Becoming An Ancient God From Blood Therapy

Chapter 401

Chapter 385: Magical Arkham

When checking the ticket, Ruhr was looking at each other through his prosthetic eyes, and at the same time, the four legendary figures were also secretly looking at Ruhr.

These four guys are at the back of the whole team, it’s like seeing how strong the detection level is here.

At the same time, all the people above level 30 in the team are also working hard to restrain their breath and hide.

Soon, after the whole group had passed, the four made a judgment.

“Should you see it? He only makes a slight stop when checking people in their twenties, and the direction of the pattern on the ticket will be slightly different. This should be a way of marking.” La Zuo said in a low voice .

Gehrn snorted: “And after the final check, he made a gesture of eighteen to the monitor, which was to tell the person in charge of monitoring that he had found eighteen people.”

Zuo Hufa came over and said, “I did a simple count of everyone’s votes. He can only detect people below level 26. The two level 28 people in the team have no special marks.”

Hearing this, La Zuo smiled and said: “It’s just that, I thought it could have any special abilities.”

The Right Protector agreed: “After all, his development time is too short, even if he has the secrets of the ancient gods, it is very difficult to analyze and understand the existence of that level. It took him less than a year to It is already a miracle among miracles that Cam has developed to this level, if even a soldier has a prosthetic eye that can detect a level higher than his own, it is absolutely impossible!”

At this time, everyone who came in has completely dispersed, and La Zuo said: “According to the original plan, let out these more than 20 bait, let us see the means on Arkham’s side.”

The twenty elite superhumans above the 20th level who walked with them were originally cannon fodder to test and confuse each other, and they could give up consumables at any time.

Now Arkham contains too many things that they are desperate for. This time, all the organizations have made great determination, and they have taken out more than 70% of the superhuman combat power of their own organizations.

Immediately, the thirty-two people dispersed quickly.

Just when they just dispersed, a dozen people in the crowd quickly started to act at the same time.

“Well? Are they all about twenty-two ghouls?” The four people who had been hiding in the distance were very surprised to see this.

“Where did he get so many high-level ghouls?” Protector Zuo was full of shock.

High-level ghouls are very expensive and cherish resources. These guys can transform into humans, and have powerful strengths and structures that are completely different from humans.

Although it is generally in the early twenties, the comprehensive combat power can close to the 23rd human level.

At this time, they saw that the people they were tracking were actually eighteen ghouls, which shocked and surprised them.

“Look! It’s not just these tracking people, you look at the police here.” Geer pointed to the police patrolling back and forth on the street at this time.

Then the four legends looked around, and in silence, everyone could hear the gradually heavy breathing of the others.

Because… the police here are so rich!

At this time, David, Nado and Lenger, who were patrolling here, wore equipment that made the four legends jealous.

All four recognized that the three policemen were ghouls, ghouls in luxurious gear.

They all have a single lens on their right eye, and a machine behind the lens that sits on their ears, which looks very cool and technological.

With keen vision, they can see the numbers that are constantly appearing on the lenses through the gaps from far away at this time. These numbers can accurately calculate the detailed information of each person, their level, and even their weaknesses.

At the same time, they also saw that the bones of the three ghouls were specially modified, and that special material could make their bodies stronger and tougher.

The other three people have to bring a baton with a faint glow, a silver-gray pistol, and a dark rifle with a complex structure behind him.

The four people are real people, and it can be seen at a glance that these equipments are not ordinary goods. These firearms are far from the mainstream technology of the army in terms of tightness, power and even technology!

In addition to the firearms, they also noticed the gloves and shoes of the three ghouls.

Their gloves and shoes look larger than normal. If you look closely, you will find that there are special mechanical structures and mechanisms on the gloves and shoes.

Just as they were trying to figure out the use of these structures, along with the cry of a child, they found that the child’s balloon was hanging on the balcony railing on the fourth floor.

“Officer! Can you help me take down the balloon for my child?” the mother on the side asked tentatively.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the four people, Lung Jie walked over with a smile, and then bent his legs. They could clearly see that some flames suddenly spewed out of the shoe, causing Lung Jie to jump up ten meters, and then grabbed the The earth, fluttering to the ground, did not leave any traces on the ground.

“Here!” Lungie said with a smile.

The child immediately took the balloon with a wide-eyed smile and said, “Thank you, Uncle Police.”

Then play happily in the constant thanks of the mother of the child.

“What and what? Such epoch-making technology… actually equip these police officers? Even use this technology to catch balloons for children?”

When the four saw this, they felt endless anger, because they were blaspheming powerful technology.

If such powerful shoes are placed on the battlefield, or even given to them, they can play a thousand times, ten thousand times more valuable than this!

Although they don’t need the help of foreign objects very but it also depends on whether the foreign objects can help them.

At this moment, they found that the equipment of these three police officers could help the existence of people of their level.

We don’t have the equipment outside the legends, but we are here to equip this group of ghouls to serve this group of ordinary people?

The four people suddenly felt a huge imbalance, and then their eyes were full of greed and desire.

At this moment, they found that this Arkham can be said to be full of treasures, whether it is the police’s equipment, the bones in their bodies, or even the prosthetic eyes of the station staff, every one of them is their dream Magical existence.

“This time! We must take Arkham!” The four of them clenched their fists with fiery eyes, and then quickly merged into the crowd.

After the four people had completely left, David raised his hand and pressed the button on his ear. Looking at the contactor, he said, “Captain, the seduction has been completed, and the other party has already taken the bait.”

The purpose of the three of them coming here is to let this group of newcomers know how magical Arkham is.

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