Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 402

Chapter 386: Arkham’S Defense System

The hand of chaos and the creator of life who came here by coach have the same shock as the four legendary figures at the railway station.

Kass, known as the Hand of Steel, and the leader of the Hand of Chaos, Anke, watched the changes around him, the view of the street, and the ghoul police with well-equipped equipment everywhere.

“What happened here in less than a year?” Anke was full of shock and wonder.

You know, about a year and a half ago, he still stayed here for a while, and he has been in and out of Arkham during these years. He can be said to be very familiar with this place.

He knew very well the old-fashioned and xenophobic here, and how this ancient and chaotic place hated change and progress.

In the eyes of the Arkham Aboriginal people, staying in the present state forever is always the best option.

They all tend to simply do nothing out of fear of making a mistake.

Cass frowned at this time, because he had been to Arkham before, to investigate the death of the researcher on their side.

So he is quite familiar with this place.

“The change here is too fast, we have to be careful.” Cass said vigilantly.

An Ke, who was on the side, said with a gleam in his eyes: “It is their limit to be able to develop here. They can’t stop our attack! Look! Wealth and gold are everywhere here!”

Cass looked around, and his heart was also hot. They have always been scientific lunatics. At this time, so many new technologies have been discovered here. He just almost failed to restrain his impulse and directly killed two ghouls to **** them. equipment.

“Come on! Go according to plan.”


On the other side, the two demigods also quietly came to the city of Arkham by their own methods.

“Everyone should enter, right?” At this moment, Lieutenant General Ax’s voice sounded on the radio.

People from each team quickly reported the situation, and after confirming that everyone was in place, Axe whispered, “Then let’s start!”

Immediately, the Red Emperor left the North District and went to the Central District to join the other members of the Eye of Insight, where his mission was to invade the City Hall and then control the entire city hub of Arkham.

On the other side, the demigod Manggus of the Father God’s Redemption Society went to the Arkham Sanatorium with his two guards and members of the Redemption Society.

They know very well that the real core of Arkham’s strength is the Arkham Sanatorium. The two strongest beings control the two most important places in Arkham, just like two nails, pinning Arkham there. , unable to move.

The rest of the people also took their elite subordinates to the relevant departments, and at the same time, other subordinates dispersed, preparing to make trouble, so as to initially test Arkham’s current defense situation.

Soon, in the central area, on the public square opposite the city hall, under the control of Ax, a 22nd-level genetic warrior suddenly went mad, and his whole body continued to agitate, and then a large number of ferocious blood-red tentacles extended out and wrapped directly around him. Pedestrians around.

Ordinary pedestrians were shocked when they saw this, and they would be penetrated by this tentacle before they could dodge.

At this critical moment, a figure came behind the genetic warrior with a harsh wind.

Then at a lightning-fast speed, an incomparably strong mechanical arm directly penetrated the genetic warrior’s body.

When the palm stretched out from his chest, there was a mass of rotten flesh on it, which was the heart that had been crushed.

“So fast!”

Before Axe came back to his senses, the man’s other hand directly twisted the gene warrior’s neck, and then skillfully cut off several wires around his neck.

Seeing this scene not far away, Zhazuo’s eyes tightened for a while: “It’s very decisive, and I know the structure of the military’s genetic warriors very well, crushing the heart, making the target incapacitate, and directly cutting off the trigger wire to stop the head. The bomb exploded.”

Geer looked at the ordinary young man standing behind the genetic warrior. This man looked only twenty-five or six years old. He looked very ordinary, dressed in very casual casual clothes, and had a camera hanging on his chest, as if he was a man from Foreign tourists come here in general.

“A very clever lurking method.” Goll commented.

“More than that.” At this time, the Red Emperor arrived.

“Sir.” The two said respectfully in a low voice.

When a few people were talking, a group of sanitation workers came quickly from nowhere, and then they quickly put away the corpse, and then sprayed the liquid. In less than five minutes, they cleaned the place very skillfully and disappeared into the square. .

“This operating system is really not simple. The person who shot just now is about level 25, and this group of sanitation workers who look very ordinary has the appearance of level seventeen or eighteen. There are also all kinds of powerful weapons.”

“If any guy dares to look down on these guys, he will die very miserably.” Lazuo said.

The red emperor’s eyes flashed with a faint red light and said: “There are about ten plainclothes personnel in this square, ranging from twenty to thirty. A dozen people left here quickly, and they should be tracking others.”

“Although this kind of coping method has a wide coverage, it can deal with people in their early thirties at most, and it is difficult to deal with people above the thirty-third level.”

“Ax, keep attacking and test their limits.”

“it is good.”

In the next half hour various attacks began to occur in various places in Arkham, and there were almost twenty cases in total.

“Fatigue has appeared, and the response time has been significantly prolonged when the thirteenth consecutive attack case occurred, and at the same time, the response time in places with relatively low population density increased significantly.”

“This should be their limit. Although it usually looks very bluffing, if there are a lot of people with level 30 or even level 40 strength at the same time, then the system here will completely collapse.” Red Emperor is confident. said.

Cass, who had come to the business district at this time, said: “According to the situation just now, we have evaluated all the people we tracked. Now, of the more than 700 people we have come in, almost 400 people have been tracked, and the people who have been tracked have been tracked. The level of the person has dropped from the 25th level at the beginning to the 18th level, which means that the opponent’s manpower is starting to be insufficient.”

Zuo Hufa then added: “With so many people suddenly appearing in one day, the other party must have realized the seriousness of the problem and launched an attack as soon as possible, so that they cannot have time to react.”

Ax’s voice sounded at this time: “Now launch the attack, starting with Lord Hongdi and Lord Mangus!”

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