Burning Ashes

Chapter 19 - : Team

“Very good.” Li Ya looked at the young adventurer with satisfaction: “During the sweeping, you don’t have to fight. If you are in danger, you can also use undead magic. The Temple of Dawn treats darkness and has its tolerance.”

“I will do my best.” Chu Cheng saluted Li Ya.

“Go, Nicole will form a raid team, you are the last batch.”

“I, then I …”

Li Ya waved her hand and Chu Cheng walked out of her room anxiously, inexplicably.

The Aurora badge is not just equipment, it is an attitude of the Temple of Dawn. Wearing this badge, people who meet any temple in the future will not lose an evil investigation.

Usually, the Temple of Dawn is presented with a first-order white badge. This fourth-order black badge is basically only possible for those who have contributed to the Temple of Dawn.

Back to the main hall in front, there was a temple warrior waiting for him, and took him to the courtyard behind the temple.

In the yard, there was already a team ready to go. Luo Yan and Bai Yexing were all there. Chu Cheng saw that both of them had an Aurora badge on their chests. It must be a first-order white equipment. In the middle of the line, stood a young woman in a white priest’s robe, probably in her early twenties.

Her long blond hair was curled up and tied with a silver chain. Her eyebrows were delicate and her skin was very fair.

Typical deity …

Chucheng felt the power of temptation, so he couldn’t help but want to be close, protect, look up and worship. Such contradictory emotions are purely caused by divine power.

The temple of light also has this kind of deity, but the deity of the light temple is more of a sacred and inviolable feeling, which triggers the humbleness in your heart. The Temple of Dawn is much more intimate, this girl is also beautiful enough, and her voice is warm.

“Chucheng, only you did not sign the recruitment order, come here.”

The samurai in front of female priest Nicole gave up, and Chu Cheng walked over and saw her take out a light yellow paper from her arms, and someone passed a quill pen next to her.

Chucheng glanced to make sure that there was no problem, and signed his name—Xiaochu.

Yes, in the second world, your official name, nickname or nickname can be used to sign a contract for magic or divine magic. As long as it is not fabricated, the contract can be established and have the same effect.

The contract was signed and divided into two layers, one layer flew back to Nicole’s hands, one layer burned rapidly, dissipated in the white light, and no ash remained.

“It turns out that everyone called you Xiao Chu …” Nicole smiled and said to Chu Cheng: “Do you need any supplies? If I want to exchange it, I can wait for you for ten minutes.”

“Still don’t delay everyone’s time?”

“It doesn’t matter, they have all been exchanged, you come late.” Nicole’s voice was soft and very kind.

“Forget it, let’s just go.” Chu Cheng walked to Luo Yan and said no problem.

“That’s good, let’s go.” Nicole’s voice became decisive, raising the staff in his hand and waving it gently. Someone came behind to bring the camel, and the saddle had been tied. Chu Cheng and Luo Yan took a camel and walked out of the back door of the courtyard. Their position is in the middle of the line, with Nicole’s camel.

The Temple of Dawn looks fully prepared, and this kind of camel is not easy to buy. The second-order dromedary camel has a gentle personality and a huge body. In addition to carrying two people, it can also carry a lot of materials.


Luo Yan screamed, and Chu Cheng realized that she used Chinese instead of the second world lingua franca that comes with the system.

“The front is a dependent, and I will talk again when I’m free.” Chu Cheng also answered in Chinese, the voice was very low, and it felt a little vague, Luo Yan still understood.

The second-order little pastor, Nicole, if she is a deity, even if she does n’t understand it, she might understand some of the meaning. Chu Cheng didn’t even call her name directly, and she didn’t even use her pronoun. Instead, she said that instead of Nicole’s name. The **** dependents are also simplified by Chucheng into dependents, which is a game term. Luo Yan didn’t want to cause trouble either, so he simply didn’t speak.

There is a hump between the two people. If they want to chat, they can’t bite their ears.

Chu Cheng first checked the well of dawn in the badge of Lower Aurora. It was indeed a six-story space with spatial attributes that could only hold the tears of dawn. That value is not as good as a black turtle box, which contains medicine. By the way, some foods are strictly considered to be medicines.

As for the mental strength +320, it is really excellent. Usually white equipment, if you add spirit, you can add 10 to be excellent, and normal only add 5. Red equipment, ordinary plus 20, blue equipment, that is to 80, better than 100.

Black equipment, in the memory of Chucheng, some will not increase to 200.

So even if this badge strictly has only one attribute (space does not count into the attribute), the mental power +320 is still very impressive. This is consistent with the idea of ​​designing your own equipment. Don’t have so many skills or attributes. Be sure to select the most practical part to upgrade it to the extreme.

