Chapter 995: Fear the man

Chapter 995: Fear the man

Erik's eyes turned feral. He channelled mana through his Frostwind Fire Tempest brain crystal power's neural links. The surrounding air crackled with energy, and the temperature

plummeted in an instant.

"Alright, assholes. Let's dance."

With a gesture, a massive wall of ice erupted from the ground in front of June and the

Chimaeric Demons. It towered over the battlefield and prevented the blackguards from attacking his clone.

The wall was imposing, rising high above the battlefield with jagged spikes of ice protruding menacingly from its surface.

It was almost as tall as a five story tall building, something that anyone on that battlefield knew required massive amounts of mana.

People might have wondered why someone wasted that much mana on a battlefield, but they didn't know Erik could easily get that mana back by killing more people.

However, that wasn't the only feeling Its sheer size and the cold it released gave. People literally got shivers down their spines, if not because of fear, at least because of the chilling cold seeping into their bones and threatening to stop their hearts.

Humans were naturally scared by anything that was much bigger than them, and that wall for

sure was.

Thanks to the Instability brain crystal power, he felt June rejoicing, as much as the Chimaeric Demons, seeing those walls. They understood who it belonged to. It had to be Erik's.

<That should buy us some time,> Erik thought, but he wasn't done yet, especially because the blackguards there turned to look at him.

Of course, they recognized the man they were desperately trying to apprehend.

Their eyes turned murderous, if not as such, at least enraged. The blackguards' angry eyes narrowed and their brows furrowed deeply. All their facial muscles tightened and their lips curled into malice snarls.

Erik only replied with a grin. That, and with a shit ton of mana, channeled through his neural links.

He shaped the wind into a colossal blade, because he needed to clear the battlefield in that area, to show his prowess so that everyone could see it, and revel in fear.

The wind howled, the blade took form and writhed in the air, squirming as if it was a leech eager for the blood it just sniffed.

"Hey, shitheads!" Erik said at the enemy forces. "Catch this!"

He swung his arm down, and the wind blade followed the motion, obeying his will. A will to kill.

It tore through the battlefield like the scythe of some pissed-off god of death, aimed straight at the frenzied mix of blackguards, Thaids, and Volkov's troops that dared to attack June.

As it moved, a screech happened, because of the air that got violently torn like the belly of a lamb just slaughtered.

The smarter ones among the enemy troops, or better, the lucky ones that had enough power, threw up barriers, trying to shield themselves and those nearby. Of course, many didn't even register the attack.

Mana-infused shields flickered to life, a patchwork of barriers of all types spread across the field like flowers in bloom.

From fire shields, earth shields, and any kind of shields brain crystal powers could make. Some did not belong to powers that were purely defensive, and that meant they were the first to shatter, since they were not strong enough.

Though, those specializing in defence resisted. But not everyone was that lucky-or that quick.

The wind blade sliced through flesh, metal, and monster hide and plates with equal ease. Screams of agony and surprise filled the air, alongside the sounds of bodies being torn apart.

Erik felt a flood of mana rush through him as the screams of his enemies got cut short by his powers.









<Fuck me, that's a rush,> Erik thought, his whole body going wild with the influx of wild energy.

Though Erik knew that would not be enough for what he had in mind, and the reason was that he was there.

The blackguards would stop to nothing once they saw him, and that was because, despite everything, Erik was a human, and most importantly, he was a single man.

He had the clones, true, but the blackguards didn't know it was him who made them, or what they were, to be honest, and even if they did, it wasn't like he could physically double himself from a random clone.

Erik was a creature they could kill with sheer numbers if strength was not enough.

Much like a wyvern, at that point. The problem was, that contrary to wyverns, the Blackguards had all the reasons to throw their lives at him.

That was despite the battlefield would turn into an even greater mess of blood and brain matter than it already was, that was despite the massive scar left by Erik's attack and the prowess he just showed.

Despite everything, despite the bodies and parts littered the ground, while survivors scrambled to regroup, there were still some who looked at him like a prey.

However, that wasn't true for everyone. Most of those who had erected barriers in time huddled behind their flickering shields were wide-eyed behind them, full of shock and fear. They stared at Erik with terror, realizing the true extent of the power he held. Volkov's troops, caught in the crossfire, suffered even more. Those who survived looked around in confusion, their loyalties further shaken by this display of overwhelming force.

Then everyone turned to look at him. The blackguards had a murderous look on them.

"June!" Erik said.

From behind the ice wall, June's voice rang out.

"Yes, master?"

"You come with me."

The enemies were already regrouping. However, Volkov's troops were hesitant.

Erik's display of power hadn't been enough, but he was going to overthrow the situation soon enough, and that was thanks to a simple trick, and a single individual. June.

If fear was what he needed to make the enemy flee, then he was going to give him that fear. "Alright," Erik said to himself, "time to press the advantage."

He raised his hands, preparing to channel his mana once more. The surrounding temperature dropped a lot.

A huge ice wall, even bigger than the previous one, appeared around June. However, the wall surrounded June. It didn't simply appear in front of him. Erik purposefully left a lot of space around him and the Chimaeric Demons within.

<Master, why a wall so big?>

<Because you can now turn, June. Shapeshift into the black wyvern.>

Finally, that moment came. The reason Erik told June not to do so before, wasn't only because June was a fake wyvern, and nearly not as strong as a toenail of such a creature, but even because he wanted to capitalize on that transformation to achieve a greater effect. Wyverns were the bane of humanity, the top of the food chain, at least here on the Mannard


To see one was bound to terrify the humans on the battlefield. Though, since they resisted Erik's attempts to strike fear in them because he was human, he had to resort to this trick to make it so. The fear they would have was going to be the same as those they had for a wyvern. They were still willing to fight a man. That was going to be the same, but a man controlling a wyvern? Well, that was going to be a different matter altogether.

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