian, Chucheng was a little unhappy. He originally thought he was used to life and death, even Li Dian’s skin was accepted, but there was a feeling of lingering. From the day he turned into a shadow warrior, he has been buried in his heart.

Is angry, unwilling, and disappointed in this world.

“Okay, on this boat, there is the noble adventure group of the Sunflower family, which will stay in the Hessen Islands, the fleet will be supplied, and we will also conduct a trial over there.”

“Trial?” Green did not understand.

“Look at your actual level, your skills are good, and there is not much problem with growth, but the adventure itself has nothing to do with these.”

Chucheng follows the guidance, in fact, it is not easy to let an aborigine join this adventure group, let alone the elite mage. A second-order necromancer such as Green may be a rare strong in the city of Sassi.

What Chucheng needs is time. It is not impossible for the humans in the galaxy universe to become friends with the aborigines. Most of his friends in the previous life were aborigines ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ There is a necromancer, a good adventure group, even There will be a main structure with three masters as the core.

Another reason is that Chu Cheng didn’t want Green to die prematurely. Green is still a teenager after all, although he is smart, but the snack machine Wang Qinglong can see at a glance. An adventurer who encounters the galaxy universe is easily pitted to death.

“You two, get some food.” Chu Cheng said to Wang Qinglong.

“Want to be richer?” Wang Qinglong asked, how long did he mean to avoid.

“Bring back more, eh.”

Wang Qinglong pulled Bai Yexing out of the room, and Green said curiously to Chucheng: “Why do you break them? Don’t you trust them?”

“No, exchange spells, other professions are present, it is not very solemn.”

“Swap spells!” Green was surprised, his magic book was read by the other party, and the other party had to exchange spells, that is, pointing himself. The boss looks younger than himself, is it really okay?

“Fair exchange, I want to learn your withering shock, and in return, I will teach you how to practice dead bombs.”

Green nodded desperately, he wouldn’t be a dead missile, but there are records in the magic notes, it is a very practical skill, better than arcane missile. It is also a skill that has a small burden on the Necromancer, which can theoretically break through the fourth-order boundary. Although he asked himself to become a fourth-order guru.

But, who would not want to advance the legend?

There are only two people in the room. Chu Cheng patiently teaches the practice method of Green’s lifeless missile, starting with the first spell, magic gesture, and magic road map. It has been talking about high-level operations such as mental strength amplitude and qi and blood control. In just over an hour, Green had mastered the first-class lifeless missiles, making Chu Cheng look at him impressed.

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