Chapter 994: The perfect storm

Chapter 994: The perfect storm

Erik skidded to a halt, his eyes widening at the clusterfuck unfolding before him. The northern gate area was a damn Warzone. Only some higher power could've cooked up this level of

chaos, albeit, and incredibly crazy one.

"Well, shit," Erik said, taking in the scene. "Rebels, blackguards, Volkov's troops, and now Thaids? It's like someone threw a handful of angry cats into a blender and hit puree."

He watched as a rebel took down a blackguard, only to get blinded by a Thaid's... tentacle? At that point, Erik couldn't even understand why that kind of creature came from within the forest, much less how no one thought about killing it yet.

Nearby, one of Volkov's soldiers was screaming at a rebel, "I'll kill you!" right before both of them had to dodge a Thaid's acid spit.

<Looks like Volkov's boys didn't get the memo,> Erik thought.

<Or maybe they're just too chickenshit to stand down after Volkov died. I guess they still think they can win this. The question is: how can they not understand that Frant under the blackguards' rule is bound to be even worse than under Volkov?>

The air was thick with the smell of blood, sweat, and something alien that Erik guessed was Eau de Thaid.

Screams, explosions, and the wet slapping sounds of Thaid appendages made the area within the battlefield an absolute fuckery.

Erik's lips curled into a smirk. This was perfect. Well, not perfect-perfect, but the kind of perfect that only came when everything's went to absolute hell and that he knew he could take advantage of.

<Time to add some spice to this shitstorm,> he searched for June within the battlefield and used his instability brain crystal power to facilitate it.

<If I play this right, I can turn this mess into my own personal playground and drive the blackguards away without having to do much.>

Erik closed his eyes, activating his instability brain crystal power. Then a tsunami of thoughts and emotions crashed into his mind.

Fear, rage, bloodlust, and pain threatened to overwhelm him and made him feel dizzy. The mental maelstrom was too strong.

<June! Where the hell are you?>

Gritting his teeth, Erik pushed harder, trying to sift through the chaotic thoughts.

A blackguard's sadistic glee, a rebel's desperate courage, a Thaid's alien hunger-each distinct thought yet blending into his mind.

"Come on!" Erik started sweating at that point, beading on his forehead as he strained to find the clone.

Minutes ticked by, feeling like hours. That had been, for sure, the hardest time Erik had to use his instability brain crystal power. There were simply too many people, or rather, creatures, on that battlefield.

Then, like a faint whisper in a hurricane, Erik caught it-June's thoughts.

However, based on them, Erik understood the clone was in a pinch. He was being

overwhelmed, his power inadequate for this hellscape.

He was at the rebels' level; that was true, but they were weak compared to the blackguards. If

it weren't for the Chimaeric Demons protecting him, June would have died already.

<June, can you hear me?>


<Yes, it's me! I'm coming your way! Disengage from the battle, because I need you for something. I'm sure we will make the blackguards scramble in fear!>

<I don't know if I can do it, master. After I led the Chimaeric demons to kill the command chain on the battlefield, someone took over, and they started targeting me.>

<How bad is the situation?>

<Bad enough for me to need 50 Chimaeric Demons to protect me. They sent double- wielders!>

<Fuck! Try not to get killed, June; I'm coming your way.>

<Yes, Master.>

Erik rushed toward the battle without hesitation. Barely touching the ground, he crossed a great distance.

At the beginning, there were no opponents in his immediate surroundings, but as he got closer, they appeared.

Blackguards, Thaids, rebels, and city soldiers. There was meat, steel, and fire on that battlefield. Mechas were there, and heavily mounted vehicles were there too.

A Thaid lunged at him from the left, all tentacles and teeth. Erik didn't even break stride as he dove under its attack, letting it crash into a group of blackguards.

"Thanks for the assist, ugly," he said, ignoring the tangle of limbs and curses he left behind.

Thoughts raced as Erik navigated the chaos. June was close. Erik could feel his thoughts.

<Don't die, June. Don't die.>

Erik finally got close to where June was, but the situation had deteriorated further.

The number of blackguards in the area had increased, causing a noticeable shift in the local


These were not just the usual blackguards who could be easily dealt with by Erik's clones; they were dual wielders, highly skilled compared to most of the blackguards, and for sure much more dangerous fighters, just as June had mentioned earlier. Their presence made the situation more dangerous.

The surrounding area was even more chaotic than it was elsewhere in the vicinity.

The blackguards were determined, relentlessly trying to reach June, who was the reason why the previous chain of command had been destroyed.

But of course, they quickly substituted them, because they were all trained to get over in case something like that happened.

June was surrounded by the Chimaeric Demons, that were effectively keeping the enemy at bay. These demons were his last line of defence, which the blackguards struggled to


However, the Chimaeric Demons finally found their match because these dual wielders, well, they were elite among the already elite blackguards.

Despite the demons' efforts, the odds were stacked heavily against June.

Erik pushed through the fray and saw a blackguard unleash a torrent of fire while, at the same time, manipulating the earth to create barriers, trapping June and the Chimaeric Demons as if The wanted to trap them in a furnace.

The Chimaeric Demons destroyed the dome and slightly retreated.

<Alright, you bastard,> he told himself. <Time to show these idiots how it's done. Let's see who ends up on top of this damn dumpster fire.>

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