Burning Ashes

Chapter 20 - : Front of the Throne

Chucheng looked up at the sky, it was already dark. People who are about to enter the ruins are checking equipment. The two combat priests and the eight temple warriors first stood on the altar on the ground. Under the black sky, a ray of light shone and the ten people disappeared neatly.

“Aren’t the sun gods dead?” Chu Cheng was as curious as the baby, as if he didn’t understand anything.

“The sun is still there.” Nicole answered patiently, presumably looking on the face of the black Aurora badge.

“Pastor Nicole …”

“The bishop told me that you are a necromancer, it doesn’t matter.” Looking at Chu Cheng’s disturbed appearance, Nicole was very gentle to him. Her voice has an unspeakable power, convincing and stable in her heart.

“Well.” Chu Cheng looked obedient, Luo Yan gritted his teeth.

“Come with me.” Nicole took everyone to the altar and waited for the next teleport.

When the stars fell, everyone came to the altar inside the ruins. The huge bones were still there. Those who took the first step already lit a torch. There are two mummy torches in Chucheng’s hands, so it doesn’t need to be used.

Chucheng touched the mummy machete in the waist, speeded up the pace, and kept up with the fast starting team.

The temple is more than this group of mopping-up teams. The group of people led by Nicole is mainly to deal with the fish that missed the net. There is also the corpses of the underworld creatures that the team before the purification did not have time to complete.

Just over half an hour later, he entered a burial chamber that Chu City had never been to before. On the coffin inside the burial chamber was a rotten corpse, revealing half of the skeleton. In the gap of the skeleton, a group of black corpse beetles rushed out and rushed to the adventurer in front.

The location of Chu City is far away, and only an arcanist in the indigenous adventurer put a greasy spell, and then added a burning hand, and at least more than two hundred beetles rushed into the flames.

Bai Yexing couldn’t help but say: “Is this a robbery?”

The corpse beetle he has encountered, the experience is not high, but the threat is not great, as long as you do n’t get thrown, you can trample to death with your feet. Seeing that the beetles in the corpse had rushed out, it was six or seven hundred. When some of the adventurers in front could not bear it, Nicole raised the staff in his hand. The milky white light bloomed and filled every corner of the tomb. .

Black smoke rose from the corpse beetle, rolling on the ground, and I couldn’t see it.

Chu Cheng wondered in his heart, if using undead magic, how to solve the range attack? There are a lot of magics that can be learned at a low level, and Death Ripple is good. However, this thing is different from the Banshee Howl. You cannot choose a specific target to attack. The Death Ripple is spread out, and Luo Yan and Bai Yexing can’t bear it.

Well, Nicole was also attacked, should he be subjected to purification?

Necromancer, really a lonely profession!

There is nothing wrong with Chucheng, open the pale book in the soul, and think about what magic is the most cost-effective to learn in the second order. Although there is a ghost sword, the attack distance is 28 meters, which is the limit of the invisible spider silk. The use of magic skills by the mage has inherent advantages, especially after the legendary achievement, the magic power bonus far exceeds that of the fourth order.

Searched around, Chucheng selected four undead magic.

Ten Thousand Eclipse Balls, Eyes of Flesh, Touch of Undead, Wrath of Ghosts and Gods.

Chucheng did not choose excessive magic. In Gaia, the skills one can learn, the upper limit is related to the strength of one’s soul. Too many skills have been learned. If you reach the upper limit, you have to erase the skills you have learned before. If you want to erase skills, the cost is the same as learning skills.

Put in ten life crystals. If you want to erase them, probably consume six to eight life crystals of the same level.

The four magics are all created by the Necromancer, and they are also very special.

If the eclipse is in the first order, the power is not small. The necromancer can create a sphere and control the sphere to attack at a distance. This is considered to be a continuous magic, repeated practice to increase proficiency and reduce consumption. The stronger thing than fireball is that Eclipse Ball can appear directly at a longer distance.

But after it is made, the attack speed is more difficult to practice. In the initial stage, the Eclipse Ball will float lightly and move as slowly as the turtle. If you want to force acceleration, then you start to consume mental energy, and the extent of consumption is also linked to speed.

This magic and subsequent derivative magic are quite practical.

The flesh demon eye is an undead magic that requires casting materials, but it doesn’t really need flesh and blood materials, bone meal is enough. Create a flying eyeball. In addition to observing the enemy, this eyeball can also release an attack similar to the death ray. It also has a pure passive attack ability. When you and the flesh and blood demon eye are facing each other, you will suffer a mental blow.

Of course, this is still something to invest a lot of energy or experience to learn, from the very beginning when constructing the flesh demon eye. The more perfect the flesh demon eye is constructed, the greater its power. Even if your cast material level is not high, it will not affect the final attack result too much.

