Burning Ashes

Chapter 58 - :tenant

Chu Cheng said: “If there are millions of gold coins, it is not a problem. I am afraid that the plan will change. I have to go to the mainland of the gods quickly. I have to tell you something else.”

“Boss you say.”

“I was attacked by a legend and the safe house was destroyed.” Chu Cheng looked at Wang Qinglong’s face.

Wang Qinglong could not conceal his surprise, but soon calmed down and said, “How is that legend?”

Chu Cheng smiled, did not answer.

Wang Qinglong frowned and said, “I originally planned to stay in the second world and no longer go offline. Boss, you are now trapped. If I don’t go back, the intelligence sources on the other side of the earth will be gone.”

“Isn’t there still Bai Yexing?”

“He failed, even if he was simply a thief.” Wang Qinglong said very harshly.

“The intelligence thing, it will trouble the captain. There is one more thing … The Huaxia administrative region government may have obtained the blood of the gods.”

“No wonder!”

Wang Qinglong said: “There are big movements in the government of the administrative region. The militia, the reserve, and many regular troops have been transferred to the Second World. Some areas have even begun to enter and stop the payment of real world benefits. I thought they Crazy, if you get the blood of the gods, then some of them will make sense. “

“Do you know the Hessen Islands?” Chu Cheng asked suddenly.

“I know that when we cross the sea to the mainland of the gods, we will definitely pass there.”

“There is a relic there, if we get it, enough for us to make a fortune. My knighthood, your white tiger soldier’s soul, may be able to get everything you need for the night.”

Wang Qinglong was silent for a moment, saying: “I might not be able to do so.”

“Where are the defects?” Chu Cheng asked directly.

Wang Qinglong hesitated, and the boss in front of him clearly had many secrets. Not to mention the blood of the gods, if you can escape under the legendary pursuit, the means will be terrible. Also know of a rewarding relic?

“I can’t show you the template I adjusted myself.” Wang Qinglong said, take out a piece of paper and write data on it. Chu Cheng looked beside him, and when Wang Qinglong finished writing, he said to Chu Cheng: “Remember?”

Chucheng nodded, and Wang Qinglong pressed the paper into powder in his palm.

“Skills are powerful, but they consume a lot during training, and need a lot in the early stage … In fact, it is not a defect. If someone supports you, your attribute allocation is reasonable. When the four-dimensional data will be useless in the future , You are close to the real attribute. “

“Can the boss support me?” Wang Qinglong asked with a smile.

“I will make ruby ​​paste, what do you say?”

Wang Qinglong was speechless. He was planning to set up a team and set up his home. Things offline made him sad. To show Chucheng four-dimensional attributes is also a tentative test to see how this boss will react. As a result, he said he would refine ruby ​​ointment!

Okay, this is mutual trust.

The two also knew that this was a mutual temptation, but the temptation was a little sincere.

The two stayed in the temple for another three days, and Bai Yexing also appeared. Chucheng did not want to delay more in Leeds, so he said goodbye to Gonzitz.

Gornizt took the time to see Chu City and sent two storm badges, both of which were first-order. However, above the sea, the badge was useful.

As for Chucheng, he sent a metal rune, second-order red.

“His Bishop, I will definitely deliver the letter, you can rest assured.” Chu Cheng officially agreed to this time and decided to go to the headquarters of the Temple of Storms to see. Pope Storm should not have much time to live, but it is due to natural aging. It may be a windfall to do this before the old pope dies.

Gornitz nodded and said, “The Temple of Storms never treats friends badly. You can rest assured.”

“Bless God.” Chu Cheng stroked his chest with his hand.

“God will bless.” Goeniz finished, and there was a silver trace on the metal rune in Chucheng’s hand. Chu Cheng’s heart moved slightly, and he checked it. Sure enough, it was a fourth-order magic technique.

Storm shelter.

Defensive things are okay on land, and on the sea, it lasts a long time, and may even attract the attention of gods.

“Chucheng, the Sunflower family has a caravan, to go to the mainland of the gods, I have sent someone to arrange it, you can go on the largest boat. That is a magic ship, it is safer.

“Thank you so much.” Chu Cheng sincerely said.

Goniz did not treat him so much at this time, so he asked the bearded priest to take three people to the port.

Arranged with the Temple of the Storm, it was very easy all the way. The three men of Chucheng were taken to the ship. After seeing the first officer, after confirming their identity, they arranged a cabin.

The bearded pastor was very caring and prepared a suitcase for all three. The luggage was filled with bed sheets, quilts, and changed clothes. The three people who walked out of the wilderness finally had toothbrushes, soaps and towels.

The cabin is below the deck, there is no way, the sea is never quite flat. On the deck of the magic ship, in addition to the bridge, is a variety of combat buildings.

“Boss, did you see that gun?” Bai Yexing returned to the team, he began to call Wang Qinglong boss Chucheng.

“See, magic cannon, against pirates.”