After reading his new equipment, Chucheng knew what was going on. The Temple of Dawn is very powerful. But on the badge, it is possible to carry the attention of the temple, or to monitor.

If there are some fourth-order dawn tears stored in it, he must find a way to refining it.

Look at the temple’s sweeping lineup this time, second-level priest Nicole, whose level is not high, but is a **** blesser. The meaning of the **** benefactor is that the gods can bless her at any time, if you want to upgrade her, you can send angels to help. Just such a second-order Jiaodidi little priest is much scarier than Li Ya.

Then there are two combat priests, who seem to be third-order.

What is a battle priest? Just look at these two uncles.

Heavy armor, maybe more than two hundred pounds? The gods twine and condense into a dark forest unicorn on the shoulders. The snow-white unicorn should be able to release things like the Holy Light Strike. On the left arm of the uncles, the diamond-shaped shield looks like it was made by Mithril?

The weapon in his hand is 50 or 60 pounds, right? Chu Cheng has never seen such a big mace in the Temple of Light.

Don’t look at the second order of Chucheng, the four-dimensional panel is against the sky, and seeing these two combat priests can only produce a feeling of weakness. Absolutely humanoid weapon, the kind of attack burst.

You are the priest of the goddess of dawn, what does it mean to wear thorn boots on your feet?

A kick will hurt people!

Ten temple warriors look quite satisfactory, but they also wear metal armor and carry heavy swords. Looking at the back, what kind of stuff are they carrying? Seems like something that adventurers call the bomb of light? Twelve in a row, inserted in the sheath, Chu Cheng absolutely does not want to try it.

Look at Nicole wearing a white priest robe, holding a bright yellow staff, no mask on her face, and a naive smile.

Is this from a family?

If she was barefoot again, it would be almost like the goddess over the forest goddess. By the way, there was still a wreath on her head.

In addition to these, there are fifteen indigenous adventurers who were recruited by the temple.

A fourth order, a third order, four second orders, and nine first orders. The equipment looks strange, and certainly not as good as the adventurers from the galaxy. For the people of this world, a second-order equipment is worth the effort.

In addition to being older, indigenous adventurers are okay. Those who can survive are experienced guys.

The vast majority of adventurers are about first-order and second-order, and it is good to be able to go up to third-order. In Gaia, the first-order apprentice, the second-order is the elite, the third-order is called the master, and the fourth-order is even better, called the guru.

This is not an exaggeration. You do n’t need a fifth-order legend, a fourth-order guru, and you can do many incredible things.

These thirty-one people are the last batch of mopping-up teams in the Temple of Dawn. Chucheng has seen the temple in the desert. Although it is very small, it can also station more than two hundred people. When he went by himself, the temple was quite empty, and it should have all gone to the ruins. The netherworld spiders that I had killed before were all purified by the priest. The priest is probably a fourth-order.

The Temple of Dawn is not a powerful faction, but the combatants are still very powerful.

Fourth-order priests, even against legendary creatures, have the power to fight. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

“Luo Yan.” Chu Cheng spoke to Luo Yan in front of him. Luo Yan yelled. Chu Cheng uses lingua franca, meaning that we don’t have any private words to say, so as not to cause any trouble on the side of the temple.

“What did you buy?”

“Healing potion, Bai Yexing also bought it. First-order, one bottle of one gold coin, it is cheap to put on the mainland of the gods. He also bought a dagger, a crossbow, and dozens of arrows.”

Chu Cheng understands that both he and Luo Yan will repair their equipment, but Bai Yexing will not, and it is very troublesome for the weapon to be durable. There may be alchemy potions to repair weapons in the temple, but such emergency items have always been expensive. Most adventurers will not buy it, but rather find a place with craftsmen to repair.

In the second world, the loss of weapons is inevitable, the most common is the sword repair. The sharpness is lost, it needs to be polished, and the more polished, the longer the durability. For example, if Chucheng has durable ∞ equipment, in fact, it takes some life crystallization to ensure the integrity of the equipment.

What level of equipment consumes what level of life crystal.

The dromedary camel was tall and brisk, and it arrived at the remains of the pyramid before dark. As a result, nine first-tier adventurers and two temple warriors stayed in the team, guarding the white camel and building a camp outside the ruins.

The last batch of people is coming. The white camel is going to stay, presumably preparing to transport the loot from the ruins.

“To keep so many people?” Chu Cheng leaned over to Nicole and asked the little priest.

“Two hundred miles to the north, there is a desert tribe. It is difficult to say whether they will rob. White camels are an important asset in the desert. Those people believe in the tyrant of flames. Their temper is related to your strength. Our shrine is in The desert has always had little influence, so be careful. “

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