Touch of the Undead is the pre-magic of Pale Touch in the Pale Book, which is called reflection magic. You can take the initiative to play it, or you can release it in advance to form a passive attribute, which lasts longer.

As for the anger of ghosts and gods, it is the pre-magic of the pale throne. The pure soul attack magic is now available, and the effect of this magic can be adjusted. Necromancers can build a ghost system by themselves, giving their ghosts different attack attributes. When releasing the anger of ghosts and gods, they can make different choices.

Of course, you can roar with all ghosts, releasing all the powers of ghosts and gods. Even if the immortal effect of this magic is not triggered, there is a high chance of killing the enemy. This is related to the resistance of soul magic.

This flaw in magic has an inevitable cooling cycle.

Assuming that the cooling time of the Eclipse Ball is 360 seconds, Chucheng No. 1 can practice and master the depth to compress the cooling time within 15 seconds. The second can release more than but not limited to two eclipses at the same time through pre-built means. This technique does not increase the cost of releasing the Eclipse Ball.

If the same magic is forcibly released continuously, regardless of the cooling time, the consumption will double up.

Looks like Chucheng, has the Gemini of Destiny, releasing magic can ignore the cooling time, two consecutive magics, but the consumption will not increase.

This attribute will not work on the wrath of ghosts and gods.

The anger of ghosts and gods can only shorten the cooling time by perfecting the system of ghosts and gods and improving the attributes of ghosts and gods.

But this magic also reflects the ambition of the creator of Pale Book.

Powerful anger of ghosts and gods is just the prerequisite skill of the pale throne.

When the Temple of Light was cruising against this Necromancer, under the pale throne, I didn’t know how much light the Angel of the Tomorrow and Temple would ride. Chu Cheng himself almost died in that crusade, and that time, he secretly hid the pale book.

Chucheng learned four magics, and the time spent is very short, but it is just an option of the pale book.

But in such a short time, thousands of corpse beetles have been killed cleanly. Bai Yexing looked at the bodies of the corpse beetles and swallowed saliva. Even if there is only 50 experience points, he can get 200 experience points by killing one. This thing is too fragile, the effect of a fatal blow will definitely come out.

“Little Chu, you go and see.” Nicole greeted Chucheng not far away.

Chu Cheng promised to walk towards the corpse lying on the coffin.

“Give me fifteen minutes.” Chu Cheng stopped and looked at the huge antlers, and could not tell what kind of monster. It looks like an elk, but it is bigger, with teeth in the mouth that are sharp and messy, and a claw hook that can contract at the front of the four hoofs.

This creature was half eaten by the corpse beetle, and it was dead before then. Chucheng’s soul silk was released, and he began to purify it with soul refining.

“Take a rest for twenty minutes.” Nicole finished and sat down, where two combat priests stood around her.

Chucheng, while purifying, also made bone meal by the way. He didn’t keep much privately, and now he can’t use such high-grade materials. Anyway, it is prepared in advance. In the pale book, there are still many places where bone meal is used. And this kind of bone meal with the flesh and blood state material is the best.

As long as he is purifying, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com does not need to retain attributes or anything, which makes Chucheng a lot easier.

It was only ten minutes, and a huge body was dealt with by him. Of course, he didn’t control the rotting flesh and blood. Watching him stand up, Nicole and a combat priest came to the body and put the materials separated from Chucheng into a white cloth bag.

Chucheng looked hot, but this is also a space equipment that only a large parish can take out, he did not dare to covet.

Next to the material, piled with carrion, decayed internal organs, Nicole’s face did not change color, pointed at her staff, and saw a white divine light swelled, and blue smoke rose from the ground. Those carrion and internal organs, just blinked Was purified into coke.

“It’s hard work.” Nicole returned to Chucheng and sat down, with a happy look between her eyebrows.

Chu Cheng opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but still didn’t ask the exit. What this purified underworld biological material can do is definitely the secret of the temple. The tears of dawn are as much for the temple, but the price outside is very high. The temple of dawn controls the quantity externally, and it is not easy to get things by hand.

Unfortunately, there is no legend-level material, otherwise you can change the fifth-order dawn tears.

“What do you want to ask, just say.” Nicole’s smile, with a touch of sacredness, is a sequelae of the release of divine art, and it will take some time to be eliminated.

“These materials are not considered high …”

“His Bishop has confirmed that there is no problem, you can rest assured.” Nicole means that even if this thing has no use, the Temple of Dawn will not trouble you in the future.

“Alert!” The two battle priests suddenly yelled. In the distant tomb, there was a buzzing sound with extremely high frequency. All indigenous adventurers have changed their looks.

Flying Scarab!

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