“So big a magical cannon, how strong is the pirate?” Bai Yexing was guilty, he lives on Mars, but he can’t swim. Not to mention that he has a company that contracts government business, but that is all small money. He doesn’t even have a bathtub at home.

“The Fleet of the Sunflower family, pirates will not make up their minds.”

“Why?” Bai Ye can’t understand, who’s money is not robbed.

“People have legendary masters, and they really annoyed the Sunflower family …” Chu Cheng stopped talking, and he also angered a legendary wizard, hoping that the guy didn’t find himself.

After a brief chat, the three people started to do their own things. The fleet still has two days to go. They can also go on the shore. Chucheng himself is not very daring, and only hopes to go to the mainland of the gods earlier. Both Wang Qinglong and Bai Yexing are studying their own skills and debugging panels.

Like their adventurers, sometimes life is boring.

Chucheng spent a relatively long time in the Storm Temple. There is no need to adjust its own panel. The skills and equipment are almost sorted out. Now it is mainly to help Wang Qinglong and Bai Yexing to deal with equipment.

Outside the magic glass porthole, the sea water gently patted the ship’s side, and a sea bird floated outside, looking curiously at the three people in the cabin.

Chucheng turned around and saw the red-mouthed guy, the soul silk stabs violently, through the hanging window.

The seabird was frightened, struggling to fly, but was hit by the soul silk, and his body was stiff.

“What’s wrong?” Wang Qinglong asked.

“It’s okay, a little nervous.” Chu Cheng quietly withdrew the soul silk, just an ordinary seabird, not a creature controlled by a wizard.

There is also a legend on the Sunflower, the captain.

But now that the captain has not boarded the ship, Chucheng will inevitably be suspicious.

He quickly checked the pale book, the erythema completely disappeared, leaving no breath. There is no wizarding means in the soul. Even the simplest hint does not exist.

Chucheng was a little bored and did nothing at all, leaning on the bed, feeling the palace of the dead.

In the palace of the dead, Chu Xiang is practicing martial arts. The last time she dealt with archers, she was very good and gained a lot of experience. Chu Cheng looked at it silently without speaking.

There was a rude knock on the door. Bai Yexing went to open the door and saw a sailor standing outside with a young man.

“What’s the matter?” Bai Yexing blocked the door.

“He lives here, the first officer asked me to bring people over.” The sailor said agrily.

“Inconvenient, we have Necromancers.” Bai Yexing still refused to give way, although he said he didn’t buy a boat ticket, but this is the face of the Storm Temple, and he has an attitude that has nothing to do with me.

“Coincidentally, I am also a Necromancer.” The young man reached out and gently pushed away Bai Yexing, carrying the suitcase into the cabin. Bai Yexing was surprised, this young man’s power is quite strong.

Although he is a thief, he still focuses on the distribution of power.

“You guy …”

“Don’t forget the old white.” Wang Qinglong said: “The location on the people’s ship is a lot of money. This is a magic ship.”

Bai Yexing whispered and said, “I can’t live on it.”

“It doesn’t matter, I live in the upper bunk. By the way, is it okay for me to use a cabinet?” The young mage smiled at Wang Qinglong with a smile.

“Use it when you are empty, don’t touch ours.”

“My name is Andrea ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ First-order Necromancer, I am very happy to meet you.” The young black-haired young man reached out very enthusiastically and wanted to shake hands with Wang Qinglong.

Wang Qinglong ignored, saying: “Your name is fake.”

“Ah! I’ve been seen through.” The young mage was not embarrassed at all, and said: “Then introduce myself again. My name is Green, the second-order necromancer. I am very happy to meet you.”

“My name is Lao Bai, you live in the lower bunk, assassin, good at backstab.” Bai Yexing came to talk, and his expression was obviously not good.

“Fear not afraid, the ship is very safe. If something happens to each other, Master Captain will throw the troublemaker off to the sea.” Green happily opened the box, took out his clothes and hung them in the cabinet. After dealing with this, he jumped into bed with a book.

Bai Ye Xing suddenly felt boring, indeed, the boat was very safe.

Captain is a legend. If you cause trouble, you must have the consciousness of being killed.

“What are you looking at?” Chu Cheng, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, and the young mage made a grimace at him in the upper bunk.

Chu Cheng was happy and said, “They call me Xiao Chu.”

Wang Qinglong also pointed to the upper bunk on the other side at this time, saying: “I am the old king, your neighbor.”

“It’s an illustration of a monster.” Green Chongchu showed the contents of the book page, and there were drawings and notes on it.

Chu Cheng was stunned for a moment, only to realize that he had a pale book with rich contents. But for the aboriginal mage, if you take risks, you must have monster illustrations. And the monsters of this world have countless materials in their minds, let alone carry a daily study with them.

I can’t go offline, the safe house is gone, and it has become the same as the aboriginal, but after all, I am not an aborigine.

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